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File: 73 KB, 683x1024, roku-gin-43-0-7l-18960-111809[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15401115 No.15401115 [Reply] [Original]

For a laugh, I bought a bottle of Gordon's Gin, and now I'm all about gin. It's delicious.

My bottle is nearing empty already, so I need a new gin to try soon. Is Roku gin really that good? Otherwise, I was thinking Beefeater

Also, /gin general/

>> No.15401130 [DELETED] 

I pissed in a McDonald's cup and drank it last night.

>> No.15401132


>> No.15401137


>> No.15401140


>> No.15401162
File: 91 KB, 900x1200, gin_bom2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My usual go to is Bombay Sapphire, but Beefeater is fine too. So is Tanqueray. Hendricks is really good, if a bit more expensive and while i've never tried them personally, Aviator and The Botanist are on a lot of top rated gin lists.

>> No.15401167

Was about to recommend Bombay sapphire, it was my intro to gin and came with a good story so it’s my pick

>> No.15401171 [DELETED] 

Yeah well I pissed in a cup. Not interested in what you have to say.

Fag lover.

>> No.15401178

I've always found Beefeater to be the gin archetype, especially with its high proof and how overwhelmingly citric it feels. Plymouth deserves a mention, too. I like Ford's Gin a lot, Simon Ford knows what he's doing.

>> No.15401198

That said, I would like to know if anyone has experience with Roku as well. I’ve been curious about it but don’t want to but it if it’s not good.

>> No.15401220

Please consider quaffing a large volume of the yummy vroom-vroom juice fuel stations dispense.

>> No.15401223

Roku is nice, but it's not a typical gin. I like to mix it with ginger beer. Ginger works nicely with the Japanese botanicals. Beefeater is a nice example of the London dry style. I think of it as a better Gordon's. Hendrick's is also a good choice for people just getting into gin, as long as you like cucumber.

>> No.15401320

I've had it. It's nice. It's more citrus notes than botanical so depending on your tastes. It's also quite light, literally in terms of proof and also in flavor. I enjoyed it with a bit of lemon or as a summer G&T. It's nice for contrast and I'd get more, but my tastes for gin tend to be more botanical and I go for Uncle Val's most often right now.

>> No.15401466
File: 79 KB, 1000x1278, botangin_1000x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a slightly higher price point than Roku, but I would recommend trying The Botanist.

>> No.15401501

Roku and Bombay are fine low price alternatives.

But if you have the possibility of getting some British sloan Gin or som Oak barreled gin from Stockholms distilleri (bränneri) then you are good to go.

>> No.15401912

Roku is good for cocktails, when I feel fancy I prefer monkey 47

>> No.15402234
File: 33 KB, 614x480, 2087_2000x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont know if this is sold in the US but its great. Serve with cranberries and rosemary.

>> No.15402253

botanist costs twice as much as roku in california. maybe different in bongland

>> No.15402263

Is it normal to make a drink with gin, tonic water and cucumber slices?
My brother introduced me to that last summer and holy shit it's the perfect summer drink. So fucking crisp

>> No.15402298

Thats how you serve Hendricks so yes, its normal.

>> No.15402323

gin mare + lurisia tonic

>> No.15402670

I like "Star - London Dry Gin"

>> No.15403004
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>> No.15403011

I'm not a huge gin guy, but roku is the second best gin I've enjoyed, the tops being Botanist. The pull of roku is that it uses unusual spices, while most other gins are the same basic flavors no matter which brand you get. There's also a new small-batch Korean gin that uses peninsula spices, but I don't think you'll be able to find it overseas.

>> No.15403147

A gin and a game in the same month?
Has he finally lost his marbles bros?

>> No.15403168

>British sloan Gin
Do you mean Sloanes? Because that's not very expensive

>> No.15403197

I like to say that Gordon's isn't just gin, it's The Queen's Gin. They have a royal charter.
Gordon's and Gilbey's are two examples of perfectly-good (albeit, not luxurious) products for gin drinkers that somehow remain priced below their quality, likely for their old-fogey Literally My Grandma's Gin reputations.

