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15379756 No.15379756 [Reply] [Original]

I want to buy a high quality chef's knife. What are good options and what should I watch out for? Pic not necessarily related.

Also knife thread I guess.

>> No.15379766


>> No.15379784

I ended up using my 20$ Arcos beater I bought back in 2014, even after buying a 300$ knife from JCK.
I think the sharpness of a knife is the most important part. The maker thing is a meme. Fancy natural wood handles are nice though

>> No.15379868 [DELETED] 

I'm a professional chef that earns two hundred thousand a year easy. I only use Japanese knives. Can't tell you which ones because of my nondisclosure agreement. Needless to say you don't have access to them anyway. Study the art of cooking you might be my apprentice one day. Doubtful tho lol.

>> No.15379879

This. Swedish Carbon gyuto. Barely even needs work out of the box unlike the UX10, but the UX10 is also a great knife after you fix the horrid belt grind.

>> No.15379908
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I got a Miyabi Fusion for Christmas this year, cuts real gud, feels good in the hand, looks cool, it may not be the absolute best knife you can get for $120 but I like it.

>> No.15380180
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>germans are so far gone that they're slapping a japanese-sounding name on their outsourced "japanese" knife to stay relevant

>> No.15380450

Protip: don’t ever ask /ck/ for advice on a cooking implement where the best choice has so much to do with personal preference and budget.

But since you did,
You probably shouldn’t get a Japanese knife (as in made by Japanese people using Japanese steel) for your first “high quality” knife, many people who do end up chipping/breaking it and/or not taking care of it properly. Same goes for a “boutique” knife.

Henckels and Wusthof are both pretty much bulletproof (as long as they’re the actual German ones and not one of their ching-chong lines) and great to use. Hipsters and faux-snobs hate them, but they’re “mainstream” for a reason. Anecdotally, I’ve had a Wusthof Classic Ikon for my western chef’s knife going on 5 years and it’s been fantastic.

Dalstrong makes a couple good chef knives, and are arguably a good value in the sense they’re “less than half the price of a German knife, while being more than half as good”. My little brother has their ‘gladiator’ chef knife and I was impressed at the quality for the price, at least the one time I used it.

If something is using selling points of “made with German/Japanese steel”, it translates to “made in China”, and isn’t necessarily worth paying more for.

>> No.15380463
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>don't buy a tool that works well because you might ruin it
Do you actually own any drinking glasses made of actual glass? It must be hard living life on hard mode.

>> No.15380510

>outsourced "japanese" knife
Not that anon, but I’m pretty sure that a knife made with Japanese materials and literally produced in Seki-shi, Gifu, by people who eat grilled chicken-heart skewers, qualifies as a Japanese knife without quotations.

>> No.15380559

>shits on recommendation
>doesn’t offer one of his own
Are you purposely being obtuse or just standard retard contrarian?
He’s clearly wanting to get his first “good” knife, and doesn’t know a ton beyond that. Otherwise he wouldn’t even consider trying to get advice here.
So of course something more forgiving would be a preferable option at his current point.

>> No.15380562

>didn't read the thread before posting so nobody else must have posted before
I diagnose you with narcissistic personality disorder

>> No.15380567

retards, never post on /ck/ again

>> No.15380627

>buys dalstrong by mistake
>tries to get others to join the misery
Bucket o crabs right here

>> No.15380633

All of JCK's are very high quality and their store-brand lines are good value for the money.

JKI is very good but they're a little more expensive, and since the pandemic started, a lot of their stuff has been out-of-stock. If you have a chance to visit Los Angeles, you might want to visit their showroom.

Korin in New York is also very good. Their selection is more skewed towards western style knives made by Japanese companies vs more traditional Japanese knives carried by JKI.

>> No.15380636

who buys dalstrong for high end chef knives? i thought they were for retarded cleavers and boards.

>> No.15380637

Korin has a perfectly fine selection of traditional knives, they're just aggressive about steering their customers to the knives they think are good for that type of customer

>> No.15380638

Thank you for posting something actually informative.

As far as I understand, the difference is that Japanese knives use harder steel, making it sharper, more brittle and it will keep its sharpness longer. They are also harder to sharpen once they do go blunt. Often they're also more A E S T H E T I C than their German counterparts and I'd be lying if I said that wasn't important to me. Quality comes first, but wooden handles, dimpled steel etc. are definitely a plus.

>He’s clearly wanting to get his first “good” knife, and doesn’t know a ton beyond that. Otherwise he wouldn’t even consider trying to get advice here.

Exactly right. Although I will say that 4chan has steered me right many times in the past. What do you think is a good place to gather info or advice on chef's knifes?

