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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 34 KB, 597x342, is plastic good for you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15370578 No.15370578 [Reply] [Original]

You've stopped using plastic cutting boards, right? And surely you're not using plastic knives & forks?

>> No.15370598

Nope, i use plastic cutlery, cutting boards, salt/pepper shakers, bowls, plates, etc. Exclusively. Stay mad.

>> No.15370605

btw im not a pregnant woman so this shit is utterly irrelevant to me, but good luck with your new son/daughter i guess.

>> No.15370608

>Stay mad.
What makes you think I'm mad? I'm concerned

>> No.15370628

microplastics also enter the male body, friend.

>> No.15370644

Ok? So you're concerned about microplastics entering your placenta. Did you really have to make an entirely new thread about it? Also, is it a boy or a girl?

>> No.15370645

I've used a coconut shell cutting board for the last 7 years
it's fantastic.

>> No.15370656

I air cut my meats. I don't use a cutting board like some retard

>> No.15370688


>> No.15370698

>air cut

>> No.15370699

Ok, and? Are you that much of a pudsy that you're scared of a few itsy bitsy MICROplastics? Grow some balls, man.

>> No.15370712

air cut? What?

>> No.15370719

u will regret this when I start ejaculating plastic crystals retard

>> No.15370723
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>this shit is utterly irrelevant to me

“Almost all plastics leach endocrine disrupting chemicals, BPA-free onces partly even more”
>Results: Almost all commercially available plastic products we sampled—independent of the type of resin, product, or retail source—leached chemicals having reliably detectable EA, including those advertised as BPA free. In some cases, BPA-free products released chemicals having more EA than did BPA-containing products.
>Conclusions: Many plastic products are mischaracterized as being EA free if extracted with only one solvent and not exposed to common-use stresses. However, we can identify existing compounds, or have developed, monomers, additives, or processing agents that have no detectable EA and have similar costs. Hence, our data suggest that EA-free plastic products exposed to common-use stresses and extracted by saline and ethanol solvents could be cost-effectively made on a commercial scale and thereby eliminate a potential health risk posed by most currently available plastic products that leach chemicals having EA into food products.

>> No.15370725

microplastics make you gay and trans and also autistic

>> No.15370730

If you started ejaculating plastic crystals i would imagine the pain you're going through and laugh my ass off

>> No.15370738

Not me, I typically only use rock kitchenware as it is not only healthy but natural + imparts a soulful taste of earth into my dishes.

>> No.15370739

You will have difficulties growing balls if you consume endocrine disruptors. They are fucking wit your hormones (that's the endocrine system). Same goes for non-stick utensils as well as canned food. Boys regularly grow gyno due to consuming stuff from it. T-levels are dropping since the 70s, and that's mostly due o an over abundance of plastic in the food chain.

>> No.15370740 [DELETED] 
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I use a micro parmesan cheese grater to grate my cutting board to infuse the plastic microshavings into my toothpaste.

>> No.15370744

air cut is when you throw your meat in the air and cur it with a strong slice and catch the meat on the way down. Its very popular here in Romania

>> No.15370768

And you will never be a real woman

>> No.15370788
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is that how you achieve frog physique?

>> No.15370815 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15370858

I've been air cutting for 5 or 6 years. Changed my life, really. My carbon footprint is like so small now.

>> No.15370865
File: 38 KB, 600x800, E6067DBA-624A-4428-A8D8-1E471451F3DF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh sources

>> No.15370877

don't care

>> No.15370893


This is an old wives tale that has been passed down among dumb moms for generations as "common sense" which is often bullshit. Here are the facts:

-A properly oiled board will repel a lot of bacteria.
-Many types of wood have natural antimicrobial properties.
-Wood acts as a natural "wick" for moisture, so as it dries through transpiration, the bacteria actually dehydrate to death.

>> No.15370897

>long-term effects on human health
Such as?

>> No.15370902

jokes on u im already gay and autistic

>> No.15370903
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>air cutting

>> No.15370911
File: 524 KB, 220x165, 6165461.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you seriously getting spastic over someone sharing a relevant publication on a scientific topic?

>> No.15370914

I shove plastics up my ass

>> No.15370931

well 2 out of 3 isn't bad I guess

>> No.15370937

Full articles for those interested. It even includes what color the plastic particles were.

soijak spammers will spam soijaks at anything

>> No.15370940

one other thing:
it should go without saying, but these things all apply to bamboo as well

>> No.15370958

I am not reading shit

>> No.15370960


>> No.15370971
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>i linked SCIENCE, you have to believe me

>> No.15371044

I cut my meat on top of other meat.

>> No.15371257

I like plastic cutting boards because I can just throw then in the dishwasher. Maybe I should reconsider.

>> No.15371536

When do plastics leach? I have a plastic thermos I use to drink water daily (it has a refill counter, so I like it), but it's always cold water. Does it still affect me? Should I switch to glass / wood / metal containers, utensils, etc.?

>> No.15371557

>Yang et al.
Absolutely worthless pubmed trash paid and spammed by Chinamen trying to pretend they're not just oversaturating the system with reposted trash data. You and your countrymen are pathetic.

>> No.15371566

/pol/ relies on ignorance to spread their ideas so they're attacking anything that requires thought. I voted for trump as an intentionally destructive anti-institution vote, but I think it worked too well and I'm starting to regret it.

