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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 191 KB, 1112x911, dafack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15399616 No.15399616 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck with him? Is he a scientist now or what?
fucking shit Adam cook more and talk less.

>> No.15399621

in fact cook less too.. he's shit at it

>> No.15399626

You have to watch his video with his life story to really understand him.
It completely explains his whole inferiority complex

>> No.15399632

Here it is
He was a complete incel at college and pissed in bottles

>> No.15399633

narcissistic personality disorder

>> No.15399638

He, at some point, worked for NPR.

That's about all I need to know. He's an Alton wannabe. No one told him how to dress, speak, groom, or work anywhere behind camera. He belongs back on radio.

>> No.15399641

>i fucking love science that agrees with my politics and wold view
>what does the science say about chopping vegetables
>cant make mexican food thats racist, here's me making india food
>randomly brings up slavery for no reason
>how to be a retard with your steak instead of making a compound butter once and using it for multiple steaks
>why i prep skillshare instead of my wife's bull

>> No.15399644

No, he just has massive inferiority complex and impostor syndrome, mixed with some Asperger traits.

>> No.15399671
File: 11 KB, 293x301, 1566781066395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cant make mexican food thats racist, here's me making india food

>> No.15400011

What's the deal with that anyway?

>> No.15400025


>> No.15400054

Fagusa will always be a faggot

>> No.15400218


>> No.15400456
File: 314 KB, 631x961, guga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ragu is nothing compared to BASED /ourguy/ GUGA.

>> No.15400487

His whole thing is that he's been in academia his entire life and he needs to make sure you know it. He's the same as any college professor trying to ignore they fucked up in choosing a career path

>> No.15400882
File: 1.02 MB, 1042x744, Screen Shot 2021-01-14 at 9.51.51 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's cooking with the blues.


>> No.15400887

You never went to college and are of a lower genetic caliber. Squirm.

>> No.15400890

Hey Adam!

>> No.15400915

>Is he a scientist
No, but he worships it like empty soyman he is
When will he drop the "Rational and civilized modern man" facade and snap?

Why hello there, Adam

>> No.15400916

Why are you fucks so obsessed with this useless Jew?

>> No.15400953 [DELETED] 

Is it still imposter syndrome when you really are an imposter?

>> No.15400974 [DELETED] 

He is a child molester. Almost convicted in 2004.

Sick pervert, a pedophile. An abuser of children.

>> No.15400986

Because it's fun, him being so up his ass and arrogant makes it possible to see his mistakes as funny instead of sad; not a tragedy, but a slow comedy

Brilliant come-back, Adam, you really showed him!

>> No.15401958


>> No.15402032

Fagusea likes to think he's a scientist, but he ain't. Kenji actually went to MIT, Fagusea is teaching fucking journalism. What is there to teach about sucking dicks and writing clickbaiting headlines.

>> No.15402100

>Is he a scientist now or what?
worse, he's a redditor

>> No.15402232

because we know he'll eventually read this

>> No.15402236

He looks like a fucking mess. He should probably wear a mask in his videos

>> No.15402257

I was there. I remember it. Reincarnation.

>> No.15402927

No wonder he has that personality

>> No.15404161

I think he was just being autistic and wanted to look at da cool shapes on da food. I think it was an alright video, not really sciencey, just fact filled and low-grade 'tism

>> No.15404713


>> No.15405361

He's neither

>> No.15405455

Check em.

But why does he make Indian food if making Mexican food is racist?

>> No.15405485

Double checked

>> No.15405775

We’re not. Guarantee he’s the one making these threads and shitting up the board. Where’s that screen cap showing that he posts about himself here to get attention?

>> No.15405790


>> No.15405803 [DELETED] 

Kenji linked one of our threads on his Twitter, too. We're gaining mainstream prestige for our rare insights and delightful expressions.

>> No.15405873

Links or it didn't happen.

>> No.15405884 [DELETED] 


>> No.15405902
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>> No.15406063

He can be a little pretentious but I genuinely like his recipes.

>> No.15406079

Holy shit, I don't like the guy either but man you guys truly need to seek therapy, it's NOT healthy to get this riled up over someone's existence.

>> No.15406132 [DELETED] 

You don't even know what riled up is, Adam. You would be driven to suicide if we were truly riled up.

>> No.15406630


wtf lol kenji browses this board? if you're reading this kenji I watch all your videos they're great!

>> No.15406645

dont you have a bull to prep you insufferable beak nosed little kike?

