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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15400714 No.15400714 [Reply] [Original]

How many of you are tired of seeing this things?

>> No.15400728

h e h

>> No.15400735

You can't actually cook fries in one unless you cook no more than a handful. Fucking gay.

>> No.15400745

Theres nothing wrong with air fryers. You can make some decent food with one.

>> No.15400750

I’m sick and tired of seeing people use these as a replacement to proper cooking methods

>> No.15400756

What do you call decent?

>> No.15400759

Brush them evenly with oil, then shake the holder after a few minutes to make all the fries cook uniformly
Always comes out fine for me

>> No.15400765
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shit appliance for shittier cooks

>> No.15400777

Its basically just a hot pocket/French fry/frozen food maker and does its job reasonably well

>> No.15400792

How are these different from just an oven?
Aren't they just tricking you into buying a shittier oven?

>> No.15400801

seeing these things discussed here? yes.
seeing these things in person? i have never seen one.

>> No.15400803
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That sack of shit looks like it wants to challange robby the robot.

>> No.15401451

I like the one my housemate bought. good for cooking some frozen chicken and chips when I get home from work and can't be fucked

>> No.15401456

it's quicker than an oven. don't buy one unless you have money to waste though. while it's convenient you can do everything it does with a normal oven

>> No.15402865


>> No.15402872

>he doesnt have Airfryer XL

>> No.15402887
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I like mine. My kitchen doesn't have a window so I can't really deep fry stuff. But I'm pretty happy with mine so far. Made fried chicken the other week in it.

>> No.15402907

>You can't actually cook fries in one unless you cook no more than a handful. Fucking gay.
Anyone with a basic grasp of electricity understands that 110v and 12amps is not going to cook more than 20 skinny french fries. Most people think electricity is magic juice they catch in a bottle though.

>> No.15403006

what things?
iphone posts? yes
the air fryer that got shilled hard here and on /fit/? also yes

>> No.15403038

>muh mini oven!!!

>> No.15403787

If you lived in a dorm, camper or boat one of these would be useful. other than that, not required in a modern american kitchen.

>> No.15404018

Bet you cannt cook a turkey heh

>> No.15404805

I got one for Christmas. It works well for frozen junk food and making restaurant leftovers edible.

>> No.15404811

So it’s for fat and lazy people?

>> No.15404831

i have one shit works

>> No.15404951
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I'm not sure I'd want JUST an air fryer but I do have pic related which has other functions too. I probably use the toaster oven setting the most. The air fryer makes some decent fried fish and pretty good chicken wings.

>> No.15405010

I have this exact model. Just did three large chicken breasts in it. They were succulent perfection.

375 on convection setting. Brushed with olive oil, liberally seasoned with garlic, onion salt, cayenne, paprika. 20 minutes bottom side down, flip, brush with olive oil again put back in for 10 minutes, check with meat thermometer and cook until they have an internal temp of 150 degrees.

>> No.15405064

Stupid shit to rip off dumbass normalshits that can't cook.

>> No.15405071

Yeah but they come out all slick in oil, even more oily than if deep frying properly.

>> No.15405083

Pork chops perfectly cooked to exactly 145f in ten minutes, bacon, fries, and dare I say, steak. The list goes on, but than again my air fryer is way bigger than most.

>> No.15405092

is the the new KFC gaming console

>> No.15405196

I'm not, I'm only tired of the fad because as long as it's a fad they'll be outrageously expensive. I'm waiting until the price inevitably drops to $30 or less so I can get one.

>> No.15405390

Just shake to mix them up every five minutes or so.

>> No.15405405

Convection oven's are shit appliances...? Damn son I guess you better go and tell literally every place that commercially sells food this. Probably gonna take you a while.

>> No.15405461

Or for "housemates" like from >>15401451
Where do these people come from?

>> No.15405636

It's faster and heats up quicker and gets crispier on the outside. It's just a small convection oven. Good if you're cooking fries and shit just for yourself and will pretty much make your microwave obsolete

>> No.15406219


>> No.15407897


>> No.15407909

Fuck boiling eggs air fried is the best.

>> No.15407912

maybe my grasp of electricity is not basic enough, but can't you just cook for longer if you need more energy?

>> No.15407929

They are literally just really small convection ovens. That's it. A toaster oven with a fan in it.

>> No.15407955

Imagine a toaster oven, but smaller, weaker, and with more plastic. You know you want one. Actually, you NEED one.

>> No.15408004

I made lavacake in mine yesterday, turned out great. Sucks (for you) that you don't have the skills to use one.

>> No.15408178
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>he doesn’t work out
I challenge any of you rιggers to post a more effective method to cook frozen chicken breasts without added calories.

>> No.15408186
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Steaming it while the rice cooks. Duh.

>> No.15408196

>steamed chicken
Disgusting. My air fryer can cook three to four chicken breasts in like thirty minutes and they come out golden and moist, you freak.

>> No.15408206

I've been seeing mine every day in my kitchen for the past 6 years and I haven't got tired of it yet.

>> No.15408229
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I’m probably going to buy one soon desu I can’t keep deep frying shit at the rate I am. No doubt I will be disappointed when I make a mess trying to make tempura squid

>> No.15408379
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anyone got one of these convection ovens with cooking plates on top?

>> No.15408453

I made air fried pickles once for my dad with an air fryer

>> No.15408482

I already have a toaster convection oven. Shits great. Although I don't use the convection option often.
No reason to use a big oven and waste energy when you can use a small toaster oven.

>> No.15408610

They were on post x-mas sale at the local supermarket.
I guess they didn't sell quite as well as the hoped.

>> No.15408671

No, its not.
I own both.

>> No.15408690

>convection oven isn't a proper cooking method

>> No.15408713
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I have one of these you monkey knuckle.

>> No.15409020

i think chips are fine done in them. 2 tricks though. spray them with oil before you start and shake them ever 2 minutes. it's annoying to shake them so often but it produces good results. and don't be shy with the spray.

>> No.15409203
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They're just a glorified EZ Bake Oven. Appropriate for zoomers because they are mentally stuck in their childhoods.