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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15392689 No.15392689 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /ck/, as a vegan I am always looking for more efficient sources of vegetables. Which one is more efficient, steak, which comes primarily from grass and corn, or pork, which comes from food waste?

>> No.15392786

Pork. Much better conversion ratio.

>> No.15392795

they're both fed Monsanto grain so it doesn't matter

>> No.15392798

Cows are some scary lookin mufuckas

>> No.15392819

Am the only one who doesn't like bacon on a burger? I've got some weird looks asking them to remove the bacon

>> No.15392827

Your servers are redditors

>> No.15392840

No but you're a fag if you order burgers that come with bacon then ask them to remove it.

>> No.15392864

Some places automatically have bacon on the burger

>> No.15393254

I don't really like bacon or cheese on my burger but I'll eat it if it comes that way.

>> No.15393290

No, I can understand how people can like the combination, but it's not for me. I remove it and wrap it in a napkin for my dog.

>> No.15393586

Humans are also fed monsanto grain.

Just get a grass finished organic animal and grow your own crops and you can tell monsanto to suck it.

>> No.15395037

Why the obsession with Monsanto? You do know that none of the eeeeevil FRANKENDNA of a GMO soybean or corn kernel survives the digestive process, right?

>> No.15395051

Grazing cows are better for the environment, and since there are almost no more wild cows, buying from grassfed cow farmers is the best way to keep the environment doing well :)

>> No.15395189

I worked as a grunt for an ebil gee em oh corn producer. People are fucking dumb. It's just a really advanced version of the same select breeding our ancestors did with putting the more desirable plants together. Also, it's a bitch to carefully sort everything and sterilize everything all the goddamned time. One goddamned kernel getting stuck in a machine is a no-no.

>> No.15395213

It results in genetic combinations that would never have transpired in a billion years of selective breeding. And we're already eating agricultural goods that we never had a chance to adapt to evolutionarily. So where does GMO take our food in ten or twenty years?

>> No.15395221

:( bros I feel bad about eating meat but I like eating it and its important for the human diet. we should just eat dumb humans and leave the piggus and cowes in piece.

>> No.15395252
File: 130 KB, 720x766, Kot Clay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It results in genetic combinations that would never have transpired in a billion years of selective breeding.
>[Source Needed.]
> And we're already eating agricultural goods that we never had a chance to adapt to evolutionarily.
>[Source Needed.]
Stop spouting random shit that you can't prove beyond "study shows."
>So where does GMO take our food in ten or twenty years?
Efficient foodsources and people fearmongering.

>> No.15395721

but my gentlesir, are you sure you don't want bacorino on your heckin' narwhal?

>> No.15396753

You are not alone.

>> No.15396915

reminder that crop farming kills more habitats and animals than livestock grazing on the same land

vegans kill more animals than normal humans

>> No.15396938

>as a vegan
stopped reading there

>> No.15396979

as a faggot, I am always looking for stupid faggot posts and yours takes the cake my friend

>> No.15396994

Los Americans, the defenders of burger, have entered the thread

>> No.15397019

britbong defender of my greggs steak bake, go cry harder whilst slaughtering entire ecosystems for your soy

>> No.15397030

You do realise that animals eat the soy. And they're far less efficient at producing food as well than crop farming so destroy much more habitat. If you hate soy so much you would stop eating meat which is made using soy.

>> No.15397053

i eat grass fed meat whenever i can, might be less efficient than mass soy farms but saves the environment

>> No.15397075

It definitely does not save the environment. Have you seen the damage non natural grazers do to habitat? They just leave vast empty swathes of desert with little or no vegetation. I'd advice you to look at the galapagos goat introduction or practically anywhere in the British countryside

>> No.15397141

>anywhere in the British countryside
you fuckin wot mate, i've seen pretty much most of the countryside in bongland and anywhere with animals grazing usually looks great

the devastation comes from crop farming removing thousands of acres that could have supported supported a healthy ecosystem plus some livestock

>> No.15397193
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>Do you have a heckin [sourcerooni] to support that claim?

>> No.15397200
File: 148 KB, 623x459, Overgrazed_field_-_geograph.org.uk_-_1240830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you are absolutely special.
>looks great
At least crops can provide some nectar for pollinating insects. These are just practically greenish deserts. Plus animals take up way way much more land per calorie than crops

>> No.15397532

I dont care that its genetically modified. I care that it's SPECIFICALLTY modified to be the ONLY SURVIVING ORGANISM when drenched in roundup.

