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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 96 KB, 900x899, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15436264 No.15436264 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled, did he know what he was doing and just got way more backlash than expected, or was it an innocent mistake?

>> No.15436268

Basic gestalt?

>> No.15436272

Lurk moar faget

>> No.15436281

James played you like a flute. Do not be ashamed of course as a merchant manipulating your passions to a favorable end is his stock and trade.

>> No.15436287

I don’t pay attention to e-celebs unlike reddit faggots such as yourself

>> No.15436291

This, I need a quick rundown

I recently saw some of his videos, couldn't really see anything wrong with it

>> No.15436309

what happened?
I don't keep up to date with e-celeb drama

>> No.15436322 [DELETED] 

You mean that "chicken victory" recipe he released today? I think he knows exactly what he did.

>> No.15436323

mistake, hes not autistic like the internet thinks of autism, but he has a bit of the tism like old boomers that have train set in their basement have tism.

>> No.15436336

Totally knew what he was doing! Piece of shit!
This guy gets it.

>> No.15436345


>> No.15436370
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>> No.15436379
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>> No.15436385



>> No.15436387

Did he release it on a video? Last one I see on YuToob was about doi ng more with less, which sounds like he’s expecting an economic depression. Or is he opening a colony on Bitchute to improve his economic outlook like the English?

>> No.15436403

closest thing we get to a combo these days.
well done sir!

>> No.15436413


Keyed AF My nigga

>> No.15436587

who the fuck is 'jas' townsend and what does jas mean?

>> No.15436621

It's short for James

>> No.15436652

What did he do?

>> No.15436670
File: 143 KB, 1280x720, townsend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He went to George Washington's house and made a dessert called "orange fool", and when people in the comments pointed out that george washington would never have been able to get oranges in the winter in 1799, and this was clearly a jab at trump, he had a massive temper tantrum and threatened to ban people for talking politics on his channel

>> No.15436691


>> No.15436692
File: 355 KB, 1441x912, townsend clothing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get a piece of felt
>fold it into a triangle
>that will be $72

>> No.15436697

This nigga's bloodborne cosplay is on point

>> No.15436705


>> No.15436709

he released a video on a dessert called "Orange Fool" around Trump's inauguration and /pol/ went apeshit

>> No.15436719
File: 43 KB, 604x340, last.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like bread :D

>> No.15436726 [DELETED] 

e-celeb threads are cancer and against >>>/global/rules/11 and >>>/ck/rules/1
OP is a faggot.
Do your part to help purge this board of subhumans like him by reporting this thread.
Here's a link so you don't have to scroll up to the top of the page.

>> No.15436728

Is that his son in the background of the latest video?
That's a big boy. I think I know who's been stealing all the rations.

>> No.15436733

>cooking channel on the cooking board, /ck/
fuck off and let us discuss 18th century cuisine in peace, faggot

>> No.15436806

>did he know what he was doing and just got way more backlash than expected, or was it an innocent mistake?
I don’t know, the flip recipe that’s made with raw sugar instead of moist sugar was a bold choice, but I don’t think he expected sugar snobs to be so aggressive.

>> No.15436810

>when people in the comments pointed out that george washington would never have been able to get oranges in the winter in 1799
You know you can preserve oranges, right anon? They had icehouses back then you fucking mong

>> No.15436969

which is a longer version of Jim

>> No.15436992

The recipe calls for fresh oranges.

>> No.15437020

He new. It was not a coincidence that he made orange fool like he claimed. His fucking panic was real though.

>> No.15437033

This. It’s like that retard doesn’t know tiki drinks were a staple of colonial American winters.

>> No.15437077

Around the Trump inauguration, he did a series from a historical society in the eastern US and they did a dessert recipe called Orange Fool. Now people, being generally retarded and not knowing about old European desserts, thought it was a deliberate attack on Trump. It wasn't and he made a big video about how disappointed in the discourse around the video.

>> No.15437082

>did he know what he was doing

>> No.15437092
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>> No.15437095

>Now that the dust has settled

>> No.15437096

>my friend simulator who also tries to sell me cravats and birch twigs would never lie to me, guys

>> No.15437118

Oh fuck boys we dun' rounded us up a tard

>> No.15437144

boys? thought you fellas called each other comrade

>> No.15437176

Yeah because Townsends has them available. Plenty of recipes call for fresh shit and you can sub in the preserved or frozen variety. This is how cooking works.
Not that anyone on this board would know since it's 99% /pol/bait and posting about fast food.

>> No.15437183

The video in question doesn’t even exist lol

>> No.15437263
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He should do an 18th century Cuppa Joe

>> No.15437357

>when people in the comments pointed out that george washington would never have been able to get oranges in the winter in 1799
Who cares that he wouldn't have been able to get it during winter? At no point in the video does he say that George Washington got oranges during the winter.

No it doesn't. It calls for "juice of six oranges."

>> No.15437419
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>He went to George Washington's house and made a dessert called "orange fool", and when people in the comments pointed out that george washington would never have been able to get oranges in the winter in 1799, and this was clearly a jab at trump, he had a massive temper tantrum and threatened to ban people for talking politics on his channel
I highly doubt that this is what people said in the comments but more importantly, if they did try to claim that George Washington would NEVER have been able to get oranges in the winter of 1799 (and why they were apparently fixated on "what George Washington would have eaten during the last month of his life," I don't know) then they were morons. The Hannah Glasse book literally has "oranges" on its recommended options for December.

>> No.15437425

>Who cares that he wouldn't have been able to get it during winter?
An autistically hardcore historical reenactor. Which is what he, and his core audience are.

>> No.15437429
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colonial bros GET DOWN

>> No.15437453

Autistic hardcore historical reenactors would not care that "George Washington couldn't get that in the winter" (which he could, see >>15437419) because 1) at no point was the video saying that this was eaten exclusively in the winter-time and 2) he could get that in the winter, so they would be incorrect and therefore not hardcore reenactors.

>> No.15437488

Every time I go to the Mt Vernon museum I very audibly wonder out loud if the slave teeth Washington's dentures were taken from living or dead slaves. They're in a glass case in the middle of a circular room, so pretty much everyone can hear you in there. It always gets horrified sideways looks. I think George had a sugar addiction. History is fun!

>> No.15437517
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whats he cooking tonight?

>> No.15437524
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>> No.15437535

>/pol/ went apeshit
cause they are a bunch of easily triggered little babies

>> No.15437549

Who does he have making the over priced recreated historical garbage he sells from the business he inherited from Daddy Townsends?

>> No.15437590

>so they would be incorrect and therefore not hardcore reenactors.
Have you ever met a hardcore “living history” fag?
They would explain that you’re citing a photo of a 4chan post citing a photo of a book that was only in X circulation at Y time and only owned by Z people, and thus not something known by “the people”.
Hell, some of those people would probably produce copies of some previously unknown copy of Washington’s storeroom inventory on some exact date to show he didn’t have oranges then.

I’m not arguing or defending a side. I’m just saying you’ve never observed OCD-tier autism until you’ve observed living-history autism.
It’s like turbo-weebs arguing over cosplay, except instead of being able to refer to old VHS tapes, they have to go with sometimes-conflicting centuries-old written accounts.

>> No.15437623

Any hardcore living history person would know that people, particularly wealthy people, had access to fruit in the winter. It's not something unique to Hannah Glasse or any specific book.

Although Washington did specifically have oranges in his 1799 greenhouse.

>The greenhouse kept tropical plants warm in the winter and served as a gallery of plants for the delight of Washington's guests. In the spring, the gardeners moved the plants out into the upper garden for the duration of their growing season. One guest wrote in 1799, "I saw there English grapes, oranges, limes and lemons in great perfection as well as a great variety of plants and flowers, wonderful in appearance, exquisite in their perfume and delightful to the eye..."

Though again, like I said, I highly doubt this ("gee whiz they were just pointing out that the video was historically inaccurate!") is what actually occurred in the original video comments, anyway.

