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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15427716 No.15427716[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

do germans really eat a whole loaf of hot dog meat?

>> No.15427720

that looks revolting.

>> No.15427722

That looks delicious

>> No.15427734
File: 115 KB, 1024x743, leberkässemmel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15427737

leberkassemmel is the best

>> No.15427740

Where's the sauce?

>> No.15427743
File: 30 KB, 480x480, hndlmaier_ser_hausmachersenf_im_glas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right here

>> No.15427745

in my balls

>> No.15427755

Phew, if you were eating that shit dry I'd be worried.

>> No.15427810
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Don't forced the sunny side up egg on it.

>> No.15427834

So it's spam?

>> No.15427880

that hot dog loaf looks pretty good

>> No.15427977


>> No.15428078

Looks like a tasty version of spam.

>> No.15428158


>> No.15428173

i wish i could get this in poland

>> No.15428378

looks like a baked sponge

>> No.15428479

Just try a thicc slice of bolognia sausage, ideally fried till warm. Put up a runny egg on top, some sweet mustard if you can find that and ideally some pretzel buns, but normal ones will do just fine.

>> No.15429167

a dish worthy of a pole

>> No.15429193

It's bologna.

>> No.15429196

Yes their food is trash like all of their retarded culture

>> No.15429206

t. brit

>> No.15429228

These are famous for containing mystery meat.

>> No.15429230
File: 57 KB, 550x467, 16086357977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we lost two world wars and still are #1 in europe

>> No.15429255

based kraut bros

>> No.15429298
File: 2.00 MB, 2500x1931, polish cuisine smol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't complain about the polish cuisine. Pierggi with Baszczschtzcstvklbkj are actually my Leibspeise.

>> No.15429358

Yes, in one sitting without remorse.

>> No.15429370
File: 88 KB, 1030x579, finland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is from finland

>> No.15429373

>bacon, pork, and corned beef

dare I say keyed

>> No.15429405

i'm guessing this is just a high quality processed hunk of meat. much different than an american hot dog which is just salt + pig anus. you just can't consume large amounts of those at one time unless you are swallowing them whole

>> No.15429414

Spam is made of pork shoulder and ham. It's almost definitely trim and cuts that doesn't meet visual specifications to sell as hams or pork roast, but it's not literal mystery meat and buttholes like a hot dog is.

>> No.15429417

Yeah, I'm thinking I don't want to hear anyone from Europe critique American cuisine ever again.

>> No.15429424

its all german anyway

>> No.15429432

>when you realize that the thousand year reich was to be a post-nationalist banking and manufacturing powerhouse that could never be challenged again due to the poverty in the rest of europe.

>> No.15429433
File: 59 KB, 720x540, Spam Musubis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Spam musubi. A slice of spam on a bed of rice, wrapped in a piece of dried seaweed. I used to eat this shit all the time as a kid.

>> No.15429459

There is not better place to live. Thank God I was one of the lucky ones to be born in such a beautiful country.
>Muslims meme
Sure suck my dick, I don't care.

Btw one of the cheapest countries in europe for groceries, to keep it /ck/ related.

>> No.15429536

i'd trade it for spain any minute. fuck the weather and the metropoles where everyone has a stick up their arse
we had 6 weeks of sun last year

>> No.15429598

i really like this stuff, but I'm not in Bavaria, so my friends call it 'pussy~mustard'
'cause it tastes like mustard for pussies, and I can't really disagree, 'cause they're kinda right...

>> No.15429602


>> No.15429615

I always have to remind myself that The Usa let their people eat poison because rules and regulations for their food industry would hurt their (((freedom))). Everything they eat, we got a better version of.

>> No.15429620

why would someone put normal mustard on his weißwurst/leberkäs? are your friends retarded?

>> No.15429634

it's mostly one generation of people (the boomers) that fucked everything for us. they went completely balls deep into capitalism and lobbying and it's going to take decades for gen-x and millennials to dig out from all this shit. it's getting easier as the boomers die off, which covid is helping to accelerate actually

>> No.15429642

>hot dog meat
it's called sausage, american

>> No.15430164

for me it's Löwensenf extra, most people here eat Fleischkäs with ketchup though

>> No.15430263
File: 326 KB, 480x501, 15977082_725711610931648_2199690241474353461_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fleischkäs with ketchup though

>> No.15430271

You can't trust the Germans. You think they're slightly uptight but overall normal kind of people, but the next thing they're eating some kind of loaf made from horse anus and they've named it Sheckbockdewock.


>> No.15430273

>whole loaf

>> No.15430291

komm klar

>> No.15430386
File: 83 KB, 570x845, 1601551188875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just wait until i tell you that they like Pizzafleischkäs with ketchup too

>> No.15430404

na dann geh doch scheißen

>> No.15430431

I’m outraged!

>> No.15430488


>> No.15430496

Bist du einer dieser Untermenschen die nach Mallorca auswandern wollen, weil du da mal fett party mit deinem Landjugend Verein gemacht hast?

>> No.15430514


>> No.15430518

does LIDL sell this loaf?

>> No.15430527

if you can get them at penny you can get them at lidl, just not the ones you have to bake yourself. they taste like ass anyways

>> No.15430774

That looks tasty as fuck

>> No.15430778

>hot dog burger
Im fucking horny for this

>> No.15431334

Ya never had newfie steak there b'y?

>> No.15431387

Dude... grab a thing of bologna, cut it thick, and fry it. It's far from life changing, but a little spicy mustard and a roll with some chew to it - semi-poverty never tasted so good.

>> No.15432277
File: 12 KB, 303x261, a3MMMQn9_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just your typical german understanding of polish wording.


>> No.15432508

thats looks so-so

>> No.15433293
File: 95 KB, 800x861, 3f45e00894a488de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lived there for a decade but good lord, you polacks seriously need to readapt th fucking cyrilic script instead of force fucking the latin one.