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15414903 No.15414903 [Reply] [Original]

Ever been to a country that does coke in a bag?
Or anything similar discounting coconuts?

>> No.15414908

Canada does milk in a bag.

>> No.15415042


If you're still going to waste plastic why not just use a cup with a lid ffs why do I have to nurse an opened bag?

>> No.15415057

If you're in Canada and you see milk in a bag, you know you're in a shithole province.

>> No.15415116

I really don't know what to make of this, what the fuck

>> No.15415129

I've heard of Spanish teens using plastic bags to mix gross cocktails in.

>> No.15415130

You see this in places where coke is sold almost entirely in glass bottles. They do it so you don't have to pay for the deposit and the bottle usually gets recycled. The bags are cheaper than cups, and just get tossed to the dirt when you're done.

>> No.15415152

tastes like coke, just poorer

>> No.15415183

Do Europeans really do this?

>> No.15415191

It honestly tastes better out of the bag.

>> No.15415228

I saw shit like that in Thailand, Malaysia and Vietnam. Seems like a SE asian thing.

>> No.15415240

I don't visit shitholes.

>> No.15415664

Thanks for your helpful input.

>> No.15415743

BLM was giving out free sandwich bags of Sprite at their snack tables in Seattle this past summer. Not even joking.

>> No.15415756

You dont drink it out of the bag though

>> No.15415761

If you're in a province that doesn't have milk in a bag, you're now an American.

>> No.15415780
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>> No.15415789

That makes sense, Anon. Thanks for the clarification. I'm sure the eco-homos would drink something out of a bag, if they weren't such pompous assholes

>unless they can somehow pay more for it

There's your problem right there

>> No.15415802
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its efficent, uses less plastic, and is lightweight for single servings. Its like bottled water but less shit, and is pretty common outside of 'murrica and yurop

>> No.15415803

Imagine they collect the used bags and rinse them out quickly and use them all over again. You know a lot of them do that at the end of the day, could just imagine people throwing the bags anywhere when they're done.

>> No.15415836

>get regular milk
>comes in bag

>get hipster all natural snake oil infused milk for $8 a liter
>comes in a bottle/carton

>> No.15416184


Lived in the middle east and they did this for kids that couldn't leave a deposit for the glass bottle. They washed and recycled those so they didn't want little shits running off and not returning them or breaking em.

Plastic bag price: 5 cents
Glass bottle: 10 cents

Was mainly for off brand local coke and soda.

>> No.15416202

lmao yes, 2 months there, not too long but enough to understand their life

>> No.15416226

That isn’t from the CHAZ.

>> No.15416229

it's the only way I've ever seen this practice justified, the bottle-in-bag-with-straw practice to spare the deposit, it's been described to me as a Phillipino thing. "eco-homos" would probably prefer the deposited-resuable-container concept though, they despise one-use-plastic above all else. Hard to disagree with the concept and yet also hard to give a shit either. But I wouldn't object, an opened-and-unclosable glass bottle is only marginally less-spillable than a straw-in-bag and it's not like I'm saving it for later or turning the bottle in for the deposit anyway.

>> No.15416233

who says?

>> No.15416277

>That's what CHAZ looks like. No bagged Sprite in sight. "The image was taken outside my house," says Hare. "This just feels—obviously that was a joke related to Halloween, and now it's this whole other thing." He says it's made him think about how misinformation can spread, even at a micro level: "It's scary."

>The whole situation is pretty bananas, and a reminder to all of us how context and truth can be quickly lost online. It's also distracting from the real issues (you can find Seattle-based donation links here). Hare posted the whole saga on his Instagram on Friday urging everyone to continue to donate to and support the BLM
Racist alt-right meme is how they tried to frame it when in fact live streamers in the CHAZ definitely recorded people giving out free bags of soda. I’m not sifting through the hundreds of hours of footage to find examples though. I saw it live

>> No.15416708

>pretty common where civilization is yet to debut

>> No.15416877

I get how it's better, and I agree with it being okay, other than plastic bags blowing around more. In fact it reminds me when us bongs started making people pay for plastic bags. The amount of bags blowing around dropped to barely nothing compared to when they were given out willy nilly.

>> No.15416965


>> No.15418333

the cope of a subhuman who actually bags his drinks

>> No.15418478

We dont bag our drinks though you numpty

>> No.15418494
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Yeah who would drink out of a bag? Fucking weirdos

>> No.15418511

>use less plastic
Marginally. And it's non-recyclable.
>less shit

You also can't put it down anywhere while drinking it. You're stuck just holding a bag of liquid.