>> No.15437707

The elites have always taken for themselves while they push arbitrary social issues for the peasants to divide into left and right and fight each other about instead of fighting their real enemy, the elites. It is so powerful, the fighting lasts for centuries with little to relight the embers time to time.

>> No.15437717


Jas Townsend is James Townsend's(current host of the channel) father

>> No.15437810

welcome back to 18th century cooking, I'm your host James townsend and today were gonna make a beautiful NUTMEG SLOPPA (reassuring fiddle music plays after the first bite)

>> No.15437829

I mean, consider Valley Forge. The men were freezing in the winter and starving for months, dying from preventable diseases, and Washington had his nice warm house with feasts and parties.

>> No.15437844

yea he should have given them some of his Orange Fool ;^)

>> No.15437855
File: 264 KB, 950x350, washington_headquarters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being freezing, starving, living in a filthy stinking hut, itching from scabies, being terrified that you'll catch smallpox because you're campmates didn't get inoculated, desperately burning incense to stave away the smell of the rotting horses buried nearby, all while Washington and Martha stuff themselves silly at his headquarters.

>> No.15437875

>Strut up to HQ
>yo WashDawg, gimme sum dat shit what be smellin gud as fuk
>get executed
Didn’t turn out so well, bro

>> No.15437877

Shouldn’t have signed up to fight a dumb war

>> No.15437922

>signed up
Thousands of men were conscripted.

>> No.15437937

and yet not one of them thought to plant an orange grove. odd

>> No.15437954

can we stop talking about trump now

>> No.15437991

This thread is about Townsends, what are you on about T***p for? On topic I enjoyed the videos with Michael Twitty. For a 600 lb woke, gay, Jewish, Blackman, he’s pretty cool.

>> No.15438007

Yeah I'm pretty sure at that time in history the only time you were getting oranges was in the winter.

>> No.15438026

love Michael Twitty, it sucks though that his book is so god damn dry and boring.

>> No.15438078

Someone post the butter churning girl

>> No.15438082

How so?

>> No.15438171

He won in the end either way.

>> No.15438211

remember the insanely fat disgusting guy

>> No.15438220

4chan is gonna ruin his daughters in return

>> No.15438228

>he released a video on a dessert called "Orange Fool" around Trump's inauguration and /pol/ went apeshit

He released a desert called Orange Fool, from a history recipe, on the 4th of July.

>> No.15438236

Ryan the 500 pound deathfat? He’s a totally historically accurate cosplay chef for the 18th century. Remember, never trust a skinny cook ;-)

>> No.15438245

im sure black guys will do that, not 4chan

>> No.15438250


>> No.15438262

After all that happened you all are STILL assblasted when somebody throws shade at your guy(tm)?! He's still your guy?! Even the Proud Boys called said guy a faggot earlier. I think there's like five people left in the US that are still all in with the dude and all of them are posting here I guess. MAGA is like stick-a-fork in it kinds of done. You picked a Capitol Hill to die on.

Fuck, even /pol/ is done with him. -/pol/-

>> No.15438265

>heh this recipe makes me think of that outlandish trump character
>I'll mark it down as a good idea for a video
It's not that big of a deal.

>> No.15438269

He works for the nutmeg companies as a shill

>> No.15438276 [DELETED] 

Shills will try to tell you Biden is president now. They will day "BUT MUH INAUGURATION!" It was a sham. It was all for appearances. Biden is not president, DONALD J. TRUMP IS.

The Executive Orders Biden is supposedly signing will never actually go into effect. The TRUE President, DONALD J TRUMP, is still in power.


The plan was enacted over the weekend... Only you never saw it.

Biden, his cabinet, and tons of both Dem and Republican senators and other officials were arrested. Proof of their vast crimes was shown. They were court martialed and found guilty. However, it was decided this was too much for the American people to accept. Overturning the election and showing the crimes of these politicians could lead to Civil War.

So an agreement was reached: Biden and other deep state elements wI'll be allowed to move freely and serve their terms. President Trump would "concede" and leave office. But this is all for appearances. Behind the scenes, Donald J. Trump is still President.

This plan, known as Shadowprez, was seen as a last resort. But it worked. Anything that happens in the next 4 years is actually President Trumps doing.

>> No.15438296

I know this is a shitpost but there are people delusional and lost enough to believe it

>> No.15438312

It is fucking amazing how all their complaints are dealt with by the first fucking result in google


There were many fools it was a popular desert, the recipe was adapted from Hannah Glasse, it called for *juice*, I don't know how anyone could get their titties in a twist over this.

>> No.15438328

Should I send this to a boomer q chat to fuck with them?

>> No.15438329
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>Biden is not president, DONALD J. TRUMP IS.

>> No.15438342
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Why are bots here in ck of all places

>> No.15438352
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>> No.15438366

You definitely should

>> No.15438371

no mistake at all, just people being absolute retards as usual

>> No.15438374

hey guys let's just heal and shit ok?

>> No.15438377

Not only were their many fools, the reason why the orange fool was chosen is because this was a collaboration with Mount Vernon and the orange fool recipe is the one that Martha Washington specifically added to their kitchen recipe book.

>> No.15438379
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>> No.15438470

Yes, cause /pol/ is retarded

>> No.15438474

Has someone said Tangerine Incompetent yet?

>> No.15438485

Honestly this. Go on there once a while with the most obvious bait and they fall for it everytime. Pathetic

>> No.15438506

Isnt it kind of lowkey racist for this guy to be larping during a time period where blacks were slaves?

>> No.15438522

Don't you think that mentioning slavery might bring up some painful memories to many of our PoC (posters of color)? You should be ashamed of yourself.

>> No.15438536

he's even got a video titled 'food of the enslaved' where he gets a fat negro to talk to him about it, because he can't be fucked enough to care

>> No.15438551

No not at all, I think it's wonderful he brings history into the lives of a lot of people who otherwise might not have been interested. And heck, nothing racist about some delicious cooking! haha

>> No.15438596

he strikes me as more of a liberal type, not extreme but the milquetoast rich suburban kind

>> No.15438620

T R E M E N D O U S L Y even!

>> No.15438621

/pol/ will never return to the glory days of the zim zam trial. There were decent threads and generals from the ukrop and syria wars, but after 2016 /pol/ went full zoomer/boomer and is just total shit. At least other boards like /ck/ exist with authentic chan culture still mostly intact.

>> No.15439069

>zim Zam
Looked him up to see how he’s doing and turns out he sued literally everyone involved in the trial lmao. Apparently signing skittle packets at gun shows wasn’t making him enough “I was the victim” money

>> No.15439193

I always assumed this dude was a homo. Why would /pol/ be bothered?

Innocent mistake? Who gives a shit. He was either making a political statement and who gives a shit or he was making an orange fool and who gives a shit.

Trump supporters are fucking crazy. Populism is a disease. During a pandemic I want to see a scientist or an effective administrator at the helm. Don't even give a shit about Biden.

>> No.15439240

>"Food of the Enslaved". Where he gets a Fat Negro yo talk about it.

Don't forget that "Fat Negro" is actually a "Really Fat Gay Negro".

>> No.15439356

>M-m-m-m-muh p-p-paaaawl boogeyman!!!!

>> No.15439373

This one of the eceleb cultists that was trying to yell incantations to curse "Zklarzmfsks"?

>> No.15439451

I need pics of his daughters to further advise

>> No.15439465
File: 47 KB, 667x375, g9a9m-446089-Full-Image_GalleryCover-en-US-1526674394357._UY500_UX667_RI_Vo1I2ElqAfddSGsIjoZgEQraWmNuOqAE3_TTW_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Walter Staib is superior to this reject in every way.

>> No.15439848
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Here's your scientist, bro :)

>> No.15439856
File: 68 KB, 500x642, stopthisshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the orange man is gone now stop posting this shit.

>> No.15439867


>> No.15439868

anything you don't understand must be easy.

no, he's the son.

>> No.15439875

No. He’s had PoC and women on his shows before. He’s done multiple shows on foods & lives of colonial era poor people. And if other Anons are right, that PoC also ticks gays off the diversity checklist as well.
He’s just a classical liberal who wants to LARP Colonial for gods sake.