>> No.15380639

If you aren't using stainless in 2021 you might as well just order takeaway LOL

>> No.15380664

Stainless has two kinds of buyer: idiot boomers who can't remember to take the knife out of the sink full of dirty dishes overnight, and autistic spergs who need to prove something about "not all stainless" and have a collection of boutique "made for stainless steel" japan domestic market sharpening stones that they bought off Rakuten using google translate so they can put a half decent edge on their gummy fussy nightmare knives that grow a burr that slaps you in the face and then rapes you if you don't whisper sweet nothings at it in perfectly un-accented Jōdai Nihon-go while rubbing it according to the lunar calendar when Shinmoedake is in remission.

Since you're posting on /ck/ you're obviously in the first category, of course.

>> No.15380669

Now this is some serious cope hahaha

>> No.15380683

>t. goes through twenty towels every day just wiping moisture off of his $800 Shirogami #1 wa-gyuto made by a Japanese grandpa

>> No.15380772

Get a Wusthof Classic 8 and never think about it for 10 years

>> No.15380775

>it's current year and you're still using carbon?
>come on anon not ALL stainless, this ain't your grandpa's wusthof ha ha
>just need to hang on, can't perma soak these lol
>ok, it's been 15 minutes should be ready
>no no anon you have to work up a slurry first! direct contact with the surface will result in carbide tear-out, this ain't your grandpa's stainless lol!
>uhhhh trailing strokes, HELLO anon what YEAR is it? what part of carbide tear-out did you not understand?!?
>no no NO, what did I tell you. you have to deburr before you go to the next stone in the series, yes I'm glad you asked! I have this custom set of cerium oxide impregnated hard felt blocks from keith, oh yes you have to friend him on myspace first he doesn't respond to strangers
>ok now remember what I said, the resinoid compound needs to be coaxed first with these synthetic naguras
>TRAILING strokes anon, ugh what YEAR is it?
>ok it's been 20 minutes I think that stone has had enough, can't have cracking now! I had to get those on a waitlist straight from maxim
>yes the kanayama for this grit level, the felt strop is only good for 2k and below
>no no no, you are stropping too fast! you're throwing away the performance of this super steel!
>ok ready? I'll start the next soak now as soon as I'm done pat-drying the other stones
Wow where do I sign up for this, so much easier than wiping a normal carbon steel blade with a towel after a few strokes on my splash-n-go stones and no strop nonsense because the burrs are easy to deal with

>> No.15380790
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>> No.15380825

A harder knife is easier to sharpen, actually. With a soft knife it is almost impossible to differentiate between the edge and the burr.

>> No.15380841
File: 3.00 MB, 4032x3024, 8F14A5C3-6BF6-4C61-8F7D-86A3397154BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your ideas regarding traditional Japanese knives are spot on. “Brittle” can’t be overstated; if the blade is on the thin side, it’s definitely possible to break if dropped from waist-height onto a hard floor. Also can be damaged by cutting very hard or frozen things.
They aren’t necessarily harder to sharpen, but can take longer.
You’ll also want a ceramic honing rod, since many steel ones can be too ‘soft’.
If you’re cool with having to be more particular about usage/care, then go for it.
People can get really autistic about brands of Japanese knife, but pretty much anything made in Seki is gonna be good. Hand-forged isn’t ‘better’, but the extra expense is worth it if you appreciate the fact you’re also buying an art piece and supporting legit craftsmen.

Ideally you’ll end up with both western and Japanese cooking knives. All of my “nice” knives are Japanese, save for the one German chef knife, which I use for anything rougher than I’d want to subject the others to.

There are a number of knife-forums online, but they usually tend to suffer from faux-snobbery and circlejerking.
The best advice is to go to a decent store where you can actually handle or even try the knives, and see what feels best in your hand.
Pic semi-related; Tower Knives in Osaka.

>> No.15380858

>it’s definitely possible to break if dropped from waist-height onto a hard floor. Also can be damaged by cutting very hard or frozen things.
Nobody accidentally winds up with a honyaki yanagi

A normal gyuto can be dropped on the floor and at the absolute worst the tip will break 2mm off and you'll have to regrind, or you'll have to do some serious edge repair, the bigger concern should be whether you'll end up in the emergency room or whether your nice hardwood floor will get fucked up

>> No.15380916

>the tip will break 2mm off
I guess I should have clarified; by ‘break’ I also meant edge/tip chunks, not necessarily snapping entirely.
It’s not the end of the world if you have the knowledge/tools to fix it, but it’s still a shitty thing to have happen to something nice and probably pricey. Even moreso if you have to get someone else to repair it.

>> No.15380941

You shouldn't be buying a nice knife unless you have the tools to take care of a nice knife and a coarse enough stone for this kind of work is a basic part of knife care. Edge damage can and will happen with any knife and should be treated like a button falling out of a nice shirt or a shoelace breaking on a nice pair of shoes.

And even if it isn't "damaged" per se most factory grinds are mediocre and need work with a coarse stone anyway. Kinda like how a lot of higher end shirts come with abysmal button stitching because of anachronistic "tradition" in the garment industry. A person who cares for nice things takes this into account instead of just avoiding nice things altogether.