>> No.15403212

Beefeater has been my gin ever since I saw a bottle decades ago in my grandparents house and couldnt get over how it was rectangular

>> No.15403252

Very, especially in fancier bars. Rosemary's a nice shout too.

>> No.15403271
File: 42 KB, 504x800, brockmans-gin-850511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy Brockmans

>> No.15403302

based based based
shit, I oughta stop talking like that. but. no joke, it's crazy good.

>> No.15403473

>Is Roku gin really that good?
It's OK, I guess, but it's nothing special. I'd either step up a bit and try some memey small batch heritage craft gins bullshit (some of them really ARE that good, some are just expensive, but it's a fun gamble) or step down and get some big brand standard. Personally I like Tanqueray.

>> No.15403480
File: 144 KB, 800x1200, web1_170517-PNR-empressginsubmit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fell down that Gin rabbit hole too

>> No.15403483


>> No.15403487

WTF, why am I suddenly attracted to a pink drink?
Did I catch the gay?

>> No.15403493

I’ve only ever tried Bombay Sapphire; to me, it tasted like someone infused vodka with pinecones.
Is Sapphire typical of gin or should I try others?

>> No.15403503
File: 85 KB, 1024x1024, QueenVictoria-1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah.. You didn't.
This is a drink for Royalty.

>> No.15403521

Gin's pairs with anything botanical, anything citrusy, and anything quinine, and to an extent anything with certain roots (gin adores gentian). I kinda go all out with my gin and tonics at home to the point of sacrilege (Collins glass packed with large ice cubes, 2 oz pour of gin, 1 oz lime juice, long strip of cucumber wrapped around the ice, topped with good tonic water, and rosemary spring as garnish). It tastes fucking delicious.

>> No.15403684

I like it but it's the first gin I've had, so I don't have much to compare it to.

I used about half the bottle to infuse with some ginger on a suggestion I saw elsewhere. I'll have to try with ginger beer too.

>> No.15403721

or probably sloe gin

>> No.15403733

That is one overpriced gin. It sells itself just by its colour, but other than that its pretty shitty

>> No.15403761

Oh look another alcohol thread :/

>> No.15403771

gordon's does a really nice sloe gin, if you can find it, last year there were bottles of the stuff everywhere, this year nothing. i also make my own, get the sloes of ebay as the hedges are always picked clean before i can get to them

>> No.15403779

man, I'm hanging out with the wrong people.

>> No.15404015

Yup, pretty good taste and not too flowery

>> No.15404081

when drank gins my pick of choice was Grodon's 47%, exported version. but soon I realised that gim will make you an alkie faster than you say blueberry pie and now I only drink whisky

>> No.15404088 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 1080x235, Screenshot_20210115-141713~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for those of you wondering
also jannies can eat my sloppy shit

>> No.15404096

>drinking firewater to not become an alcoholic
Ok chief

>> No.15404134

I pretty much always keep aviator, strange monkey, and Hendricks on hand personally. Standard shit like tanqueray, beefeater, and Bombay are good too. Without going super bottom shelf it's honestly pretty hard to go wrong with gin. There's a lot of decent to good stuff out there for relatively low price points

>> No.15404181

yeah honestly. to be honest even seagram's is more palatable than an 11 dollar bottle oughta be. as long as it's not Dmitri or Wolfschmidt's or something they're practically all fit to at least mix.

>> No.15404258

Of what I've tried I think seagrams is the floor I'm not willing to go below. Like I'd never in my life pay money for it, but if that's all that's available at a friend's house or whatever then fuck it I guess.

>> No.15404620

>I realised that [gin] will make you an alkie faster than you say blueberry pie and now I only drink whisky
This is true. It goes down so easily, and the second you finish your glass, you want to pour another.

>> No.15404664

>ive started drinking cheap vodka with flavouring and now i hage cumstains in my hair

>> No.15404801

>when things taste like something, that's BAD!