>> No.15397638 [DELETED] 

You specifically googled overgrazed field. Looking specifically for livestock mismanagement. Are the animals even pasture rotated? It looks like they just put the grazers out on this tiny pasture all spring and summer and the land never gets to rest. The pale, rocky soil looks like a typical crop field. And if you wanna talk about pollinators, clover (a popular cover crop for pasture) blossoms from early spring to late fall, whereas crop flowers (especially corn and soy) are only in bloom for a few weeks.
When people talk about wanting higher quality beef, most people are just uneducated. What they mean to say is properly managed livestock. Proper pasture rotation is actually a much more efficient use of pasture, since it improves soil health, doesn't overwork the land and stimulates forage growth, meaning over the long term you will get more use per acre.

>> No.15397652
File: 40 KB, 450x338, Spring grazing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You specifically googled overgrazed field. Looking specifically for livestock mismanagement. Are the animals even pasture rotated? It looks like they just put the grazers out on this tiny pasture all spring and summer and the land never gets to rest. The pale, rocky soil looks like a typical crop field. And if you wanna talk about pollinators, clover (a popular cover crop for pasture) blossoms from early spring to late fall, whereas crop flowers (especially corn and soy) are only in bloom for a few weeks.
When people talk about wanting higher quality beef, most people are just uneducated. What they mean to say is properly managed livestock. Proper pasture rotation is actually a much more efficient use of pasture, since it improves soil health, doesn't overwork the land and stimulates forage growth, meaning over the long term you will get more use per acre

>> No.15399220

Would you prefer that they drench all the fields in OTHER pesticides instead? Because -- guess what -- that's the alternative. Well, that or half the world starves because the U.S. can't sell them cheap soybeans any more.

>> No.15399229

Not that having all the niggers in Africa starve to death would be a bad thing, mind you. We'd probably also be able to kill off about a third of China, and maybe they'd get pissed off enough to overthrow their government.

So, hey, you've sold me! Let's go 100% no-GMO organic!!!!!!!!!

>> No.15399259

odd idea, iirc caffeine is a natural pesiticide, so why not try modifying plants to produce caffeine

>> No.15399662

Based and veganpilled. Good job anon.

>> No.15399865

Okay but crops will still always yield more energy than any animal because the get their energy from a light in a sky and cows get their energy from them at a lower efficiency so they eat a lot of it. My Aunt and Uncle are cattle farmers, best steak ever oh my god. literally just some kosher salt and it was still the best piece of meat I've ever had. But yeah vegetables are technically more efficient land use wise.

>> No.15399874
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kys GMO shill.

>> No.15400108
File: 210 KB, 873x655, gardenc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vegetables need more than light. I mean, if you put a seed in some dirt nothing is going to happen. You need water and nutrients in the soil. Depending on the plant some will need more nutrients and water than others. A nutritious annual like squash is delicious and I love them but they are very hungry plants. My ducks create wonderful fertilizer for them. Plants don't require much land but they will damage the land they are on if not managed properly (just like livestock). We cant sit and pretend it's only animal agriculture that is mismanaged.

Also there are places where human food crop agriculture on an industrial scale is near impossible. When I was driving through Texas the only crop I ever saw growing was cotton.

If we modify plants to produce caffine then all the plants would be caffinated. So if you were eating a salad for dinner you could potentially end up wired like you had a cup of coffee or something.
There are plenty of plants that produce their own pesticides. A great thing to do is to plant different species of crops with one another. One crop will attract a pest, and another will attract something that eats the pest.

Or any faggot with a yard grows their own food. I had a wonderful garden last year without any pesticides whatsoever and very few issues with pests. You don't need to drown everything in poison. And shove your American exceptionalism up your ass. You think the whole world needs us? We are a like, 300 year old nation. And we are on the brink of a second civil war. We are quickly becoming more and more like the third world African shitholes you hate so much.

>> No.15400952

pork is more efficient than beef, largely because pigs are slaughtered at a younger age than beef cattle

>> No.15400956

gmo is BETTER than selective breeding

>> No.15402664

Do you feel uncomfortable when people ask you to substantiate your claims?