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15449131 No.15449131 [Reply] [Original]

Why BBQtards so proud of their regional styles when they can literally be recreated anywhere else in the world?

>> No.15449199
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>Can't comprehend that his criticism is applicable to all peoples and all foods

>> No.15449210
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are you retarded? any type of cuisine can be recreated anywhere else in the rest of the world. there are different types of bbq that are regionally specific but no one says it cant be recreated anywhere else. what kind of insane retardation is this thread

>> No.15449257

But there is nothing to be proud about. Its all just BBQ shit anyone can make.

>> No.15449288

Look faggot either all people should be proud of their good food irrespective of anyone's ability to replicate it or nobody should be proud of any food because someone somewhere can also do it. Which is it?

>> No.15449359

Nobody should be proud of their shitty regional food.

>> No.15449417

bless you, anon

>> No.15449453

OK then the obvious followup is why you would pick BBQ instead of French or Italian or any of the other people that are also proud of their regional food like everyone else on the planet is. What's your regional food that you think is overrated?

>> No.15449468

Because BBQ is shit and dumb fucking hicks are proud of it for no reason.

>> No.15449523

um sweety POC also BBQ

>> No.15449581

where did the pitmaster touch you?

>> No.15449651

I've never seen someone get so upset over meat before. Yikes.

>> No.15449682

Yeaaa!!!! Same with chinese food, you can get that shit anywhere. And same with Indian food i know of like 5 Indian places in my town alone. And don't get me started on Italian, Italian restaurants are fucking everywhere. Oh and French food??? I've had French cuisine and I never even been to fucking France. Just reminded me of Mexican food, holy shit talk about anyone being able to make a taco amirite?

>> No.15449811
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>I'm irrationally angry at people I likely don't interact with and am expressing this on a food board because I am mentally ill.
Cool but what's your regional food that you think is overrated?

>> No.15449841

Surely that means that their innovations are the result of actual culinary skill rather than just winning a geographical lottery and being born near some chillis or saffron or something?

>> No.15449845

Why are Italians so proud of their pasta when it can be recreated anywhere in the world? Why are French so proud of their sauces when they can be recreated anywhere in the world?

This is how fucking stupid you sound.

>> No.15449864

BIPoC peoples invented BBQ. You cave people stole it and claimed it as your own like you do with every good thing.

>> No.15449886

Thank you for showing us that your opinion can be disregarded completely, brown.

>> No.15449922

Everything outside of NYC is overrated. We literally have everything you rednecks claim is somehow special.

>> No.15449965

>Everything outside of NYC is overrated
So you live everywhere but NYC? Is this a thinly veiled false flag thread fishing for that infamous Brooklyn BBQ image?

>> No.15450147

Anyone can make any food anywhere. You think I cant make French or Italian food the same way they do?

>> No.15450581

Yes, you can make it exactly like they do. Recipes exist.

>> No.15450647
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what's your take on other regional foods? you know, the ones that can't be re-created anywhere else?

>> No.15450669

There is literally no food that cant be recreated. Recipes exist. I only hate the ones backwoods undedicated retards praise as if of any cultural importance though.

>> No.15450671

Only NYC people don't care about rats and roaches running across their food. Otherwise NYC dining is just thousands of carbon copy bodegas eating a salmonella deli sandiwch next to a dumpster infront of the store and indians burning rice.

NYC has the worst pizza. SoCal has taken over as the food capital back in the 90s.

>> No.15450693

All of its European food too. So many idiots don't realize basic things rice and beans didn't become part of national dishes until Europeans showed up. Fruits and vegetables too that they consider "native" were again spread by Europeans. Corn is a great example it used to only be eaten as a grain and indians didn't even know how to grow it, just where it grew.
Like mexican food, its all Spanish/French food from White American cafes in California , yet mexicunts take such pride in mexican food that White Americans invented or modified latin food recently in the past 60 years.

>> No.15450710
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bbq seems easy until you get into it. it's subtle. but ultimately no food is all that impossibly special. being older doesn't make recipes better, or their cooks less dedicated