>> No.15404829

I do the same anon. Long day in the field you mix up a perfect G&T and recline as the sun goes down. There's nothing better, i find other drinks real nice on a hot day, but nothing cuts into the end of a hot working day like G&T. Empire had to figure something out right I guess.

>> No.15405057

Since you don't seem to differentiate things into anything other than broad categories, I'd guess you get upset when there's more than one thread about meat, too.
Anyway, just go back.

>> No.15405137

They're just mad it's not another youtube or fast food thread.

>> No.15405139
File: 447 KB, 754x396, royalwarrants.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gordon's Gin also has a royal warrant. Pimm's contains gin and has a royal warrant too.

Pic related: it's the best pic of Gordon's royal warrant I could find without taking my own pic.

>> No.15405199

Im not going to eat shit souped in vanilla because it "tastes like something". There are much better spirits to drink. Hell, buy vodka for under $10 and add some artificial flavours for the Gin Experience without having to pay gin prices

>> No.15405209

What im taking away from this post is that gin is for gay british men

>> No.15405265

I've tried it. I didn't like it. Tasted like medicine to me. I'm not really a gin drinker though. I thought I'd give it a shot with roku but nah.

>> No.15405304

>it was my intro to gin and came with a good story so it’s my pick

Oh shit, I literally have the same experience. This and Beefeater were my first gins. Fuck they're so good. I once have a Cucumber gin martini and it was amazing, I need to learn how to make them.

>> No.15405324

widdle babby got his shitpost deleted boo hoo

>> No.15405940

What ratios do you guys use in your cocktails? I've been making my G&Ts 1:1 and martinis 4:1

>> No.15406004
File: 24 KB, 500x730, bombay-dry-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bombay Sapphire gin
>no original Bombay gin
It's like you don't want your gin to taste like gin.

>> No.15406097

That sounds high to me. I'd rather just have two than have a half and half one I think.

>> No.15406103

Royal Warrants don't mean shit.
Companies get this Warrant in exchange for supplying the British royal family with freebies.
If you think that this means HRH Elizabeth II is happy with plain Gordon's gin, Twinings 'floor sweepings' tea etc. then you're nuts.
The products supplied in exchange for the Warrant are of a quality not available to the commoner. For instance, the Twinings tea is actually organically grown, handpicked whole leaf-tip stuff, not the processed c. sinensis powder that Twinings sells to the plebs.
t. used to bonk a member of the Royal Family's domestic staff

>> No.15406497
File: 27 KB, 600x600, Gin Mare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God tier gin coming through, for a GT, great tonic pairing would be Fever-Tree mediterranean

>> No.15406556

Roku gin is pretty good. It's easy to enjoy, very smooth. I would recommend.

>> No.15406965
File: 527 KB, 663x677, vap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel free to call me a faggot but Ive never had gin. Whats it taste like? Always been a bit interested but not assed to go out and buy me a bottle not knowing what to expect

>> No.15407061

The base flavor that is characteristic of gin comes from juniper berries, which are piney tasting. After that, different brands have different recipes. Some are are more citrusy (zest), some are more floral.

Get a bottle of Gordon's for $12 and keep it in the freezer.

>> No.15407083

gin is what british whores drank to cover the stench of their rotten teeth

>> No.15407092

Then slap my ass and call me Margaret.

>> No.15407119

Sapphire's an easy gin. I think it's perfect to start with.

>> No.15407198
File: 138 KB, 1536x1536, 99113_Monkey-47-Schwarzwald-Dry-Gin-05L-47-Vol_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, it's monkey 47

>> No.15407269

G&Ts I got 2:1 tonic-to-gin, Martinis it's 2:1 gin-to-vermouth, Gin sours are 2:1:0.5 gin-lime juice-rich simple, Gimlets are 2:1 gin-homemade lime cordial.

>> No.15407292

Hendrick's and tonic with a splash of elderflower liqueur and garnished with cucumber slices is probably my favorite G&T.

>> No.15407452

I thought Hendricks put out an especially floral version. I made French 75's with it and those were damn good.