>> No.15381054

>Edge damage can and will happen with any knife
Yes, but some are definitely more susceptible to it whereas others will be a bit more forgiving with rougher use or occasional clumsiness.
I absolutely agree with every word you said, and every knife is going to eventually be dropped or accidentally pushed off the counter. I’m just saying that some are more likely than others to need repair afterward, and OP should consider that when deciding on his first “real” knife purchase.

>> No.15381095
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>I absolutely agree with every word you said
No that's not how this works this is supposed to be an autistic slapfight, you have to insult me and preface with "isn't it interesting how" or "big words coming from a " or something like that

>> No.15381096

yo got a code for that?

>> No.15381121

>perfectly un-accented Jōdai Nihon-go while rubbing it according to the lunar calendar when Shinmoedake is in remission.
You didn’t even mention the Shinto temizu purification. It’s literally the 1st step, ignorant pleb.

>> No.15381191

My apologies, this thread has too much actual discussion and I forgot this is 4chan.
Let me try again:

>You shouldn't be buying a nice knife unless you have the tools to take care of a nice knife
>You shouldn’t buy a nice car unless you have a fully equipped garage
Poorfags like you shouldn’t be buying a nice ‘anything’ if you can’t afford professional repairs done by actual experts.
>should be treated like a button falling out of a nice shirt
In which case I pay a skilled tailor to reattach, because I’m not some Victorian pauper who has to put effort into keeping his one presentable shirt wearable.

>> No.15381197
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Eh, works for me

>> No.15381206

For $40 you cannot beat Cangshan 59526 eight inch chef knife. I have two of those German names but use this one almost always when I need a big old cutter. Ceramic sharpener loves it.


>> No.15381506

Much better, faggot.

>> No.15382706

Best Chef knife that doesn't have a secondary bevel? with my current knife I ended up sharpening it into a single bevel since I hate working with secondary bevels.

>> No.15382718

Are you talking about a western profile knife that's 100/0, or a japanese traditional knife with a hollow back?

>> No.15382744
File: 8 KB, 139x303, secondary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure what 100/0 is. but def not the japanese style where one side is flat.
More like (pic related) where the part circled isn't there is what I want.

>> No.15382770
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shit version. but if it was like this (imagine it went to a point)

>> No.15382818
File: 53 KB, 538x265, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is a good example. of what I would want. whichever of the 3 grinds with (?) that is best for a chef knife is what I want.

>> No.15382820

>but def not the japanese style where one side is flat.
Single bevel or “chisel”.
>where the part circled isn't there is what I want.
That’s commonly called “compound bevel”.
Since you apparently know how to sharpen, just avoid something where the entire blade is designed around giving a single-bevel edge (like an usuba), which you said you don’t want.
Beyond that, you can give it whatever sort of edge and angle your heart desires.
It doesn’t matter what the factory edge is/was. That piece of steel belongs to you now, so make it your bitch.

>> No.15382862

supreor nihon kiife floded one billion times

i need this to cut the hard boiled egg to put on my ramen i eat while watching ep962 of "cute girl highschool, my teacher can't be this cute" as i leak pus out of my bedsores into my pro gaming chair, illuminated by the rgb light of my mechanical keyboard

>> No.15382876

if you exfoliate and use benzoyl peroxide you can get rid of those bedsores. I like to use japanese brands purchased from rakuten.

>> No.15382888
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here is my edge. maybe hard to notice, but it's pretty much an inbetween of a flat and convex grind. how's the quality? is it good enough that I should just stick with it rather than buying a higher end knife?

>> No.15382913
File: 249 KB, 3000x1961, 37885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody on here mentioned this the other day, so I bought one. Wusthof Legende 6" chef's knife for $50. I already have a Wusthof paring knife that I am satisfied with so I thought why not.

I've been using the basic bitch Victorinox 8" for like a decade and I never questioned if I needed an 8" knife. Turns out I don't. Having a longer blade was more awkward for what I use a chef's knife for in my cramped kitchen, which is usually just large amounts of vegetables. I go for a breaking knife for meat and the paring knife for small stuff.

Thank you to whoever mentioned this knife, I enjoy it.

>> No.15382920

Oversize knives are usually used by people compensating for a small dick. The only thing I regret going 24cm to 21cm is not doing it sooner, but the "knife community" memed me into thinking 24cm was the best all-around size (it's not)

>> No.15382975

What tool(s) are you sharpening with?

>> No.15382979

just the king 1000/6000

>> No.15383038
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also, kinda hard to get a photo, but this gives a good enough Idea of there being no more secondary bevel.

