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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 220 KB, 1241x1656, 1610308908135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15375827 No.15375827[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite dessert? Mine is...JUST desserts

>> No.15375834

>timex weekender and warby parkers
Maybe if he didn't blow all his money on stupid cakes he could afford a decent watch and glasses that aren't cringe

>> No.15375842

You're such a faggot, holy shit anon

>> No.15375846

They literally carried out a coup against the greatest President of the last century and liberal scum still has the nerve to call itself "democratic". Unbelievable.

>> No.15375850

Yes, and? At least I'm not rocking a walmart watch and ali express tier glasses that for some reason I decided were worth $150

>> No.15375853

I mean that's fair and all, but you're still a faggot.

>> No.15375858

fucking americans, i hope each and every single one of them dies this year

>> No.15375860

You just know this guy is vegan

>> No.15375861

Trying to insult me by calling me a faggot is like trying to insult a cat by calling it a cat

>> No.15375866

Screenshot these for yourself. The next time you're sitting alone in your shitbox wondering why you have no friends, refer back to them.

>> No.15375868
File: 23 KB, 330x330, Orange Fool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15375869

I don't have a shitbox though. Cars are disgusting.

>> No.15375914
File: 656 KB, 828x821, 1605316888943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Orange Man Bad!
>Take a screenshot of Trump's Twitter account being suspended and turn it into a cake.
I get it. I did a similar thing when Hillary lost the 2016 election with a few Democrat and Republican friends who disliked Hillary.
Yet, we weren't fags who posted pictures on social media for approval.

>>warby parkers
Everyone I've met who has owned a pair of those glasses has admitted that they dislike them a few months in. Poor build quality compared to regular eyeglass stores and the designs look cheap.

>> No.15375923

Based. Hillary is a dumb cunt and deserved to lose

>> No.15375934

Doing it for people's approval is less pathetic than unironically doing it for yourself. In the case of the former, the cake might be a means to an end, in the case of the latter you literally think doing a political cake is funny in itself.

>> No.15375938
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I like cheesecake

>> No.15375951

As an American. I fully agree that the USA is doomed to collapse.
>Anti-maskers vs Pro-maskers
>"Orange Man Bad!" when the Dems are just as bad if not worse
>Letting China rape the world and unleash a virus without repercussions
I, for one, cannot wait until the US transforms into Fallout-like commonwealths that govern themselves.

I'm old, in my late-40s, and have never liked the Clinton family. Anyone with a brain cell that looks into their history will come up with the same opinion of how corrupt they are.

Pretty much we did it as "you lost to Trump! And, you had a campaign where everyone screamed you were the winner before the votes were even cast".

>> No.15375967

>Pretty much we did it as "you lost to Trump! And, you had a campaign where everyone screamed you were the winner before the votes were even cast".
Yeah, and nobody saw it. Doing a political cake is reddit-tier anyway but at least the guy in the OP made people laugh or got approval out of it. You literally just looked at your cringy cake and smirked at it.

>> No.15375981

the day we dont have to hear anything about this ugly faggot anymore will be a good day, including whatever retarded shit is happening over in America

>> No.15375984

Okay, and?
It was a group of 20 to 50 years olds eating a cake and laughing about the results.
>nobody saw it
Because I'm not a fag who posts everything or anything to social media to receive likes for something. Twitter, overall, is a mistake. Doesn't matter if you're left or right-leaning.

>> No.15375993

>Pretty much we did it as "you lost to Trump! And, you had a campaign where everyone screamed you were the winner before the votes were even cast".
So basically the same thing as Biden, except when he actually won Democrats are sore winners about it.

>> No.15375999

sick of hearing about american politics bros... when will it stop

>> No.15376005

What even is Biden's shtick? Being a warmonger but at least not being ORANGE MAN?

>> No.15376023

>So basically the same thing as Biden, except when he actually won Democrats are sore winners about it.
Both Trump and Biden were horrible choices as a US president. I still hold the opinion that Biden will not serve his full-term and will leave the office for Harris to step into the role. Whether he leaves due to health reasons or passes away. It will happen as the overall Dem party did not want him.

