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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15451702 No.15451702 [Reply] [Original]

Food chemist here, AMA

>> No.15451707

Why do you poison our food?

>> No.15451712

Are you a food chemist

>> No.15451720

is pineapple an acceptable pizza topping?

>> No.15451724

What is xanthan gum for?

>> No.15451728

can you please take calories away from ice cream please

>> No.15451732

Does frying/toasting spices, as they do in indian cuisine, help bring different flavors or extract the more apolar compunds, or are the supposed benefits of this process counterweighted by heat degradation and its effects?

>> No.15451735

Tastes good


Yes, but I don't like it

acts as a thickening agent like flour vor starch

eats halo top. They replace ice cream with air but it works quite well

>> No.15451736

How do you make water?

>> No.15451741

2 parts hydrogen to 1 part oxygen

>> No.15451763

Whats the biggest food ripoff currently?

>> No.15451793

How does calorimetry work

>> No.15451796

How do I find gf

>> No.15451801

Good question. Don't have facts rn, but I would assume that the heat doesn't degrate most compounds too much. Stability isn't really a problem for most things. If you add some sort of fat or oil, a lot of compounds will be solved and "trapped" in the food. Volatile compounds will obviously leave upon heating, but you can't change that. Only thing you can do is adding herbs or fresh pepper at the end of the cooking process to keep the aroma.

Probably bottled water. In most developed countries the tap water is of great quality. If you, for some reason, like sparkling water, just get a sodastream.

Many people pay a lot for supplements they don't really need. Just have a balanced diet and you're most likely fine. I must say that I use those things myself, though. I'm not really deficient, but the placebo effect works on me. Most people lack Vitamin D though. If you're feeling down or lack energy in these current dark winter months, maybe get your blood checked or just get some supplements, it's not really likely that you overdose or get a hypervitaminosis.

Otherwise, at least here in Germany, Protein products are the next big thing after No Sugar and No Fat. Don't know if you really need protein chocolate pudding though.

>> No.15451816

My wife gets terrible headaches and vomits when she eats msg. Is this real?

>> No.15451825

Eh, physics isn't my strength. I've never done calorimetry with food, only with chemicals (I think we dissolved NaOH and measured the heat?). I think it doesn't really work for food because the physiological burning of calories is not the same as actually burning food and measuring the heat.

If you wanna know how they calculate how much calories a food has, that doesn't happen with calorimetry. There's a rough caloric value per gram of protein, sugar, fat, alcohol, etc. In routine analysis in food companies, there's a department for the analysis of nutritional value. These guys do some routine experiments to find out the amounts of fat, protein, sugar, etc in a certain product. The caloric value on the labels are then calculated by the amounts and the caloric value per gram.

by spending time on 4chan and living in front of your computer

heavily doubt it

>> No.15451831
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*a finger on the monkey paw gnarls and makes sickening popping noises*

>> No.15451836

How do I make a McChicken that tastes like McDonalds?

>> No.15452009

what is the best cooking oil for pan frying salmon ? I use extra virgin olive oil and finish with butter but the thread about EVOO vs regular olive oil has me questioning my choices

>> No.15452234

I don't know much about that. I think the thing with EVOO is its fine aroma quality that sets it apart, so frying with it is kind of a waste. I always use regular canola oil for pan frying because of the neutral flavour. But if you like the olive taste then keep going. It's not gonna kill you.

Also, maybe check out this info sheet from the german fat institute about deep-frying, maybe there's an answer there.


>> No.15452251

Are you able to imagine the smell?

>> No.15452262

what's a "food chemist" actually do?

>> No.15452271

Why does my meatloaf always leak tons of fat and water? Should I mix it longer until it's sticky or add more water, eggs, flour/cornstarch/dry milk powder?

plz help

>> No.15452280

What are the best foods for taking a perfectly smooth non-constipated shit?

>> No.15452287

how do they make those chips that taste like a Reuben sandwich?