>> No.15406656

>if you're reading this kenji I watch all your videos they're great!
t. kenjicuck

>> No.15406693

Damn you nailed everything I hate about his videos. He still makes decent recipes but his underlying political thoughts creep into everything. He's a cuck.

>> No.15406701

I like eating my meat, not rotting it and throwing away half of it.

>> No.15406710

Adam what the fuck your gapped tooth wife is waiting for her prepped bull. Get to it.

>> No.15406811

Hi Adam! Not gonna watch it, but put me in the screencap in your video!

>> No.15406949

>year of our lord 2K21
>surprised normalfags lurk among us
This place isn’t some super secret club, ya know.

>> No.15406979

This dude is alright, don't know why normies bash the shit out of him on YT comments. Kind of heartbreaking since some of the stuff he cooks up may be different and his own version that varies than what's expected, but still ends up looking like it would be tasty as fuck to eat and not too dissimilar than the original. I like how he adds his own twist to dishes that make sense.

>> No.15407006

Because he's a giant faggot and YouTube 'celebrities' is the most pathetic form of faggotry concocted by anyone anywhere

>> No.15407015

he wishes he was kenji so bad

>> No.15407064

Guy has 5 burners going going, stovetop looks like it's been through some shit, pans he's using too, shirt all mangled and talks about life in a no bullshit sincere fashion, he's the last person you can throw these labels on.

>> No.15408149


>> No.15408420

i have a phd, 4 kids, and my net worth is likely more than triple yours

>> No.15408433

hi there adam, i'm currently studying nuclear on full ride but thanks for the inspiration!

>> No.15409124

I went to university and i think life long academics are pathetic cucks that couldn't hack it in the real world.

>> No.15409244

i am black

>> No.15409279
File: 86 KB, 680x679, 1488680672838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jew baiting

>> No.15409381

he's more of a teacher than a cook really, if you are already some 5 million michelin star line cook you might not find his videos very useful. but i am a simple home cook and i think he does give some really valuable advice for home kitchen (maybe one downside with his recipes is that they rely on the boiler attachment but he isn't making poverty food).

i also like many technical aspects of his videos, the soundmixing and editing are really well done. he doesn't use any cancerous music in his videos and still they are very good at covering outside sounds and the editing just looks really pleasant, also i like how he speaks, it's nice to zone out on his videos. and as a cherry on the top his wife is ugly which means i don't feel particularly threatened by their relationship (unlike with other foodtubers like weissmann or binging with reddit).

>> No.15409417

What’s wrong with liking science /ck/?

>> No.15409422

Science is GAY

>> No.15409442

Every single insufferable person I know has been in academia or research their entire life

>> No.15409445

But if you want to learn cooking, you should learn from someone who knows what he's talking about. Cooking advice is not in short supply.

>> No.15409454

i do homecooking, if i want to learn more about homecooking i would much rather learn from another homecook than a professional.

>> No.15409470

That's retarded. You'd have to be Adam himself to think that makes sense.

>> No.15409480

I bought BTC at $4. Unlikely.

>> No.15409485

Post Coinbase portfolio or didn’t happen

>> No.15409487

professional environments are different from home kitchen, professional cooks have been trained to prepare as much food for as many people as fast as possible. these are skills that you do not need in the home kitchen, Adam takes many shortcuts in his recipes and attempts to simplify the recipes because cooking for a family (or just yourself) can come with challenges that a professional cook wouldn't be able to help with.

>> No.15409497
File: 373 KB, 546x458, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recommend her anons.
I learned alot from her.

>> No.15409507

Wrong. Adam doesn't know how to cook. His wife is going to leave him within five years, and his children have already started to hate him. He's ugly and will never remarry.

>> No.15409525

i really don't know man, from what i've seen his food looks delicious and he's clearly wealthy, athletic and famous. i doubt many women would want to dump a person like that.

>> No.15409526

His pan pizza recipe is god awful

>> No.15409535

What about it? I’ve been wanting to try that one

>> No.15409542

Why do you let someone you don’t like live in your mind rent free?

>> No.15409550

Your "shortcuts" are also just stupid shit that could be figured out in ten seconds by any stoned dropout who learns the principles from somebody who actually knows about cooking.

>> No.15409555

Why do you assume I think about him after leaving these threads?

>> No.15409559

>he's clearly wealthy,
Middle class
> athletic
The bare minimum
> and famous
internet famous

Adam, chill

>> No.15409561

Give me a break, /ck/ can’t stop making threads about him. If you really didn’t care about him you wouldn’t have any opinion on him. If you don’t like someone, stop thinking about them so much.