>> No.15376027

Don't worry, the reason there's such a focus on American politics right now is because the media (which spurs public opinion and doesn't reflect it) can't stop thinking or talking about Donald Trump.

Once Biden is in office they'll just revert to what they do with Democrat presidents and shift their attention away from reporting on the White House and on how Republicans hate Biden while Demsplaining why "it's a good thing!" for Biden's CBP to keep children in cages, the Executive to start wars, ban guns and reinstall all of Obama's former staff and cabinet members into positions of power in the new administration while blaming anything bad that ever happens on Donald "Bush 2.0" Trump.

>> No.15376036

I think you're right. Kamala Harris, who implied that Biden discriminates against blacks during the debate but was all too willing to jump at the VP nomination under him, is a great example of how Democrats claim to give a shit about social justice and equality until it matters.

>> No.15376058

Are you 12 or just a foreigner? Harris was picked BECAUSE of her track record not despite it. Two party system genius. An election that scraped by on a few thousand votes in some places doesn't have the luxury of dicking around with leftist purity tests. She was picked in the heat of the BLM culture war when scared suburban swing voters needed reassurance that the democrats weren't going to force them to apologize for being white. You think the democrats would have had a chance if they had run a Bernie Sanders/Ayanna Pressley ticket?

>> No.15376062

The guy is obviously a faggot no one but them wears warby parkers.

>> No.15376064

Functional democracy is predicated on the capacity for compromise.

>> No.15376070

>is a great example of how Democrats claim to give a shit about social justice and equality until it matters.
If the US's borders are open for all immigrants without review under Biden/Harris. The Dems will cast aside blacks so fast you'll see politicians hold press conferences screaming "fuck joggers" as they'll have a new voter base to cater to.
People, in general, only care about social justice and equality if it makes them look good.

Nicely said as you're correct. She is labeled an "Indian or Black" woman whenever she needs to cater to that specific audience. If it wasn't for BLM drama, she would have been passed over for someone else.

>> No.15376082

No no no. I'm calling her a hypocrite specifically and extrapolating to all Democrats for the same reasons you and the other guy are saying.

>> No.15376086

I should add: I don't think the average voter was aware of Biden's past as a Senator in the 90s and assumed he was a "progressive" because he wasn't Donald Trump.

>> No.15376096
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LOL the woman who has so hated in the primaries and never polled above 1% and was forced to drop out was picked, BECAUSE of her track record, not despite it.
You cant make this shit up. What's it like living in fantasy land? I imagine it must be nice.

>> No.15376127

>running out and getting a cake made from a twitter screencap

I hate soys so fucking much

>> No.15376132

Yeah also the Indians who would have voted dem would vote for literally any dem, but the swing voter Indians are all BJP STRONG crazies who hate black people, so it's basically the 4D chess that the GOP claims to play but can't
>what's it like living in the fantasy land where the strategy worked
I guess it's alright. Better than getting arrested for rioting and destroying federal property live on C-Span?

>> No.15376179

Not really. Celebrating her loss should have happened for everyone with a minute understanding of politics. She literally sold uranium to russia. She's an enemy of the state and her husband's a genuine rapist

>> No.15376203

She is a warmongering bitch but if she did help Russia, she would be based. Russia is a bastion against the globohomo menace.

>> No.15376214
File: 116 KB, 640x412, 6f2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I wish globohomo were real

>> No.15376235
File: 1.15 MB, 3100x1539, 20210110_153721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think of my watch and glasses?

>> No.15376247

A digital watch after 1989?

>> No.15376249

/g/ tier, you dislike exercise and sun, you look 10 years older than you are, and you're secretly enjoying corona because your entire life has been a dress rehearsal for extreme social distancing

>> No.15376255

She helped russia become an actual "threat" to start a war when she thought she was going to win

>> No.15376256

It's solar powered, updates the time every day, the annoying beep can be turned off, and it's actually made in Japan. It's perfect!

