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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15421714 No.15421714 [Reply] [Original]

Post and discuss cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, snus, snuff, hookah, etc. Discuss your favorite methods of cooking tobacco to improve the flavor

>> No.15421725

First for fuck jannies

>> No.15421746
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Can vape bros join too? This flavor is top notch

>> No.15421747

I much rather spend money and time on a nice hamburger, instead of wasting it and my health on this stupid smoking meme

>> No.15421781

Sure why not, it’ll help us keep the thread bumped

>> No.15421799

Then go make a hamburger thread retard

>> No.15421813
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Any good flavor blends that you guys like to mix?

>> No.15421827

Thanks tobacco fren. I do enjoy the occasional cigar when fishing. I'm considering switching to pipe tobacco instead.

>> No.15421852
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>> No.15421857
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>> No.15421876

i really like that flavour. reminds me of earl grey tea for some reason

>> No.15421886

I’ve never tried hookah, how does it taste and feel compared to vaping?

>> No.15421891
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I the summer while while im cooking on my smoker or if I'm on vacation somewhere in the Caribbean I often smoke cigars, working on stocking my humidor for this summer. Can't wait.

>> No.15421995

oddly it's smoother than vaping and more natural tasting too, kind of easy to nic yourself out if you're not used to heavy nicotine

>> No.15422009

Never had it, it must be good then. I like iy because it doesn't have overly sweet tones. The problem with juice is everyone makes it overly sweet.

>> No.15422015

It's my day 0 of quitting, but I've never heard of cooking tobacco to improve the flavor.
Is there a brand that does this already, or is it like an artisan thing that you do if you smoke a pipe?

>> No.15422060
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/pipe/bro here. Latakia blends are my go to but I've been delving deeper into Va/Pers recently and am also letting myself enjoy an occasional aromatic. H&H White Knight, C&D Blue Ridge, and Cult Blood Red Moon are all standouts in those respective categories.

Pipes left to right are a Savinelli Roma 614, Mario Grandi, and a Capitello Corinzio.

>> No.15422166

That might true, but I feel like tobacco threads are the same as the tranny threads on /fit/ or /v/. It's like a demoralization campaign I am compelled to shit on.
Doesn't smoking fuck up your tastebuds? It's not really food and cooking friendly is it.

>> No.15422315

It was a joke since faggots come in here and scream
>Tobacco isn’t cooking1!1!1!1!!1!
When cigarettes such as Lucky Strike use toasted tobacco, and dip uses fire cured tobacco, which means this thread is on topic

>> No.15422319

I'm allergic to smoke and it fucking sucks. Anyone else?

>> No.15422324

It's still a consumable item though. There's liquor threads all the time on here, don't see why tobacco shouldn't also be valid

>> No.15422336

>allergic to smoke
You would have died young in the old days if you are allergic to smoke. Interestingly enough humans have evolved to handle campfire smoke quite well for obvious reasons. If you are allergic to tobacco smoke only, then perhaps there is a byproduct from it's combustion that disagrees with you.

>> No.15422407
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>> No.15422410

>You would have died young in the old days if you are allergic to smoke
I have thought about this so many times you have no idea. I am allergic to all types of smoke and smoke is not the only thing I'm allergic of. I am basically allergic to humans native environment and I would for sure have died as a kid outside the modern world. It is pretty interesting watching the human dysgenetics from a front row seat to be honest, even though it sucks

>> No.15422441

Got some cigars from Epic.
Only tried the Project E so far, was pretty good.

>> No.15422572

I'm sorry fren, that really is unfortunate and definitely unusual

>> No.15422583

What exactly is your allergic reaction?

>> No.15422590

What is this? Are you a 16 year old girl or an Arab of some kind?

>> No.15422632

It’s likely that if you grew up in a natural environment you never would have developed these allergies in the first place. A lot of these autoimmune conditions are a product of our increasingly sterile environments. People don’t get enough exposure to dirt and bugs and plants as kids.

>> No.15422685

Based. My local smoke shop sells Ethiopian Royals for 14$ a pop. Never tried 'em, but the guy can't keep them stocked for long enough it seems. So they must be good.

>> No.15422729

Any vapefags in here? I have a question

>> No.15422755

Where my lakeland chads at? Doin some 1792 flake in a cob.

>> No.15422756

Just double checked online, they're called "The Tabernacle" by Foundations. There's also a blend called Melik that got a lot of praise.

>> No.15422757
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I've been wanting to enjoy a pipe session lately as the winter months kick in. Any recommendations on a first pipe, types of tobacco and good sites to order from? I really enjoy vanilla, oak, dark chocolates, citrus and things that go well with those sort of flavor profiles. Seems like there's so much variety I'm not sure where to start. That being said I'm willing to put forward a bit of cash upfront as this will be something I enjoy on occasion but not with extreme consistency, so I'm ok with spending a bit more.

>> No.15422772

>What exactly is your allergic reaction?
my eye swells up to the point I'm almost unable to open them. Just have a small slit to see through like a gook. It's not the eyes themselves that swell, but the skin around

>It’s likely that if you grew up in a natural environment you never would have developed these allergies in the first place
Maybe, maybe not. I do know that I would die at birth without modern medicine though, which makes me think I am just a dysgenetic person that lives because of technology, but would have been culled in a natural environment already at birth. Don't forget that child mortality used to be 50% not long ago, now it's less than 1%. A lot of bad genes that would be culled are now passed on. This is in my opinion the reason for all of the fucked up things that's happening in the world right now. It is fucked up people that survived naturally

>> No.15422780

Wtf is this? Chewing tobacco or pipe tobacco or what? Those labels are very strange. It’s like they’re not allowed to have labels that appeal to children but they still tried to do it within the parameters of the law lol.

>> No.15422782

>It is fucked up people that survived naturally

>> No.15422804

Corn cobs are very cheap, lightweight, and reliable, so I would recommend starting with one of those. A lot of tobaccos are a blend, my first was a vanilla blend and they can be quite good.

>> No.15422816

>demoralization campaign
Ah yes, the cigarettes are the real demoralizing factor in this den of treachery and sorrow. Nearly every post eventually devolves into people calling each other faggots and niggers and kikes then we nod heads and part ways until next time. Welcome newfag.

>> No.15422824

I'm a long time cigar lover but want to get into pipes, any you lads give me some tips, charts, info?

>> No.15422837

It’s hookah tobacco

>> No.15422984

a blend meaning more than one type of tobacco or just additional things added to the tobacco?

>> No.15422986
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Mostly been smoking the more popular Cuban and Nicaraguan brands so far since only been smoking cigars for a few years. Those look pretty interesting. Will have to check if they have any at the local shops, thanks for the info.

>> No.15423004
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Why not both? ;)

>> No.15423078

not to mention many tobacco producers including cigar makers ferment their tobacco, yet another reason for being on topic.

For pipe smokers, how does it compare to a cigar? I don't understand the point of cigarettes at all but I love the taste and buzz of a nice stogie

>> No.15423258

what's your guys favorite brands? Mac Baren? Sutliff? Or do y'all smoke local

>> No.15423344
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What's your favorite cigarette? I like Dunhill Fine Cut Black when I can find them, which isn't often. Otherwise I like American Spirit Black or Camel Turkish Royal. Wish I could still find unfiltered Luckies around here. Also, take the snuspill if you haven't already.

