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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15457771 No.15457771 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that coffee is the biggest meme in history.
> It doesn't give you energy
>if anything it spikes brain fogs and high heart rates,
>makes kidneys hyper function longer than they should.
>Can cause addiction
>They only viable reason for its consumption is only the taste
>Waste of money
Today I complete one year without coffee and that's the changes I've experienced so far
>Less anxiety
>Less overthinking various situations
>Healthier 8hour sleep
>Cleaner teeth.
>Financial saving (2$ coffees everyday)
Break the cycle /ck/ take back your day.

>> No.15457789

I experience the exact opposite of what you've described when it comes to brain function. And it shouldn't have cost you $2 a day.

>> No.15457797

>Financial saving (2$ coffees everyday)
Sounds like you got bigger problems than coffee drinking. Namely mental retardation.

>> No.15457801

alright bait, you put a bit of effort into looking like a complete jackass. Also how the fuck did you spend $2 on coffee every day?

>> No.15457803

Excellent point of view anon, cope harder next time

>> No.15457811

Go ahead and post a meta-study showing that coffee is bad for your heart of kidneys.

>> No.15457828

I like the taste and smell

>> No.15457838

OP is baiting but seriously, coffee does raise anxiety at least for some people even with normal consumption
Yesterday I tried not drinking it and I rarely ever felt that much serenity and calm - at least before the rippling caffeine withdrawal headache came in

>> No.15457853

I think the issue is more that overconsumption of coffee starts having negative effects. It does give you energy though, which is why your heart rate goes up and some people feel anxious because they can't handle that increased energy. But too much coffee can start making you feel tired where you begin needing it just to feel normal, and it starts making your sleep less restful. The recommended daily limit for safe caffeine consumption is supposed to be 400mg but that's still quite a bit, I noticed going over 200mg starts to increase the negative effects pretty quickly, but I suppose everyone reacts to it differently and some might be okay with more.

>> No.15458146

I unironically agree except maybe the daily cost, unless you're including the cost of your time to make it.
I never drank coffee before I got my own apartment or was at home with a keurig. I use a french press now and do it more to have some ritual in the morning than anything else and it sucks starting off my day with a belly ache and diarrhea, then coffee dry mouth, then the brain fog and increased heart rate and THEN the anxiety/overthinking all day. I used to drink black tea with milk and never had those problems, so I'll probably go back to that and see how I feel.
coffee kinda sucks unless you're buying it at a local shop while hanging out with friends or something, but even then hardly anyone drinks more than half their cup and then trashes the rest shortly after leaving the shop.

>> No.15458158

it keeps me sorta awake due to my opioid addiction

>> No.15458260

i drink one cup every other day, never later than noon. it's not that hard, you absolute dongle.

>> No.15458287

Pussy. I mainline espresso concentrate every 4 hours.

>> No.15458288

What is a heart of kidneys?

>> No.15458364

I know that you're right, but I swear that when I drink coffee it helps me be calm and I have less anxiety. Comparing my nerves to days I have coffee and days I don't, it's better when I have coffee.

>> No.15458369

>belly ache and diarrhe
Belly ache can be fixed just by eating something with your coffee, as for the diarrhea, you just have a shit digestive system.

>> No.15458384

Coffee's only benefit is the odd time you fancy something different from tea

>> No.15458404

Nope, even regular consumption seems to be fine.
>Coffee consumption has been associated with decreased mortality in previous studies. As aging, obesity, and lifestyle factors affect the risk of mortality, the association between coffee and mortality needs to be examined in various subpopulations by characteristics of subjects. To quantitatively assess this association, we conducted an updated meta-analysis including stratified analyses by potential modifiers. We searched in the PubMed and Web of Science databases through March 8, 2019, and conducted meta-analysis including linear and non-linear dose-response analyses. We identified 40 studies including 3,852,651 subjects and 450,256 all-cause and cause-specific deaths. Non-linear inverse associations between coffee consumption and mortality from all-causes, cardiovascular disease (CVD), and cancers were found. The lowest relative risk (RR) was at intakes of 3.5 cups/day for all-cause mortality (RR = 0.85, 95% CI 0.82-0.89), 2.5 cups/day for CVD mortality (RR = 0.83, 95% CI 0.80-0.87), and 2 cups/day for cancer mortality (RR = 0.96, 95% CI 0.94-0.99), while additional intakes were not associated with further lower mortality. An inverse association between coffee consumption and all-cause mortality was maintained irrespective of age, overweight status, alcohol drinking, smoking status, and caffeine content of coffee. By region, Europe and Asia showed stronger inverse associations than US. A non-linear inverse association was found for mortality from respiratory disease and diabetes, while linear inverse association was found for mortality from non-CVD, non-cancer causes. Moderate coffee consumption (e.g. 2-4 cups/day) was associated with reduced all-cause and cause-specific mortality, compared to no coffee consumption. The inverse association between coffee and all-cause mortality was consistent by potential modifiers except region.