>> No.15409565


>> No.15409566

he lives in a big house and has a fancy kitchen, he's much more fit than other popular foodtubers i have seen and e-fame is still fame.

>> No.15409568

The dough doesn't cook properly no matter what I try

>> No.15409570

if he's a scientist he should develop a way to fix his wife's bucked teeth. Ugly slag could eat and apple through a tennis racquet.

>> No.15409576

Okay that’s incredibly vague but I’ll keep that in mind. Ever think you’re just doing something wrong?

>> No.15409583

I've never made any threads about him. Adam starts probably 30% of them. It was originally 100%, then a few people thought it was funny to help him spam. If you want people who hate you to stop thinking about you, stop advertising where people hate you.

>> No.15409585
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1610820686424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>e-fame is still fame.
>he's much more fit than other popular foodtubers
Yikes Adam. Why are you always so emotional.

>> No.15409588

>using a microscope makes you a scientist.
Are you all literal retards?

>> No.15409597

Oh you want some too?

>> No.15409625

It's called sarcasm. Look it up sometime.

>> No.15409643

Yet you come into the threads every time they’re made. You’re constantly watching for a new one about Adam.

>> No.15409649

Did adam actually post here? Anyone have a screenshot

>> No.15409662

Yeah, it's the absolute center of my life and occupies every atom of my being. Or maybe I can ask people not to fart in my presence when they fart in my presence without being preoccupied with farts.

>> No.15409694

Keep telling yourself that and continue to hold onto negativity emotions towards people you don’t even know, who have no idea who you are.

>> No.15409718

I will. Thanks for your permission.

>> No.15409768

Adam is literally samefagging this thread up right now

>> No.15409849

stfu cunt

>> No.15409855

see there he is

>> No.15410057

How much does it cost to get mod approval for your self-promotion threads? I'm planning an ASMR unboxing channel and am trying to figure out what kind of advertising budget I need to become famous.

>> No.15410860
File: 15 KB, 164x206, Chadam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because he preps his wife instead of the bull

>> No.15410933

that's why we shitpost adam a lot... he's always here and we know it

>> No.15410955

His wife is ugly

>> No.15411382

bout tree fiddy a month

>> No.15411422

He's the embodiment of slave morality. You can tell that behind his cringey little "you do you!" shit and starting his plebbit comments with "friend, ...", there's real contempt hiding. He speaks this way because he's terrified of confrontation and has no idea how to handle disagreement. It's quite evident that he genuinely thinks he's the shit, but he's just too much of a coward and a mental weakling to face any critique head-on and honourably. That's why he hedges with these weasely little phrases, why he pre-empts all possible criticism with a pre-written and pinned FAQ, and why he saw the need to make that bizarre and incoherent video on why he refuses to use metric conversions.

So it doesn't surprise me that he's prone to the occasional outburst of impotent anger in his comments section from time to time -- he clearly has an ego and a measure of masculine rage, but has never learnt what to do with them, and has spent his life being afraid of any kind of self-affirmation. Why, for example, did he overreact with such vitriol to this relatively benign comment about ceramic stoves? Why does he get so upset over a very gentle quip about the narration? Because that's the kind of language in which Adam would himself codify his criticism. He interprets the slightest of gibes as full-frontal attacks because that's the way he'd make a criticism. Simple, honest and straightforward language is not for him; he lacks the courage to be direct.

As other anons have said, all of this has probably been reinforced/cemented by his having been a professor, where he's been able to go mostly unchallenged in his little fiefdom for years. Now he's suddenly exposed to the internet, where everyone is way harsher, and more importantly, don't need to please him to pass a class. I guess he's struggling to adapt a bit.

>> No.15411437

There he is.

>> No.15411684

What's that blacklight? Is he making sure his wife's bull's semen is spread out properly?

>> No.15411727

Duh. Im here to laugh at Fagusa thinking he actually matters. Now go prep the bull fagusa

>> No.15412007
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>> No.15412108
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>"Wow, this is a quality and insightful post"

>> No.15412449

See, there he is.

>> No.15412525

did you even read that pasta? the truth stings

>> No.15412590

He can't take any criticism be it constructive or abusive, so into the garbage he goes where he belongs. He's annoying to boot, I don't find him informative and if anyone has a video where he actually comes away with something useful or productive, I'm all ears and eyeballs.

