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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15402309 No.15402309 [Reply] [Original]

Why is pizza unhealthy?

>> No.15402312

Because carbohydrates are bad for you.

>> No.15402313


>> No.15402339

Yeah, that must be why Italy has such a low life expectancy, right? Oh, wait.

>> No.15402346

Is that another one of those fake food allergies roasties use for sympathy points?

>> No.15402351

no, gluten is a type of protein commonly found in wheat products

>> No.15402354

it's the ground zero one

>> No.15402356

It also makes your dick fly off

>> No.15402428

I don't know why Italy has the life expectancy it has, but I'm reasonably sure it's not because of a single variable.

>> No.15402470

it's full of fat and empty carbs. yes pizza can be full of nutrition but you can't really get the good without the bad now can you

>> No.15402623

It’s because people don’t know how to make good pizza and only use the store bought corporate ingredients.

>> No.15402628

Vitamin D

>> No.15402629

How do you make flour healthy?

>> No.15402644

If you feel like shit, depressed or anxious, go 0 gluten. Not even traces of it.
Just try it once, for a month. If you fail, try again.
Seriously, gluten can fuck you up in ways you have never noticed and can be the key to solving your mental state.

>> No.15402690

Based ketochad

>> No.15402700

Thanks mum

>> No.15402705

Seems a bit low protein, probably not good to eat it every meal.

>> No.15402738

Imagine having to live to that old in fucking Italy. Would rather die young.

>> No.15402740

God I am looking forward to when this wank is debunked in 9 years and I don't have to hear morons shouting it literally every time food is mentioned in conversation.

>> No.15402748

Refined ones yeah

>> No.15402754

I think most people are just saying having 90% of your diet consist of carbs is bad. Like if you're eating pizza every meal you're mostly just eating bread.

>> No.15402778

>your food can't affect your mood
lmao what a pinhead

>> No.15402796

firstly, your grammar is wrong, its "how is pizza unhealthy?"

secondly, the only pizza that is unhealthy is the kind americans eat because like everything else in their diet, it is loaded with all kinds of chemicals that are horrible for you

>> No.15402799

It's not. Literal nectar from the gods.
This is a science forum, you should know about the gods.

>> No.15402802

fuck, I thought I was on /sci/
you brainlets believe what you want.

>> No.15402896

it's not when consumed in moderation, tomato is actually quite healthy as is olive oil garlic. And mozzarella cheese is quite slim in fat. When you don't buy store pizza but make it yourself and don't eat it everyday it's quite healthy.

>> No.15402952

Pizza is not unhealthy. Individual foods are not healthy or unhealthy in isolation. Your diet as a whole is what is healthy or unhealthy. If you eat nothing but takeout pizza every day your health will be shit. If you eat nothing but broccoli every day your health will be shit, and yet broccoli is a "healthy" food.

>> No.15402981


>> No.15402986

And yet if you eat nothing but meat your health will be good. Really makes you think.

>> No.15402990

Whole wheat and rye flour instead of white. Use low-sodium homemade pizza sauce and less cheese, top with vegetables and lean meat. Wa la.

>> No.15402995

>whole grains good!
>fat bad!
extremely bluepilled my man

>> No.15402999

>if you eat nothing but meat your health will be good

>> No.15403002
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How long can you survive on milk?

>> No.15403003
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>excuse me sir, do you have a SOURCE for that claim?

>> No.15403013

I don’t know why, but pizza does make me feel worse than most foods after I eat it.

I eat sandwiches, bread, pasta, etc. that have similar ingredients, but I don’t usually come away from those other foods with the stomach issues I get from pizza.

Classic Neapolitan pizza doesn’t affect me, but anything like a regular take out pizza gets me backed up and i feel bloated as shit. Sucks cuz I love pizza too. I think it’ll just have to be a very seldom indulgence.

>> No.15403021

He’s full of shit. You can actually get protein poisoning.

Humans are omnivores, and require a balanced diet. It’s possible to get the mix right by cutting out a certain food group, but why bother.

Just don’t eat too much of any one thing and you’re set.

>> No.15403031

>You can actually get protein poisoning.
Do you think all meat is lean? Retard.

>> No.15403060

No I don’t, but you can still get it. If you have 80% of calories coming from protein, you’re probably not going to feel good.

Even if it’s 50/50 split between fat and protein. Just because you can technically survive on something doesn’t mean you should and that it won’t drastically reduce your overall lifespan.

Not to mention just the sheer lack of variety and meals that would get so monotonous over time you would probably go insane.