>> No.15458412

green and herbal tea masterrace

>> No.15458422

>all mortality-based outcomes
there is more to life than not dying

>> No.15458484
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>CVD and cancer
Drink the bean juice

>> No.15458512

>all-cause mortality (RR = 0.85, 95% CI 0.82-0.89)
>CVD mortality (RR = 0.83, 95% CI 0.80-0.87)
>cancer mortality (RR = 0.96, 95% CI 0.94-0.99)
all relate to mortality
also nice statistically significant protective risk ratio of 0.96 LMAO must be nice drawing on 3.8 mill subjects
>t. literate epidemiologist

>> No.15458532

>study measuring in "cups per day"
i hope everyone was using the exact same coffee beans, brew methods, and techniques

>> No.15458541

>all-cause mortality was maintained irrespective of age, -, -, -, and caffeine content of coffee

>> No.15458549


>> No.15458559
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retard doesn't make his own cuppa obviously

>> No.15458562

Can you explain what those mean?
I take it the RR is a multiplier on your odds of getting the disease, but what's the 95% CI?

>> No.15458568

I don't care about your meme degree, it won't work as an argument here.

>> No.15458588

You do realize to get the energy you have to be hydrated, right?

>> No.15458590

95% CI is a 95% confidence interval
in observational research they are more or less meaningless
but in essence, it can be interpreted as meaning that, were the study to be repeated EXACTLY many times, this interval would contain the observed effect estimate 95% of the time
it DOES NOT mean that there is a 95% chance that the "true" value is in that range
also "confidence" itself doesn't mean anything
the probabilistic interpretation is what's closest to maintaining any real meaning, and again, it doesn't really apply to observational research.
standard errors are more valuable.

>> No.15458595

I like it because it tastes nice. :)

>> No.15458607

Ok, let me know when you reference a meta-study regarding coffee, showing a correlation in the opposite sense.

>> No.15458609

also if you want to learn more i suggest this article:
>Statistical tests, P values, confidence intervals, and power: a guide to misinterpretations

>> No.15458618

Gotcha, thanks for the explanation.
But even then, that CVD reduction is pretty hefty.
Not massive of course, but in combination with other things, such as omega3, etc, it definitely seems worth it against the biggest cause of death.

>> No.15458627

After a few weeks of zero carb/fasting one sip of coffee would make me violently projectile diarrhea the steak I'm trying to fully digest. To be fair, one puff of a cigarette or one pinch of cayenne would do the same. This meat was expensive, I'd rather it become part of me than a shitty wall decoration.

>> No.15458636

For sure, I would need to read the study but I do believe several studies have reported beneficial effects of coffee. Of course, there are other seemingly conflicting studies as well. The outcomes matter, as do degree of control of bias.
I'm just being an ass and fucking with the guy cause it's /ck/ and the topic is proximate to my area of expertise.

>> No.15458643

Pretty cool area of expertise. What got you interested in the field?

>> No.15458647

The "Is coffee good for you" posts

>> No.15458654
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>For sure, I would need to read the study but I do believe several studies have reported beneficial effects of coffee. Of course, there are other seemingly conflicting studies as well. The outcomes matter, as do degree of control of bias.
>I'm just being an ass and fucking with the guy cause it's /ck/ and the topic is proximate to my area of expertise.

>> No.15458760

Maybe that's the withdrawal. Keep pushing and they'll stop.

>> No.15458806

>letting coffee occupy their brain rent-free all year
jeez, it's worse than i thought

>> No.15458851

Lost a lot of friends and family to seemingly preventable illness.
Also seemed like stable field with good careers.
Was in academia a while but now doing pharma/biotech.

>> No.15458950

Making your own coffee is like $0.20. Keurig coffee is like $0.75. Hell, McDonald's coffee is still $1.30 for a 16oz. You are a total retard if you spend $2 on coffee regularly.