>> No.15412695

I learned there are some ways of doing things and there are other ways of doing things, but the best way of doing things is you doing you. What? Strive for excellence? Sir, this is AMERICA.

>> No.15412700

Georgia has Mexicans so he's insecure about his pale imitations while most of the Indians are concentrated in coastal population centers.

>> No.15413594

Exactly, hate how he acts like he's some definitive source when it comes to cooking related information with his mickey mouse tests. He's like a pretentious hipster neckbeard know it all.

>> No.15413815

Adam you're a professor with a wife and kids why the fuck are you seeking attention from 4chan users?

>> No.15414080

We made him famous, he self advertised here when he started.

Now he will live with us forever.

>> No.15414114

I hate how he projects his weaknesses and laziness. like, sweating your onions is too much? yes you can make a servicable soup base without some steps, doesn't mean that the minimal effort isn't worth it. you struggling with knuckle hold doesn't mean the average home cook would necessarily struggle with it given proper guidance. he absolutely worships shortcuts, even if the steps they skip aren't even cumbersome and actually improve the end product. it's obnoxious.

>> No.15414268

holy based

>> No.15414294
File: 34 KB, 93x132, Ragusea soy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine liking this retard.

>> No.15414440

Hey adam, better prep your wife for me tonight.
I got a thick load for her tonight, if you're lucky you can raise my kid

>> No.15414939
File: 571 KB, 199x199, 1413141321330.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faggots, all of you

>> No.15415364

Calm down, adam.

>> No.15415469

No anon it's bait, please see it I beg you

>> No.15415582

Is "squirm" the new "seethe"? I like it.

>> No.15415849

he's definitely an autist but that's part of the appeal imo

>> No.15415923

What appeal, watching a know it all neckbeard tier lunatic ramble on and on like he's some authority in the kitchen? That's not appeal, that's more like I hope the electric oven he raves about being superior than gas blows up in his face or electrocutes him.

>> No.15415999

The slavery shilling is the moment I was disappointed in him and couldn't enjoy his videos anymore. He went from talking about crisco to complaining about slavery for 40 minutes.

>> No.15416691

his videos are nice so I like watching them

>> No.15416797

>Where’s that screen cap showing that he posts about himself here to get attention?
Seconding this request.

>> No.15416921

*dry ages angel*
now this is one special meat. You just dont get dry aged nephew very often ereybady. but that is enough talking. NAOW, LETS DEW EEIT!

>> No.15416925

well i can squirm my fat cock up your ass but i can't seethe it in

>> No.15416944


Don't have a cap. I'll paste the text:

heres something better, if you look at the archives you'll find the term 'soychad' was used a total of one time before that twitter post, the night before.

He made a bait thread about himself, calling himself a "soychad", a term never once before used on 4chan (making sure to use the nicest photo he has) and then claimed he went to 4chan 'just that one time'

oh but wait it quite possibly goes further
the very first post about 'ragusea' was a link directly to his channel, garnering no attention and falling right off the board with no replies
if you compare that screenshot, (likely adams) to his channel, this was only a few weeks after he decided his channel was going to be a cooking channel

he's been shilling himself here since the start, whether it was for the attention of us or the google bots it doesn't matter, because he succeeded.
This thread is likely filled with adams posts
now if you search for "anti-babish" or "anti babish" it's only been used 4 times
including this very thread

>> No.15417012
File: 103 KB, 880x661, fugly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard to watch this dude, don't like him, very ugly in more ways than one, even the way he speaks and the awkward gestures he makes, very off-putting. He looks so very

>> No.15417021
File: 52 KB, 1231x181, faguesa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my work but I think it's accurate based on his responses to people and his long video about how he was right about something because his kid was hurt and he had to urinate in jars. He is one mean or critical comment from exploding into new male violence. His cooking technique is laughable at best and new cooks should avoid content like this.

>> No.15417078

that's why---- this guy talks too much and cooks shit.

>> No.15417103

at least come up with your own opinions you faggot
all you retards can do it copy paste some "le epic own"
becuase you have never had an original thought in ur life
you read 4chan to learn what you should think
never stray from the consensus
you have to fit in with the cool crowd

>> No.15417217


>> No.15417581

adam's wife has daughters

>> No.15417622

If the shoo fits, go away.

>> No.15417816

Holy fuck it’s literally him, you’re such a queer

>> No.15417843


>> No.15418696

who has the compilation of him raging at negative comments?

>> No.15420212


>> No.15420303

I hate how this fag speaks. I can just imagine him writing his script to sound as intellectual as possible.