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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15373417 No.15373417 [Reply] [Original]

Haven't had alcohol in almost a year and just polished off 64 oz. of pic related with 1/2 a pizza

Goddamn I miss alcohol, what's your drink of choice /ck/

>> No.15373419

high life is the only cheap beer ill drink anymore, even then its seldom

honestly they taste like vomit to me now so i stick to truly and vodka

>> No.15373437

I drink Miller Highlife exactly once or twice a year when I visit my mother in laws grave. This was her drink. She was a tiny bad ass who just needed a few of these to get through the day and work her 5'9 butt off.

my drink of choice is Kraken rum.

>> No.15373607

high life is my usual, but i'm dieting so i switched to michelob health beer and wild turkey 101

>> No.15373984

Alcohol is shit. Moved to a different country where they don't have homecountry type beers. Realized I don't even want to drink now. Which sucks, because I have to socialize. So, my favourite beer is unfiltered lager with no trace of sweetness that distinctly smells of old socks (like when they smell dusty/inorganic).

>> No.15374931

>Kraken rum
A man after my own heart. Cheers.

>> No.15374950

>Goddamn I miss alcohol, what's your drink of choice /ck/
Pabst Blue Ribbon

>> No.15374975

Real men don't drink alcohol

>> No.15374990

For liquor it’s Hortinos Tequila

>> No.15374995

ok soylad

>> No.15375428

The most successful civilizations that have ever existed have had drinking cultures.

>> No.15375435

I feel like I don’t really enjoy beer anymore, I usually only drink bourbon and rye now.

>> No.15375618
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I'm gonna sound like a weeb but when it comes to light beer, I really like Kirin Ichiban and Orion Draft.
I live in Hawaii so those two brands are everywhere. I usually drink it with a few slices of Boston's pizza (local chain of pizza places here on Oahu).

>> No.15376000

You probably shouldn't have started back up. Sounds like you quit for a reason and now you've relapsed.

>> No.15376031

Based. My mom (retired) usually cracks her first high life around 10AM. She’ll have only drink two or three throughout the day but just loves the taste.

>> No.15376136
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I like to mix it up. I go through different favourite cheap beers over time.

In the Uk my favs have been San Miguel, Heineken and now Im on a shit cider kick so drinking a lot of Normal apple strongbow. Leffe Blonde is my absolute favourite but too expensive to be a daily drinker

>> No.15376866

if i drank that it wouldnt even give me a buzz itd just make me angry

>> No.15376876

Why no alcohol for almost a year?

>> No.15378055

send help. woke at 2am ludicrously hung over. why the fuck can't i just stop this ridiculous shit

>> No.15378086

Are you op?
Please get help bro

>> No.15378099

nah im not. just an alcoholic for 26 miserable fucking years. as soon as the shop opens at 9 i'll be smashed again. i'm hopeless.

>> No.15378137

Im on day 3 shit sucks but itll be fine. Every morning id wake up feeling like shit and said id stop but didnt. Lately i paired quitting with working out and eating a little better. I chaibed it to another goal and its easier. My evenings dont feel as great but my mornings are way better. The day has... evened out. I gotta get used to it. Im in my 30s and i know itll kill me if i keep it up.

Im not done forever but i need to heal. Once i heal i will attempt a healthier relationship with alcohol. You need to find your goals more specific than stopping. Good luck to both of us.

>> No.15378157

>goddamn I miss alcohol
Nobody tell him that they make alcohol that actually tastes good.

>> No.15378164

the differences in taste tend to be overstated by those who choose to spend ridiculous amounts of money on expensive bottles.

>> No.15378172

last time i stopped i didn't sleep for 8 solid days and nights in a row, not one fucking single moment. i think i'd rather just keep drinking than go through that shit again, at least if i'm smashed i pass out at night.
fucking shop, hurry up and open, at this rate i'll be chugging hand sanitiser (again) and one time i do it there'll be too much methanol for my body to process, it'll convert to formaldehyde in my body and i'll wake up blind, or just die in my sleep. retarded. fuck alcohol. i need a drink.

>> No.15378173

Dude, he's drinking Miller fuckin High Life. I couldn't even choke that swill down fast enough to maintain a buzz.

>> No.15378175

oh and, yeah dude good luck. if you're on day 3 you're likely through the worst of it. hope 'the fear' is dissipating and hope you manage to stay off the sauce.

>> No.15378184

Fruit juice

>> No.15378191
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Its bitch beer but i don't give a fuck. It's amazing

>> No.15378199

My kidneys don't function properly so I can't even have half a pint of beer without being hospitalized
So for me it's water only :'

>> No.15378202

is that a result of boozing? for 20 years i piss blood from time to time, pretty sure that's not a great sign.
i'm in for one serious motherfucker when i try to get off this bender. as well as the gallons of alcohol i've been taking like 30 tramadol every day. ooft, this is gonna be scary.