>> No.15423353

Waiting for my bidenbux to try them myself, will let you know if its worth ordering online.

>> No.15423452

Someone shill me a good humidor, not looking to spend more than $40

>> No.15423488

At that price point your best bet is to get some Boveda packs and make a "Tupperdor." Stupid name, I know.


>> No.15424049

Is it possible to get foreign cigarettes in the US?

Marlboro Red, Gold, Southern Cut
American Spirit Black, Blue, Hunter, Orange, Yellow, Orange, Light Green
Lucky Strike (unf)
Camel (unf)

Favorites: American Spirit Yellow, Marlboro Southern Cut

Anything else worth trying in the US?

>> No.15424074

Do you mean is it possible to buy cigarettes from other countries while living in the US? The answer is yes. You will probably have to go to a specialized tobacco store. Where do you live in the US? I can recommend a place if you're in Ohio. Any variety of Dunhills will taste good, and better than anything domestic in my opinion.

>> No.15424091

No. You must be 18+ to come to this website. Literally 100% of “””vape bros””” are 14 and under. Anybody who vapes and is 18+ is the mental and emotional equivalent of someone 14 and under and are thus banned on moral grounds.

>> No.15424140

>Do you mean is it possible to buy cigarettes from other countries while living in the US?
>You will probably have to go to a specialized tobacco store. Where do you live in the US?
Thanks. I will keep my eye out for a specialty place. In TN currently and somehow doubt there is a specialized shop for that in Mem or Nash, but I make trips up to Chicago.
>Any variety of Dunhills will taste good
Thanks, will grab a pack of whatever looks good if I can find it.

>> No.15424173

A cursory search shows many tobacco shops in Nashville alone. I would call around to some and ask if they sell any premium cigarettes. If you ever drive through Columbus, OH, there's an outdoor shopping center called Easton that has in it a small tobacco shop called The Tinder Box. That's where I buy Dunhills.

>> No.15424209

thanks, I will call around next time I'm in nash. I'm in mem and doesn't seem like anything in the area caters to specialty cigarettes, unless they don't bother specifically advertising on their site. Most places are just your standard corner or strip store.
There's a tinder box in mem but probably no relation to the one you mentioned in Columbus. Seems to mostly be about cigars but may be worth a call.

>> No.15424345

Tfw no good smokes in Canada. Pall Mall tastes like someone pissed on the tobacco. John Player tastes like nothing. Same with Player's but with a denser smoke. DuMaurier is alright but 15+ Canuck bucks per pack is retard and now they're taking away muh vapes. Any suggestions?

>> No.15424480

Cant you go to one of the Indian reservations? They have a huge variety and sell them for dirt cheap

>> No.15424526

I think they closed because of the pandemic. Indians taste like ass anyways and you support human trafficking.

>> No.15424535

>For pipe smokers, how does it compare to a cigar?

I specifically use pipe tobacco (I also smoke a pipe) to roll cigarettes because it's so good.

>> No.15424921

>For pipe smokers, how does it compare to a cigar?
Pipe tobacco as a wider range of flavour
It's a hassle, you need to pack it correctly through a painful process of trial and error and you have to babysit it to keep it light.
I started smoking pipe and while I like the flavor better, but smoking a cigar is a breeze in comparison and i ended up smoking cigars more often.
I only smoke Toscani since I'm from italy and they're not expensive

>> No.15425224
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Good times.

>> No.15425383

is vaporesso a good brand bros

>> No.15425515

Depends on the mod or tank you want to get

>> No.15425554

I got a vape pen for free years ago right when they were introduced. It was in the shape of a cigarette. I was using it in the car one night when my wife looked at me and said, "You look like such a faggot using that. I've never thought you looked like that before." I put the window down and threw the fucking thing out the window going 80 down the I-75 and never touched vaping again.

>> No.15425607

I’ll take “Things that never happened” for $200 Alex

>> No.15425621


>> No.15425657

Why is it so unbelievable? It was given away from a promotion over on the freebies board on (((reddit))). I don't remember the company name. One of hundreds of startups that failed, I'm sure. The cartridges screwed onto the end of the "cigarette" where the filter goes. The end of the "cigarette" had a red LED that glowed whenever you took a drag. We were driving from Mercer County Ohio toward Dayton on the I-75. The fucking thing is probably still on the side of the road, surely grown over by years' worth of grass by now.

>> No.15425675

Alright I believe you now, I just thought it was funny how your wife called you a faggot

>> No.15425682
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Tobacco is not food or cooking.

>> No.15425694

Thanks for the bump, faggot

>> No.15425695

I was pretty surprised, but she was right. She's the type of woman who will push me to be better and this was one of those instances.

>> No.15425707

Your wife sounds extremely based. How does she feel about cigars or pipe tobacco?

>> No.15425732

She's not into tobacco at all, but she doesn't ride me about it because I usually only buy a few packs of cigarettes around Christmas and some cigars sporadically throughout the year. Other times I use snus. I also don't smoke in the house or the car so it doesn't really bother her.

>> No.15425733

what if I made tobacco tea?

>> No.15425775

Any snuff users ITT? Where do you order it (assuming you're American)? Any brand/flavor recommendations?

>> No.15425832

Do you get along with her son?

>> No.15425854

>anon shoehorning his cuckold fantasy into something completely unrelated
Every time.

>> No.15426068

im looking at the Gen mod

>> No.15426085

What is the least processed, least additive-laden form of tobacco? I want to roll up a few but not keen on inhaling all sorts of chemical crap

>> No.15427324

Wish I could find unfiltered Luckies around here.

>> No.15427540

Cigars are pure tobacco leaf with natural tree resin acting as a glue, so they have the least additives. Pipe tobacco is natural tobacco with flavoring added. Same thing with snus, except it’s pasteurized and you put it in your lip instead of smoking it. American Spirit cigarettes are 100% additive free tobacco as well, but they’re still rapped in bleached paper

>> No.15428797


>> No.15428817

take up cigars or pipe tobacco.

>> No.15428830

is there any site that sells japanese pipe tobacco

>> No.15429043

I smoke Cuban cigars too while waiting for the bbq to finish. My favourite are hoyo Monterrey.

>> No.15429384

Do you plan on just buying the mod itself? If you’ve looked at other options and decided you like that one the best then I’d say go for it. Do you use a tank or an RDA?

>> No.15429400

your addiction is not food you nigger

>> No.15429411

tobacco threads are nothing new, newfriend

>> No.15429421

Say that in the alcohol thread

>> No.15429593

Home grown pesticide? I mean if you want but start with a tiny sip

>> No.15430589
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Nice bro, I've tried a couple of the epicure no.1s and really enjoyed them. Lately have been trying some montecristo no. 2s and macanudos. Got some R&J no.2 tubos as well but both were super tight and hard to draw on without a draw tool. What do you usually bbq? I did a lot of ribs last summer and some pork belly burnt ends, pic related.

>> No.15430620

Based and boomerpilled

>> No.15430897
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What is a good first cigar to try for someone who has never smoked anything ever? Wanted to celebrate with a cigar and ive smelled some that smell good.