This sounds like poor cope. Bags would be orders cheaper to manufacture and would pack more tightly. This is the only manners in which I can see it being better, and none of those things are better for the consumer.

>> No.15418521

>comparing a tetra pack or Capri for children to a literal shopping bag with a straw thrown in it

>> No.15418736

Basically the vendors hang on to the bottle so they can sell it to recyclers. It's only a thing where shops margins are basically zero and everyone is broke as fuck.

>> No.15419201

U dont understand how a cup with a lid costs more than a plastic bag?

You imagine this nigger rich cause he got a working hand?

This is what living on a few dollars a day looks like idiot prob majority of world.

>> No.15419399


its a lot cheaper to manufacture and ship 10,000 bags than it is to ship 10,000 bottles, just in raw material cost. Bottled/purified water is heavy, meaning you want to make the product as close to the consumer as possible, because weight is pure cost. you do the math.

you're not wrong about it being a poorfag country thing- I just expect it to show up everywhere soon just due to economies of scale. i'm not against it, provided they figure out how the fuck to puncture-proof and add the ability to close the damn things. also, fuck shopping bag style like OP. I expect sealed packets or a goddamn glass


its not an environmental thing, its simply "plastic costs money to make" thing. You're not wrong at all about the consequences being that shit blowing around everywhere.

>> No.15419455

I've been to China to visit my grandma and I was surprised to see street food vendors pour noodle soups into double layer plastic bags for takeout

>> No.15419473

mmmmm was it piping hot noodle soups too? Now imagine all that soft bag plastic leeching into food from heat.

>> No.15419543
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Bro what the FUCK is wrong with this niggas hand

>> No.15419569

You can put that one down on the table after opening it and it won't spill everywhere.

>> No.15419576

Yeah one is foil lined plastic designed to attract lardfats and the other is food grade plastic without the foil lining.

>> No.15419585

Which Touhou cutie is this?

>> No.15419596

Sorry for not being such a mind numbingly huge faggot for not paying an extra 5$ for cutesy artsy packaging and natural to be slapped across it

>> No.15419597

Plastic doesn't denature until temperatures above 105 - 115c, your noodle soups will never reach that temperature.

And the same fucking retards that thumb their nose at noodles in plastic will happily boil their steaks in vacuum bags because hipster sous vide amirite?

>> No.15419598
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GUYS! Our favorite YT foodie has a video on this, bet the rubber band technique comes in handy when he's asphyxiating kids in the 3rd world.

>> No.15419607

Do you drink your milk from plastic cartons?
Well guess what, they're made of the same grade of plastic numbnuts.

>> No.15419616
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When the heavy metal poisoning hits just right.

>> No.15419620

>live in a proper province
>regular milk comes in cartons or jugs
>fancy organic milk comes in glass bottles
>no poverty bags in sight

>> No.15419671
File: 24 KB, 361x170, Plastic3rdWorldLeech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, my milk isn't hitting 125F+ in the HDPE plastic container genius. Enjoy the plastic leeching into the hot soup. Imagine they're using LDPE bags with the 120F threshold.

>> No.15419685

Neat. I find it easy to take advice from people who look like demons for some reason. Probably too many years of listening to attractive people who know fuck all.

>> No.15419705

Man there was some delicious shit there though. I got a fresh baked bread roll and some fruit, free pastrami sandwich, even got a ton of snacks. Talk about a good time, spent like 2 weeks there this summer after work with my boys smoking weed and eating like kings. God bless america!

>> No.15419764

Fucking awful bait m8
In fact, the most annoying part about it isn’t the tidbit about plastic; it’s that you have the gall to imply that sous vide is only possible with plastic bags.


>> No.15420164

I always thought it was weird, but just how the soda looks in that bag, so fizzy and cold looking it makes it look pretty damn good, i wouldn't complain if someone gave me my soda in a bag

>> No.15420170

Part of my life was in Ecuador and I remember seeing coke and fanta among others sold in bags.

>> No.15420423
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>> No.15420697

Damn right them alt right racists just lying to make leftists look like they are being bros and giving out drinks!

I would probably not trust a bag of liquid given out at a protest but.

>> No.15420728

I only mixed ex-lax into some of the bags, but let's face it, those opiate addicts probably appreciated the kickstart.

>> No.15421260

God I wish. I can't wait for Alberta to become America's hat

>> No.15421271

We do lots of “coke in a bag” right here in the beautiful USA. Why would I wanna go to some shithole western European country like this?