>> No.15383110

Hand-sharpening with a stone is something you always have room for improving at.
But you seem able to change an edge into what you prefer.
So again, don’t worry about a factory edge being a compound bevel or what the exact angle in degrees is.
You aren’t buying the edge; You’re buying the handle and the steel which holds it. The factory edge will eventually be replaced by yours anyway. There’s nothing wrong with doing so as soon as you buy it.

>> No.15383129

That's not exactly true, high end hand made knives have a distal taper which people pay good money for

>> No.15383143

ok. so I should probably go to a place to try out my favorite handles. then I can figure out the steel
good point

>> No.15383239

Valid point, but I’ll be an argumentative bitch for the fun of it; it’s 4chan and I’ve had some highballs.
It does depend on where you want to split the hairs. Any edge can be remade into whatever you want, within the parameters of the blade’s thickness at the point where you’re sharpening.
What happens when your knife with such a grind needs a new edge?
It’s geometrically impossible to retain the original angle/taper unless you remove material from the entire blade surface, from the spine to the edge.
At the end of the day, I’d say you’re still buying the handle and the steel, because one way or another, the edge ends up yours to maintain and rebuild no matter how your knife came new.

>> No.15383455
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>distal taper

that's a no from me dawg

>> No.15383469

if you wanna spend less than 30 bucks and get something nice, ytuomzi

>> No.15383481

Can you shitheads just get a hotel room and buttfuck already, it's disgusting and pathetic polluting the thread with your stupid circle jerk.

>> No.15383495

if you want to spend less than 80-100, you can get a victorinox fibrox chef knife. You can't really get anything better for the price, I'm still using one as a beater

>> No.15383610
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How do edgelets cope with blade materials that only ever make it to 6/10 sharpness for, at most, one vegetable after a fresh stoning?

>> No.15383663

>projecting this hard
You’d love that, wouldn’t you.
You’d love to be admiring my beautiful knives, and suddenly be pinned down on your stomach while I lay on your back, biting your neck and using my legs to force yours apart and..
Whoops. Can’t say this on a blue board.
But we both know you got hard reading this, faggot.

>> No.15383672
File: 413 KB, 2015x1133, F0A735BF-CFAF-4622-8965-7F68D11109F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$49.99, fully forged, no bolster.

>> No.15383676

That was me >>15383672

Good purchase anon. Great value.

>> No.15383679

probably by not ingesting ceramic fragments.

>> No.15384845

Overpriced meme knife

>> No.15385589

Buy a Xerxes

>> No.15385898

I've got a 1000/6000 stone (which is retarded) and I feel like sharpening a dull knife (not blunt) takes too long on the 1k grit, should I get a 400 grit or an 800 grit for initial sharpen?

>> No.15385977


>> No.15385999
File: 2.57 MB, 4032x2210, A88AF558-79F8-4A99-B587-82F6E68A96DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I received this knife from my mom. I usually use kiwi knives. Build quality feels decent. Have not worked on the edge but I am getting the hang of a Ruixin clamp style sharpener. Recommendations for stones to use on that thing? I want to replace the stones it came with

>> No.15386009

>you need to have an entire garage full of tools if you intend to have a nice car

Retard, happy now?

>> No.15386020

Shapton Glass 500/2000/4000, leather strop with 1 micron diamond paste
Good, good. This is how it's done

>> No.15386042

>Recommendations for stones to use on that thing?
Sorry, no idea. I’ve always just used regular sharpening stones.
Not out of some purist faggotry; it was all I could afford back in my poorfag days and just got used to it, so I’ve never “upgraded”.

>> No.15386087

how is it overpriced wtf

>> No.15386097

It was a good deal at $25 but it's been memed into the stratosphere, if you want a poorfag knife get a dexter or something. At present day prices a victorinox is competing with entry level weeb swords

>> No.15386137

He’s probably a student or something.
I would have called an $80-100 knife ‘overpriced’ then too.

>> No.15386159

If you want to pay $80 for a $25 knife you're welcome to be a retard. You'd probably pay $1200 for a mens wearhouse suit too.

>> No.15386168

I just want some good knives that I can keep sharp without some autistic shit like a stone it's fucking 2021 where's my laser knife sharpener

>> No.15386172

It’s literally $47 on Amazon right now.
That’s not stratosphere, that’s a tank of gas and some change.

>> No.15386177

I paid around 40 for mine and I got it as a student. It was like 6 years ago though, it might be more expensive now

>> No.15386183

Fine, pay $47 for a $25 knife. It's your money.

>> No.15386190

name something better in the 40-50 area then

>> No.15386195

The point of spending more is to get more, not to spend more. If you want a beater knife that's "good enough" spend $25. If you want a step up, spend $80. Since there's nothing in between you could either spend $50 because reddit said so, or you could spend a little more and get an improvement, or you could buy a dexter.

>> No.15386233

>Since there's nothing in between
There is plenty between $25 and $80.

>> No.15386254

Such as?