>> No.15403067

Who the fuck is talking about 80%, or even 50%, of your calories coming from protein? If you eat 1-2 grams of fat for every gram of protein and no carbohydrates, you stick between 20% and 30% of calories coming from protein.

>> No.15403071

Probably a lot longer than you can survive on most foods, given that the function of milk is literally to be the only food source of most, if not all, mammalian young for the first several months of their life. Though keep in mind that animals require different nutrient ratios at different stages of their life, so what is necessary and sufficient for a newborn human (or cow) might not be necessary or sufficient for an adult human. I doubt cow's milk is nutritionally complete for an adult human, so you'd probably ultimately need to supplement with other things.

"Meat" here is a vast oversimplification of the issue. Eat nothing but filet mignon and you will die of malnutrition. Your body requires fat to survive, as >>15403021 points out. Further, humans cannot synthesize vitamin C, so you have to get that through your diet somehow unless you want your body to literally fall apart. Vitamin C is present in the flesh of most animals, though that is mostly in organs like the liver and in the skin, and cooking reduces the availability. By the same logic, you can be perfectly healthy by eating nothing but plants as well. Both of these things require much more deliberate attention and a much broader diet than the average person can reasonably achieve, though.

>> No.15403096

Ok so you’re going to eat a 70% fat 30% protein diet. Which btw is more like 3 grams of fat per every 1 gram of protein.

What do you’re fucking meals look like? A steak and a stick of butter? Tons of nuts?

Again this just sounds abysmal. You’d basically be on an Inuit diet eating whale blubber. That sounds atrocious, and rough on your body, especially if you are not part of an ethnic group that has acclimated to this type diet for thousands of years out of pure necessity.

My point is too much of anything is bad, and even if you could survive off of an all meat diet, it would be fucking brutal. It also places a ton more stress on your kidneys. I don’t understand what point you’re trying to make.

>> No.15403112

Why do you continue to lie?

1g protein = 4 calories
1g fat = 9 calories
1g protein + 1g fat = 13 calories
4/13 = ~0.307

>> No.15403139

You’re right, i was being a retard and going off of straight weight not calories.

But I still think my point stands, a ribeye steak is typically 2/1 protein to fat by weight. By calories this would still only be like a 50/50 split. Where are you getting all your extra fat from?

Especially if you are truly only meat, you’d have to just supplement with lard and suet. It would be fuckin gross, have no variety, and it would be harsh on your body. 30% protein is still above the tolerable upper limit for humans.

>> No.15403166

Shitalians all say they are 10 years older than they actually are so they can scam the pension systems and retire at 50

>> No.15403183

It's a legitimate thing for some people. My brother can't eat gluten, dairy, or a few other things otherwise it will screw up his stomach (pain, nausea, bad farting). He has had has some tests at the doctor but they have no idea what the issue is.

>> No.15403191

categories of food aren't healthy or unhealthy

>> No.15403195

Care to expand on that?

>> No.15403199

Dont use white

>> No.15403355

Not OP, but it just doesn’t make sense to classify foods that way. You’re body needs fats, carbs, proteins, and vitamins to run. Thanks to enriched grains we don’t really need to worry about the vitamin part as much as we used to.

Most people classify foods that are calorie dense as being bad for you. There’s also things like soda that have caffeine and other chemicals that some studies have shown to be harmful or damage your teeth with excessive consumption.

As long as you don’t excessively consume, there really isn’t a “bad” food. It’s just that people have a hard time determining what the right amount is. They think about it as volume or weight, but you need to keep in mind the caloric intake.

For example 1 twinkie is 135 calories and weighs 38grams. 38 grams of cabbage has like 10 calories. Even though they may seem like the same amount of food, one provides 10x the nutritional value.

Now does this make the twinkie bad? Not at all. What’s bad is if you stuffed your face with twinkies until you’re physically full. That’s on the person though, not the food.

>> No.15403387

Harmful for whom?

>> No.15403396

Idk man there’s studies that say excessive consumption of caffeine can put stress on your cardiovascular system and that it can worsen pre-existing conditions. It can also be bad for anxiety and panic attacks. And it’s also fairly addictive. But similarly to alcohol they say regular small amounts can actually be good for you.

As long as you don’t excessively consume, nothing is really bad for you. And chances are anything you do go over-board on, probably won’t do you any good.

>> No.15403416

It’s also toxic to humans if consumed in large quantities, 10grams in a single day could do serious damage to an adult human. So yeah again general don’t over do it and it’s fine.

That’s why there is no good and bad, because it’s all relative and based on the amount you consume.