>> No.15421278

show me your flag, faggot

>> No.15421514

got frozen juice in a bag in jamaica

>> No.15422212


>> No.15422433

american teens mix jungle juice in new garbage bags (due to amount of jungle juice required for a proper party)

>> No.15422481

Holy fuck he looks psychotic here

>> No.15423095

Seen it in El Salvador, although cups are more common

>> No.15423107

never seen that shit in my life, only bottles and cans here

>> No.15423119

it exists here too, only non UHT milk that needs to be boiled though
>just get tossed to the dirt when you're done
absolutely subhuman behavior

>> No.15423477

its common knowledge this twisted fuckin psycopath is confirmed psychotic anon, the evidence and reports of missing bodies

>> No.15423540
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>> No.15423680

I guess they really want to return those used bottles for the pocket change

>> No.15423706

The local bottlers and distributors also heavily push for it so they can keep prices low and not need to manufacture/import more bottles. It's basically a modern third-world solution to what used to be a first-world problem a hundred years ago.

>> No.15423935

it looks exactly like the hand of someone who drinks coke from a bag.

>> No.15424193

Sayaka, you idiot.

>> No.15425260

no, juice in a bag that was frozen
got it from a kid selling them on the sidewalk

>> No.15425776

How poor of a country do you have to be that you can't even afford paper cups.

>> No.15425834

alberta shut the fuck up you are such a faggot good lord

>> No.15426092

Yup, we put it in small plastic bags with a straw.
Usually did this when you were on the go but since glass bottles often used was hard to dispose of, so the solution was to transfer the coke in small bags.

>> No.15426112

Thums Up (Cola for Pajeets) is actually surprisingly good

>> No.15426122

I always buy my coke in a bag
hee hee

>> No.15427840

as efficient as spilling that shit all over yourself when you grab it by the bottom or middle

>> No.15427878
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Really, this would be a utilitarian form of people, the kind would might live in a world where adventure was real and one might end up fighting battles in the wild unknown and need to have their sword and shield packed on their utility pack. No shoes that fall apart, all shoes would be durable and made for the rough outdoors, with clasps and not strings. This is the sort of thing I'm talking about, you would have your extremely well made cup and wash it out after using, but it would be yours and you would never get rid of it.

>> No.15427914

>lockdown has me depressed
>go to make my 3rd pb&j of the day, the nightcap
>see this thread, decide to feel a little exotic
>put milk in an old Wal-Mart bag
>sit down and forget about the concept of bags
>milk floods my room


>> No.15427944

A genuine mild chuckle

>> No.15428076

i have been o really ghetto places tha sell coffee plastic cups full of soda

>> No.15428714

I had soup in a bag in Thailand.
The soup was scalding and I was afraid the plastic would just fucking melt.

>> No.15428836

Went to a food shack that had drinks in bags. They switched back to cups when pissed off/drunk customers kept throwing them at the menu board and staff and because a dog choked to death on an empty bag

>> No.15428856
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Water in a bag is fairly common in nigeria and other parts of africa. It's cheaper than bottled, and they don't have drinkable tap water (or any tap water at all in many areas).
It's a huge problem because they have no organised waste management system, so basically all that plastic ends up in rivers (or just gets burned)

>> No.15429079

I saw this shit in bangkok. also there were creepy thai pedophiles everywhere literally touching me on the street, leering at me (male).

>> No.15429284

>not letting a creepy thai guy filling tour anal cavity
What are you gay?

>> No.15429335


>> No.15429471

ITT I learned canadian dogfuckers are charged an extra 5 bux for a milk container that comes free to americans (a gallon of milk so socal is like 3 bux give or take a dollar and the time of year)

>> No.15429479

>spanish teens
>jungle juice
so both of you mean niggers?

>> No.15429490

>hard to dispose of
you'd think poor naggers would like a free re-usable container with a promise of money when recycled.

>> No.15429510

milk in a container tastes like shit

i knew the smelly brazilians were behind this

>> No.15429516
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ohhh i get it. its a bag of coke. funny.

>> No.15429521

Those are water balloons to throw at the perverts bro

>> No.15429529

Don’t be so flippant about cocaine. It’s the best drug there is

>> No.15429554

you ever smoke crack, nigga? its like a night of coke in one hit

>> No.15429767

We did that here in easter europe back in the old days before we could afford boxes

>> No.15429783

No. I would be wearing a dress and make up, and sucking dick inside of a week if I tried crack.

>> No.15429827

no that's what stupid looks like incidentally it's why you live on a few dollars a day.

>> No.15431179

Next to nothing you managed to say there was true.