>> No.15386268

just get whatever is at ikea

>> No.15386280

Does Ikea sell ceramic knifes? If so don't buy them(not just from Ikea, don't buy ceramic in general), you can never sharpen them and something will go wrong with the edge sooner or later especially if you are new to coking

>> No.15386285

$26, $27.. hell, even $30. $50 is in there to, and there’s actually a couple more price-points between that and $80.
Your arbitrarily dismissing everything in that range as meme-this and Reddit-that is immaterial.

>> No.15386291

Still no examples.
If I want to spend $37.50 on a $25 knife I can just go to a store, give them $25, and then light the other $12.50 on fire. Is that what you want?

>> No.15386302
File: 3.01 MB, 4160x3120, Mozzarella_di_bufala3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what sort of knife do you guys use to slice this stuff? First time I bought a mozzarella ball to make pizza and slicing it was not easy, no way I'd be able to slice it any thinner either

>> No.15386309

I just use my chef knife, it works well enough. Maybe hone yours first?

>> No.15386316

I have a custom made チーズ包丁 from Iwasaki-san

If you can't afford the right tool for the job you should just eat McDonalds

>> No.15386317

I think in Italy they use that.

>> No.15386325
File: 116 KB, 354x303, slayser_rgv_lusso_25_gstf_s_teflonovym_nozhom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, the pic

>> No.15386335


>> No.15386343

kill yourself knife autist

>> No.15386352
File: 372 KB, 1280x719, 0004469-akazawa-ao-ko-hongasumi-sakimaru-takobiki-by-shiraki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok but what brand should I use to do it?

>> No.15386357

>you can never sharpen them

all it takes is a $2 sheet of 14000+ grit lapping film and/or a homemade fabric strop and some cheap honing compound or spray

>> No.15386376

In theory yes, but it is really easy to snap the blade in half while doing it and getting a decenmt edge is harder to do than with steel. Just stick to steel and you'll have an easier time

>> No.15386445

Just tear it apart with your hands if you're making pizza. You don't need a knife.

>> No.15386449
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>cooking with a katana

>> No.15386477
File: 5 KB, 214x236, concern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is riturarry any pieceu no hagane with a mitsukado at the intasecto no shinogi, koshinogi, and yokote a katana to anata, baka?

>> No.15386488

i don't speak chinese

>> No.15386492

Ok chud

>> No.15386501

/ck/ is absolutely based...

>> No.15386505

considering the actual meaning of the word, yeah

>> No.15386957

Don't buy overpriced Japanese tat. German is best. Wusthof is a good option.

>> No.15387110
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>> No.15387961
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This was my first higher end knife and it been just an awesome knife to work with, my chef at the time recommended it to me when I said I was looking at global knives. He told me he broke a global while cutting an artichoke and never got another one.

>> No.15388648

Im looking for something thats a atep above the knives that come in a 10pack from walmart or target.
I think thats a pretty low hurdle so whats the coolest looking knife i can get for ~$100.

>> No.15388667

$100 buys you a lot of knives. You never bothered to state what kind of knife you wanted.

>> No.15388694

Suppose that wouldve helped. Im looking for a general utility knife so a chefs knife or santoku i guess. No more than 8", i prefer shorter knives and have no use for a 10" or 12"
Clevers are cool but i dont think they qualify for general purpose.

>> No.15388724
File: 86 KB, 800x600, ce5a530b36e20b7641e7845416304fe0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get a decent entry level carbon gyuto and play with the patina indefinitely boom there's your "cool" looking knife

>> No.15388752

Thats a pretty cool knife anon. Thank you for your suggestion.
Looking cool is half the battle after all.

>> No.15388760
File: 39 KB, 660x500, 0436113B-4197-4140-AC78-7976329E5582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Santoku knives are a dumb memes hat was started by Rachel fucking Ray. A 6” chefs knife is superior in ever single way. If looking cool is your priority then you can go with something like >>15388724
but if you don’t want to want to deal with maintaining the patina then some Damascus steel always looks cool.

>> No.15388766

It's not my knife, it's just some guy on the internet who rubbed onion juice on his knife or something, and posted a picture. You can do stuff like that with any carbon knife.

>> No.15388823

Another reason why onions are so great.

I did not know that about rachel ray. I figured they blew up the same reason weebs think katanas are amazing. Theyre exotic and different therefore better.
Since im clearly not a very serious cook is there any redflags i should look out for? I just like having nice looking things in my kitchen. Il more than likely just buy something that gets good reviews and i think is cool but most importantly i still need it to be a functional knife.

>> No.15389029 [DELETED] 

>any redflags i should look out for?

any knife with a belly is shit

>> No.15389039

>any redflags i should look out for?

any knife with a curved belly is shit

>> No.15389041

Santoku knives originated in Japan to sell to Japanese women after world war 2. It was a mixture of eastern and western general-purpose knives.

