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File: 341 KB, 620x315, Ricotta V Cottage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15391941 No.15391941 [Reply] [Original]

Ricotta vs Cottage cheese. Which one is better for lasagna?

>> No.15391947

Neither. Lasagna should be made with bechamel sauce.

>> No.15391954



You make a mornay sauce and use that. It keeps your lasagna from getting mushy and gross.

>> No.15391966
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>> No.15391972
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>cottage cheese

>> No.15392004

What's that
yes, my grandma does it that way

>> No.15392055


Sorry to inform you but your grandmother is a retard

>> No.15392066

>still drinkling tiddy juice as an adult
lmao @ you toddler-brained retards

>> No.15392083


Imagine not sucking on big anime titties

>> No.15392573

absolute shit tier bait, no one makes lasagna with cottage cheese that sounds fucking gross

>> No.15392588

Bechamel, not mornay.

>> No.15392675

>What's that
Why wouldn't you use google instead of embarassing yourself like this?

>> No.15392688

Lactose intolerant shitskin tries dairy, gets sick and lashes out. Many such cases!

>> No.15392978
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okay tiddy addict

>> No.15393929


>> No.15394151

and cheese

>> No.15395120

Ricotta, better flavor and texture.

>> No.15395272

Depends how you're using it. A thin layer of straight cheese? Ricotta. A layer of cheese with egg and spinach or basil? Cottage Cheese.

Depends what kind you're making, and how much you care about the traditions of that particular area. I find that some bechamel does go a long way in lasagna, especially under a thick layer of mozzarella and hard cheese up top, and somewhere in the middle for stability if it's a stupidly thick phyllopizza (6" is about where I start to have lasagna quakes without some bechamel reinforcement).

>> No.15395304

My mother always used cottage cheese. I use ricotta, but cottage cheese is good too. Perhaps a bit saltier than ricotta. I like both.

>> No.15395543

If making traditional, do a bechamel sauce. But for quick and easy, ricotta is good.

>> No.15396109
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Imagine being so butthurt you can't handle dairy.

>> No.15396144


>> No.15396162

Imo cottage cheese. I actually love cottage cheese in my 'ghetti.

>> No.15396165

Out of the two Ricotta. Although bechamel is traditional for a reason.

The one thing I would say to everyone in this thread is that no one in Italy plans to make a risotto and then starts wringing their hands because they don't have the ingredients for bechamel when they have ricotta in the fridge. They don't look at the ricotta and go, Welp I guess I can't make lasagna today gosh darn it.

If we stuck to tradition all the time imagine how fucking boring food would be and how much shit wouldn't exist.

>> No.15396589

Ricotta lasagna is just as traditional as bechamel

>> No.15396601
File: 394 KB, 4272x2848, lasagna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ricotta all day er'ry day. My mom tried to slip some bullshit "healthy" lasagna with ricotta and turkey sausage past me and my dad, and that shit was instantly detectable. The house voted no, we want real lasagna with ricotta and Italian pork sausage.

>> No.15396607

*cottage cheese and turkey sausage, sorry.

>> No.15396627


>> No.15396647

I've seen people use cottage cheese. Mostly poor people and flyovers.
t. Burger

>> No.15396883

dunno what restaurants use in america but here in italy most people use normal mozzarella to make lasagne at home

>> No.15396916

Bechamel in Lasagna is infinitely superior to Ricotta or Mozzarella. I am no tradition autist and I love american pizza but in this case its just a shitty replacement for people too lazy or stupid to make bechamel sauce

>> No.15396933

why would you use just bechamel and not both cheese and sauce? it makes no sense

>> No.15397182

Bechamel lasagne include hard and often melting cheeses and tomato sauce. It's not just paste and pasta. Neapolitan lasagna involves ricotta, sausage, and occasionally meatballs and hardboiled eggs. Lasagna from the Bologna/Emilia-Romagna area tends to be more the bechamel-parm type. There are some with thin strips of veggies, thicker and thinner sauces, mozzarella on top, inside, or absent. There's no wrong way to make this dish, until you start specifying which regional variant you're butchering.

>> No.15397195

This guy lasagnas.

>> No.15398690

Lasagna should not be made.

>> No.15398736

Bechamel on lasagna seems really weird.