Wrong on all accounts, but I do have a thinkpad and prefer GNU+Linux. :)

>> No.15376262

Not a Drumpfoid but banning a politician from every platform because the sillicon valley sickos declare them dangerous is a terrible precedent

>Inb4 le slippy slope fallacy
Shut the fuck up liberal

>> No.15376263

I hope an Australian shows up and randomly glass' this faggot bitch, hypothetically, of course.

>> No.15376279

More like the sillicon valley sickos' lawyers warned about the possibility of being deemed culpable. They have some protections against culpability, but don't want to test the limits.

>> No.15376287
File: 82 KB, 1125x2001, Derek Evans in the Capitol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching these morons go down is proving to be hilarious. Some of them even shaved their beards off, as if it would make a difference, like it's 1930.

>> No.15376298
File: 476 KB, 784x1100, 1609978264973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. (You)

>> No.15376305

maybe try not inciting violence and terrorism on my company's platform, then i won't be inclined to ban you.

>> No.15376310

I want to punch him and shit on the cake.

>> No.15376320

Why? Why do angry righties always resort to violence?

>> No.15376333
File: 235 KB, 890x1335, White Male Rage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White male rage.

>> No.15376335

You've got cause and effect reversed. They are righties because they lack the cognitive processing power to solve problems without violence.

>> No.15376342

First off I'm not right wing. I just find soyboys obnoxious and I never cared for Trump.

I'm black.

>> No.15376345

Why do blacks vote for lefties then?

>> No.15376347

That explains why they never accomplish anything and are only capable of working blue collar jobs (or being NEETs if they're too lazy to get fit)

>> No.15376352

They don't all vote for lefties. There's a lot of homophobia and xenophobia in the black community and the GOP has enough turncoats in their portfolio to convince the less intelligent ones that they don't really want to bring back slavery.

>> No.15376354

Doesn't make it any less pathetic. You sound like the type of guy to call yourself an enlightened centrist and then to vote for the libertarian ticket (which is effectively a red vote).

>> No.15376356

I'm sure it's an unpopular opinion but, I could never get behind jelly or jam as a cake filling. Jam belongs on biscuit or accompanied with peanut butter between two white pieces of bread. Jam/jelly overpowers the cake (something the frosting does plenty enough on its own as it is) flavor.

>> No.15376359

How do you feel about jelly donuts?

>> No.15376375

Try it in a sponge with a layer of cream over the top, with the cake sprinkled with icing sugar or even not iced at all. The cream balances out the sweetness of the jam.

>> No.15376387

/fa/ calling the shots

>> No.15376389

Damn. Now I feel like a hypocrite cause I do kind of like those. Or at least I don't hate them. But to be honest, the very rare occasion I do get a filled donut it's gonna be something like custard or bavarian cream (I usually go for a bear claw and/or a glazed twist in general though. When I'm feeling "different" I'll get a maple bar) . Jelly is definitely more tolerable in a donut than it is in a layered cake though.

I'll give that a try sometime! Thanks

>> No.15376402

you know you can just go to /pol/ right? whats the point of posting this here

>> No.15376431

>he spends lots of money because of "brand names"
imagine being this much of a cuck

>> No.15376439

/pol/chad here, every board loves us, we are the soul of this website, we are critical thinkers, we are cultured, people admire our sense of humor, we are trend setters
If you don't like /pol/, you need to go back to bunkerchan

>> No.15376440

Like printing a tweet on a cake to be performative is better.

>> No.15376552

based and freedom pilled

stinky yuropoors pls go

>> No.15376564

I kinda agree, no matter which side of the political spectrum you fall on, anyone who gets together with their friends and eats a cake to celebrate a political loss would be absolutely insufferable

>> No.15376606

>thinks nice things are nice because of the word stenciled on it
Imagine being this bad at buying things that last and aren't dogshit disposable tier quality