>> No.15439909
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Did he do it on purpose?

>> No.15439937

He remains a wholesome guy.

>> No.15439952

They're not a boogie man, just a bunch of retarded larpers

>> No.15439959

is that bilbo baggins?

>> No.15439963

>it’s not a bogeyman! It’s real, I tell ya!
Just take a deep breath, bro.
Sip some tea.

>> No.15439967

Ah yes, a very popular cooking channel on YouTube post political shit and that makes /ck/ 99% pol bait for talking about it. Yes. What a genius little retard you are.

>> No.15439991

>They were swimming in tropical fruits in the winter of 1799
>Jamesy-poo would NEVER post pol bait.
>I swear!

>> No.15440013

What a shocker, left winger idolizing a socio-political elite who ate like a king while all the soliders(good conservative men) groveled in hunger and sickness. Typical left wing ivory tower elitism.

>> No.15440019

You should like a bootlicker

>> No.15440020

Sip some more tea, bro. You’re still upset.

>> No.15440022

>separatists fighting against God and King

>> No.15440026

You can only grow oranges in FL in the US. Technically CA/WA too but their oranges are dogshit just like their people

>> No.15440028

Your desperation is so cringe it’s almost sad

>> No.15440030


>> No.15440049

Suck a dick and die faggot. No one gives a fuck. He’s a faggot because he just HAD to go and post his political cringe when no one gives the first goddamn what some historical culinary dick thinks about the economy or society in any way shape, form or fashion. He should’ve just kept his dumb mouth closed and cooked some shit. But he couldn’t, he wanted a attention and he got it. We’ll see if it plays in his favor in the end, being as his little stunt will embolden the blue haired left wing weirdos and drumpf obsessors, but drive away Trumptards and people who don’t want to hear that shit because they came their for historical cooking and not some faggots shitty political opinion.

>> No.15440055

lol conservatives are the fucking whiniest.

>> No.15440056

Not him. If retarded poltards aren't real how do you explain that we had 4 years of almost daily le nutmeg man threads on /ck/?
>inb4 cia+mossad joint operation glownigger blablabla

>> No.15440059

Can you show us on the doll where Russia touched you, anon?

>> No.15440069

So you mean a rich postering faggot hypocrite like the vast majority of “liberals?”

>> No.15440077
File: 99 KB, 943x750, FEAE99FC-7380-4FE0-9F55-DBF96AD553B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hannah Zimmerman?

>> No.15440081

You're the one getting all hot and bothered over a harmless video. Go sort yourself out.

>> No.15440082

Don't even care so long as they know what the fuck they're doing, and why should you?

>> No.15440089

God what a fucking hero. Protects his community then raises awareness for his cause through a non-profit grassroots campaign, all the while fighting an uphill battle in the slighted liberal courts. Today, we eat rainbow fool.

>> No.15440091

>Trump supporters are fucking crazy

>Populism is a disease
Hard disagree, the issue with Trump was entirely that he was not an effective populist and pushed at every moment the neoliberal zombie reaganite bullshit that has destroyed this country. There were maybe three patriots running for the Presidency this year and only one populist among them. But sadly neither Tulsi, Yang nor Sanders were sanctioned by our international capitalist elites so we're stuck with Sleeper Joe. Everybody should be buying guns and getting to know their neighbors right now, this is not fuck around time.

>> No.15440092

It's not even this specific thread it's the constant culture here as of the past few years.

>> No.15440093

>4 years of threads
>about a video he did last year
Holy shit the boogeyman also time travels?

>> No.15440099

You are a fragile and weak ego trapped in what I am assuming is a weaker body. Today I am going to continue to lift weights and educate myself specifically so I can be even more fit to humiliate you and your fellow weasels. Imagine being such a priss you piss and moan because of a historical cooking show demonstrating a historical recipe in it's historic location with the assistance of the people who incorporated the recipe into the broader image of the locale. My children will be trained to step on your neck when you cry about your insane cultural wars.

>> No.15440100

I think he knew what he was doing when he pulled his own mother out of a nursing home shortly before stuffing them full of covid patients.

>> No.15440101

Orange fool was uploaded in 2017 you mouthbreathing pansy, do you even know what you're supposed to be aggrieved about or is whining just second nature to you now?

>> No.15440106

>trump supporters are fucking crazy
I’ve only voted twice, once for Gary fuckin Johnson and once for Queen Jorgensen. From an outside perspective, you people have no room call anyone crazy considering you spent 4 years and tens of millions in taxpayer dollars fabricating Russia-gate, and now spend all your free time calling people on the internet with US ip’s Russian bots. Everything is a Russian bot. So while he’s trump supporters are retarded(like any Republican), so are you. All of you are pathetic slimy authoritarian retards who will face reprisal one day or another.

>> No.15440108

Yeah that was insanely fucked up and an complete indication that they are every bit as callous and cruel as the rest of the people in power right now. But that's the issue. Not that they're an unpassing troon. Competence and compassion matters a lot fucking more in a pandemic than your sense of fashion.

>> No.15440109

>being the only one who’s mad, taking to other people as if they’re mad
Tea. Sip some.

>> No.15440115

I only drink coffee. Take the L copecel.

>> No.15440123

He put a severely mentally ill person in a “health secretary” position and you don’t care. If you can’t call out his bullshit, then you’re a Biden cultist plain and simple.

>> No.15440124

You're close to getting it but I can't imagine taking anyone who voted for Gary Johnson seriously. Are you still a libertarian or did you move on?

>> No.15440125

Lol, have you ever watched the news, let alone Shitter, in the past 5 years?

>> No.15440127

But anon, him being an unpassing troon means that any criticism of him is going to be dismissed as transphobia. Neither he nor his buddies will be held accountable for anything and the media will make excuses for him.

>> No.15440130

>supports hard left authoritarians
>thinks he’s a gun owner

>> No.15440133

Well that’s what you get liberal faggot. You thought real American men would just roll over? You’ll win in the end, with sure numbers. But much like the American civil war, we will fight until the bloody end and it won’t be much of a “victory” for the other side after they lose way more than they expected and are pretty badly fucked afterward.

>> No.15440136

Good bait but a little too on the nose for me, still 7/10.

>> No.15440137

You need to be less upset. I hope your life gets better, anon.

>> No.15440140
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>> No.15440143
File: 20 KB, 320x517, d8fa8770-a46b-5b45-bb91-28e221275d5e.image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate ultraleftists and I have lived in Seattle surrounded by them and let me tell you; american "conservatives" have so much more in common with them than they think. They all want the same safe space enclaves, media representation and embrace of idpol. Same personality with different environmental conditions that's all.

Yeah and that fucking whomps so why are you feeding into it by leading with him being an ugly fag? Who gives a shit? My eye doctor is ugly as sin, he still does his job.

I would eagerly support an American Tito or Lenin but we don't have them right now. Tulsi, Yang and Bernie are barely center-left. I am extremely pro gun, we need to expand the civilian marksmanship program to firearms for all program that forms local citizen militia and disaster relief groups.

>> No.15440148

It is fantastic because I take personal responsibility for it. Feeling superior to people like you is genuinely part of my pre workout.

Oh I love Wojak Comics! He's so funny, I love the YouTube meme video too!

>> No.15440149
File: 52 KB, 567x513, century_man_bad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15440155

>I lift weights, did you hear me? I said I LIFT WEIGHTS
>I own a GUN
>please wear a mask between bites of orange fool
>check out my hot sauce collection
>no the other door, that’s the funko’s
>Russian bot
>WWE Monday night RAW
>thank an essential worker!

>> No.15440159

I’ll fuck your children until they love me, daddy.

>> No.15440169

>I lift weights, did you hear me? I said I LIFT WEIGHTS
>I own a GUN
>please wear a mask between bites of orange fool
>thank an essential worker
Correct, I love my fellow Americans.

