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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15400779 No.15400779[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>live in Tennessee
>walk into popeyes
>connected to smelly gas station
>15 people in line, all fat
>homeless guy stumbling around near drink machine
>nobody behind front desk
>fat lady with giant acrylic nails comes bouncing out from the kitchen eventually
>"wut kind a chicken u wan?"
>1st person ahead of me orders 19 tender meals, 3 bucket chicken, 4 orders of fries, also 8 extra biscuits
>goes through all the already cooked chicken and then some
>wait 10 more minutes for them to make more chicken
>person argues with cashier over check
>manager has to come out
>skinny twitchy methed out no-teeth white woman who looks 50 but is probably 25
>wipes her nose with her hand then fumbles with receipt/food/money
>"nah sur u din order dis sandwich ur right, i give ye extra biscuit"
>fat cashier lady: WE DON'T GOT NO BISCUITS
>hear honking from the drive through line which is held up from all the commotion
>1st guy finally has his gigantic order ready
>cashier comes out to change ice for some reason
>fleet 1st guy brings his gigantic meal to his wife, who is probably 30 but so fat she is walking with a cane
>rub their greasy fingers on their iphones as they engulf the chicken silentlessly
>occasional hoot/holler as they see something funny on their phone
>cashier: NEXT
>repeat process for #2
>radio on the intercom: tornado incoming to your area

>> No.15400815
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Maybe stop living and/or frequenting yourself around the neighborhoods where the lower classes of society exist. Don't come here and bitch and complain about your life when you choose to continue living in a literal state where people think it's OK to wave around flags of a rebellious army that attempted to violently secede from the Union.

>> No.15400855

OP what part of Tennessee do you live in? Johnson City fag here.

Wildly false believe it or not. I came from Long Island to Tennessee, and I've seen more wannabe tough guys up north putting confederate decals on their shitty Toyota Tundras there than I do here. It's not as redneck as you'd think

>> No.15400876

What about Pidgeon Forge? Also never go to a popeyes connected to a gas station. I got pale faced pants shitting diarrhea from one once. On a long ass road trip. Next time I went to popeyes it was similar to OP but I ended up walking out and never going back.

>> No.15401006

I live outside Nashville

>> No.15401037

Dude I’m not reading all that, get a girlfriend if you wanna rattle off long ass boring stories about your day

>> No.15401064

sry chad anon

>> No.15401073
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>live in Tennessee

>> No.15401202
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>radio on the intercom: tornado incoming to your area

>> No.15401221


Yep, I see way more confederate flags when I travel north than I do living in Texas. Northerners apparently love pretending to be losers.

>> No.15401229
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There are worse places to live.

>> No.15401254

Nowhere did OP mention anything about your trigger flag or anything remotely similar. Next you'll start kvetching about trump on a fucking food board.

>> No.15401424


Never been out that far west desu but my brother lives in Knoxville, so you're technically closer ig.


Always wanted to go there but I don't have the time nor patience to survive 6+hrs of traffic lol,

Again, long island fag here. 100% true. I can actually make a living down here despite the sub standard wages compared to NY. I can work my ~40 hours, buy enough food to last me over 2 weeks, pay bills, and still have money leftover to fuck around and get high on my days off. Doing that in NY would be a luxury. I'd hate to see places like Iowa or North Dakota though.

>> No.15401481

I think I know exactly which Popeyes that you're talking about. I live right outside Nashville too and that place is a hellhole man.

>> No.15401500
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Your first mistake was going here

>> No.15401514
File: 83 KB, 720x960, kkc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be a hoosier
>go to a krispy krunchy Chicken
>attached to gas station
>walk up to cashier
>"Do you have enough dark meat for your 8 piece meal for $7.99?"
>Indian counts out chicken and puts it in a bag.
>"Anything else?" the indian asks?
>"no that's all today, thanks" I reply
>pay man
>leave with tasty chicken.

>> No.15401526

Hoosier in Tennessee. I miss indiana indians

>> No.15401527

stopped reading there, sorry for your loss

>> No.15401569

Have you met ja/ck/?

>> No.15401587

theres a house on the water in north fork with a giant confederate flag. like a big fuck you to the tourist nyc jews

>> No.15401767

>rebellious army that attempted to violently secede from the Union

The war of northern aggression was thrust upon them

>> No.15402277

Who the fuck moves TO Tennessee?
That's your own damn fault

>> No.15402454

absolutely based

>> No.15402462

its a pasta you mong