>> No.15389071

Yes but they weren’t popularized in the west until Rachel Ray started using one on her cooking show. They are a meme because they are a much inferior design to a 6” chefs knife. They lack a fine tip which prevents you from doing precision cutting work.

>> No.15389089

>referring to a kitchen utensil as a “meme”
I fucking have Rachel Ray. Yet you just made me cringe even harder than her EVOO and sammies shit.
Santokus existed well before that cunt was born, and have valid use cases.
Should it be your only knife? Of course not. No knife should. But damn, don’t be autistic about it.

>> No.15389152
File: 2.61 MB, 4032x3024, 20210112_210114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knife on the left is a santoku, the knife on the right is a standard western chef knife. How is the thicker tip better for precision work?

>> No.15389168

That’s the spine, not the tip. Try again.

>> No.15389185

It’s a literal fact that until she started using one on TV they were unheard of in the west for all intents and purposes. No one said she invented them, she simply popularized them. That’s a meme.

>> No.15389213
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You can still have a sharp tip on a Santoku, and a thinner blade will go through product much easier.

>> No.15389233
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And what’s better for work where you need a fine tip? The chefs knife of course. That fat tip on the santokus serve no practical purpose so why bother. It’s just unnecessary metal that gets in the way. Look, i own a santoku. It’s not a bad knife but I’m not going to sit here and pretend it doesn’t have a major flaw.

>> No.15389256

Don’t blame the knife, bro.
I love my nakiri. I bought it forever ago in Osaka, and had the blacksmith customize it. Over the last few years, guests in my home have gone from asking what it was, to exclaiming “Oh! That’s the knife that the Pioneer Woman uses!”
I still love my nakiri. I just hate that bitch for popularizing it as her “signature vegetable knife”.

>> No.15389293
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I am literally showing you a finer tip on a Santoku than a standard chef knife. It is just as pointy and it is thinner, it is not just a useless peice of metal maybe learn to use your tools correctly.

>> No.15389413

Lol then your chefs knife is shit and you should get a new one.

>> No.15389465
File: 1.34 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210112-220253_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my sharp ass santoku tip next to a handmade Damascus clad Shiro kamo gyuto.

>> No.15390128

Don't buy full bolster, unless you love less cutting edge for your money and getting in the way of sharpening.

>> No.15390573
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Are we actually shitting on rachel ray again? This is some vintage /ck/ material here.

>> No.15390593

Got any good video on knife sharpening on stones and with strops lads?

>> No.15390628

Rachel Ray literally used santokus because she thought they looked cute and distinguished her from other celebrity chefs. The effects of her influence on burgeoning millennial home cooks are still being felt.

>> No.15390653

Yes and wh*teoids hate rice cookers because of alton brown, but you don't hear me screeching about alton brown every time rice comes up because that argument got boring about 11 years ago

>> No.15390669

I'm kind of an oldfag, at least by /ck/ standards, and came up on Good Eats. I love my Zojurushi and don't even remember AB making an argument against rice cookers. He very well might have, but it's not something most people associate with him, and it's not like rice cooker sales among white people took a nosedive after an episode he made. RR introduced millions of people to santokus and made them a common thing in American households.

>> No.15390701

Then you're not an oldfag, the alton brown unitasker controversy was an everyday topic on early /ck/

>> No.15390710

>early /ck/
Yes, a good amount of people on early /ck/ watched Good Eats - hence me saying I was kind of an oldfag. Which episode did he talk about rice cookers? I honestly don't remember it.

>> No.15390726

I have no idea what episode because I do not have a television because TV is not my friend, but it's all over the internet, e.g.


He got a lot of backlash for that claim so he's been in damage control for the past 15 years or so (since whenever the episode aired), his current stance is something like "oh I didn't mean that, if you eat rice often then it's ok"

>> No.15390743

>while the concept of “unitasker” kitchen tools is maligned by some professional food people like Alton Brown, the rice cooker is the unitasking exception
I get that rice cookers often come up in arguments about unitaskers. I'm just curious what he actually said. I never took his word as gospel, because he did a ton of seemingly random shit ("use your old ironing board to make pasta!"), but I could just as easily seen him shit on rice cookers as do an episode on how to "hack" them (no, he never used that term as far as I remember) to do other shit like make bread or whatever.

>> No.15390755

It was probably the 1990s. Knowing how TV networks are with their DMCA takedowns they probably want all evidence scrubbed off the internet now that every asian everywhere has a grudge against Alton Brown. The only videos you can find from that era are grainy short clips about (currently) uncontroversial topics

>> No.15390847

A tanto, historically

>> No.15390876

I have 6" and 9" knives and I seem to reach for them about 50/50.

>> No.15392027

Who the fuck needs a separate tool to cook rice?

>> No.15392112

People who enjoy convenience and good rice.
There’s a reason literally every household in Asia with electricity has one.

>> No.15392118
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Thin knife is best knife. Western knives need not apply.