The rest is made up.

thats actually kind of funny

>> No.15440171

Am I suppose to care what some low iq retard who literally votes for the two party establishment thinks? Don’t answer that. Hang yourself by the neck instead.

>> No.15440172

Imagine being in such a low state of psychological pain that you could hate on such an innocent and well intentioned man as Townsends

>> No.15440173

This image fills me with a very unnerving sense of dread.

>> No.15440176

I do not support the two party system or republican potsmokers who call themselves libertarians.

>> No.15440187

Orange trees fruit in the winter you idiot.
Excellent troll post.

>> No.15440188


>> No.15440200

You realize Marx only meant “until the post-scarcity utopia is achieved” in reference to the hilarious tag line you people like to throw out about communist gun ownership? The authoritarians supporters will always be the first ones disarmed. Even in this comment you already reduced gun ownership down to “local militias” so that you could more easily and effectively attempt to control civilian gun ownership. You’re not pro gun at all fag fuck, you’re pro “some people(my political allies) should have guns in an environment which our dear leader has control of, and only until our dear leader says it’s time to give them up.”

>> No.15440206

>until the post-scarcity utopia is achieved
Confirmed never read Marx

>> No.15440207

>comments turned off

>> No.15440208

You’re almost certainly a shaven head, ridiculous beard, overweight faggot.

>> No.15440215

Lol nice b8 m8
Do it

>> No.15440222

Are the girls in these two videos the same?



I know his daughters name is Ivy, but does he have another daughter named Sophie or did someone just misname Ivy in the newer vid?

>> No.15440225

>feeling superior to a rando on 4chan
I wish my bar for superiority were that low. It’s like those people who get drunk from 2 beers.

>> No.15440226

>You realize Marx only meant “until the post-scarcity utopia is achieved” in reference to the hilarious tag line you people like to throw out about communist gun ownership?
You realize you can agree with somebody's economic analysis without fully embracing their entire policy set especially when over 100 years separates you from them right?

Please keep coming up with more insane reasons why I don't actually support mass gun ownership and localist militia groups.

I'm also curious how in the fuck you might construe republicans as pro gun when they have done absolutely nothing to expand gun ownership in decades and have been content to let firearms become collectibles for the wealthy. Do you know how concentrated gun ownership in this country is? It is a disgrace to the principles of individualism and self determination the best Americans took with them to this country. All subverted by fat fuck elites like your New York pal Trump.

also this lol

You could not have contrived a more opposite description of me without somehow trying to cast me as black

>> No.15440231
File: 91 KB, 814x843, Screenshot_2021-01-21 Address of the Central Committee to the Communist League by Marx and Engels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey could you help me find the part where it says "post-scarcity utopia" anywhere here? I thought Marx was a scientific socialist who was inherently opposed to the concept of a utopia, but maybe I misread his 1850 Address of the Central Committee to the Communist League or some part of Capital.

>> No.15440233

It's cheap and easy, also a reminder of what I worked hard to stop being and never be again.

>> No.15440240

>actually believes what Marx fed him
Confirmed cultist

>> No.15440241

>what I worked hard to stop being and never be again.
A stable person?

>> No.15440249

I'm surprised he has kids. Got a gay vibe from him

>> No.15440251

No a retard, I mean look at this fucking guy >>15440240

>I support the second amendment
>"No you don't! And neither did Marx!"
>Yes I do and so did Marx, see here
>"No you don't! And I'm going to ignore that!"


>> No.15440255

>having a violent, visceral reaction to the very mention of Marx
Confirmed prole cultist with stockholm syndrome

>> No.15440259


>Orange Fool

lmao it's literally a joke video, if you get offended by this you're a fag

>> No.15440289

>You realize you can agree with somebody's economic analysis without fully embracing their entire policy
No the fuck you can’t, especially not when the people you vote for are totalitarian monsters. What a dumb thing to say. How the fuck is that even suppose to work in your fantasy world? You don’t vote on individual issues. You vote on representatives. If you vote for Jeb Bush, then you’re supporting everything Jeb Bush supports, and denying everything Jeb Bush denies. That’s how democracy works, in case you’re in such a vegetative state that you needed a reminder.

>Please keep coming up with more insane reasons why I don't actually support mass gun ownership and localist militia groups.
I don’t have to “come up” with anything. Why would you need a gun in a post scarcity world, anon? Huh? I think it might be time you get some good ole’ fashioned “re-educating.”

>I'm also curious how in the fuck you might construe republicans as pro gun
I never said anything about Republicans being pro gun. You’re obsessed with your political rivals and this is your conscious speaking. Why do you want to hurt people so badly? Why can’t you just let people live how the fuck they want to live?

>your New York pal Trump
See, by the end even I became a trump supporter. You are a cultist hell bent on systematically oppressing and eventually exterminating those who you’ve been swindled into hating for the cause of the socio-political elites you worship.

Fuck it all. You’re a big gun owner, yeah? Then surely you’re familiar, “from a place you’ll never see, comes a sound you’ll never hear.” I’ll see you at the next Peaceful ProtestTM, anon :)

>> No.15440300

His name is John.

His daughter is less cute now that she's in her tweens. I have a feeling she'll fill out though.

>> No.15440302

Your gaydar sucks

>> No.15440312

Orange Foolius: a dessert fit for a caesar!

>> No.15440314
File: 378 KB, 1103x880, da gubbamint is your fren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please keep coming up with more insane reasons why I don't actually support mass gun ownership and localist militia groups.
If you voted for Biden then it doesn't matter whether *you* support the right to bear arms because you voted for someone who does NOT support the right to bear arms into the highest office of the Executive Branch where he can sign legislation to curtail the right he has openly declared war upon.

>> No.15440327
File: 45 KB, 600x448, A18179FC-3A59-4470-A585-A39465C51C05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any sources you have for proper calibration of a standard-issue Commissariat gaydar would be appreciated. Mine has been on the fritz for years, as I didn’t catch that Kevin Spacey was one, Emperor forgive me!

Wondering if I’m gonna need to purge the bitches I bought my tea taster from. Set is fine, but the Irish breakfast they sent me is fucking powder!

>> No.15440330

>No the fuck you can’t
Are you autistic? Why are you conflating voting for Jeb Bush or any politician really with subscribing to a particular subset of economic theory?

>Why would you need a gun in a post scarcity world, anon
To make sure it stays a post scarcity world but again please read capital because this is like, this is how I would explain communism to a high schooler.

>Why do you want to hurt people so badly?
I believe strongly in hurting people who damage my nation and species.

>See, by the end even I became a trump supporter
Are you now pretending that we weren't just talking about le orange fool? Sick. Are you also I'm guessing about to pretend that you weren't making up statements left and right about me, marxism and gun ownership? Pathetic. Pick a lane and stick with it.

I did not vote for Joe Biden.

>cause of the socio-political elites you worship.
such as who?

>> No.15440336

>This argument is based on a change in material conditions since the days of the old guard communists. For one thing, Marx could never have predicted the kinds of firearms that are manufactured today and the ways they are being used to harm and kill workers. Additionally, Marx primarily spoke of arming organized Proletarian Guards to face off against armed capitalist militias – a problem that was unique to his time and circumstances. Modern leftists face much different challenges.
See? Even some vile communists can be honest from time to time, albeit within the parameters of their echo chambers but I’ll take any honesty I can get out of you “people.” Marx didn’t advocate mass gun ownership like what the 2A intends. Marx advocated for gun owning “militias” that would certainly be controlled and used by the state elites as a strong arm for their totalitarian wet dreams to come to fruition. What kind of little podunk town of redneck white men would dare oppose the rule of law when there’s a small army of devout cultists just down the road itching for the go ahead to open fire on the insubordinate rednecks?

>> No.15440354

Stop, do you honestly believe that "non-compete.com" is the intellectual vanguard of all Marxists?

The 2nd Amendment quite literally advocates for the formation of militia groups with individual gun ownership being simply assumed and even required by law in some states.

How do you know so little about America, the constitution, Marxism and cooking all at once?