>> No.15407483

>this entire thread
>no mention of Plymouth
It's literally the perfect gin

>> No.15407510

this is the gin that got me into gin. first restaraunt I worked at had a corpse reviver #2 on the menu using it. great in citrus flavored cocktails and still makes a nice, sweeter, gin and tonic. for a more traditional gin Hard Shore from Portland Maine is really nice, not sure how available it is outside of new england.

>> No.15407512
File: 17 KB, 413x395, 1579488831518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and checked.

>> No.15407641

So you're saying that if I dont like Gordons, I wont like any gin? Whats the difference between that and some of the more expensive gins?

>> No.15407690

Gordon's is just a low cost investment to try out what should be representative enough of gin in general. Gordon's is heavy on the juniper, whereas other gins may take that juniper and move it towards the back of the flavor profile and add other herbal notes.

>> No.15407712

Oh alright, gotcha. Thanks anon :)

>> No.15408579
File: 29 KB, 474x718, boodles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boodles is my preferred gin of choice.
The juniper is there, but the other botanicals come through nicely.

>> No.15409396

alternate between hendricks and roku
got monki 47 but have not tried yet

>> No.15409591

Maybe its your liquor store? At the mega liquor store here in Texas botanist is 38 and roku is 30. Botanist is super good though.

>> No.15409624
File: 139 KB, 1017x1024, 32ac3f255e4dc3af92bde3f3e2f765ee-rimg-w1045-h1052-gmir-1017x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This botanical is excellent. The restorative is mild and neat with more citrus flavor. I've not tried the pepper, but if you like botanical gin you gotta try the green label.

>> No.15409631

thank you. I will keep my eye out. Don't think I've seen it in the gin shelf so not sure if it's more of a rarer specialty

>> No.15409650
File: 22 KB, 399x1000, F49656B8-7BC0-4FFB-958B-E48850154662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picrel is what I had as my first proper gin purchase outside of trying shit in bars. Basically a citrusy and more complex Beefeater with less piney tinge. Very nice.
Planning to buy the whole Drumshanbo/Irish gunpowder gin to follow the tea botanical vibe - any experiences?

>> No.15409717

Couldn't say. I think it's bottled in Oregon. I'm in CA and I see it at every chain liquor store and supermarket. It's possible it hasn't gone further than that. Same price point as Roku and Hendricks.

>> No.15409966



>> No.15410296

Get Napue

>> No.15410344
File: 1.62 MB, 2836x2565, IMG_20210116_135808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are my bottles as of right now. I usually also have Tanqueray 10.

>> No.15410393
File: 19 KB, 480x480, Aviation-American-Gin-750ML-BTL_a9bd4067-e712-4c13-b077-421c6e66853a_1800x1800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you I liked it

>> No.15410406

My lungs hurt from laughing at your stupid ass post. Fuck you!

>> No.15410852

Based as fuck.

I love the color but the flavor was rather simple, which isn't always a bad thing. It's nicely balanced.

This is a very good gin, I should probably buy a bottle of it at some point, but I still want a Tanqueray 10 first.

I keep hearing good things about this, though that some people are put off since it's got a lot of heat to it, which I'm into. Is that correct?

This is me with my stuff btw. Sup boys.

>> No.15410895
File: 232 KB, 400x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aviator was underwhelming to me, my first was Broker's which I guess has more pronounced botanical taste. I had a bottle of French saffron gin that was awesome too. Just got a bottle of Beefeater, and one of this

>> No.15410920

For me, it's sloe gin, don't even need to mix it

>> No.15410936

I can't get on the gin train. I have only tried one brand but I absolutely hated it. It was Aviation Gin. It had such an awful almost aspartame taste to it.

>> No.15411068

It's a pretty harsh gin for it's price point. I'd say try something else. Maybe something people here have noted for being milder and more citrus flavored.

>> No.15411383

Which one is the best of the 3 you've got there?

>> No.15411503

Depends on what I'm using it for. The Plymouth is a beautifully made classic gin with stronger flavors of juniper and other botanicals, but it's still quite balanced. The higher proof allows nice heat to come through, especially if had neat. I typically make gin & tonics and the gin holds up even if you want to go light on the gin and heavier on the tonic.