>> No.15403424

nice argument bub, why don't you actually contribute something into the discussion instead of shit-flinging tactics like your incel ass is doing

>> No.15403430

caffeine is a toxin just like alcohol or even cocaine...only dopamine deprived americans are obsessed with drinking highly caffeinated beverages along with their glut for fast food and alcohol

>> No.15405624

The LD50 of caffeine is lower (i.e. less is required to kill someone) than methanol, arsenic, ketamine, and aspirin, to name a few substances. Of course, you won't get anywhere near the LD50 by just drinking coffee or tea or even energy drinks; you're just going to feel too terrible to continue on your own. It's generally less toxic to humans than to other animals, dogs in particular I know have low tolerance for alkaloids that humans can process, which is why you shouldn't feed your dog chocolate.

Cocaine is probably the more apt comparison there, actually, given that both caffeine and cocaine are alkaloids, and alcohol (ethanol) is an alcohol.

>> No.15405732

I've always described cocaine as the worlds best cup of coffee. They are actually extremely similar.

>> No.15405867

>>fat bad!
Never said it was. Also, post turd.

>> No.15405908

You’d need to eat a fucking massive pile of nearly 100% pure caffeine to even reach the danger zone. Which you wouldn’t be able to do. Even if you could handle the abhorrently bitter taste of the caffeine enough to swallow mouthfuls of it, your body would reject it very quickly and you’d throw up most of it within just a couple minutes. Of course your could intravenously/intramuscularly inject a fuck load of caffeine and die that way, but I don’t think it’s fair to put that on caffeine being that it’s not an accidental fatal OD, it would just be outright suicide which you could do with literally any substance on earth.

>> No.15406036
File: 2.74 MB, 264x480, fitfags.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*shovels oats into mouth*
>*squats like a retard*
Only /fit/ retards spout that nonsense

>> No.15406068

you can't convince anyone that eating one single food is all you need without a bit of proof

>> No.15406070


>> No.15406091

All they eat is pizza. No you fucking moron, it's a largely seafood based diet

>> No.15406174 [DELETED] 

Americans put too much cheese on it, partly I think because they use flavorless cheese and so just add more of it

>> No.15406200

The only parts of italy where they live past 50 is the islands where they mostly eat fish

>> No.15406291
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You're an idiot.

>> No.15406327


>> No.15406331

Your brother sounds like a straight up bitch and you should tell him to quit being a fag and take some tums or pepto before he turns trans and gets his Neg hole pozzed or joins the 41%

>> No.15406804

only low quality carbs are bad

>> No.15406845

How often do normal Italians actually eat pizza/pasta?

>> No.15406855

Dude the lethal dose for caffeine is only 10g, hardly a pile.

A cup of coffee can have anywhere from 100-500mg, so you'd need to drink a fuck ton of coffee which isn't realistic, but in it's pure form it could totally fuck you up.

This is so off topic though. The whole thing was can caffeine be harmful, and the answer is yes.

>> No.15407025

maybe once a week
pretty much every day

>> No.15407416
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>30% protein is still above the tolerable upper limit for humans.

>> No.15407560

It's actually that the social heirarchy is seniority based. Being one day older than a coworker puts you in a better position.

>> No.15407656

I eat pizza maybe twice a month. Some people eat pasta every day. Although for most people I know it is more like 3 days a week.

>> No.15407710

Because no matter what you put on top its still mostly bread and cheese.

>> No.15407723

Why is bread and cheese unhealthy

>> No.15407735


>> No.15407976
File: 264 KB, 640x730, 394C3837-1A31-4CA7-921B-FFB1A17B522D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you feel like shit, depressed or anxious, go 0 gluten. Not even traces of it.
>Just try it once, for a month. If you fail, try again.
>Seriously, gluten can fuck you up in ways you have never noticed and can be the key to solving your mental state.

>> No.15407980

>rye flour
B-but muh gluten development

>> No.15407999

If you disagree with anything I have said you can voice your opinion in a sensible manner. Non-celiac gluten sensitivity is a fledgeling's field for gastroenterologists as of now and your diet can only improve by taking out gluten, so why not try it for a month and see what happens?

>> No.15408033

Mutt thing is only.

>> No.15408083

been suckin on yo moms tiddy for 15 years

>> No.15408098
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stop having a weak stomach, sperg.

>> No.15408099

I am an actual doctor. Blow it out your ass

>> No.15408113

Sure, but diet is one of those factors

Life expectancy is higher in northern italy, which is way less sunny than the south.

I travelled pretty much all around the world and italy is one the few places on earth where I could live forever.

Kek, studies are based on death certs, not by trusting people.