>> No.15440355

We need a Dairy Girl and Ivy thread

>> No.15440362

Holy shit, I had never heard of this website so I had to look a little. This is fucking Youtube shit isn't it? This is a fucking youtuber's website. Jesus christ man. Look I've read Sowell, have you even read Marx? This is pathetic.

>> No.15440364

>Why are you conflating voting for Jeb Bush or any politician really with subscribing to a particular subset of economic theory?
Because it’s not convolution you fuck, that’s how democracy works. Again, you don’t get to vote for issues, you get to vote for representatives. Your vote for them is your endorsement of each and every one of their policies whether your brain dead ass recognizes that or not.

>To make sure it stays a post scarcity world but again please read capital because this is like, this is how I would explain communism to a high schooler.
That’s not an answer. If the world is post scarcity, there should be no real reason for gun ownership, private or otherwise. We would be living in a veritable utopia. When there is no need or want, there cannot be violence, as violence is born solely of need and want.

>I believe strongly in hurting people who damage my nation and species.
Aka, people who don’t want their money redistributed and don’t want to live life with the sole purpose of being a tax paying slave cuck?

>Are you now pretending that we weren't just talking about le orange fool? Sick. Are you also I'm guessing about to pretend that you weren't making up statements left and right about me, marxism and gun ownership? Pathetic. Pick a lane and stick with it.
The fuck are you on about, schizo? You’re triggered to fuck that someone dares disagree with you on the internet, yet you think I’m gonna give you control over my ability to own a firearm. Lol.

Lay off the acid kiddo.

>> No.15440366

Lads couldn't handle ourselves 'round the dairy maiden

>> No.15440370

I want her to churn my cum

>> No.15440371

I thought you liked cock in your ass.

>> No.15440385

>Townsend's "tricked" me into buying LARP clothes and supplies
This man has an IQ lower than the temperature in the Arctic.

>> No.15440388

>that’s how democracy works
Stop. At no point did I ever talk about electing Karl Marx to political office or electing any Marxists (there are none in power) to office. I endorsed Marxist economic theory.

>the world is post scarcity, there should be no real reason for gun ownership, private or otherwise
Yes there would be, even in a hypothetical society where resources are no longer scare we might still be at the mercy of external factors like natural disasters, ecological decay, pandemic and while far fetched eventually even extraterrestrial invasion. More realistically it is unlikely we would be able to entirely stamp mental illneses that drive men to murder and steal and seek niches of power. Universal gun ownership would serve as a check to balance this.

>Aka, people who don’t want their money redistributed
Jeff Bezos is not a person. In fact studies indicate that past a certain point of wealth accumulation it is basically a mental illness. Happiness ceases to increase, the ability to recognize emotion in human faces decreases and suicidality increases. It is no concern to me whether Bill Gates wants to redistribute his ill gotten gains, its for the survival and enrichment of the species as well as the short term survival of my precious nation state.

>yet you think I’m gonna give you control over my ability to own a firearm
Again, I am strictly opposed to gun control.

>> No.15440389

Please stop samefagging and just reply once.

Your only argument is “have you read.. because I’ve read..” let me help you understand, I don’t give a shit what faggoty communist bible some 17 year old edge-god stumbled his way through, le redditard.

2A clearly advocates private gun ownership. Authoritarians like yourself have been attempting to convolute it to mean only militias for, well, since it was written. Because people privately owning guns means they might not pay up your bullshit taxes when they have a way to protect themselves. Your “milita rights” are an oxymoron. A group created and directed by the government in an effort to defend the populace against authoirtarian government? The gullibility of leftists never ceases to amaze anyone with even slightly functioning cortexes.

>> No.15440396

>most popular thread on a board
>isn't actually related to the board and is just some political shit
every fucking time, 4chan is dead

>> No.15440406


>> No.15440409

I had to reply twice, it turned out you thought that fucking YouTubers were dictating Marxist theory now. That is fucking amazing.

>“have you read.. because I’ve read..”
Yes isn't that fucking amazing, my arguments are based on the actual theories and theorists we are discussing.

>2A clearly advocates private gun ownership
OK lets talk history, at the time of the constitution's drafting gun ownership was omnipresent. And in some states it was actually illegal not have one. Got me? Ok. The 2nd Amendment then uses the pragmatism of *private* militias as a defensive force as a way to justify the rights of citizens to own these firearms in perpetuity. If you won't read Marx then read some constitutional theory or American history.

You want to tell me why you thought that YouTuber was some kind of respectable theorist? Do you just watch Youtube all day?

>> No.15440414

It reminds me of that one picture in a UK grocery store where it says something along the lines of “Our secretary of health recommends this” in front of a rack of sweets and the picture of the secretary is an obese woman. Not only is the one for US fat, but also mentally ill, therefore not fit speaking on anyone’s health.

>> No.15440419

>Stop. At no point did I ever talk about electing Karl Marx to political office or electing any Marxists (there are none in power) to office. I endorsed Marxist economic theory.
“It’ll be different this time! You just gotta elect one of those not-authoritarian communists that definitely exist because communist economic policy in and of itself isn’t inherently authoritarian!” God fucking damn lmao.

>Yes there would be, even in a hypothetical society where resources are no longer scare we might still be at the mercy of external factors like natural disasters, ecological decay, pandemic and while far fetched eventually even extraterrestrial invasion.
So you’re gonna use your gun to shoot the hurricanes and aliens? Why are left wing people so entrenched in fiction, I don’t get it.

>Jeff Bezos is not a person
“The taxes won’t effect you anon! Only the rich!” Lol this is getting really sad, le redditard. I’m trying to continue taking you seriously but it’s not really possible at this point.

>I am strictly opposed to gun control
Of yourself and people who support your economic fantasies. Capitalists get the bullet, under any and all circumstances no exceptions.

>> No.15440421

I hate trumptards but I hate socialism and commies more you’re not helping the people you lazy, skinny piece of shit. Post body.

>> No.15440428

>actual theories
Because any theories developed outside of your religious fanaticism aren’t “real” theories.

>You want to tell me why you thought that YouTuber was some kind of respectable theorist? Do you just watch Youtube all day?
For the record, are you denying what they said? You haven’t yet touched on their subject matter, only the fact that they’re apparently a YouTuber.

>> No.15440439

Show us on the doll where Jeff Bezos touched you, anon.

>> No.15440448

>You just gotta elect one of those not-authoritarian communists
Who do you think this is? Sanders? He is not a communist lol. And I explicitly endorsed an American Tito or Lenin. This is sad.

>So you’re gonna use your gun to shoot the hurricanes
No retard, a hurricane would disrupt the distribution of supplies which would result in localized scarcity and conflict.
yeah its about as unlikely as achieving a post scarcity utopia, which is why it is bizarre you think that's a cornerstone of marxist theory rather than an abstract end point more accurately defined as worker ownership of the means of production.

>Capitalists get the bullet, under any and all circumstances no exceptions
If by capitalists you mean the 1%er lizards who own ungodly amounts of capital then yes. They get the bullet. Regular people should get as much aid and help as can be possibly given.

>Because any theories developed outside of your religious fanaticism aren’t “real” theories.
What are you talking about? No anon I am just informing you that Karl Marx was not a youtuber lmao

>For the record, are you denying what they said?
Denying what specifically? This is getting retarded. Again, I completely endorse the mass arming of the working class now and in perpetuity.