>> No.15431147

If there is a shop in your area then ask for something mild to medium. Most of the Macanudo Cafe line is mild/mellow and easy to start with. If you have a bit more room in the budget then I would recommend a cohiba siglo i or ii. Be sure to not smoke on an empty stomach and don't let the cigar get really hot (take slower draws and keep a bit of ash on the end). If you do feel sick then keep something sweet nearby as it can help alleviate the sick/dizzy feeling. Oh and don't inhale the smoke.

>> No.15431795

Thanks man! I only knew of the dont inhale but other tips are good to know.

>> No.15433801


My first was an La Aurora 100 Anos with Hennesy.
Great night. Try that brand.

>> No.15434081

Snuschads do you prefer Siberias over Odens?
Here I can only get the white odens and no other flavor but all the Siberias.
Not through e-shops doe.

>> No.15434326

Careful about using the ultra strong shit like Siberia. It'll desensitize you to regular snus if you use it too often.

>> No.15434555

You literally cook snus.
Used to post cook threads here about twice a year, always turned into some hot fight shit or got wiped by jannies.
If you guys have any questions about cooking snus or making snuff, I’d be more than happy to answer them.

>> No.15434782
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new pipe smoker here

Any tips for getting the tobacco to stay lit? I'm having a hard time. I don't know how the hobbits make it look so easy.

>> No.15434849

Checked, and that video was really informative, I never knew you could make it at home from loose leaf tobacco. Is that your channel btw? I subbed

>> No.15434935
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Yeah, just a little passion project.
We have so much good, cheap tobacco in America, and tobacco processing is just a step up in complexity from regular cooking. Definitely easier than something like homebrewing.
Thanks for subbing, I've got some neat shit planned for the near future.

>> No.15434943

Siberia is generally better in quality than Odens, which trends towards dryness. Also, something about the tobacco in the Odens line is a little skunky, whereas Siberia's portions are almost perfect in feel (despite being very strong).
The buzz is also different. I think the tobacco they're using in Siberia is superior in quality to the Odens line (lots of ground stems/midrib, probably).

>> No.15435169

Nice, I remember your snus threads. They were what got me into snus in the first place. Good to see you back, pal.

>> No.15435236

>tfw Zion Don raises the national smoking age to 21 one month before your 18th birthday
Life is pain

>> No.15435246

Ahh, to be young again. Enjoy it while you can.

>> No.15435250

But how can I enjoy it without tobacco?

>> No.15435257
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Pipe tobacco has to be relit occasionally. It's just a fact of life.
To get the best possible smoke with the fewest relights, I've found the following to help:
>fill the pipe by sprinkling tobacco into the bowl, tapping the side to settle it, and capping it with a pinch that you plug in to the top. Imagine it like a dense mulch covering a hole filled with loose soil. Three pinch/Father, mother, and son method is bullshit meme that sounds slick but helps nobody
>decant your tobacco into a tobacco pouch if possible, most tobaccos are sold too moist. Texture should be just moister than cigarette tobacco in a manufactured cigarette
>charring light should take you 10 seconds to do properly, don't worry about all the fags who say that you need to """let the flame gently tickle the bowl""", charring light is where you really need to get that fucker scorched
>guides say that the smoke should be wispy when smoking properly, this is bullshit, all tobacco is different - what matters is that it's lit
>pipe stays in the mouth whenever possible

Thanks, it's always nice to share a hobby

>> No.15435330


I'm big on the Frank method.

>> No.15435411

Someone shill me the iciest, most mentholated cigarette that money can buy

>> No.15435522
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Unfortunately they are no longer in production. They were true menthol kino.

>> No.15435535

Shit, do you know of anything that comes close?

>> No.15435536

You have a couple options. I think camel crush menthol is the most mentholated out of commercial cigarettes in the US, but if you’re willing to explore homemade, you can always add food grade menthol crystals to RYO tobacco. Nauseatingly minty.
Keep in mind that menthol is really only soluble in hot water (from my experience, resists dissolving in room temp water or alcohol), so keep that in mind going in.
Start with far less than you need so you don’t poison yourself.

>> No.15435561

I'm not much of a menthol guy these days so I can't recommend anything current. Last time I bought them was fifteen years ago and they were the Frosts I posted.

>> No.15435601

Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll have to see if any of my local gas stations have the Camel crush menthols. As for the homemade menthols using RYO I’m not 21 yet which is why I go to gas stations because they don’t give a shit about ID, but I assume a specialty tobacconist would rigorously ID since their livelihood depends on it

>> No.15436093

>smoking pipe in a cabin while reading manga
Could it even get any more comfy than that?

>> No.15436103

Whats up with those cigar socks?

>> No.15436545
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my breakthrough moment was tamping round the edges of the sides lightly and almost leaving the center alone.

Smoking some rattray's marlin flake in a small, light, half-bent rattrays pipe at them moment.
Marlin's definitely one of my favourite blends in my two year voyage into pipe tobacco thus far.

>> No.15436753 [DELETED] 

Off topic and general threads are cancer and against >>>/global/rules/10 >>>/ck/rules/1
OP is a faggot.
Do your part to help purge this board of subhumans like him by reporting this thread.
Here's a link so you don't have to scroll up to the top of the page.

>> No.15436767

You can’t announce a report

>> No.15436776

just the mod. im using RDA

>> No.15437027



>> No.15437058

khalil mamoon+ try some trifecta fruit in various flavors

>> No.15437107

The Gen 2 is definitely a highly rated mod so you can’t go wrong there. What RDA do you use? I’ve been considering picking up the Profile since it’s mesh and stupidly easy to build on

>> No.15437149
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>"Guys! I'm telling mom!"

>> No.15437158


im not a 15 year old sneaking 4lokos into hookah bars you stupid fuck

>> No.15437208
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im using Vapebreed v2 RDA on an aegis legend. and i have never used mesh coils, even OCCs, so i dont have an opinion on such...

>> No.15437449
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this combo is very cheap in my city. Quintero and Indio beer is just great imo.

Inb4 I ripped the top of it accidentally, pls dont call the cigar police on me, ty.

>> No.15437507

>Also, something about the tobacco in the Odens line is a little skunky
I've only had regular Odens and don't really notice anything skunky, but it smells more like artificial lemon than bergamot. I did notice when I tried Kronan strong that it had more of an ammonia smell to it though, so maybe some of the strong ones are just better at hiding it.

>> No.15437654

Nice cigar matches, lighterfags need to learn a thing or two

>> No.15437826

That cigar looks dry as fuck M8

>> No.15437843

Anyone know when/if syria will start producing latakia tobacco again?

>> No.15437859


Hermosillo, Sonora dessert is a bitch :(

>> No.15437981

Unfortunately it’s probably over. The market is dominated by cyprian latakia, and Syria’s farmers have been hit hard by all the fighting of the past decade.
I expect that if Syria does return to tobacco, it will be a similar situation to Africa - high nicotine cultivars grown for nicotine extraction for use in vaping, overseen by foreign interests. The domestic market is flooded with European manufactured cigarettes on one end, and cheap raw tobacco from Southeast Asia on the other.

It’s like Varinas from Venezuela, K’naster from the Netherlands, the snuffs of de Kralingse, or Mundungus smuggled into England. Tobaccos once tasted that will never be tasted again.

I do the YouTube thing for that reason. There’s so much in old tobacco manufacturer guidebooks that’s on the brink of being obliterated by time, but is still doable. Keeping traditions I want to see alive, and resurrecting the ones I want to taste.