The Mayfair is well rounded and also in the botanical forward way, but it's more mild all together. The flavors will still come through in a g&t, I tend to blend it with Yuzuri, a yuzu liqueur to make either a yuzu g&t or yuzu gimlet.

The Few American gin I've only had neat, and only a little bit at that. I've never tried their breakfast gin. It's also a very well balanced gin with botanicals more forward, but rather nicely paired with citrus forward flavors as well. I tend to buy gins that are botanic and citrus forward, I especially love classic juniper and pine flavors. On the nose the Few gin brings out a lot of that alcohol heat. On the tongue that heat is more mellow and the citrus peel hits first, transforming into a bit of pine and juniper on the very back end.

I think that the Plymouth is my favorite out of the three, it's also closer to $50 where I live and isn't always available, so I tend to save it a bit.

Sorry for the unorthodox writing style for this website, but I do take my gin very seriously. Fuck you all that give me shit for it, and fuck your mothers too.

>> No.15411630

I've had a handful of really nice gins but I've always used them in gin and tonics because drinking them straight is too overwhelming for for me.

I love Islay scotches so I'm used to powerful scents and flavors in my booze but there's something about gin that hits me differently. I feel a little bad, makes me feel like I'm not really appreciating the drink

>> No.15411758
File: 125 KB, 2000x2000, Edinburgh-gin-navy-strength-cannonball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Original Bombay is best Bombay. I buy that shit in 1.75L. Good straight and in cocktails.

>Whats the difference between that and some of the more expensive gins?
Gin is defined as a neutral grain spirit with juniper. You can do whatever you want to it but as long as it started with a neutral grain spirit and has juniper it is classified a gin. The variety in gin flavors is fucking huge because the restrictsions are so small. distillers can take the flavor profile where ever they'd like

This is great. Tom Cat makes the best Negronis (but ya gotta use Boulevardier ratios).

Pic related is my favorite. Szechuan peppers, juniper, and lemon at 115 proof. Fucking smooth.

>> No.15411980

>The variety in gin flavors is fucking huge because the restrictsions are so small. distillers can take the flavor profile where ever they'd like
That's why I enjoy it. I have a bottle of my favorites always, but I also always pick up something new regularly just to explore new flavors. I think if I ever distil something myself I'd go for gin. It lets you play around the most without having to deal with ageing.

>> No.15412043

My man

I'm a big fan of Beefeater and Tanqueray, though I've heard good things about Roku. I generally like my gins more on the traditional end of things; Hendrick's doesn't really do it for me. Bombay Sapphire, imo, is overhyped, though the East variety is interesting with the addition of lemongrass and peppercorns. A good barrel-aged gin is also very nice; the best ones have a nice cedar/pinewood taste that blends wonderfully with other botanicals.

>> No.15412420
File: 28 KB, 270x700, 487464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Colored traditionally clear booze generally is a warning flag for me, but this stuff is really good neat or with a touch of lemon. Grapefruit is a kino flavor for me and it blends perfectly with the bitter/citrus of gin. It's not as herbal as the more botanical gins I like for G&T but it's a nice way to mix it up. They also have a blood orange one, but I think that one reaches into that cough syrup flavor range that some things skirt.

>> No.15412833

Get it good and cold

>> No.15413469

Roku Gin fo da Koku Jin

>> No.15413476

Opinions on Seersucker?

>> No.15413519
File: 2.55 MB, 1736x2312, IMG_20210117_110110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just picked this bad boy up because my bottle of Bombay Sapphire is almost dry. What am I in for?

>> No.15413522

Looks cool. Says Irish but comes across as Chinese

>> No.15413529
File: 2.69 MB, 1736x2312, IMG_20210117_110746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made in Ireland by some weeb, it has "oriental botanicals." I'll post a review when I try it.

>> No.15413540

Gin is vodka flavoured with juniper to mask poor quality alcohol.