Yes, but the argument was against carbs, and italy eat a lot of carbs

>> No.15408131

That's unrelated to what I am saying.

>> No.15408201

It’s not. I make with organic flour, tomatoes and cheese. Top w arugula. Even though I am using organic ingredients it’s still cheaper than ordering in and much better/better for you. Take the pizza pill, r/cooking

>> No.15408211

It's not, unless you are watching your weight and you need to avoid the combination of high carb and high fat from pizza chains.

>> No.15408222

but doctor, I AM blowing it out my ass

>> No.15408226

There is nothing to debunk, retard. Almost everyone in the western world is overeating carbs.

>> No.15408227

Oh look, it's another "Why is" bullshit thread.

>> No.15408266

>Yes, but the argument was against carbs, and italy eat a lot of carbs
not much more than comparable countries actually

>> No.15408334


>> No.15408372

It's a saying because many people associate carbs with donuts and breaded, processed shit

>> No.15408382
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>loaded with all kinds of chemicals that are bad for you
Love this vague mom science bullshit you see boomers say on social media

>> No.15408514

Cocaine makes your penis fall off.

>> No.15408542

The doctor can't give a diagnosis of pussy.

>> No.15408626

>in what way is pizza unhealthy

>> No.15408668

American's do eat a diet of corporate chemically designed and manufactured sludge that they call food. It's sad.

>> No.15408689

Lol, speak for yourself, fatso.

>> No.15408795

Nope. See Japan.

>> No.15408836

Japan ranked 81st in "Average daily dietary energy consumption per capita (2006-08)", their national dishes may be carb-heavy, but they don't eat much of anything in the first place.
Italy is the perfect example you want.

>> No.15408866

neopolitans keep insisting on putting like 15g of salt into one fucking pizza

>> No.15408867


>> No.15408876

*american pizza
European pizza is healthier than an american garden salad

>> No.15408911

I think its a problem of what pizza from where, here in Italy takeaway pizza Is basically the same as home made pizza, and everyone rata It at least once a week since they are something like 11/12, and nobody Is dead so yeah

>> No.15408918

Fascinating contribution to the discussion, friend.
Hope the quality of your posts isn't dependent to your gluten consumption!

>> No.15408917

How sickly is your appearance

>> No.15408927


>> No.15409146
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Not >>15402796 but cmon even American pizza is heathier outside of it...

>> No.15409345

Short people live longer on average

>> No.15409388

>rapeseed oil

>> No.15409641

>being a "doctor" means you're an expert on all medical fields
When will this meme die? Not even him.

>> No.15409655

I live in Italy. I genuinely believe that lot of phsycial maladies have psychological roots. Italy is too beautiful to not at least want to live. It has its faults, but I've lived in UK, Ireland, etc., and I'd still pick this place over anything even bureaucracy makes me want to pull my hair out.

>> No.15409834

almost everyone in the western world is overeating fat and protein you dumb fuck

>> No.15409842

Japan and other healthy food cultures reduce everything, ketofags and other fad diets just blame a single group and call it a day

>> No.15410422

it's not, you just eat too much of it

>> No.15411687 [DELETED] 


>> No.15411848
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It's not? Dave from One Bite reviews is more fit than most, probably all, of the ketotards that try to make you think carbs is bad.

>> No.15411911


Yeah wish we could all live in America where women used to have dicks and kids take hormone blockers

>> No.15411946

rent free

>> No.15411971

Yes i know, I live inside your head for free.

>> No.15412453

American fast food, and pizza qualifies, is all sugar and carbs and meat that has been treated with additives to be as unhealthy as possible

>> No.15413215

Why would they do that though?

>> No.15413239
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You sure it's not the hrt causing that you fucking faggot

>> No.15413248

I guess I forgot to mention that I'm not shizophrenic

>> No.15413463

Hey doc, med student with IBS here. My own actual doctor recommended I go gluten-free and literally all of my IBS symptoms have disappeared completely since I actually started taking his advice, been completely fine for over a month now. PS ur a faget

>> No.15413639
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It's not as long as you cut down on the cheese and oil. Marinara-style pizza is my favorite anyways.

>> No.15413671

Cheese isn't unhealthy

>> No.15413684

So in reality where noone here lives it's perfectly fine to eat in moderation and isn't "bad" for you unless you eat too much of it like anything else.

Now please strawman how white bread is so unhealthy for you and you should be eating wholegrain.

>> No.15413723

drink water loser

>> No.15413736

Besides the cheap soioil, nothing in the ingredients listed is bad. Why does this image exist?

>> No.15413953

ratio of nutrients is off, too many simple carbs