Stock up on vintage latakia while it still exists.

>> No.15438426

What are the best cigarillos? I typically like camel unfiltered and cafe court cigars. Having a hard time scoping out a good cigarillo with a flavor profile I enjoy though. Recently got some swisher sweet """little cigars""" and was thoroughly disappointed

>> No.15438464

Best sites to order from? Interested in pipe tobacco

>> No.15438725

There's nothing like a good snuff movie.

>> No.15438781


>> No.15439185

He raised it to 21 right as I turned 20 and had been visiting my local shop for a couple years. Luckily they didnt care and I still get to buy my favorite burly blend

>> No.15439647
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>camel cigarillos
Huh, neat!
I would recommend smoking the larger gauge cigars associated with the cigarillos you're interested in. Maybe you'll fall in love with cigars.
Here in the United States, the most popular cigarillos are probably backwoods - little cheroots with decent tobacco, sometimes flavored but often subtly so. They're rough looking, but they're nice for the price.
In the US, at least, there's a big distinction between cigarillos proper and "little cigars", which are usually cigarettes wrapped in brown paper to dodge cigarette-specific taxes. Swisher sweets and the like are usually always awful as a singular smoke - they're big cigarettes, sold for their wrappers for use in rolling cannibis. The tobacco is usually discarded.

>> No.15439661

Sometimes you'll have to relight a pipe regardless of how well you pack it, but it should just be a little flash of flame. The trick is to pack lighter, look up the Franks method which is what I used before I got used to packing tobacco by feel/habit. Basically gravity fill the pipe without any pressing, then take a small pinch and work it into the top. Light the entire top, puff and then settle into the smoking. Also, make sure it's the right humidiy. It should feel a little moist but not wet (though some pipe tobacco is meant to be smoked dry, especially Continental tobacco).

>> No.15439673

I used a candle until I got a new lighter at christmas. Works great on cigars and pipes (previously I used matches and my zippo pipe lighter on my pipes, but the zippo flame wasn't good for cigars and the matches burnt out too quickly).

>> No.15439678

About to smoke some hookah myself brother. Peach is kino. If you guys smoke Tobacco at all, get a hookah, they're like 80 and are an amazing chill time. Since they're vapor you can do it inside with no worries.

>> No.15439770

I like the bent saddle-bit Savinelli, but how is it to get a pipe cleaner through? I tend to smoke straight/half-bent pipe. I'm also sort of in the reverse process, as in moving from Vapers to more latakia heavy english blends.

I second getting a cob to try out. The smoke as well as higher quality briars, so they're good for pleasure and practice. Takes a while to get the knack of smoking a pipe.

Get a cob, a pipe tool, a set of pipe cleaners. Seeing as you smoke cigars if you can get some semois you'll probably enjoy it.

>> No.15439866

Christ that's Sad. I just assumed they would start up production once syria was rebuilt.

I'm not sure where I would source any syrian latakia, but I also thought it doesn't age well and loses its smoky qualities.

Assad should have been assassinated in the 90's

>> No.15440198

You have a youtube tobacco channel? link?

>> No.15440234

Posted ITT, see here:

>> No.15440244
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Have a blast. The aged nasal snuff video and the neftobak analysis are my favorite.
It's focused on smokeless tobacco, but I'm broadening my horizons to cigars and pipe content.
I just love tobacco my guy, simple as.

>> No.15440293
File: 95 KB, 1500x977, snus_prilla_spt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snus (snuff)i like but setting fire to tobacco and inhaling the sounds crazy and dangerous and smells awful.

>> No.15440320

No interest in smokeless tobacco to be honest, but your channel looks cool. I'll take a look at the pipe stuff. I am interested in what tobacco reading materials you could suggest, if you don't mind?

>> No.15440343

Fuck off nerd

>> No.15440350

>Assad should have been assassinated in the 90's
Fuck off rabbi

>> No.15440424

Sure. Here's some links to some public domain stuff I enjoyed that deal with tobacco on a wider spectrum than just snuff:

In addition to that, Eric Burns' "Smoke of the Gods" is an excellent, surprisingly deep primer on the history of tobacco from ancient American cultivation to the modern day. Learned a lot about the development of modern legislation and tax from that.

>> No.15440632

L.J Peretti in boston ships their tobaccos, which they mostly blend themselves. They're great. The Black Virginia is an awesome vanilla-y tobacco.
Leavitt & Peirce in Cambridge also ships, but they don't blend their own anymore. However, they do have good and tasty options, like the Cake Box mix.

>> No.15440793

Could it be profitable to roll and sell super cheap cigarettes with bulk tobacco and rolling papers? Like, 20 cigs bundled together with a couple elastic bands for 5$

>> No.15440820

Nobody would buy them from you because:
A. They can buy the exact same equipment and start rolling their own
B. They don’t know what you put in there

>> No.15440825

If they could make their own then why don't they, given it's half the price of stuff from the store?

>> No.15440830

Thanks for the recommendations, I'll look into these immediately!

>> No.15440899

I don’t know, but nobody will buy your homemade cigarettes

>> No.15441111

I appreciate this. I'll definitely give that Eric Burns book a read.

>> No.15441147
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Sorry for the misunderstanding, anon, I just meant unfiltered camel cigs. I wish they made cigarillos. I like the slight sweetness of them. I find it far more enjoying then my tobacco flavored juul I use to keep the smoke smell off of me for my girl. Even the 5.0% Pods seem to have a sort of pleasure cap out for me. But like that anon who said his, I believe, wife, made him look like a fag to smoke on the e-cig, I find juul to at least look aesthetically pleasing. I'm primarily looking for a cigarillo that is slightly coffee tasting and slightly sweet, but without any flavor additives, preferably. These look quite promising (pic related) I've also hear acid is good. Are their cigarillos on par with their cigars?

>> No.15441162

Going off what the other anon said, even if they buy from you they would probably figure out they could make their own after purchasing from you. I personally don't see it a worthwhile endeavor unless you market convince, maybe.

>> No.15441163

>buy cigars
>chop them up into bits that will fit in my pipe bowl
>stuff a cigar bit down into the pipe
I think I'm a genius anon.

>> No.15441208

There's too much complicated advice for how to pack a pipe bowl. You learn by doing. You're going to be smoking more matches than tobacco at first until you get used to packing your pipe.

The method I learned from my grandpa who is a lifetime pipe smoker is basically this:
>put pipe into container of tobacco
>scoop up some tobacco
>push it into the pipe with your finger
>first push should be very light
>second push should be a bit heavier
>so on until the pipe is full
>draw through the pipe and compress the tobacco until the desired draw is achieved (takes practice)
>put final bit of tobacco on top and push it down and twist, shake off excess

Keeping it lit comes down to a combination of techniques. Use a pipe tool if you have one. I use toothpicks and my pocket knife, which has one side that functions perfectly as a tamp. You'll get used to using them.
Just remember that going through matches is okay. Keep it lit enough to not go out too much but not so hot that it makes the pipe hard to hold and the tobacco tasteless. You'll get better with time. Just enjoy it and don't think about how many matches you're going through or about how bad you are at packing or any of that stuff.

>> No.15441280

I love having top tier black coffee and nic shits bros. Every day after I finish my first cup of coffee and have a smoke, I start blasting pythons out of my ass like a hindu god.