My economy, my digital commons, my national security sector and my environment :(

>> No.15440526

>Who do you think this is? Sanders? He is not a communist lol. And I explicitly endorsed an American Tito or Lenin. This is sad.
I was being facetious, retard, there is no such thing as a not-authoirtarian communist/socialist because socialism/communism is inherently authoritarian. I can’t believe I have to say that out loud.
>it’s about as unlikely as achieving a post scarcity utopia, which is why it is bizarre you think that's a cornerstone of marxist theory rather than an abstract end point more accurately defined as worker ownership of the means of production.
There it is! A nugget of truth! It’s not about the money. Other people have things that you want, and you plan to take those things by force. See, is being truthful that hard?
>If by capitalists you mean the 1%er lizards who own ungodly amounts of capital then yes. They get the bullet. Regular people should get as much aid and help as can be possibly given
Ah good so your down to cap all those rich (((liberals))), anyways, how is “regular people” defined? Is that anyone whose not delegated by a special marking of some sort to signify allegiance to “the cause?”
>What are you talking about? No anon I am just informing you that Karl Marx was not a youtuber lmao
And? Why are you talking about Marx as if he is some holier than thou, mystic figure? He’s not a god, religious faggot, he was a bitter, unbathed, STI ridden druggie loser who swindled a bunch of gullible idiots like your pick of any other two-bit cult leader. Not a successful youtuber.
>Denying what specifically? This is getting retarded. Again, I completely endorse the mass arming of the working class now and in perpetuity.
Again here you’re running from addressing what they said and simply repeating over and over that they’re apparently a youtuber in a pathetic attempt to avoid the subject matter via simple ad hominem. Can normal people not develop and discuss theory? Or are those the pursuits of the elite?

>> No.15440535

>I was being facetious, retard
it must be a strange experience for you to be talking over someone's head like this.

>> No.15440550

Eh living in a college town it’s a perpetual occurrence in my head. I just don’t often vocalize it because I’m usually not one for masochism.

>> No.15440555

Imagine being in the 18th century and working the farm all day while the beautiful Dairy Girl churns butter. As you’re ploughing the fields, you tire and take a break only to look up across the field as she churns butter on the brisk spring day. You smile at her and you can feel a sense of calm begin to grow, as her head is down and brows furrowed while working the churn as it stiffens up from the butter. The bangs of her hair are peaking out from under her bonnet when one falls over her face and she briefly stops to fix it with a sense of frustration. She brushes it to one side and tucks it back underneath, when she notices you staring at her with a smile on your face. A loving smile grows across her face as she relaxes a bit before going back to churning butter with a restored sense of energy and happiness. You finish resting as well and feel vigor and warmth from the Dairy Girl’s smile.


>> No.15440557

Thankfully, those were the last chores for both of you. And as you finally sit down inside with your muscles aching and a drink in hand, she takes you in back to the bedroom. As she lovingly embraces you, she sits you down in a chair and begins to undo your pants. The scent of straw, sweat, and butter on her is welcoming after the long day if work. She begins to massage and stroke your shaft with some butter still left on her hand. While not enough to properly lube, it still provides a nicer sensation then your own dry and more calloused hand. Just before you’re about to finish, she stops with an almost sixth sense about it and begins to take off her clothes as you calm down. Her breasts are petite but perky, and have cute little pink nipples that point towards you. She stops and gets on her knees before she takes you inside her mouth. She giggles, and before you can ask anything, she explains that you taste buttery from her hands. She lovingly pays attention to all sides of you as she licks all nooks and crannies of your penis. After what felt like an eternity in heaven, she once again senses you about to cum again and pulls you out at the last minute. She sits up as you splatter cum all over her supple breasts and chest. Before cleaning up and pulling up her dress, she catches you off guard with a kiss and the taste butter on her lips.
Life ain’t too bad in the 18th century.


>> No.15440571

>I was being facetious, retard
Ah merely pretending to be retarded, ingenious

>It’s not about the money
It has literally always been about *capital* in Marxist theory. Capital is monetary but also includes resources and the whole sum of wealth included in a given business. That's a very slimmed down definition. Nobody is trying to trick you, you just don't seem to understand Marxism.

>Ah good so your down to cap all those rich (((liberals))),
Oh Christ please tell me those are irony parentheses and not a declaration of your missing chromosomes. Regular people would extend to the working class and it's allies, but assuming I would be in some kind of leadership position 24/7 to dictate hypothetical wartime policies is asinine. This again part of why I support localist militia groups organized by neighborhoods and communities which are organically class based.

>Why are you talking about Marx as if he is some holier than thou, mystic figure?
He isn't and I'm not, I'm explaining to you that there is a difference between a youtuber with a patreon account and an economist who completely changed the course of history and economic as well as historical theory.

>Again here you’re running from addressing what they said
Tell me what you want me to respond to and I will, literally just reply to this point with the specific text and stop being vague

oh god lmao are you a college kid? That's why you thought the youtube guy was important isn't it? Because you're surrounded by other college kids who probably take him seriously? I'm sorry for your situation but for the love of God educate yourself.

David Harvey has a free lecture series on capital intended as a companion piece but honestly just watching the introduction would help you form much better arguments grounded in reality. Not saying you would need to agree with Marxism, but that this would enable you to actually discuss it.

>> No.15440640

>Oh Christ please tell me those are irony parentheses and not a declaration of your missing chromosomes
Do your violent fantasies include wealthy ideological companions or not, anon? It’s a simple question.
>Regular people would extend to the working class and it's allies, but assuming I would be in some kind of leadership position 24/7 to dictate hypothetical wartime policies is asinine
What is the “working class?” That’s what I’m asking you to define dumbass. Also it’s hilarious that you’re willing to say it’s only the working class but then immediately follow that up by saying “well idk I’m not in charge so it’ll be whoever’s in charge decides is regular people.” That’s great, that’s great.
> He isn't and I'm not, I'm explaining to you that there is a difference between a youtuber with a patreon account and an economist who completely changed the course of history and economic as well as historical theory. He isn't and I'm not, I'm explaining to you that there is a difference between a youtuber with a patreon account and an economist who completely changed the course of history and economic as well as historical theory.
You’re literally worshipping him here anon. He is your(a) god, and you’re actively putting him above the “regular” people. How the fuck do you not see how this happens? I just can’t wrap my head around religious cultism
>Tell me what you want me to respond to and I will, literally just reply to this point with the specific text and stop being vague

>> No.15440649

I already did and you outright ignored it, but sure you got me I’ll type it out a second time. You said Marx is pro private gun ownership. This person says it was never about private gun ownership and Marx really only supported “militia’s” with the context that he wanted to use them against the evil, wicked capitalists. Which is true, and which you have so far failed to recognize because your incorrect understanding of the philosophy of someone you worship would be quite humiliating for you to actually come to terms with

>> No.15440718

>the Jewish nigger [Ferdinand] Lassalle….It is now completely clear to me, that, as proven by the shape of his head and the growth of his hair, he stems from the Negroes who joined the march of Moses out of Egypt (if his mother or grandmother on his father’s side did not mate with a nigger). Now this combination of Jewry and Germanism with the negroid basic substance must bring forth a peculiar product. The pushiness of this lad is also nigger-like.

>Indian society has no history at all, at least no known history. What we call its history is but the history of the successive intruders who founded their empires on the passive basis of that unresisting and unchanging society

>the Spaniards are completely degenerated. But in the presence of a Mexican, a degenerated Spaniard constitutes an ideal. They have all the vices, arrogance, thuggery and quixoticism of the Spaniards to the third degree, but by no means all the solid things that they possess.

>The Jews of Poland are the smeariest of all races.

>> No.15440749

>Marx at one point admitted to Engles: “Every day my wife says she wishes she and the children were safely in their graves, and I really cannot blame her, for the humiliations, torments, and alarums that one has to go through in such a situation are indeed indescribable.” It did not seem to dawn upon Marx that he was most to blame for their poverty and misfortune.

>> No.15440818

>Do your violent fantasies include wealthy ideological companions or not, anon?
Wait were you sincerely asking? Well number one I'm a Marxist, not a liberal so they're not my friends. Furthermore I really place much more value on class realism than I do professed sympathies from the wealthy.

>What is the “working class?”
Ok again this is why you should really stop watching youtube and read marx, the working class is the class of people who do not control the means of production and must sell their labor as a commodity. So in Marxist theory anon we would say that Jeff Bezos is a part of the bourgeoisie which does not work but owns, and that the workers of amazon are the proletariat which does not and so must work.