>> No.15378207

Kirin and Orion are my shit. Would make sense that they are in Hawaii. I was docked in Okinawa and Nagasaki for a while

>> No.15378212

The only cheap piss beer I can drink is Heineken. It's actually decent

>> No.15378418

real men smoke heroin and inject marijuana

>> No.15379340

Update: yeah i didnt really sleep either. However the sleep i was getting was so fucked up being drunk as shit every night, so im probably in a better state now than i was before. Maybe i dont fucking know but gotta push through. Im only blogposting to reinforce this thought process

>> No.15379382

I love you guys.

>> No.15379487

alcohol is the only thing which makes the hangovers remotely tolerable. i'm trapped

>> No.15379495

Oh look another alcohol thread :/

>> No.15379972

Usually steel reserve st ides and fireball

>> No.15380396

>alcoholism intensifies

>> No.15382335


>> No.15382404

>Haven't had alcohol in almost a year and just polished off 64 oz. of pic related with 1/2 a pizza
Some of my best food memories were with courses with wine pairings, just really enjoyable. Or being just being sloshed enough that food was utterly delicious to the point you could have moaned Mmmm with every single bite.
Try taking a medication that robs you of the ability to drink whatsoever, like to protect one's liver. It can be anything, from daily tylenol to something more serious. Immediately when you abstain for ages, your brain doesn't even want food like say chicken wings, without some huge longing for an icy beer to go with it. It's like peanut butter and jelly. It goes together.

Anyway, that said, other than cooking with it, I don't think I've had more than a couple meals with any alcohol since covid.

>> No.15382435

am curious because maybe can relate, what prompted you to buy the beer after a year without?

>> No.15382497
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>> No.15383516

I probably enjoy Gin way too much

>> No.15385139

the bible recommends alcoholism. not only are you obliged to drink once a week, but one verse says 'to the depressed man, give him wine. to the dying man, give him spirits'. fucking noah was an alcoholic. it also tells you that you'll end up in hell. a psychological state so awful it's actual hell on earth. nice.

>> No.15386180

im white trash and im in trouble

>> No.15386196

Been sober since January 1st. I’m 22 fuckin years old. Girlfriend told me I have a problem on New Year’s Eve and I get mean and belligerent.

It’s okay so far but goddamn I get bored in the evenings.
We’re all gonna make it bros.

>> No.15386197
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>drink of choice
fewest congeners, cheap as fuck, tastes better than cheapest stuff, 8.4%. 12 pints/day. fuck me my life is awful, i literally have my suicide planned out.

>> No.15386716

when you thinking of doing it champ?

>> No.15386746

when withdrawal becomes unbearable. i mean it's bad normally, but i've been on opioids too recently so the next withdrawal is gonna be severe, so i've literally bought a rope. why do you ask anon?

>> No.15387023


>> No.15387092

Oh look another complainer.

>> No.15388421

Yoichi single malt

>> No.15388425

Cranberry & vodka. Lots of it.

>> No.15388441

goes better with gin

>> No.15388447

Gin & vodka?
I like your style mister

>> No.15388454

gin and cranberry

gin and vodka is a waste of gin and a waste of vodka

it wouldn't taste bad, it would just taste like weak gin

>> No.15388510
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It has become my new go to "nice" beer.
But after that Milwaukee's worst.

>> No.15388520

>a man who truly loved his mother-in-law
My nigger. That is a rare blessing, bro. For most people, both husbands and wives, it’s all they can do to tolerate a mother-in-law.

My mil is every bit a 2nd mom to me, and she’s on borrowed time. I’ll be a wreck when she goes.
>She was a tiny bad ass who just needed a few of these to get through the day and work her 5'9 butt off.
Mine is similar but tinier lol. Old Japanese lady who works her ass off. She says her favorite part of the day is the drink at the end of it, and without the work it would be meaningless.

I don’t have my drink of choice tonight, but I’m having some beer, and I’ll raise the next one to you and your mother-in-law, God rest her soul.

>> No.15388532

after 12 rounds of chemo therapy and a stem cell replacement therapy my liver is shot.
They told me I can't ever drink hard liquor again.
2-3 beers a week, max. :(
Im stuck in Germany for now, they're choices in beers are lacking.

>> No.15388534

Have you also tried Dogfish Head 90min?
If so, how would you say the two compare?

>> No.15388547

I have not had that yet. I will see it my bottle shop near my work has it tomorrow.

I'm not too much into the craft beer stuff. I just like how it is a 9% IPA. And for that it is pretty good and not super grassy tasting.

>> No.15389913

>lets go again