>> No.15441584
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pic related is decent too

>> No.15441615
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silk cut purple now €14

>> No.15441653
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Everybody know you can do that's not smoking pipe, it's smoking a cigar with a pipe

>> No.15441667


>I like the bent saddle-bit Savinelli, but how is it to get a pipe cleaner through?
It won't, unfortunately. Always have to wait for it to cool and then disassemble to clean

>> No.15441678

Are you Italian? Can’t you just buy tobacco in bulk from one of the shithole countries in your vicinity?

>> No.15441700

In true German fashion, Frank autistically explains every step of his method in a three part series on YouTube. It's a bit more intricate than what >>15435257 is recommending. I wonder what Frank thinks of so many thinking his method is just a gravity fill with a plug on top. I like to imagine he's mad about people not closely following all of his instructions. Here it is for anyone interested:

>> No.15441846

I want to start rolling my own cigarettes, can I do it exactly like in the video above but with unfiltered cigarettes instead of filtered? If so, what kind of rolling paper do you recommend?

>> No.15441850

Is tobacco an food?

>> No.15442064

Are Turkish silvers any good? I've been smoking 27s for years but they've gotten boring

>> No.15442239

Could be a deal breaker for me. I tend to have a slightly wet smoke. I'd say 5/10 I'd be using a pipe cleaner to dry up a gurgle mid smoke. Perhaps I could dry out my tobacco more, but it's not really my preference. I'm all for working with a pipe rather than against it though. It's fun to figure out how a particular pipe smokes best.

>> No.15442246

Thanks for the link. I've been using the method, but hadn't seen the original.

>> No.15442284

27s are more like Turkish Royals, 27s are Marlboro's Camel since I believe they're a blend of Virginian (Marlboro) and Turkish (Camel). Turkish Silver are ultra-lights, and Turkish Gold are lights while Royals are the full flavored (Turkish version of Reds)

>> No.15443206


>> No.15443297

They look nice and they protect the cigar's foot. Really. Look it up.

>> No.15444527


>> No.15444789
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Hello tabaco frens, I won't become a smoker, it would kill me faster that most people. So what cigars should I buy since I will only smoke a few in this life. Also I'm not buying anything cuban.

>> No.15444879

4noggins is my go to site to buy tobacco

>> No.15445029

Oliva make pretty good ones.

>> No.15445070

How much do you want to spend?

>> No.15445075

I'd go for something on the mild end.

Id recommend a Connecticut shade wrapper. Torpedo or belicoso shape (they only let the better trained staff roll this shape so you get a better cigar). Mid 40s to mid 50s ring guage, and 5+ inches length.
A Brick House, Double Connecticut Short Torpedo is a good example.

>> No.15445082
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Okay, maybe someone can answer me this:

I want to pipe and I am a juge pussy when it comes to tobacco
so these are my conditions for the tobacco
>I want to fill a room the size of a baseball field with vanilla
>I can not deal with that burning/sour sensation some tobaccos leave in your throat
>so tobacco has to taste and smell like you snorted pure bourbon vanilla and also has to be as soft as a kittens bumhole

what do I buy?

>> No.15445107

Captain Black Gold. I got a packet of it from a friend once and it just tasted like smoking vanilla essence. Not a fan, I don't like aromatics myself, but it should be good for you.

>> No.15445162

just read some reviews
might be what I am looking for, thanks mate
will buy some

>> No.15445210

irish and no

>> No.15445223

>>I can not deal with that burning/sour sensation some tobaccos leave in your throat
Captain Black is on the low end of aromatic blends in terms of quality and might give you that sour sensation you're mentioning. Instead, I would recommend Lane 1-Q.

>> No.15445404

Sorry bud. Until you're a bit experienced aromatics are going to give you a hard time.

A cheap vanilla cigar would be easier to smoke (backwoods?)

>> No.15445556

Have you thought about investing in a scented candle?

>> No.15445562
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>started with once a month
>once a week
>once a day
>and now 2 a day
Please don't tell me it gets worse
also luckies and marlboros for me

>> No.15445595
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Like a nice pipe of pic related way back in the day when I smoked.
Denmark has a surprisingly large and decent tobacco industry.

One of these men is a Trump-supporting white supremacist.
Can you guess who?

>> No.15445596
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You're the weak bitch teacher's warned us about in drug education lessons. Sorry.

>> No.15445611

I had a drinking problem but fixed it by saying "this is how much I'm okay with drinking in a month" and then forced myself to stay within that limit.
If I drank that much in the first week, tough shit, 3 weeks dry.
I figure it would work with cigs too.

>> No.15445654

This, I smoked three packs a month, and for me it was starting to get too much. Now I buy a pack and make last the whole month, sometimes it last only two weeks, but in general I run of cigs on the last week of the month.

>> No.15445841

>tfw no cigarette smoking scumbag gf

>> No.15445865

You ain't missing much

>> No.15445880

What's the difference in cigarette brands?

Aren't all cigarettes made from the same plant?

(legit question, btw)

>> No.15445905

it's literally more healthy to smoke a ciggie than eat even 1 hamburger

>> No.15445937
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Used to get Drum, but this Peter Stokkebye tobbacco is higher quality.

>> No.15446080
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While it’s the same plant, the difference in cultivars, terroir, and curing procedures can make an unbelievable difference in the final taste. The difference is far more pronounced than that of different coffees: a blond roast with beans from Colombia and an espresso roast with beans from Vietnam would taste far closer than a flue-cured lemon Virginia and a fire-cured burley. When you smell stuff like latakia, certain cigar leaves, or cavendish, you might swear it isn’t even the same plant.

Cigarette blends can be divided into a couple principle blends, with variations in blend according to year, brand, and market:
>Turkish blend (camels, certain marlboros) are typically majority Virginia with some sun cured oriental leaf used as a spice. The taste is mellow, like light bread with some soft spices far off but not spicy at all
>English blends (golden virginia) use a blend of Virginia leaf almost exclusively. These are super sweet, very bold baked goods flavor.
>American blends are a mix of a couple, but are usually predominantly burley, sometimes Virginia, sometimes oriental. This is what marlboros taste like.
>Halfzware (Amsterdam shag, some ryo) uses Virginia with a small amount of fire cured leaf. Has a nice meaty finish.

Different brands have their own blends according to these designs. There are other types, but they’re not often seen on the Western market. Some European cigarettes will use dark burley or cigar leaf, which makes a very strong, very unique cigarette.
Blend preference is most important. Brand preference is secondary, but most people associate blends with brands.
Hope this answers your question.

>> No.15446124

You should switch to a healthier or less convenient form of tobacco. A lot of addiction comes from the ritual and routine. Cigs are basically the perfect level of convenience, stimulation, and time consumption to rapidly evolve into a bad habit.
Switch to smokeless nicotine pouches or snus or go for cigars/pipe so you aren’t tempted to just step out and smoke unless it’s like the end of the day and you have time to enjoy it.

>> No.15446152

You know, I have a hard time with the lighter tobaccos actually. Nutty or sweet tobacco gives me a headache and makes me sick. I can only enjoy the darker spicier varieties. You might have the same issue. Try something more intense and maybe those strong flavors will mask the “sour” sensation you’re talking about.