>> No.15458953

Lol great bait. Since I've started drinking coffee my mental performance has improved and I do not suffer from bad anxiety (little bit once in a while) and coffee has no effect on this. I find its had minimal impact on my teeth as I don't suck the coffee through them like a mongoloid and sometimes opt for a straw like a sophisticated autist. Plus I love the smell and have self control to limit my intake when I notice the signs of addiction like a headache.

>> No.15458958

I'm the same. I tried quitting for 3 weeks (caffeine exits the system in 2 weeks) and didn't notice a difference. The people who get addicted and experience side effects are simply drinking too much of it.

>> No.15460033

Aye I'm really sorry for your losses. Glad to hear you're in a good line a work these days

>> No.15460038


>> No.15460060

>Walk into Loves or Pilot-Flying J truck stop.
>Buy pack of cigarettes at the counter.
>Make a cup of coffee at the Self Service fresh grind and dispense coffee station.
>Add half and half from the bottomless pit machine/cooler.
>Add lid.
>Walk out.

Breakfast is served.

>> No.15460617

This thread is "Is coffee good for you?" on fucking steroids, minus the lewd bait, which is unfortunate.

>> No.15461721

>>They only viable reason for its consumption is only the taste
No way really?

>> No.15461811

Black coffee is the greatest pre workout supplement and it honestly pairs so well with my breakfast cottage cheese and tuna

>> No.15461874
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>> No.15461899

>says it doesn't work
>but muh anxiety
It either works or it doesn't, you coping tryhard.

>> No.15462374

I actually agree with op for once. I love the taste of coffee and still occasionally have it, but the "it will make you more alert and stimulated and work better" just isn't true in my experience. It definitely increases my anxiety/stress and makes me have to shit. I've had better results switching to teas which generally have less caffeine content and don't irritate bowels.

>> No.15462413

Stop being such a fat sopping pussy, holy shit.

>> No.15462437
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>> No.15462509

Caffeine is an adenosine antagonist which prevents the onset of drowsiness. The best time to drink coffee is halfway through the day as you start to build up sleep inertia. Gives you as much energy as any stimulant.

>> No.15462555

Tea > coffee. Just the right amount of caffeine to focus without being too buzzed and no constant pissing/acidic shitting.

>> No.15462561

>he's too poor to imagine being able to spend $50 a month
what's it like living with actual mental retardation in poverty like you

>> No.15462571

this is how to do it, it's people who fall for the Dunkin/Starbucks meme of fat+sugar+caffeine or downing espressos that shoot themselves in the fucking foot in the end. I will admit even conservative amounts of coffee make me anxious.

>> No.15462598

>>Less anxiety
>>Less overthinking various situations
>>Healthier 8hour sleep
>>Cleaner teeth.
>>Financial saving (2$ coffees everyday)
Actually, I don't have any of these problems, especially the $2 per day coffee... what the hell are you buying? Anyways, Since I don't have anxiety or anything, I don't see a reason to quit coffee.

>> No.15463042

>putting hot water into polymer
enjoy your xenoestrogens

>> No.15463074

non existent if you drink macha green tea right after

>> No.15463083

What does he need to cope about? You are a fucking idiot if you spends $2 on a cup of coffee.

>> No.15463285

I bought some high end drip bags from japan for $2 a cup. Pretty fucking delicious. "Nano lot".

>> No.15464065

>no constant pissing/acidic shitting.
Cofffee doesn't give me any of this.

>> No.15464068

Good shit. idk maybe don't be a wee faggot

>> No.15464144
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>mfw /sip/ master race looking down at coffee cucks with
At least the good thing about everyone wearing masks is that we don't have to smell their shit breath anymore.

>> No.15464207

that's my favorite motorhead song

>> No.15464216

This. It's worth the hassle of not making and cleaning a french press of cold brew every day.

>> No.15464271

why is everyone bitching about $2 coffee every day?
that's literally nothing, I make min wage and I still buy covefe every day

>> No.15464525
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>Minimum wage
>Why yes I am incapable of basic economics, what gave it away?
You must be the type of guy stoped improving himself and every time you are too poor to afford something you just blame it on "capitalism"

>> No.15464561

A good cup of coffee or two, even cold brew a day should run you no where close to that. Everything in moderation, you probably get “brain fog” because you drink too much.

>> No.15465495

Bro, coffee costs me $0.35 a day and I buy decent stuff. Also...addiction? boohoo headaches waaaaaa

>> No.15465512

i buy absolute top end coffee, brew 3 times a day, and a months supply costs me $1.66 a day including international shipping

>> No.15465524

tell your bf to take a mint before you kiss him, fag.

for me, its tea; the proppa cuppa