My friend from italy makes a fresh pasta lasagna that’s insane, but he does not use anything that resembles a cheese sauce. In fact there wasn’t that much cheese in general. Now i know theres different regional cuisines, but a bechamel lasagna just seems like it would be way too rich.

Is the whole thing a white sauce lasagna? Or do mix in or top with tomato sauce? Overall it just doesn’t sound like it’s for me.

>> No.15399639

It definitely involves some kind of tomato sauce, that's pretty much across the board unless otherwise indicated. Bechamel (not Mornay, with cheese) is subbed in for a few internal layers that would have otherwise been ricotta (or cottage cheese). These inner layers - sometimes including mozzarella or hard cheese - function as a lightly nutmeg-flavoured glue (and the texture actually works really well). For the top layer of bechamel, the usual practice is covering it with a thin layer of Mozzarella and/or Parmigiano/Pecorino, but it's best if it's cooked naked until lightly brown, and then covered in cheese for extra texture.

I don't do the bechamel lasagna thing very often, but it's good.

>> No.15399656


Cottage cheese is the substitute that grandma's recipe used 50 years ago when whole milk ricotta was difficult to find in ordinary groceries. Bechamel for those found it too fatty or expensive. Cottage cheese was the de facto diet food of the 60s and 70s.

>> No.15399716

For all the shit Italy's gone through in the last 600 years, there have definitely been cheese shortages. Cottage cheese as a product is definitely not authentic (unless it's grandma's authentic "New to America Lasagna" recipe from when she landed in the new world and had to make due), but it's not "wrong" depending on what you're doing with it. If you plan on mixing or blending the soft cheese with other things, it really makes no difference. If you're laying down a layer of solo cheese, ricotta's texture and slight, fresh acidity is better in a really obvious way.
>I agree, but with a "but"

>> No.15399771

you should be a lasagna

>> No.15399793

you make a bechamel sauce and put some cheese in there. then you make normal lasgana ragú. then you put it in this order:
4.repeat 1.
the last layer is bechamel with cheese on it, or just shitloads of cheese

>> No.15399839


Your flyover country 1/64 "Italian" nonna doesn't know anything anon

>> No.15400248

Bechamel with cheese is Mornay. Not being a spergy Italian (because I'm only half Spergitalian), just helping you call it by name so you can get what you ask for later.

>> No.15401072


>> No.15401415

I like it both ways. Lasagna is great.

>> No.15401423

Bruh, cheese? There's like 400 different kinds and I can try them all. Anything with milk or cream in it? Fuck yeah let's do this. You don't have to feign aires of superiority. I feel bad for you that you can't enjoy food the way I can.

>> No.15401433

and parmesan cheese, you stupid degenerate

>> No.15401455

Yes, I think my Mom made lasagna that had ricotta, cottage cheese, parmesan, spinach and egg as the 'white' layer.

>> No.15402013

no mornay has butter in it

>> No.15402052

instead of making lasagna you could make something nicer

>> No.15402068

Mix both with egg

>> No.15402167
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Does it make yah tummy hurt?

>> No.15402179

yeah like some tendies?
fuck off

>> No.15402221

Don't forget to make the layers thin, ideally you want a lot of thin layers instead of sloppa like >>15396601

>> No.15402626

You're not making your bechamel with vegetable oil, are you? Can you hear your ancestors crying?

>> No.15402652

This. Do ameritards really put cottage cheese in their lasagna? What the fuck is their problem

>> No.15403407

Convinced people only use cottage cheese because some retard heard "ricotta" and didn't know what it was so they used "cottage" instead. The only people I've known who do this with lasagna are idiot rednecks.

>> No.15403777
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Begotten not made

>> No.15404024

It's a larger curd, slightly less acidity... If ricotta's stupidly expensive where you are and you only have access to pasteurized, homogenized milk for some reason, slop a splash of lemon or vinegar in your tub of cottage cheese, and give a quick straining. If you're worried about the curd size, give it a pulse or two in the food processor.
I had this problem once when everything shut down. The solution was alright, but now that I've got access to ricotta and proper milk to make it again, it's not really a thing.

>> No.15404099

For lasagna, if the choice is either ricotta or cottage cheese, of course ricotta. What kind of mad lad makes cottage cheese lasagna?
That said, cottage cheese is fucking good.