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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 256 KB, 1280x701, 1280px-Gadus_morhua_Cod-2b-Atlanterhavsparken-Norway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15453648 No.15453648 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me all your thoughts on cod.

>> No.15454038

It's a feesh.

>> No.15454042

I think it's cod.

>> No.15454046
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>> No.15454057

Well I like fish and chips and that's cod.

>> No.15454064
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I was fishing once with my dad. He knew that we would never catch anything, and I was still young and hopeful. After an hour I thought I had a bite on my line, and my dad instantly told me that I had caught the bottom of the marina. I kept reeling in and I caught a decent sized cod. We kept fishing and I felt another tug on the line, I kept reeling and my dad told me it was probably the bottom of the marina again. I caught another, even bigger cod. We took some pictures and we had fresh cod that evening. Its probably the moment that involved the most bonding that I've ever had with my dad,

>> No.15454103

fucking disgusting watery mushy fish, i hate cod.
sometimes i get tricked into buying it because of the price and everytime it comes out like snot,whatever i do it comes out like snotty disgusting mush.
i hate it.

>> No.15454129

A very bland fish that has little application outside of fish n chips and fish curries.

Sole, herring, bass and salmon can all be fished in the same waters and are much tastier.

>> No.15454148


>> No.15454161

Did you blow him afterwards?

>> No.15454168

Blops 2 was the LAST good COD, MW2 was 2nd best

>> No.15454216

agreed, anon
MW1 was very fun aswell

>> No.15454278


>> No.15454335

Cod is the best for fish and chips. Prove me wrong.

>> No.15454348

That's a nice story, anon. I hope you enjoyed your cod.

>> No.15454358

Im on my way to meet him

>> No.15454449
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>> No.15454489
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I like pieces of it.

>> No.15454496
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You got it, fag.

>> No.15454504


>> No.15454510


>> No.15454534

Can't say I care for it.

>> No.15454551

I was going to make a similar joke, but you out did me.

>> No.15454556

It was the meal that I first ate that made me realize I was allergic to seafood
It also happens to be the first meal I ever remember having, fucking hate it

>> No.15454569

it's ok, still love u bb

>> No.15454576

Oh gosh, you're making me blush. :)

>> No.15454637

why did he do it ?

>> No.15454843 [DELETED] 

Have you even eaten a kids pussy? It's nothing like the fishy mess of a post pubescent.

>> No.15454850

what the fuck dude

>> No.15454860

Who do what? Kids?

>> No.15454885

Actually its smooth bald and tasty like a very faint honey sweet nectar.

>> No.15454908
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Haddock is better than Cod.

>> No.15454962

Before it grows hair, I am there.

>> No.15454975

The most traditional fish and chips is made from dogfish.

>> No.15454982

this. I don’t understand why you retards can’t stay on your 15 shitty containment boards

>> No.15454989

Video games?

>> No.15455428
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>That'll be $19.98 for those four hot cross buns thanks

>> No.15455687

Cod is delicious when cooked like this!

>> No.15457255

I cook a lot with cod.

>> No.15457321

It's ok but you might as well go for fatty fish with omega 3 instead.

>> No.15457337
File: 245 KB, 1001x751, fiskefrikadeller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grew up in a fishing village that mainly dealt in cod and plaice. Love both of those.
Cod is a very mildly flavoured fish, so it's best used for battering and frying, salting and boiling, or in something such as fish cakes.
Plain boiled cod is a dish here but it's pretty bland and relies on a mustard sauce and diced fried bacon kind of a lot.
Boiled cod roe is amazing. Usually called "trousers" here because of the shape.

Very basic fish pellets from cod would just be coarse grind, salt and pepper, egg as binder. Some people add finely chopped onion as well.
Fried fairly slowly in plenty of fat. Margarine actually works really well for this. Just highn enough heat to get a sizzle.

If you think it's mushy you should try salting it. Gets a very nice flaky texture.

>> No.15457660
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I love stockfish, too bad its expensive as fuck.

>> No.15457688

they're always floating in mild to moderate amounts of their own shit when you get them for processing, more than any other species, pretty clean of parasites however

>> No.15457714

MW2 was so good because of the hilariously bad balance. And the glitches.
>you will never charge into a group of enemies yelling allah akbar with your javelin

>> No.15457716

Came here to post this

>> No.15457723

>asparges shitter

>> No.15458414

Kekked. Horrible song.

>> No.15458491


>> No.15460290



>> No.15460310

Evil north sea fishermen have devastated the cod population. I'm glad they're getting fucked hard by brexit