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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15423116 No.15423116 [Reply] [Original]

$55. NY

>> No.15423149

Egg man at it again. What's the deal?

>> No.15423155

Nice haul OP.

>> No.15423160

I don’t take pictures of my groceries

>> No.15423166

This. What kind of Twitter-tier attentionwhoring is this shit?

>> No.15423175

What, you want him to make an itemized list of his haul? You fucking autists are insufferable

>> No.15423180

>1% milk
What the hell are you doing?

>> No.15423187
File: 317 KB, 653x483, cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>takes pictures of groceries
>calls other people autists
yikes dot jaypeg

>> No.15423188

Yeah, that was an honest fuck up.

>> No.15423194

>frozen mussels
that is disgusting.

>> No.15423195

No. We literally just don't care about him sharing his "haul" beyond the fact that it's a pretty fucking gay thing to do.

>> No.15423198

>no vegetables
>buncha boxed/processed shit

>> No.15423201

What? The 36 eggs didn't annoy you?

>> No.15423203

Eggs are good. Were 53 cents a carton.

>> No.15423204

He's literally got tomatoes
>inb4 tomatohs is fruit
fuck off

>> No.15423207

Man the Bistro style frozen flatbread from Aldi's is really good, have they come back any time recently?

>> No.15423208

It's ok, it happens to the best of us. Seriously though, that would cost more than 55 bucks at a normal grocery store where I live, unless it's Aldi's

>> No.15423212

Nah, homeboy likes eggs

>> No.15423218

eggs are super versatile and extremely nutritious, why are people hating on eggs now?

>> No.15423220

Tomatoes are fruits.
Prove me wrong.

>> No.15423225

I'm hating on 36 eggs at a time.

>> No.15423227

fair point, although I will say, aldi is not known for their produce section and my haul from there would likely look similar. if I need fresh veg I get it from the local produce mart.

>> No.15423229

What if they were on sale? Eggs keep for a long time in the fridge.

>> No.15423237

Those mangos are way underripe and I fear you may miss the 10 second window where they're at their best.

>> No.15423240

36 isn't even a lot. Eggs keep a long time. Pretty sure they sell packs of like 60 at Costco/BJ's

>> No.15423242

It's a fucking imageboard. About food.

>> No.15423249

Impulse buying things because they are on sale is just stupid. Did you check if the tampons were reduced too?

>> No.15423257

>he thinks because something is on sale you should stock up on irrelevant things
Not all of us are brainletts anon

>> No.15423259

>he thinks 36 eggs is a lot
You're a scrawny little twink, right?

>> No.15423262

Don't people buy in bulk in Costco? You know pubs, restaurants, cafes, hotels, etc.

>> No.15423270

why didn't you just buy potatoes and not that nasty ass insta-slop bagged shit

>> No.15423273

Don't Dumbericans put twinkies in their mouths as well as ding dongs.

>> No.15423278

Stocking up on 36 eggs is normal?

>> No.15423292

Patrician taste Aldichad dectected
What part of NY are you from?

>> No.15423313

Do you have an oven, OP?

>> No.15423322

Why not? depending on usage that would be a month's worth of eggs.

>> No.15423355

An egg a day? Why? Can't be for the protein. He has chicken and beans there. That's just buying because they're cheap. What feminine products does he buy when they're on offer?

>> No.15423400

I agree. Try to find some farm fresh in your area. I pay 75 cents a dozen. The difference in taste and quality will change your mind. The yolks are darker, like a real dark orange colour.

>> No.15423524
File: 152 KB, 1024x768, IMG-20210118-WA0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long Island

>> No.15423544

>autistic nitpicking
You know exactly what I meant, faggot. For the ratio of stuff he bought there's surprisingly few whole foods.

>> No.15423550

Maybe he has eggs for breakfast often? Maybe he will bake and it require eggs? Maybe he likes to stir fry left overs with eggs. Obviously if he saw it necessary to pick up three cartons of it he uses them a lot.

>> No.15423566

Can blow through that very quickly if you're into baking.

>> No.15423570

>three cartons of it he uses them a lot.
They're good a long time. Maybe they were just on sale. I got 2/$4 on Eggland's Best today, so i might just make some egg salad or a custard, or just keep it on hand til I figure it out.

>> No.15423574

Looks like he doesn't have an oven.

>> No.15423581

What if he has a dutch oven tho?

>> No.15423582


>> No.15423587

It's not an oven though, is it? It's a pot with a lid.

>> No.15423591

Pretty good, but since I think those shrimp are precooked I gotta give you a 0/10.

It's good to see another Aldi pal here.

>> No.15423592

>a dutch oven is not an oven.
now you've done it...

>> No.15423597


It's called Aldi, not Aldi's you fucking bozo. If you got a takeout pizza would you say you picked it up at Pizza Hut's? Would you say I went to Walmart's? Would you say I like to shop at Whole Foods's?

>> No.15423600

Yes. You're retarded.

>> No.15423606
File: 2.39 MB, 3795x1824, IMG_20210117_170645__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shrimp are raw ez peel
Why do you think I don't have an oven? Pic related
Yeah, I'm already stocked up on produce.