>> No.15446225

Not the guy you’re responding to, but do you know of any English blends used in unfiltered cigs here in America?

>> No.15446505
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>> No.15446540

Smoking cigs is essentially freebasing nicotine. Stop now. If you still miss the taste of tobacco, pick up a pipe or cigar after you've quit cigarettes for a couple months. You won't get that nicotine rush cigarettes give you nor will your brain punish you for not smoking.

>> No.15446569

Ave Maria, Montecristo, Arturo Fuente are all great cigars. Id avoid Ghurka and Rocky Patel like the plague, and personally I am not a fan of Macanundos. Their quality has slipped a lot in recent years. A personal favorite cheaper "boutique" cigar is anything by Curivari. About 4-6 dollars a stick and amazing quality for the price.

>> No.15446660

I want the vanilla in my lungs not my ass
not judging you though

>> No.15446675

why are corn cob pipes easier to start with than briars?

>> No.15446731

Less maintenance, less ghosting with aromatics, won't feel like you wasted money if you decide piping isn't for you. They're also durable enough to last you years so long as you aren't shoveling them up your ass or something.

>> No.15446808

>so long as you aren't shoveling them up your ass or something.
I guess a briar is my only option

>> No.15447121
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I'm not the guy who gets sensitive about icky, burny tobacco. I'm not judging you though

>> No.15447149
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Anyone who smokes a pipe definetly looks like this

>> No.15447601

I found an excellent variation on the Frank method: don't sprinkle in tobacco before packing. Just pack in the top and create an air pocket at the bottom. Keeps the smoke cooler

>> No.15447816

Yes, spot on! Hahaha!

>> No.15447822

Could you explain what ghosting is my dear anon

>> No.15447827
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>Everyone here who smokes a pipe definetly looks like this

>> No.15447896

I got into it bc I'm retarded and cant smoke weed anymore due to work

It can be pretty comfy, but man I don't like the shits

>> No.15447962

Ghosting is when the flavor of one blend carries over to another.
You don’t need to worry about it too much.

>> No.15448188

Ooh I see, thanks fren

>> No.15448338

>”I don’t think I can operate.”

>> No.15449020

Our local Snuschad posted a new video

>> No.15449223

Hey that’s not a tobacco video :^)
Going to take what I learned and make some hops snus. Hops are so strongly scented that it probably won’t take much, and I’ve learned that the flavor isn’t easily destroyed by heat or changes in pH, which is critical for the snusmaking process.
I really like grapefruit and tobacco. Kronan tastes excellent with a couple drops of essential oil in it, completely changes the dynamic of the snus. The herbs and light tobacco make the snus “juicy” in the same way Göteborgs can be.
I really don’t recommend a corncob over a briar anymore. There are enough options for affordable, high-quality briars, and the smoke you get out of them is consistently superior to that of a cob. I have no idea why, it’s just mechanically better.
When you consider that the higher priced cobs start to enter the price range of lower end briars, the only benefit to the beginner that they have (cost) starts to get muddy.
Maybe in the days before pipe smoking articles and videos were common was a cob a good recommendation - they can tolerate a lot more abuse. In the age of information, though, you’ve already got a working knowledge of pipe smoking before the fucking thing even shows up at your doorstep.

>> No.15450272

Welcome to dookie town

>> No.15450578
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which one bros, having a hard time deciding. I like the stem more of the left, but the stummel on right is more appealing. I like both but I'm so torn.

>> No.15450601

I used to smoke these. Marlboro smooths are what you want.

>> No.15450616

There's lots of cigarillos of popular fine cigar brands you'll get at a proper cigar shop. I really like the montecristo memories and cohiba pequenos.

>> No.15450636

Churchwardens are autistic, get a regular pipe

>> No.15450686

Personally i like the one on the left but why not both?

>> No.15450703

I have a regular pipe

They're a little under 100 each, only looking to spend that much

>> No.15451307
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The lines are a little more elegant on the one on the right. I had a Savinelli churchwarden in the past, and keep in mind that the more dramatic the angle of the stem is, the harder they become to light.

>> No.15451576

From a YouTube comment:
>” non filtered cigarettes are much, much safer than any filtered cigarette. Back in the day EVERYONE smoked, and lung cancer was very very low compared to what it is since filters were introduced. Problem is filters make the smoke so mild you inhale into pockets of the lung you never ever would in a non filter cigarette, and this is the reason that lung cancer is so damned high. My mother always smoked very very very low tar like carlton for years and still came down with lung cancer 27 years after she quit, quitting won't prevent cancer, the damage is already done. But don't be fooled into thinking that filters are so much better for you. The only filters that do filter out nitrosamines and synthetic amines are charcoal filtered brands. In japan almost every brand has charcoal yet the lung cancer rate is MUCH lower. Activated charcoal has been proven to remove what causes the cancer. So if you MUST have filters, choose Parliament 100, tareyton, lark, or multifilter. Or american spirit medium in an olive pack. Another country that uses mostly charcoal filters is Hungary, and they also have a very low lung cancer rate. and european cigarettes, nick are NOT cut in tar and nicotine. Take the numbers and DOUBLE it, they use the ISO cambridge method which only shows half the tar and nicotine as the FTC method does. this 10 mg "limit" in europe is pure bullshit, as their "12 mg" cigarettes have been proven to be 17-22 mgs. tar when you use the FTC method. I believe that now they are by law mandated to be no more than 10 mg. but it's much higher than that if you used the old ftc method used for years in the US and Canada”
How true is this? Is it actually safer to smoke unfiltered than filtered cigarettes here in America?

>> No.15451931

Never heard anything like that myself. The reason why pipe and cigar smoke has lower rates tends to be the fact that it's less exposure to the lungs and while you smoke for longer each time, a casual pipe/cigar smoker is not going to have as much exposure as someone on a pack a day cigarette habit. I've not seen any evidence of what he says is true in terms of actual reports, but then I also know a fair few of these reports are a bit iffy and tend to fudge things to justify tobacco policy. I'd take it with a pinch of salt and just stay away from lung smoking and cigarettes too. I do think that there was something about tobacco and the way people used to smoke that was better but I don't have hard data. It's even harder because we don't have accurate records as to what people were dying of in the late 19th/early 20th centuries when tobacco use was at its peak.

>> No.15452173

>do think that there was something about tobacco and the way people used to smoke that was better but I don't have hard data
Interesting you mention that, because around the 1940’s cigarette companies started putting anesthetics such as clove oil and licorice powder into the cigarettes. Why? To make the smoke painless to inhale. Before those were added the smoke was extremely irritating to inhale, so most people only took mouth hits and didn’t inhale into the lungs. This is probably why nobody got lung cancer until the cigarette companies started to promote inhalation, along with adding filters and anesthetics

>> No.15452179

>Is it actually safer to smoke unfiltered than filtered cigarettes here in America?


>> No.15452201

Lol enjoy fiberglass particles in your lungs from your holy filters

>> No.15452210

>This is probably why nobody got lung cancer until the cigarette companies started to promote inhalation, along with adding filters and anesthetics

are you basing this on a youtube comment?

>> No.15452239
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fiberglass particles ain't nothin' compared to chemtrails

>> No.15452249

This is such an obvious shill it’s not even funny

>> No.15452369

The only way to 'safely' smoke a cigarette is mouth smoking and even then that has risks.