Don't get tricked by Diageo marketing it's always been a poor people trash drink.

>> No.15413556

Oh boy here comes the butt-blasted infused vodka autist. Go drink your rubbing alcohol, Ivan.

>> No.15413563

>vodka autist
Nah, vodka is poor quality alcohol too, I'm just saying that marketing created the 'gin' craze.
It's nothing but adulterated vodka designed to maximize profit with the poorest quality ingredients.

>> No.15413993

>barrelled gin


>> No.15414001

Based screenshot taker
Also, checked

>> No.15414014


It just doesn't have a lot going on. Glad you enjoy it but there's so many better options

>> No.15414068

Botanist is awesome for a martini.

>> No.15414501
File: 1.89 MB, 2048x1986, c0a88jug34561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Noooo you can't just like something except my epic manly scotch! You're all shills! Reddit said real men drink whiskey and black coffee!

>> No.15415308

It's a really cool (no pun inteded) fabric, but I think it's pretty hard to pull off without looking like a fedora weirdo.
But if done right, there's nothing better to wear on a mild summer evening while you lounge on your country clubs patio, having a G&T while you wait for your wife to finish her tennis match.
Yeah, a lot of cheap crap and overpriced crap on the market, riding the gin hype train where this applies too, but there's also a lot of good stuff out there. So what do you drink?
>Don't get tricked by Diageo marketing
Nope. Please do so! They really need to up their sales, because my shares in them suck currently. (as does Suntory. Would have really though people are drinking more in a pandemic. At least I do. Alcohol is a fucking disinfectant! CheerS!)

>> No.15415330
File: 112 KB, 391x282, sqush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my dad drinks Bombay Sapphire

>> No.15415358

Roku is pretty good. It works really well with citrus cocktails. It has a nice taste on its own.

>> No.15416033

>I'm just saying that marketing created the 'gin' craze.
>I'm just saying that marketing created the 'X' craze.
Is a true statement for every popular thing in the modern age. It's how all "crazes" work. What point are you trying to make?

>> No.15416067
File: 82 KB, 960x1280, cq5dam.web.1280.1280 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15416216

Looks aggressively gay

>> No.15416962

Roku is bland and unsatifying imo. beafeater is a fantastic classic london dry gin, cant really go wrong with that. if you want something a little different but in the same vein as gordons, you could try martin millers, sipsmith or bulldog.

>> No.15416972

its good, definitely pervasive tea taste, which is welcomed but doesn't work in every cocktail

>> No.15417009

This is my wife's favourite gin. I'm more of a Hendricks fan but this is a close second.

>> No.15417081

imagine marrying a ginwhore

>> No.15417255

gin whores are better than whiskey whores and infinitely better than beer/white claw whores

>> No.15418415

how can one royal family have such great taste??

>> No.15418626

Everyone knows the Gordon's gin just gets used to clean Her Majesty's jewelry

>> No.15419080
File: 571 KB, 1000x1278, 4CE86917-3BBB-4596-B8DB-9B249526BC12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone ever try monkey 47 gin?
Been interested in trying it because lol monkey.
Anyway I like beefeater because that’s what I first drank when I started drinking gin but tanqueray and Bombay are both good too. Didn’t really care for roku that much but it’s fine.

>> No.15419091

it's way too expensive for what it is, don't buy int the kraut hype

>> No.15419114

What the fuck is barrel aged gin? Isn't that just spiced whisky?

>> No.15419124


>> No.15419297

I mean it’s like 40 bucks. Only 15 or so more than tanqueray. Might be worth it just to try

>> No.15419817

Its a nice gin. I occasionally get it if I'm at a bar and they have juniper berries on hand.

>> No.15419942

It’s Canadian, so to be expected

>> No.15420247
File: 941 KB, 1000x1500, 11156764-1_1580613916[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ungava is good, was just about to post it myself
its flavour profile is fairly unique because it uses a bunch of arctic herbs instead of the usual fare

>> No.15420770

What do I do expect from a sloe gin and what do I do with it?