>well idk I’m not in charge so it’ll be whoever’s in charge decides is regular people
genuine question are you autistic? I can't simply will myself into a leadership position and furthermore there is *no* organization to lead. Again why I advocate for neighborhood and community militia groups which would be class based by virtue of their localism. This is very simple anon, it's actually the basic model used for early Little League by Carl Stotz.

>You’re literally worshipping him here anon
No im literally not and I'm a Christian but I'm sure that'll upset you more. "Regular people" haven't put out a complete body of economic theory that I can study and agree or disagree with. Agreeing with the theories of a person doesn't equal worship, I'm sure you have some kind of political persuasion and you would be a moron to assume it came to you from thin air. Things have sources.

>> No.15440829
File: 57 KB, 449x491, ey2TuAJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You said Marx is pro private gun ownership. This person says it was never about private gun ownership and Marx really only supported “militia’s” with the context that he wanted to use them against the evil, wicked capitalists.
Oh christ seriously? That's what you meant? Sure ok, he is wrong I think that has a lot to do with him a PMC whose entire youtube grift is predicated on a depoliticized and vaguely "leftist" coalition of liberals who donate money to him.

First, you have to go 4 "arguments" deep on his page to even get to Marx. And once there he does not quote the man or his material, he summarizes Marx' points then declares "that things have changed since the cold war". Frankly his idea that class struggle is nonviolent and requires passivism from the proletariat today is wholly revisionist. He decries the radicalization of the military when the process of doing so has been a part of the most successful revolutions in history. He claims that an AR-15 will do nothing against a drone, which is sort of true but also completely ignorant of modern warfare. That is to it is extremely easy for civilians to purchase and convert recreational drones into bombers, which we actually saw in Syria and Libya just recently.

Again I really wish you would stop trying to educate yourself with the same surface level knowledge of marxism that clearly agitates you in your college town. You would be much better equipped to defend yourself if you even briefly engaged with marxist theory at the source rather than secondhand grifters and radlibs.

>> No.15440889

>a thread about some youtuber has turned into a discussion of Marxist philosophy
What the fuck even is this website.

>> No.15440901
File: 417 KB, 1082x1633, 511BD0DA-C56F-4C0D-B579-2CF7EA37D110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15440914

Also I’m done playing with you. Go back to retarddit and spew some fictional filth there among your faggot comrades. I’m gonna enjoy stomping your head into a bloody mess, accelerate.

>> No.15440918

>which does not own
mea culpa

I would like for you to google "The Panic of 1857" then you should look into Marx' work with the Tribune and how he had to leave his decent paying newspaper position out of ideological disputes regarding the US civil war. Marx championed the Union and spoke fondly of the Republican party's efforts.

It's a side note, but did you know there were a number of German marxists in the Union Army?

I swear to God if you just read the material instead of memes you would such a smarter person lol, this is an embarrassment and a completely baseless claim. "Communism" is not a school of thought derived from "socialism".

In fact, what you're describing here a kind of theological basis and understanding of economics is less present in orthodox Marxism and more what we see in Prosperity theology under capitalism.

>> No.15440921

Then why are you in this thread?

>> No.15440927

Anon look man, I was a dumb kid once too and I did the saaaame thing you just did. Really, I was genuinely in your position. It's ok to be wrong.

Do a little more research and you will one day be able to respond to me as an equal; and I *genuinely* believe that because you clearly have some kind of zeal here. Just try to hone it ok? At least become informed opposition and not a useful idiot.

God bless, sorry if I made you feel small. I'm going to go for my run as well then.

>> No.15440929

Fuck the left fuck Biden fuck Harris and fuck commies. Trump may not be in the office but 80 million American Patriots know he was cheated and know he is the real President. You may have won through underhanded tactics but you will never defeat the conservative traditionalist ideology. MAGA.

>> No.15440940
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>impaling based Sleeper Joe won't pull the trigger on the Great Awakening
WWG1WGA, the Patriots are behind you Mr. Biden!!!

>> No.15440974

I’m laughing at you, and how absurdly pathetic you are. The straws just aren’t there. What are you even grasping at?

>> No.15440983

You would need to be much more specific if you sincerely wanted an answer, what part are you confused about? Please hurry because I wont be here for much longer

>> No.15440996

I’m cut from a cloth the likes of which will never touch your skin. You’re nothing like me. Going on a run huh? Post body then faggot, let’s see the athletic specimen that is the atypical tweenage communist.

>> No.15441011

OK, I will post body if you don't mind going first. I request this because I have been very acquiescing and even apologized for upsetting you in addition to the fact that I will be banned for posting tits on a blue board if I am not already due for a ban due to posting off topic. While I enjoy the breaks, im not looking for one right now.

>> No.15441012

This whole communist schizo ranting stuff. What do you think you’re going to accomplish that every other million in one tweenage commie edge lord hasn’t accomplished? You’re wrong, and I’m right. If you don’t want to believe me then that’s fine, we’ll fight to see who gets their way. What else needs to be said, super solider?

>> No.15441017

Also dont put yourself down. I know I was being shitty to you earlier but we are cut from the same clothe, we're both children of God and I'm guessing you're probably proletariat too. I don't hate you.

Ok what *specific* part of the schizo ranting then? Anon please I am being so generous

>> No.15441024

Holy fuck who the hell actially communicates like this?
This reads like something I would have written at 14 trying to sound smart/mature on the internet.
I wish this were intentional satire because it would be beautiful.

>> No.15441026

Schizo ranting to avoid posting body. Riding down the frozen food section in a Walmart fat-fuck electric buggy doesn’t count as a “run.” I never knew the act of running had real larper’s out here. Fuck.

>> No.15441028

Me, I do. I'm pretty sincere.

No I was serious. But i guess you weren't. It's ok man, I hope you get stronger.

>> No.15441033


>> No.15441047

No, I own means of production like a wood lathe and a lawn mower and a car I use for work. As well as many tools of many trades, all of which will remain in my garage and will not be “seized” by anyone, ever. They’ll be inherited by my children, who will do the same as I. We’ll be keeping that wealth in our family for a loooong time to come.

>> No.15441061

Weren’t you suppose to post body, you big runner/lifter/gun owning tough guy? We’re all waiting with bated breath to see the teeth behind the yelping dog. Is your camera not working or something like that?

>> No.15441063

why are Trumptards so fragile?

>> No.15441067

I'm sorry are you trying to tell me that you own basic home improvement tools and a car or are you saying you have a small lawncare business? It doesn't matter I guess. I got my wireless headphones set up finally, I gotta dash.

David Harvey is a good resource, Marx' work can be found for free online dont pay for it and I personally highly recommend his Civil War writings not from a Marxist POV but from the perspective of someone who loves American history.

Well actually I asked my friend to post there's first because I will be banned for posting breasts on a blue board but then he got upset and brought up his lawn mower. And now I'm kind of out of time unless the thread happens to still be up when I'm done, which I'm not opposed to.

>> No.15441099

You’re really afraid to post body aren’t you, wonder why. Maybe it’s because you’re a fat grotesque fuck?

>> No.15441119


>> No.15441125

Because we lost and now have to re evaluate our position in the world. Honestly I think we are doing ok. Better than the hilldawgs of 2016. More strength. More resilience

>> No.15441224

Embarrassing indeed. Why would you talk yourself up as the jacked antifite super solider marathon sprinter if in reality you’re just a morbidly obese, gaming-chair inhabitant? Just be honest with yourself. You can lose weight if you’re a fat fuck, but you can’t gain back the dignity that you sacrifice when you tell bold faced lies.

>> No.15441517

I came back and you havent even posted your body yet man, cmon. Are you ashamed, do you actually want me to go first? I dont know how to convey to you that I absolutely will, i just cant stand when people ask for that then dont pay in kind. Its a perversion of the intent. A little good faith is all im asking for here lol and i already apologized to you making fun and teasing, I shouldn't have riled you up like that. It was rude.

>> No.15441531

Do you want me to give you a throwaway email? We can share our bodies there in private if it makes you nervous to do it here and I wont catch a ban this way. We can even continue our conversation. You obviously have some spunk in you and I do respect passion, I would feel bad if I didn't at least offer.