>> No.15392577

Cooking rice in a pan is literally as easy as boiling an egg.

>> No.15392658

>as easy as..
You seriously think countless millions of Asians have rice cookers because making it is too difficult?
Rice makers are for people who eat a lot of rice, and actually know the difference between cheap rice and really good rice.
If that doesn’t apply to you, then of course you’ll be as clueless as people who don’t drink much tea making fun of electric kettles.

>> No.15393027


>> No.15393043

Washing clothes is as easy as putting it in a bucket and squeezing

>> No.15393070
File: 80 KB, 1150x1150, 47520_main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you don't know what to look for and have to ask you wouldn't know what to do with a high end knife
get pic related and a double sided synthetic sharpening stone or two

>> No.15393110


>> No.15393696

Depends on your budget. Anything japaneseish made by a german brand is garbage that combines the chippiness of jp knives with the shit edge retention of western stuff. They're heat treated by batch and improperly thermally cycled usually.

For 400 bucks you can get a heiji that performs just as well as a $1200 shigefusa or kato.

>> No.15393721

Sakai style double bevels will not have a distal taper 99% of the time and I'm talking about knives in the 1k+ range.

>> No.15393732

I use a JA Henkels I bought used that felt nice

Sharpen it every now and again, works great.

>> No.15393748

Okishiba if you can afford one

>> No.15393822

I don't understand the snobbery over this knife in this thread. It really is a solid workhorse knife, and I have been able to put all of my extra budget to having more from their line for different applications, along with other equipment.

Sure, you can buy whatever whizbang 400$ knife the folks in this thread recommend - but I never think twice with this knife with very minimal care. I'd rather buy the victorinox and a smoker, or the victorinox and a stand mixer, or a victorinox and a vacuum sealer etc...

When I run out of steel to sharpen in 20 years ill have had my 40 dollars worth.

>> No.15393859

It's overpriced. Nobody is calling it a bad knife, but the whole fucking point of it used to be that it was the best beater knife around. Now because of meme reviews it's priced to compete with non-beater knives, and it's going to be evaluated on that level.

Push the price back down to beater prices and people will stop shitting on it.

>> No.15394406

Watch out for knives not made from stainless steel, retardedly shaped handles, handles made from permeable materials that degrade or require extra maintenance, and weird bevel angles that make things harder to sharpen.

>> No.15394425

Depending on your cutting technique you may want a german shape over a rather flat santoku shape.

>> No.15394456

>It does depend on where you want to split the hairs. Any edge can be remade into whatever you want, within the parameters of the blade’s thickness at the point where you’re sharpening.
Maybe if you've got a belt sander.

>> No.15394464
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A cheese knife, though I don't cut enough cheese to need one for myself.

>> No.15394548

Check out these videos they list out the benefits and negative of every common style.
Quick run down for what you need to know when it comes to high quality.
Carbon means rust but easy sharpening so don't get it unless you really are into sharpening and taking care of knives.
Thinner behind the edge the sharper the knife feels thats the advantage of the nip knives not the 15 degree angle.
Steel hardness is only important depending on the style Western chef knives that are thick can be soft like 56-59 (more is uneeded but not really a downsides) while Japanese knives are so thin they can't support a edge at all if they are soft so look for 60-63.
Thin hard knives can chip so vegetables and boneless meat only get a western chef knife if you want a all in one knife.
If you want a Chinese cleaver get 2 a bone cleaver that's super thick and a vegetable cleaver that's thin.

>> No.15394626
File: 62 KB, 534x600, masutani-vg10-damascus-gyuto-180mm-38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not try a Masutani VG10 Damascus Gyuto, it is 7 inches pretty thin behind the edge, and around 75 bucks

>> No.15396174
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>> No.15396205

friend works in fine dining michelin star restaurants, says he sees most people using wusthof.

>> No.15396217
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I kind of want one of those big Chinese cleavers. Any reccomendations?

>> No.15396260

reddit tier would be CCK
misono if you want a nice one but they're spendy
I bought a cheapo (not even CCK) in chinatown and it's fucking garbage

>> No.15396551

They got more then one type vegetable and bone cleaver and all purpose that has a thick and thin part.
Just get one from China town that feels nice in hand and suits you for like $50 max.

Why you shit on vg10 its a great steel and unless your retarded you won't chip it.
You want a R2, ZDP 189 or blue super when you probably don't even have the skill sharpen and maintain it at peak performance or use it enough to even need the edge retention.

>> No.15396567

Because it's shilled at normies who don't know anything about angles or deburring and then they bitch and moan that it can't hold an edge (because the "edge" isn't an edge) or they sharpen it to extreme angles causing the chipping that even you admit is a problem

It's appropriate for only two kinds of people: the ones who will never sharpen a knife and always send it to someone else, or the ones who have an above average understanding of sharpening and steel

Obviously you are neither of these, Dunning-Kruger-san

>> No.15396610

Unironically Smart Wife brand

>> No.15396620
File: 834 KB, 4000x2667, IMG_6024 (Custom).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone explain to me how people tolerate wusthof, victorinox etc ?

they're just not comfy at all to grip properly. The ergonomics are terrible. Is they only used by people who don't put a finger on the blade? Or am i missing something.