>> No.15423607

A pot with a lid that can be used on a hob. It's not an oven, is it?

>> No.15423609

for fruit and vegetables just hit the aldi dumpsters. they aren't closed off like every other grocery store. filled my freezer with free blanched produced.

>> No.15423613

Eggs last for over a month. 36 eggs isn't even an egg a day. Eggs are healthy and cheap and there's no reason not to eat them regularly.

>Not stocking up when stuff is on sale
Total moneylet move

>> No.15423618

fuck, i just put away my foodbank haul
4lbs fruit
2lb potatos/yams
2lb onions
asparagus/brussel sprouts/cauliflower
7 assorted bags of quality bread
2boxes of almond milk
1lb frozen ground tukey
dozen eggs
1lb hummus
trader joes bbq chicken salad

28oz enchilada sauce
2can peas & can of jam
36pack of diet pepsi
too much string cheese

- i usually just go there for cheese and bread, but ill try and eat all that other stuff.

>> No.15423621

Nothing that you've bought needs to go in an oven. It's all hob cooking ingredients.

>> No.15423629

Do you buy feminine products when on sale? I mean you never know.

>> No.15423630

I take back my previous comment and award your haul a 9/10. Sorry about earlier bro.

Aldi doesn't have the biggest produce selection, but they're one of the few (maybe only) discount grocers that have good produce. The fruit and vegetables are almost always fresh and good quality. You can get some incredible produce deals when they have sales.

>> No.15423643

Has this thread no turned into an Aldi advert?

>> No.15423652

No, because I don't use them. I do buy food that's on sale because I know I'll eat it. I browse the grocery ads each week, see stuff that's on super sale, and stock up and plan meals around great deals. You're a goof if you don't stock up on a ridiculously good deal on anything non-perishable or freezable when you get the chance.

>> No.15423661

>stock up
Are you one of them?

>> No.15423673

No, but I do love Aldi.

>Have 95% of the stuff I want to buy (I use specialty or other stores for the rest of the stuff)
>Stores aren't Xbox huge like most grocery stores
>Cashiers check you out fast and don't try to chat
>Low prices
>Stores brand products are all solid
>Have brand name products too
>Stores are well run and maintained unlike some other discount grocers

>> No.15423696

>Just buying shit at the grocery store no matter how much it costs or whether it's on sale
I bet you're the same guy who starts threads complaining about the cost of groceries.

>> No.15423710

I know this. I shop at at either Lidl or Aldi every week. I just can't understand buying 3 dozen eggs at a time. You do realise you have deprived 2 other families a dozen cheap eggs? Greed is not something that should be bragged about.

>> No.15423724

No. I shop in Aldi too. I just don't go over the top and buy all the stock when it's on sale.

>> No.15423733

Very based

>> No.15423780

Honestly you're a dumbass if you don't do this. Tampons are invaluable for nosebleeds

>> No.15423795

Tampons? Nosebleed? You black?

>> No.15423818

It's nowhere near as bad as one grocery thread from a while ago where it was entirely like Chunky canned soup and canned vegetables and canned beans and then piles of frozen TV dinners with a case of soda.

>> No.15423837

The small ones made for 11 year old girls fit fine

>> No.15423839

Typical ck "grocery" thread:
>9 bags/boxes of generic Great Value frozen food
>48 pack of soda
>3 bags of chips
>4 cans of steel reserve

>> No.15423845


>> No.15423853

I eat twelve eggs a day (you can’t stop me)

>> No.15423863

Based and egg pilled

>> No.15423877

>75 replies
>only one other haul was posted

just delete this board

>> No.15423893

>this little food for so little money

do americans really?

>> No.15423898

What the hell are you talking about? I've never seen Aldi run out of eggs.

I don't buy more than I can fit in my freezer or buy stuff I wouldn't ever use, but it's silly not to stock up on stuff I like to eat regularly when it's on sale.

Keep up the good work anon. Hopefully soon you can achieve Gaston mode.

>> No.15423899

Saves on toilet paper, I guess.

>> No.15423904

Never? Not even when everyone was panic buying?

>> No.15423916
File: 1.40 MB, 3024x4032, aussie prices.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15423924

Back in spring, my Aldi and Lidl was gutted of all products due to panic buying, even though people were told supermarkets would stay open.

>> No.15423936

Tell them the printer on the till is on the blink.

>> No.15423976

I think there were still some eggs, although the store was pretty cleaned out. I only went once when things were really crazy because I keep my kitchen pretty well stocked.

>> No.15424009

>25.00 per kilo

>> No.15424010

buying 36 at a time, I guess you don't need to buy eggs often. My Lidl and Aldi had nothing left, food-wise. Everything was gone. Luckily I have a freezer and had food to fall back on. It was insane.

>> No.15424020
File: 267 KB, 680x677, d74.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brown onion $2.50 each
jesus straya wtf?!

>> No.15424025 [DELETED] 

Justin Trudeau has to fund his socialism some how.

