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15418536 No.15418536 [Reply] [Original]

Why they shilling persimmons so hard?

>> No.15418545

Who is "they"?

>> No.15418550

The voices in his head

>> No.15418552

Because it’s Japanese and anything Japanese is in nowadays

>> No.15418586

its in season

>> No.15418610

the international Nips

>> No.15418618

Nobody is shilling persimmons. They’ve moved on to Skyline Chili.

>> No.15418638

Very short season.

>> No.15418639

unless you have them tree ripened they are shit

>> No.15418685

My grandma used to shill them.

>> No.15418689

>everyone spergs out over how great persimmons are
>try one
what's the appeal?

>> No.15418695

It delicious, especially when dried.
Chewy and incredibly sweet, what dont you like about it?

>> No.15418703

Never had one, just wondering why everyone’s selling them en masse all the sudden.

>> No.15418854

They’re in season dum dum. I want to plant a fuyu persimmon

>> No.15418876

texture of a tomato (worst part about tomatoes) and a sickeningly sweet version of raw tomato flavor

>> No.15418886

Love em. No idea what you ninnies whining about. I could an entire bowl by myself

>> No.15418905

Some kind of minority

>> No.15419257

Persimmons are cum flavored LOL

>> No.15419261

Impossible. My ex gf always said that hollandaise sauce tastes like cum.
I don’t believe hollandaise is made with persimmons.

>> No.15419632

>mom makes persimmon cookies around holiday season every year
My favorite

>> No.15419714

>why don't you buy some persimmons?... just get a few persimmons, we're already at the store... look, they're ripe and all... they're in season, you know...

>> No.15419731

Persimmons are pretty fucking tasty.
So is dragonfruit.

>> No.15419739

Persimmons are good but they're an obnoxious amount of effort to harvest compared to almost literally every other fruit.
They're all gone here. Trees lost their leaves early December and the last of the straggler fruit was gone 3 weeks ago. Just bare trees now.

>> No.15419745

I've noticed they've been shilling this lately too...I thought they were just giant ass tomatoes upon first glance. Never in my 22 years of living have I seen this thing..... It even feels kind of synthetic desu I wouldn't trust or touch it

>> No.15419754
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>my 22 years.

>> No.15419943

your ex gf is a moron, or you have VERY weird cum

>> No.15420036

Fuck I love persimmons so much
Anyone tried growing it before?
How much space do you need and is it worth it?

>> No.15420188

That variety needs to be ripened to the point of being super mushy in order to lose the tannins that cause that. Other varities can be eaten out of hand harder and not have that effect.

>> No.15420194

>22 years
>already fucking schizo about big agri shilling a cooking forum
Hoo, boy, kiddo...

>> No.15420329

I had a professor who had a shit fucking ton. Like so many that he and his elderly wife would prepare large boxes to bring to class and hand them out, 2-3 for everyone. I’m pretty sure if you have a good tree, it’s sort of like growing oranges, except they only grow in late fall. I’m sure you can google for more details but I don’t think it’s very difficult, but growing a tree from a seed or sapling is gonna take you a pretty fuckin long while to see results.

>> No.15420335
File: 70 KB, 500x300, Coffeecake-Persimmon[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coffeecake persimmon is the tastiest fruit on the planet

>> No.15420393

You don't need fuck all of space, they just drop from the tree in like a 10-20 ft radius. You can only eat them after the first freeze but by that time they're so small and concentrated it's like buying frozen oj. Old school homies scour persimminion trees so their wives can make persimmion bread and jam and shit

>> No.15421745

they corp™

same people who are holding the cure to cancer

>> No.15421760

absolutely vile stuff

>> No.15421985

put it in the freezer for a day

>> No.15422764

Grow American Persimmons, they're a native plant and even better than the jap shit.

>> No.15423005

The persimmans

>> No.15423073
File: 446 KB, 1200x900, flatgotgam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They had the flat dried ones at my local Asian grocery store and they're pretty good. I like how the inner flesh becomes a homogenous sweet paste.

>> No.15423406

Honestly persimmons, the big ones at least, are a meme fruit. Takes weeks to "ripen" (fancy word for getting mushy as rotten food) and then you eat them with a spoon like some kind of autist, plus the texture is way too slimy

>> No.15423431

>they're a native plant
Only on the east coast.

>> No.15424011

If you don’t have the space or attention span to set some persimmons aside somewhere and wait for them to ripen, and if you don’t have the brain power to mix them with yogurt and granola if you don’t like the texture, then just go fuck yourself retard.

>> No.15424044

So the old couple in persona 3 won’t kill themselves

>> No.15424067

the cookie cutters like BRAD and McCuck!

>> No.15424082

Audible kek

>> No.15424088

I live in the Midwest and have them

>> No.15424097
File: 76 KB, 744x567, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15424103

Because they're expensive imports.

>> No.15424104

It’s almost like they’re in season and have a decent profit margin for stores.

>> No.15424335

>I’m 22 and know about the world
Zoomers were a mistake. Off yourself.

>> No.15424396

Huh? they taste like pear..

>> No.15424847

Why does persimmons taste like cum?

>> No.15425424

I make a simple persimmon compote and put it over pancakes.

>> No.15425459

Persimmons and Gooseberries taste really good so idk why you're mad about it

>> No.15425551

Dang I haven't eaten those since I was a kid
So soft and sweet at least the greek variety ? Don't even know if they are different varieties

>> No.15425585

because no one would eat them otherwise

>> No.15425877

The Jews!

>> No.15426047

Because it's fall/early winter you retard, that's the fruit's season

(they aren't grown in greenhouses really so they're only around for their actual season)