>> No.15396959

Child safety features. Same reason they'd buy a lighter that doesn't ignite reliably.

>> No.15396986

LOL they took the tiniest, skinniest white chick they could find and he still couldnt drag her over the floor smoothly

>> No.15397027

>What do you think is a good place to gather info or advice on chef's knifes?
www.kitchenknifeforums.com if you want to jump in at the deep end.

>> No.15397044

Exactly, the IKEA 365+ chef knife has steel and geometry that is just as good and it looks alot nicer, with a stainlless steel handle that wont melt if your handle touches the hot stove. All for half the price of the Vnox.

>> No.15397064

The average white chick weighs as much as a man, trying to find a skinny/tiny white chick is an exercise in futility if you have to pick from a small expat community of autitsic weebs

>> No.15397094
File: 63 KB, 1024x576, 9401D12A-22C1-44C9-9133-B965596835C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this is intolerably non-ergonomic, do you have that penguin flipper hand disability?

>> No.15397154

>Got any good video on knife sharpening on stones and with strops lads?
Watch the sharpening video playlist from Jon Broida's Japanese Knife Imports channel on youtube, those are widely regarded as the best sharpening tutorials there are. Second best are probably Victor's videos from Korin Knives New York.

>> No.15397199
File: 336 KB, 1280x903, F3ADD207-F4FC-4744-AE02-9D2EB4D88E9A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does the brand of a knife matter? I thought all that matters is how sharp it is and how it feels to use. I think the most expensive knife I own is a large Shun which was gifted to me, the rest are cheap off brand sets and work fine.

>> No.15397203

It's not, because you have to get the rice:water ratio correct, and because you have to adjust the temperature during cooking.

>> No.15397218

What separates your knife from Wusthof/Victorinox?

I don't see anything that makes it better for pinch gripping compared to the other two

>> No.15397227


>> No.15397284

For me, you can't beat the made in USA quality of Cutco Cutlery

>> No.15397307

What normie is sharpening their own knife on a stone so they can change the angles.
Every one i know has pull though or work sharps unless they are really into the hobby.
Vg10 is just good high quality steel its not the latest and its no high powder steel but it's been around a long time and it works.
Problem is that it's just common now so knife snobs like to shit on it and call it unusable because its not the highest level of modern steel and cost a fuck ton so they brag about it.
Its like the katana argument even if its not the best it still high quality and cuts shit.

>> No.15397334

>What normie is sharpening their own knife on a stone so they can change the angles.
Same issue as with VG10, most shouldn't but they get shilled on it
>Every one i know has pull though or work sharps unless they are really into the hobby.
If you are not "really into the hobby" then you shouldn't be using a knife with a demanding high performance stainless alloy, just get something easy
>Vg10 is just good high quality steel its not the latest and its no high powder steel but it's been around a long time and it works.
You keep bringing up powder steel, as if that's the only alternative to VG10, you are the problem
>Problem is that it's just common now so knife snobs like to shit on it and call it unusable because its not the highest level of modern steel and cost a fuck ton so they brag about it.
It's common because of morons like you who tell people to get a knife that doesn't work for most normal people and then they go around bitching about chipping or edge retention
>Its like the katana argument even if its not the best it still high quality and cuts shit.
I have no idea what the fuck you're even talking about here, nobody mentions katanas when discussing a kitchen knife except for morons with an agenda

>> No.15397759

So what do you recommend for Japanese knives that normies should use?
Global are pretty good or the whole japanese market just gatekept by autism?

>> No.15397838

If you're even acknowledging that there might be factors that matter to you like how well it takes an edge, how easy it is to sharpen, how long it holds an edge, what kind of sharpening gear should I use, you're already autistic enough for a simple carbon steel knife, with stainless cladding if you're that lazy. Carbon is the most noob friendly way to get into sharpening on easy mode, the feedback is immediate and obvious, and the relationship between stuff like grind angle to edge longevity is basically linear

If none of that stuff interests you, just get a dexter and spend your NEETbux on a relatively fancy electric sharpener like a chef's choice

>> No.15397842

>Japanese knives that normies should use

Try the stainless Gesshin Ginga series from Japanese Knife Imports, or the Suisen Inox series from Korin Knives New York.

Or the Fujiwara FKM series from japanesechefsknife.com if you want the very best bang for your buck.

>> No.15397909


I saw these shilled as lasers on some knife forum so I have to assume that they were trolling, you are trolling, or both

>> No.15397975

Trolling because they're lasers or trolling because of the implication that lasers are good?

>> No.15399531
