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File: 641 KB, 1200x1200, beef-kidney-bean-chili-102783100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15387248 No.15387248 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled and it has been universally agreed that real chili HAS beans, what is your favorite recipe for chili con frijoles?

>> No.15387258

Beans are only for poor fags as a filler for pork and veal.

>> No.15387261

Pork is only a filler for poorfags who cant afford wagyu

>> No.15387262

Enjoy your boulder shits

>> No.15387269

>Not wanting to double your chili yield with some delicious fart fuel for $2

>> No.15387279

>Supporting the economy of a nation that didn't ban child pornography until less than a decade ago

Enjoy explaining that to saint peter.

>> No.15387281

Texans rage at beans in chili because their only national identity is being contrarian faggots who can't get along with anyone else even other southern states. I'm glad your faggot country is getting invaded by wetbacks and californans you can all burn in hell.

>> No.15387295
File: 97 KB, 1200x849, 20201227_155041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15387393
File: 52 KB, 480x672, DB66E9EA-C861-4C92-903E-12F42C1E96EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Texas is too busy being the greatest place on earth to be bothered with smoothbrains and their filler food

>> No.15387398

I like beans in chili. I do not like meat in chili. meat is way too rich. I like to eat a lot of chili so meat has got to go.

>> No.15387411

if you make chili and dont put beans in it, you can put it on rice or pasta or crackers or hot dogs or you can even just mix some beans in with it i dont understand the chili has beans in it fags logically adding beans only seems restrictive and i honestly think that you're all just a bunch of queerbait trolls

>> No.15388125

Alright boys gimme you best Chili recipie. I like mine Thicc.

>> No.15388207

Real chili has no bean, tomatoes, meat, spices, produce, herbs, or water.

>> No.15389316

2lbs ground beef, browned
1lb black beans
1lb red kidney beans
1 large onion, chopped up and sauted
2-3 celery stalks, chopped up
5 habaneros, chopped up
2 cloves of garlic, chopped up
1 can of diced tomatoes
1 small can of tomato paste
2 tablespoons of chili powder
1 teaspoon of cayenne powder
Other veggies (bell pepper, carrot) or other spices (cumin, garlic powder) optional

Put in slowcooker for a couple hours on low

>> No.15389555

Only ground beef chili has beans.

>> No.15389623

Truly a tragedy that the globohomo UN forced that cp ban. Couldve been a paradise

>> No.15389655

If you invite me over for chili only to serve me some weird bean soup I'll fucking drown you in it.

>> No.15389663

If the name of your recipe is “Chile con frijoles” then by definition chili does not have beans. “Chili con frijoles” means chili with beans, implying that “with beans” needed to be specified because it wasn’t implied by whoever named it thus.

>> No.15389677

>chile con carne is a term
I guess chili doesn't have meat either, huh, numbnuts?

>> No.15389689


Yes actually, that’s right.

>> No.15389699

What you need is

Chopped beef (cheapest, fattiest cut you can find, it's getting stewed so long it's not gonna matter)
Chili powder (my chilis are typically very fruitful so I make my own)
Minced chilis (I usually use malageutas just because the fucking plant makes so many I don't know what to do with them)
Beef stock
Black pepper

Brown the beef then douse it in stock, throw everything else in and simmer for between 3 and 6 hours, depending on how tough the meat is or how much/little you want the gravy condensed. Top with cheese and a scoop of sour cream.

>> No.15389984
File: 39 KB, 540x400, hot-dog-with-chef-mate-hot-dog-chili-sauce-with-beef-nestle-pro-food-service-recipe-540x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No bean "chili" is just hotdog topping.

>> No.15390063

Lately I've been slowcooking a turkey, pumpkin and black bean chili. Fucking beautiful.