>> No.15441565

for me, it's everlasting syllabub.

>> No.15441599

There was no controversy, and even if there was its 3 years old. You fucking child.

>> No.15442753

>some retarded youtube who claims to be a communist made a claim so that's what you all think!!!!
Imagine if I said all liberals were Sargon of Akkad lol

>> No.15442757

>implying most of the trump admin that lives off of BAP writings isn't also, to some degree, mentally ill
I care about competency

>> No.15442970

I think you mean niggers son

>> No.15442986

Wait is every capitalist *not* a devotee of the Mad Money guy?

>> No.15443025

stop talking like a normie retard

>> No.15443526

why did you even like him in the first place?

>> No.15443544

Clearly. That's why you entered the thread and posted in it.

>> No.15443572

fraid not, kiddo
>t. commie

>> No.15443610

He only meant to scare her, he didn't know it would go so horribly wrong. It's not his fault.

>> No.15443690

Why is this still up but the Babish/Sohla one got nuked?

>> No.15443709

Unfathomably based

>> No.15443731
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You...you realize he has multiple children right? With a woman?

>> No.15443970
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Anyone tried this one? Is it any good? I'd imagine just burning the fucking onion.

>> No.15444160

George Washington's greenhouse literally had oranges, limes, lemons, etc in 1799, dear. Now go to bed.

>> No.15444163

I did. I mean, it's a roasted onion. It tasted like a roasted onion. I like onion but as it turns out, not enough to just eat a roasted onion in its entirety on its own.

>> No.15444191

the power of townsends

>> No.15444196

having children is the ultimate way for a gay guy to pretend he's not gay

>> No.15444199

Oranges are not tropical, and navel oranges are indeed a winter crop.

>> No.15444200

>2016 Corrupt plutocrat who hates America and will get them killed in more wars vs buffoon who likes America and won’t start wars
>2020 Corrupt is plutocrat who is a pedophile and is beholden to China vs President buffoon who is neither

Yeah I totally don’t see it...

>> No.15444203

>buffoon who likes America and won’t start wars
He literally almost started one in Iran lol

>> No.15444225

but he didn't start any wars retard

>> No.15444319

You act like this is some colossal achievement vs 4 years of kowtowing to israel

>> No.15444339

it sure is when Israel wants iran wiped out, also thanks for agreeing he didn't start any wars

>> No.15444360

It really is pretty hard to stave off the warmongers for four years. The US arms industry is huge and powerful, and wants to maintain its market.

>> No.15444362

>sure he gave all of our resources to GREATEST ALLY and fucked over the country when we were getting destroyed in a pandemic (something every single politician would do) but he's still better than the others!!
cry me a river

>> No.15444379

>push the zion don meme
shill detected
have you looked at Joe's cabinet btw? it's *very* kosher.

>> No.15444421

Look at him. He doesn't care about faggy social media and politics. He just wants to share 18th century cooking.

>> No.15444936

I don't care if Biden has jews in his cabinet, I care about the US government consistently kowtowing to a foreign government that grants us nothing in return. American jews aren't automatically zionist sleeping agents.

>> No.15444979

A lot of them were MA(GA) chud militia larpers, though. They were basically 18th century national guard with little formal training until my nigga Baron Friedrich rolled up on the scene

>> No.15444980

They are in a sense. They may not explicitly support it, but they have nothing to lose by not defying it.

>> No.15445003

of course not
they are wide awake

>> No.15445009

>They are in a sense
Not any more than the christian boomer politicians who still give all our fucking money to israel. I don't really care about the whims of random jews in that scheme.

>> No.15445245

He's the son in
>Townsend's and Wife's Son

>> No.15445445
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Where did this meme come from where people think that America wages war instead of just drowning your country in CIA spooks, sanctions, special forces and drones? Trump's administration was a bumbling mess of aggression in all the wrong places and the government can do all that without declaring "war". This isn't the 1800s anymore lmao

No no anon pay no attention to Israel as a moneyhole and ad hoc colony of western construction, real estate and weapons developers. It's a based and redpilled ethnostate for Jews, don't you want a based and redpilled ethnostate? Eat the bugs white man and we'll starve the darkies for you, only race matters, you have so much in common with Bill Gates' skin tone! It's your privilege whitey to be this superior, pay no attention to the capitalist devils in the shadows.

>> No.15445456
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>Better than the hilldawgs of 2016
yeah. right

>> No.15445460

I only voted for him in 2016 because my dumbass didn't know enough about Sanders and history yet to distinguish between patriotic American populism and a New York elite who swears and says "working class" sometimes.

>> No.15445483

It's not exactly anything new. It goes great as a side dish with just about any fatty meats.

>> No.15445752

Wasn't even near the inauguration, it was in the 4th of July which is even more pathetic.

>> No.15447027

not american but why would that be pathetic

>> No.15447045

you wouldn't understand

>> No.15447060

This shit is more often made to bait poltards rather than by poltards themselves.

>> No.15447678

take your meds, schizo.

>> No.15447849

so he's not only a cringe asperber that likes to play dress up, but he's also a libtard.

>> No.15447937

You're clearly from there LOL

>> No.15448252

Ditch the reddit as fuck, false voice of reason open-mindedness. You know as well as I do why that's alarming. You don't put a tranny in charge of something like that for the same reason you don't let one help your kid get dressed for swimming lessons. You cannot trust them. Their normal cannot be allowed to be enforced over true normal.

>> No.15448340

stop spamming this you retarded faggot

>> No.15448349

cringe defense

>> No.15448362

This meme is retarded, those who perpetuate it are retarded, and I wish you were dead.

>> No.15448368

I strongly recommend you kill yourself, you culinarily, historically, and botanically retarded faggot.

>> No.15449052

Can you share your physique with me bro

>> No.15449102
File: 7 KB, 223x226, cease.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scan through shit thread
>Oh look another dumb fucking orange fool th-
jesus fucking christ what is going on here. It's like /fit/ and /pol/ had an ass baby and shat it out all over /ck. Jesus fucking christ, fuck of and die, kill yourselves, self terminate something anything

>> No.15449129

Citrus fruits are winter fruits anonymous.
I've got like 5 oranges I stole from my neighbors tree right now.

>> No.15449755

Is this about the Orange Fool thing?
Look at it this way - he isn't a solo act. His channel is a group of people working around him.
If you genuinely believe this man and his crew, who run a successful, well-managed and high-quality educational history and cooking show, were ass-wide-open retarded enough not to see how any backlash could've been caused by their choice of dish for the occasion - sure, fine.

If you're a remotely sensible person you'll realise it was intended as a jab and they misjudged their audience.

>> No.15449782

how do you figure it's well managed if he's always making himself cry with it?

>> No.15449790

>remotely sensible person
where the fuck do you think you are
this board is literally /pol/-lite

>> No.15449821

extremely based of him

>> No.15449890

Yes but I would strongly prefer it if you went first for reasons previously mentioned or otherwise gave me an indication you'd follow up in kind; such as accepting to discuss less publicly so there's no pressure on you. Let me know, I measured very pleasing progress with my whr this week so now is not a bad time!

>> No.15450796
File: 1.30 MB, 1181x787, Napoleonbakelse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a drama queen.

Go back to facebook with some vague booking and go talk smack about something "problematic" on tumblr.

just stay outta these here boards plix.

>> No.15450889

Let's get this stupid fucking thread onto the tray

>> No.15450897

>You don't put a tranny in charge of something like that for the same reason you don't let one help your kid get dressed for swimming lessons
You know they're not all child rapists, right? Statistically the person doing weird shit to your kid is gonna be a "normal" person. Regardless, letting a stranger near your kids is completely different than someone in a position in the government.

>> No.15450906

I don't particularly want to post my personal info or physique on /ck/ but if you want to exchange personal info (Assuming you even come back to check this thread b4 archive), I suppose you can email me at p/a/ragondeku@gm/ail.c/om without the slashes