>> No.15424037

Its australia though. Plus who are we kidding, canadian prices are even worse

>> No.15424047

Why are Aussies putting up with these prices? They're borne from criminals. Revert back to your forefathers ways.

>> No.15424050

eggs are good for a long time and if you arent worried about cholesterol you can eat em every day and they cant get old because you can prepare them in so many ways,
tldr eggs are godtier

>> No.15424060

I'm 3 hours away do you want to get pozzed?

>> No.15424062

Show me numerous ways to prepare 36 eggs. Bearing in mind 6 eggs will last me 2 weeks.

>> No.15424071

How tf do two eggs last you two weeks? A normal serving of eggs would be 2-3 eggs. You only eat eggs twice every two weeks?

>> No.15424078

Cashiers there are slow as fuck and are too lazy and fat to even stand. That's the worst part about aldi.

>> No.15424092

>scrambled eggs, fried eggs, eggs on rice, egg soup, put it on ramen, bake with them, stir fried anything. Use it in stuffing, egg salad or any salad, boiled eggs, use them in batters.
That's just what was on top of my head.

>> No.15424099

Man I miss Aldi. Used to get great deals there. I live in Publix land now, and I'm weak for buy one get one deals.

>> No.15424128

>two eggs last you two weeks?
Six isn't two.
And yes, I eat eggs once a week. I also eat meat and beans if I don't have eggs. Now give me pickled eggs, that's an egg a day.

>> No.15424135

You've never been, have you?

>> No.15424152

Are you yanking our chains here? That looks like a lot for only $55. The pizzas and chicken and shrimp are $20.

>> No.15424153

The few aldi I've been to had a bunch of out of portland looking batchelors degree holding but working as a cashier type millenials.

>> No.15424161

Eggs on rice, maybe. Egg soup, no. Ramen, no (I'm and adult), Bake, I don't make cakes, Stir fry, isn't that the same as eggs on rice?, Eggs in stuffing? Batter, I don't deep fry everything.

>> No.15424167


>> No.15424178

No. You can make stir fried noodles. Stir fried veggies. Or even stir fried leftovers which is bomb.

>> No.15424189

I live across the street from one. I don't go because the lard ass cashiers always keep a line of arabs.

>> No.15424203

>stir fried noodles
Isn't that chow mein? I couldn't eat that 36 times a month. Ramen are instant noodles, not noodles.

>> No.15424211


>> No.15424223

The cashiers purposely keep the line full of arabs? How

>> No.15424227

>He's never had egg soup
you missing out

>> No.15424231

I'm really not. Honest.

>> No.15424244

I had it once, the soup wasn't hot enough to cook the egg. It was a total mess.

>> No.15424270

no pic but
>1.5 lb chicken
>2 green peppers
>4 onions
>1 garlic thing
>some dried mangos
>2 cans diced no salt tomatoes
>some crimini mushrooms
>large jar of excellent local yogurt
>some almonds
came to 51$ i think

>> No.15424276
File: 66 KB, 1040x780, sopa-de-huevo-recipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm talking more about this type of soup

>> No.15424283

Ditch the green peppers. Get yellow, orange or red ones.

>> No.15424289

The soup wasn't hot enough to cook the eggs. It's put me off trying it again.

>> No.15424306

They're slow and lazy and arabs love cheap shit so there's always a lot there. It's not that complicated.

>> No.15424373

t. never been to Aldi

>screwing up egg drop soup

>> No.15424414

It was should have been like>>15424276
The soup wasn't hot enough. This was from a restaurant, not home made.

>> No.15424714

green were on sale tho
i go for the color when i can

>> No.15424733

That would easily be 120 dollars or more here in leafland.

>> No.15424797
File: 262 KB, 1176x1364, Canadian prices 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your country is fucked

>> No.15424970

Remember that soviet guy that went to america and saw the grocery stores, then went back to russia and rage quit communism? We are on our way to becoming that guy, but in reverse.

>> No.15425034

not everyone gets into the habit of taking pictures of their groceries when they get home from shopping so that they can post them to a mongolian throat singing web forum
but sure next time why not

>> No.15425125
File: 275 KB, 1200x1155, DihAfKTVMAA0gu0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$5.88 for 30 eggs in Leafland; on sale.

>Drunk Boris Yeltsin was found outside White House in underpants trying to hail cab 'because he wanted some pizza'

>> No.15425143

poor bastard didn't even know they deliver it for you. This is what leftists want.

>> No.15425160

Enjoy meat, animal goods and brand variety while you can fren, no matter the cost. Like life before the coof, you will miss what you once had and took for granted while it was there.

>> No.15425293

Inbred faggots manage to storm your Capitol building
>Y-y-your country is fucked!
Our head of state blackfaces and doesn't afraid of anything.

>> No.15426456

> These are receipts from people who think living in America is bad
Lmfao, I pay a quarter what you do for the same thing after translating to USD

>> No.15426464

Does the rest of the world really fucking pay this much for basic amenities

>> No.15426471

Make pelmeni with 20/20/60 egg/beef/onion, you will thank me

>> No.15427807

just meme countries like Canada and Australia