I smoke at least three cigars a week and more than a couple of bowls of tobacco as well and I'm not going to pretend it's healthy or doesn't carry some risks. But the main killer when it comes to tobacco invariably seems to be lung cancer, which is mitigated almost entirely judging from older studies which looked at pipe and cigar smoking compared to cigarette smoking by not inhaling. Furthermore, these studies were done with the understanding that the people smoking cigars or pipes were doing so daily and frequently. As a side, out of curiosity, I have tried inhaling the smoke a few times from all three, and all of them were unpleasant to do so.

>> No.15452695
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>> No.15452702

>Smoking cigarettes
>Smoking pre-packaged cigarettes.

The only reason I even have a bunch of cigarettes, made with a machine using some Gawith Hogarth turkish blend tobacco, is that I like to keep some around for when people who for some reason don't want to have a cigar or who don't want to try a pipe come around as well as keeping some on my person to give out back when we could actually go outside and to pubs/gigs.

>> No.15452864
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>mfw you think shills have been paid by big tobacco to undermine your. bullshit notions.......on a cooking subforum of a weeb image posting site.

Look Buddy, I don't think you have the emotional maturity to deal with the internet. You've been confronted by a barrage of conflicting opinions and allowed them to diminish your common sense to such an extend that one can only think of you as a retard.
Either that or you're Joe Rogan.

>> No.15453058

>Interesting you mention that, because around the 1940’s cigarette companies started putting anesthetics such as clove oil and licorice powder into the cigarettes.

Spices have ALWAYS been added to tobacco to improve flavor and smoking quality. Storing tobacco on spice ships was common, and board sailors experiment.
One of the earliest additions to tobacco? Licorice powder.

>> No.15453365
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Hunter S Thompson wannabe.

>> No.15453381

If you're a slut for financial punishment you can try Belmonts. Charcoal filters make the difference.

>> No.15453391

Whaaaat's uuuuuuup, Youtube?

Joke's on you, anon. Cobes doesn't even care about going bald. He keeps saying so all the fucking time unprovoked.

>> No.15453412


>> No.15454317

Nah. Im completely bald. I never wanted the bozo the clown look so i shave it completely

>> No.15454355

New Jersey just banned all flavored vape juice

>> No.15454591

who started this and who benefits from it?

>> No.15454931

>who started this and who benefits from it?
The answer is the same as always: jews

>> No.15455005

>who benefits from it?
big tobacco

>> No.15455062

>and now 2 a day
>Please don't tell me it gets worse
I hope that's 2 packs a day because if it's only 2 sticks, it can get A LOT worse
>t. ex 2 pack a day smoker
>Smoking cigs is essentially freebasing nicotine.
This, most major packed tobacco manufactures perform an ammonia wash to the tobacco to convert the bound nicotine into freebased nicotine increasing its bioavailability which is why the nicotine hit of cigarettes hit harder than most other forms of tobacco consumption.

The irony is that in vapes, it was found that by adding a different form of ammonia binds a certain salt to freebased nicotine, making it a different form of bound nicotine which has shown to be even more bioavailable in vape form than cigarettes with freebased nicotine.

Basically, science is finding ways to make nicotine even more... based.

>> No.15455097
File: 67 KB, 472x785, DF0D5968-2E23-4157-9A11-E0940CBF816E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Basically, science is finding ways to make nicotine even more... based.

>> No.15455223

Work in a vape shop and the profile series of stuff are the best things I have ever bought, so simple and easy and easily trump's any coil based rebuildable in all aspects other than warmth (and even then the Clapton mesh they brought out recently gets close)
Pick up the latest version and you've got an rdta, RDA, and squonking RDA that'll do everything and anything you want mesh or coils, 10/10 would buy again

>> No.15455448
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Time to make toscano cigars

>> No.15455480
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From what I can tell from their own advertising, toscanos are made out of fire cured leaf that has been soaked, rolled into cigars while still wet (maybe not sopping, but definitely past case - a term for tobacco that’s been moistened to pliability), and then allowed to get bone dry. This partially ferments the tobacco and should get me very close to the flavor and burn time their famous for.

Letting the leaf soak. This is fire cured Tennessee, not fire cured Kentucky, but certainly close enough.

>> No.15455518

At this point, you might as well paint or tattoo some tribal lines on all this negative space. Why leave a canvas blank?

>> No.15455538

Looking forward to seeing how well this goes.

>> No.15455567
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This is /ck/ exclusive content here homie too good for YouTube
Separated wrapper leaves from filler. The beauty of toscanos is that they don’t have any binder, and the wrappers are just higher quality examples of the filler.
Cup is full of cigar glue - just some xanthan gum and water. Very sticky. Any food safe gum should do

>> No.15455572

I always keep forgetting to add Toscanos to my order. Next time I'll have to pick up a pack. I could always order some here, but the price is much higher. Had much experience rolling cigars?

>> No.15455578

Holy shit, where’d you even get those tobacco leaves? Rolling your own cigars is next level

>> No.15455586
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This is my first time. How hard can it be?
The beauty of tobacco work is that once you’ve gotten enough experience with one or two products, you’ve read and watched so much that you’re ready to tackle anything.

Photo straightened.

>> No.15455601

Always buy mine from whole leaf tobacco, but leaf only is another great US source. I prefer WLT since they’re a little cheaper and have the leaves I use for snusmaking and snuff blending, but leaf only has some very exotic leaf, like rustica or rarer vintage South American cigar leaf.

>> No.15455606

that truly is next level, I can roll a clean RYO but I've never rolled a cigar before, I hope it smokes as good as it looks from here

>> No.15455628

/tbg/ has some of the best discussion on the board. Really enjoy the camaraderie in these threads.

>> No.15455632

If the thread dies tomorrow, I’ll post the first smoke on my channel. Will be doing more cigar stuff, it’s fun and cigars taste good!
There’s something about a good cigar that’s refreshing for mental health. Only long pipe smokes do it for me that way, but cigars do it better; it isn’t even about the nicotine. Keeps you cheerful.

>> No.15455684
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It's rare you can talk about tobacco positively with others, and it's never really been something you could post about on 4chan apart from /out/'s pipe thread (and that gets shitposted frequently) so it's just nice to be able to do it.

Here's my latest cigar order; just grabbing a lot of bundle cigars for casual smoking or smoking when I'm having a drink.

>> No.15455772
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Rolling the first cigar. Selected a wrapper.

>> No.15455786
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Watching videos of guys rolling in Cuba and DR really makes this easier. Even better still, Toscano has video of their ladies rolling, so I know exactly how their leaf looks, and the grip on their leaf.
There’s a cut on my finger and it’s absolutely searing. Smell in the room is like smoked meat and dark tobacco, dark wood, very good

>> No.15455816
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Make sure you massage those Quorums and get a good cut on them, I got a very strange aroma off of them from first light, like someone was boiling a horse. Think the flavors of the dry draw don’t mix well with the smoke, and I was getting too much of both before breaking the binds in the filler.
The Quorum Shades are fantastic smokes. Very dynamic flavors, none of them bad. I’ll have them now and again on my drive to uni.
First cigar looks pretty good! Nothing is too loose, and the form is pretty straight. I wish it had the belly that toscanos have, but impressed with myself.