>> No.15452297

Not a molecular biologist, but try adding salt later instead of right away. Salt draws out moisture.

>> No.15452313

How does one find a paying job in food/fermentation science as a chemist?

>> No.15452330

8 days ago I put 3lb of halved jalapenos into a basic brine (1 cup water 1 cup vinegar 1 tbsp salt 1 tbsp sugar, x 4). Today I removed them all to make jalapeno poppers. Can I safely reuse the brine (does the fact that it was hot peppers make it safer)? How much sugar/salt can I expect to be missing due to osmosis?

In chinese cooking they say that corn/plant starch "tenderizes" the meat - is this possibly valid? Or does it just build a thin batter on the meat that seems tender when cooked

I want to make a candle that smells like roasted bell peppers. How do you imagine I could go about this?

>> No.15452353

This tranny is an imposter and hasn’t answered any questions. Because of this I hereby curse you to never be a real women.

>> No.15452360

>Does frying/toasting spices, as they do in indian cuisine
Popular misconception, toasting scorches. They should be simmered in water.

>> No.15452365

What is your job title?

>> No.15452518

It's mainly focused on chemistry, but it's very interdisciplinary. Lots of biochem, analytics, law, organic chem, statistics, lab work. Food is really just the material you work with. The focus is on analytical chemistry. That means it's about how to properly quantify how much and which substances, contaminants or nutritients are in the food. Examples are: mycotoxins in food aka toxins produced by mold (classical analytics), how to change the production procedure or recepture to reduce process contaminants (analytics + food technology) or even finding out how some toxins effect the body (clinical studies, mostly in rats; it's a mixture of chemistry, analytics, biochem and medicine). That's mostly what's up on the science side. Most food chemists work in the industry, oversee labs, work with the law in the industry or even as experts on a government level. The field is very wide honestly, you'll definitely find what you want to do and the payment is usually great because you're always an expert in what you do. Hit me up with more questions if you wanna know more or something in detail.

Lots of fiber. Most people are actually deficient in fiber, even with a healthy diet. Veggies have fiber. I recommend you to get crushed psyllium seeds. It's 100% fiber. You just mix one teaspoon with a cup of water every morning and evening. I promise you you will shit live never before. No constipation, everything flows within a minute, and usually you only need like one sheet of toilet paper. Everything is clean and I'm not kidding. You seriously don't know how great going to the toilet can be until you've tried this. Probably the cheapest thing you can do tomorrow to improve your life.

If you mean how a food chemist finds a job, see my answer above. If you mean how a regular chemist can find a job: depends on the chemist. You can just become a lab overseer in the industry or work in science I guess. Really depends on your skill set.

>> No.15452536

What do work in?

>> No.15452537

what do you want from mcdonalds

>> No.15452554

No idea man, probably wouldn't use it.

I've heard about this tenderization thing and think it works, but can't tell you why. Not in the mood to do some hard research now, but I found this paper that suggests that it does kinda work.


I don't know how candles are made but I guess you would just need to buy aromas that smell like roasted peppers. Don't know a single substance that would smell like it, so I don't think your chances are too good.

I'm a man, but funnily enough about 70-80% of food chemistry students in Germany are women. No one has ever been able to explain that statistic to me.

Currently a master student. After that I'll either promote and become a doctor or I do an additional year of training and become a nationally certified food chemist.

>> No.15452694
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Sounds interesting and like it has quite alot of interesting employment oppertunities.

I watched a documentary about gene editing. In gene editing there has been a revolution called CRISPR which has made editing genes much more intricate and plausible. If utilized properly it could banish disease, viruses, pain etc.
It was discovered by a food chemist working in the yoghurt industry.

>> No.15452716

is ice water?

>> No.15452719
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>> No.15452827

Whats stopping plant based "meats" to be sold for less than actual meat?
Is it just to rip off vegans?

>> No.15452967

>No one has ever been able to explain that statistic to me.
Kitchen related sciences are appealing to the feebler sex with smaller brains and a frail disposition.