>> No.15420838

>adulterated vodka
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but all spirits begin very similarly, regardless of grain, fruit, cane, succulent, or beet origin. The ingredients are a sugar-rich fermentable, water, and yeast. Time on oak can cover up some less/more-than-optimal levels of fusels and esters (if you get a chance to try white scotch, don't. It needs time). White spirits don't have that luxury. For that reason, vodka's meant to be as close to straight ethanol as possible, with most of the "flavour" that isn't ethanol burn coming from the water. Gin can hide some distillation imperfections behind the botanical tincture, but there's only so much isoamyl that angelica will cover.

>> No.15420845

Gin with a bitter plum flavour... sometimes sweetened, sometimes closer to bathtub slivovice. You treat it like gin for the most part.

>> No.15420857

It's a bit rounder than some gins, but it's still definitely loaded with juniper.

>> No.15421756

Been exploring gin and scotch at roughly the same pace, so Botanist was a natural pick for me and is also my favorite so far.

The core 3 of Beefeater/Tanqueray/Bombay are all perfectly fine, I've also really enjoyed Nikka Coffey and Ki No Bi. Next up to try (once I've finished my bottle of Botanist) is Aviation.

Hendricks was okay but not my favorite, a little too floral/cucumber for my tastes. Monkey 47 was delicious but insanely overpriced.

>> No.15421819

Cum69 is my favorite s far

>> No.15422058

>I mean it’s like 40 bucks
Check the bottle size. Their 375mL is around $40, a full bottle is around $75

>> No.15422205

the best reasonably priced gins are tanqueray for a more classic and junipery flavor and beefeater for a more spicy and dry flavor
also Hampstead if you can find it, for a fresher and more herbal flavor
the rest is either cheap, below average stuff, like gordon's, and bombay sapphire, expensive overrated stuff, like monkey 47 and Jinzu, or expensive stuff that's good quality and may or may not be in line with your tastes, such as Hendricks, Plymouth, Beefeater 24, Tanqueray 10, yada yada

>> No.15422382

Dangerously based in an g+t. Pairs with lots of food too.

>> No.15422716

I find it pairs better with south/southeast Asian than most gins... which is weird, because in a martini, it's not THAT different.

>> No.15422806

Everytime I drink beefeater I don’t remember the night before

>> No.15423045

The night before the night you drink it gets erased huh. Pretty weird, sounds like you've entered the Twilight Zone.

>> No.15424360

a good time this shit is delicious

>> No.15424494

This sounds like as good of a thread as any to ask. I want to buy Sake. I've never had decent Sake before, but i don't know what to get. Being Brazilian, my options are somewhat limited too. Here's where (you) come in, anon. Enter this website https://www.sakecuritiba.com.br/ and pick something for me.

>> No.15424777

Do you guys keep your gin in the cupboard, fridge, or freezer?

>> No.15425118

Incredibly based. Price is worth it.

>> No.15425210

Don't have a very big freezer. I find it easier to use a big ass ice cube and keep the tonic chilled.

>> No.15426406

damn? just never knew that gin was so good its my new booze to explore, ive been cycling through whiskies bourbons tequilas vodkas ciders beers and scotch and now because of these threads, gin is my knew whore.

>> No.15426450

read this
then look at this
Junmai/Junmai Ginjo are going to be the easiest to acquire, they're polished moderately and are done without additives
Daiginjos are the most revered/expressive, but also the most expensive.
cloudy sakes are usually sweet, similar to wheat beer. Anything with alcohol percentages at 12% or less are almost always going to be at least semi-sweet.

Dunno the exchange rate for relative price but get this https://www.sakecuritiba.com.br/produto/sake-momokawa-junmai-daiginjo-hana-omoi-720ml/

>> No.15427007

One clean bump before bed for the gin bros

>> No.15427034

How do you guys enjoy your gin?
Straight or making drinks?
Is gin even meant to be consumed alone?
I tried it and its awful, but maybe i was just buying some shitty gin. I just make gin & tonic.

>> No.15428059

Mostly G&T