>> No.15455832
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Second one out. Wrapping job on first looks a little more roughshod in comparison, and I used less glue on the latter. The leaf I’m using is pretty stemmy (these are seconds from a video project on making dip) but I think it looks nice.
Cutter for scale

>> No.15455846
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Experimenting with trimming the leaf during wrapping. This is probably done to reduce ragged or coarse seam lines.

>> No.15455857
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Got the Toscano belly. The trick is to put a little scrap leaf into the divot of your palm before you finish up the roll.

>> No.15455875

Yeah, Quorums tend to be the ones I have the most issue with burn wise. I always let them rest for twice as long as other cigars and make sure to give them a roll before lighting up. I do like the shades, usually I pick up some Coronas but decided to try the Maduro ones again.

>> No.15455880
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All done!
Very pleased with this. With some high quality wrapper, I’m sure I could make some beautiful cigars. The process might be a little easier since these are intentionally rolled very wet.
They smell lovely, and are very heavy because of all the water. I expect that once they’re dry, they’ll be wonderful smokes. Fire cured leaf doesn’t really lose much aroma when dry, which is why toscanos can be so flavorful as they are.

>> No.15455884

Looking very impressive and close to the real thing, at least with the shape. That said, I do prefer the more traditional panatella look you got going on above there, but a varied shape probably helps with the smoke, by increasing the burn time and probably changing the flavour when you hit that central bulge for a while.

>> No.15455889
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Here’s the foot. The middle one looks absolutely perfect.

>> No.15455892

Pretty spot on, especially for the first time you've rolled a cigar. How long are you going to leave them before smoking?

>> No.15455920

Until they’re absolutely crispy.

>> No.15455941

Where do I buy the cedar spills bros

>> No.15455950


>> No.15455979

Just order certain cigar brands and you'll get cedar wood in the back which is used for humidification and package strength. Personally I don't use them as it takes longer to light the larger cigars I lie with them than the cedar lasts.

>> No.15456230

Redpill me on really wet leaves. I occasionally roll my own and only get the wrapper really wet, while the binder and filler are just pliable enough to roll and fold into a cigar shape, but its not the easiest thing for me.

>> No.15456295

Do you know of anywhere else to buy them? I refuse to purchase from Amazon
I’m planning on ordering one or two cigar samplers from Famous Smokes, do those come in a cedar box?

>> No.15456323

>tfw I've been enduring the shitposting in the /out/ pipe threads unaware that this exists
Ok so I have a couple bundles of Factory Smokes coming in soon. Has anyone tried them? What am I in for? I'm not expecting anything super and worst case I have a bunch of cheap sticks to give away.

>> No.15456334

>tfw I've been enduring the shitposting in the /out/ pipe threads unaware that this exists
I’ve thought about linking this one over there but then we’d have to deal with the Lundin poster

>> No.15456460

Any you guys ever get a leukoplakia before? I started smoking cigars pretty regularly roughly a year ago. About two months ago I noticed a small bean sized white spot in the back of my mouth. It hasn't grown in size since then. Not terribly worried because I went to the dentist a few weeks ago and he didn't notice or mention it. Probably going to cut down on the sticks though.

>> No.15456919

Doctorfag here. Leukoplakias can be pre-cancerous, also they really aren't the domain of dentists. You should go see an ENT and get a biopsy. Don't shit your pants though, most of the time they're nothing. But do shit your pants a little bit so you actually go to the doctor. I'll tell you a little story. Back in the 80s the ENT beds of our local big hospital were on the 3rd floor. People who had oral cancer and had to get their jaws or mouths resected and couldn't eat or swallow after would regularly jump out the windows. Go see your doctor.

>> No.15457023

>Leukoplakias can be pre-cancerous, also they really aren't the domain of dentists.
This. If you are spooked, insist on asking the oral surgeon if they’re in on your visit, or making a visit with an oral pathologist specifically.
Leukoplakia really mostly happens on the gum line. Here’s hoping everything is alright.

>> No.15457042

Ausfag here. Tobacco taxes are ridiculous.

Anyone know how I could import cigars and pipe tobacco without paying tax on it?

I wouldn't be ordering regularly. Want to keep smoking to once or twice a month max.

>> No.15457257
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this should be your face when

>> No.15457491

No clue.

>> No.15457508

Well these are a relatively new trend and while I liked being able to talk about explicitly smoking while doing /out/ things, it's become overrun by shitposting and isn't really viable.

As for Factory Smokes, they're a pretty good bundle cigar. You won't get anything mind blowing but it's got a nice flavour profile and they have a good burn rate so you'll get your money's worth. I think they use mostly indonesian stuff, but it's a pretty decent smoke.

>> No.15457522

Have a look around cigar forums; there's a few companies out there that are good for shipping things to you while digusing what they are on customs. I don't want to mention them here because people can and have reported them for shitposting purposes.

>> No.15457656
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>> No.15457993

>Anyone know how I could import cigars and pipe tobacco without paying tax on it?
The Chinese, they may be sub-human insectoids but they know how to smuggle cigarettes into the antipodes for dirt cheap and tax free

>> No.15458377

>Kronan tastes excellent with a couple drops of essential oil in it, completely changes the dynamic of the snus.
That sounds like it might be nice. I really like Kronan, and was surprised to see how many people hate it because they say it tastes like pickles? But I never really noticed it tasting like dill, the main flavor I pick up is just the violet.

>> No.15458626

I get the violet too, with some light citrus (I think it’s lemon), and then after that comes the dill - just enough to freshen the whole thing.
I think it’s a beautiful snus, but I think some people react to different herbs in different ways. Violet is very flowery, which might exaggerate the small amount of dill that’s in.

>> No.15459756


>> No.15459838

Not with a sampler packs. Usually comes with a whole box

>> No.15460147
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Saving this total unit for the summer. Going to need an entire afternoon to smoke this thing, it's likely to kill me if I try it all in one go. Lok at this thing, I mean damn. It's next to a Flathead, what kind of cigar mogs a Gordo?

>> No.15460175

Something ridiculous like a Woody. But I find that cigars, regardless of size, tend to smoke between an hour or so.

>> No.15460201

>never smoked a cigarette or chewed dip before
>tried houka once, it was okay
>tried smoking a cigar on new years
>liked it a lot
>don't want to end with a nicotine habit
What's a reasonable frequency to smoke cigars? Once every couple of months? Also is pipe tobacco a mouth thing like cigars or a lung thing like cigarettes?

>> No.15460215

Pipe tobacco is a mouth thing, you don't inhale it. As for frequency, it's all up to you and your own tolerances. I tend not to smoke except on the weekends where I'll sit down and go through a night of beer and various cigars and pipe tobacco.

>> No.15460238

Pipe tobacco nicotine is a non-issue. It’s so low I’d wager kids could smoke it without any problems, not that I’d endorse that. Cigars have more, but honestly I don’t think I’m addicted. I could smoke 1 a day or none at all for a month and I’d feel the same way. Some times I just really don’t want a cigar.

>> No.15461056

ayy doctorfag, what you smokin'?

>> No.15461122

> People who had oral cancer and had to get their jaws or mouths resected and couldn't eat or swallow after would regularly jump out the windows.

>> No.15461404

Filterless camels are the absolute best.

>> No.15461473

Jesus Christ, stop being so insecure, like literally, just control your impulses lmao

>> No.15461726