Answer my question, Hans. How do they make those potato chips taste just like a Reuben sandwich?

>> No.15452986

The meat at least in the US, is heavily subsidized by the government and is a huge industry that benefits from the economy of scale. The fake meat industry, however is relatively new and doesn't get the same funding as the meat business does.

>> No.15453201

Yeah take a fat binder then eat some ice cream and enjoy the warm feeling of all the shitty oil splattering all over your legs for the rest of the day

>> No.15453216

Hey how do they make vegetable substitutes taste like meat?

>> No.15453220

How big is your penor

>> No.15453255

Tell me about some of the chemicals you use and their properties

>> No.15453373

what makes kebabpizza med pizzasallad och fanta the best food you can buy under 100 kronor

>> No.15453431

I think that's more of an economical question.

Aromas, flavouring and umami

Sufficient to pleasure

Currently looking at mcpd-ester, acrylamid and furan. Those are all process-induced food contaminants. They usually occur in carbohydrate rich foods upon heatment. They are of interest because they have a carcinogenic effect. Because of that, reducing these substances is always beneficial because some carcinogenic substances unfold their effects even in minimal amounts.

>> No.15453451

lol, I used to be a technician in a food favouring lab.
I was always amazed by the flavourests nose. They could pick out individual chemicals in blends and were always right.

>> No.15453479

Yeah sensory analysis is madness. I took a sensory test once and I wasn't any better than a random selection of answers

>> No.15453488
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If you dont post proof you live or work in new Jersey you a damn liar

>> No.15453501

Neat, are there any particular brands that contain a lot of those three chemicals? Sounds like fun shit

>> No.15453522

My tapwater has elevated PFAS. Is this something to worry about? It's almost 2x the recommended max apparently

>> No.15453535

Use 90% lean next time

>> No.15453540

What’s the pay like? I’m in oilfield chemicals and it’s pretty good, but I’ve always been interested in food, flavors, fragrances, stuff like that.

>> No.15453665

There's no data in which brand contains how much or what substance. In science, the focus is on how these contaminants come to existence. For furan for example, there is currently no maximum residue value in the EU, so there is also no data by routine analytics to see who has exceeded the values. In general, the health concern isn't that big, especially not for individuals. The exposure isn't too high and you can't avoid it anyway. If you eat fast food regularly for example or if you breath city air, that is much more dangerous.

PFAS are a big topic atm. The European food safety authority keeps lowering the tolerable daily intake, overall in many magnitudes in the past years. The problem is that it's chemically inert and accumumlates in biological systems. I'm no expert on the topic, but I would imagine that drinking this water is not a major concern.

I never really bothered to look at the numbers, but I only ever heard good things about the money. If you have experience with earning money unlike I do, then you're probably better hat finding this out than I am.

>> No.15453729

Oh ok then, you have a fun job

>> No.15453741
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>food chemist

>> No.15453843

How the fuck do you not know your own salary? I swear to god euros are like a different fucking species.

>> No.15453850


processing 4.3

Avoidance of salts and spices before deep-frying: Salt promotes the migration of water from the inside to the surface of the food and the formation of toxic substances

i'm sorry what?

>> No.15453858
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Because this is some undergrad larp

>> No.15453859

What's in hua mei?

>> No.15453864

2 based 2bh

>> No.15453905

Do you check Lao Gan Ma for lead?

>> No.15453935

how do i keep fruits and vegetables fresh?

>> No.15453941

Have you ever eaten Updog?

>> No.15454015

do you take hot showers

>> No.15454029

Clearly. OP is a student representing himself as a ‘food chemist.’ In other words, a faggot.

>> No.15454392

>mcpd-ester, acrylamid and furan
Do we have to worry about miso, soy sauce, or the more western onion soup and worcestershire sauce in that regard?

>> No.15454467

Actually was interested in that for a career. How was school and do you like the job?

>> No.15454473

ligma balls