>> No.15371572

Just because it's science doesn't mean it's right - nobody said that. That's why the source is provided you massive autist. You're supposed to fucking read it and come to an informed conclusion. If you can't understand why sources are linked, then I sincerely don't understand how can you even type with all that drool coming out of your mouthbreathing hole.

>> No.15371573

i'm not using plastid knives and forks...and don't call me Shirley.

>> No.15371582

always, plastic leeches always. microscopic fragments of plastic flake off of the larger piece, which then gets into your body, where it spreads through your system and chemicals are absorbed.

it's not as big of a deal as it's made out to be; the effects are incredibly destructive ecologically, but the environment has caused, and adapted to, far worse things. animals will adapt to reject plastic xenoestrogens, bacteria will adapt to use it as food, and life will go on.

>> No.15371981

>nooooooooooooooooo stop reminding me that my cheap plastic cookware is bad for my health
do americans really?

>> No.15371989

How is like? Living your life in constant fear?

>> No.15371997

Bring me a cutting board that is dishwasher safe and not plastic, that won't cause excessive dulling.

>> No.15372011
File: 78 KB, 496x747, just don't look.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You lost the game the moment you responded to a soijack poster, anon.

>> No.15372090

meh. i'll die that 70 anyways. fuck this planet

>> No.15372169

Based caveman anon

>> No.15372305
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I use plastic forks exclusively when home, I hate how metal forks feel in my mouth. spoons are fine

>> No.15372494

>I hate how metal forks feel in my mouth
I can understand that, it's similar for me but with plastic forks. I don't like how they feel and how they can snap

>> No.15372673

microplastics, and the first thing you think about is a cutting board and not microfiber clothing etc...

>> No.15372771

I still chew on straws. I figure at this point I'm fucked anyway.

>> No.15372796
File: 1.98 MB, 4032x2268, 16102562886767563043481623650022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the flavors are fucking great famalam

>> No.15372810

I had no idea those were even a thing. Used granma's wood cutting boards all my life. I wash my dishes by hand so I never had issue washing wood

>> No.15372989

Nice try avoiding them but the reality is they are in everything from tap water to bottled to anything coming out of a can. Meanwhile you're ingesting glyphosate whenever you eat anything (he actually believes organic is organic) and you're sucking down benzines and other aromatic hydrocarbons whenever you go anywhere. You're ingesting endocrine disruptors and all kinds of other fun chemicals constantly. By all means try to control things if you want but it's really a practice in OCD.

>> No.15373058

Blame China for selling plastic pellets mixed in with their cheap export rice as "filler"

>> No.15373066

"Did you shoot my cat with a fucking airsoft BB!?"

>> No.15373069

This is what's been causing the faggot/tranny epidemic. No joke.

>> No.15373084


>> No.15373095

I only use the dishwasher maybe once every two weeks, but at that rate a 5 buck birch cutting board seems to split right about never (which is also how often it gets oiled).

>> No.15373141

Hard to prove, but probably mostly cancer and endocrine disruption. Infertility, goiter, diabetes, allergies.

Especially infertility and allergies are epidemic, but it's probably caused by a combination of a ton of environmental pollutants. Microplastics, pesticides, persistent organic pollutants especially PFAS, heavy metals ... we're really doing a number on the environment and a lot of it will stick around till subduction recycles it in the earth core.

>> No.15373164

Thanks for reminding me that I needed a new cutting board. Found this killer deal, clip the $8 off coupon and it's 12 bucks for a huge bamboo one.


>inb4 shill
there's no referral link in it, just the product page. dont buy it if you dont want to faggot i just thought id post a good deal i saw

>> No.15373203

>T-levels are dropping since the 70s, and that's mostly due o an over abundance of plastic in the food chain.
Obesity lowers testosterone too, I'd guess that's the main reason why. People are just generally unhealthy.

>> No.15373272

Adaptatin takes time, we are pushin that shit out far too quickly. As far as we can see animals only ge sterilised due to EDs. No time for adaptaion. Same for humans btw.

>> No.15373300

The greater the effect, the faster the adaptation. There is a cliff from which extinction occurs, but it is a very hard cliff to reach. Even with nightmare diseases like hiv, something like 8% of the european population is genetically immune, and if hiv was let loose on us we would be wholly immune to it eventually.

If plastic xenoestrogens cause fertility issues in 80% of a population, and sterility in 10%, that means 80% of the population is resistant, and 10% is potentially already immune. In such a case, we will eventually be fine.

>> No.15373313

HIV isn't even nearly as bad as plastics, retard. And we are immun becaue it's reltaed to the blac plague, which stillw asn't as harmfull as plastics, because if you were genetically gifted, you would survive. There is no gen making you immun to hormornal fuck ups. You can't blow high concentrations of it into rivers and expect the animals to adapt. That's the reason why mass extinctions occur. The envoirment canges too quick for natural adaptation.

Fish living in high density ED water are simply changing their sex to all female, making reproduction nearly impossible. Those reproducing, do it in far to low numbers with far too much birth defects. If anything, every animal evolved high enouth to have a ED system will die out ue to lacking redproduction and their niche be taken over by lower lifeforms, as did always happen in mass exinctions. That's why were here and not cool guy t rex.

>> No.15373331
File: 92 KB, 1080x980, 1599658676284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. You can't be immun to estrogens and reproduce. It's an essential part of your rerproductive cycle. Endocrine disruptors aren't just bacteria or virus, they are your natural occurig essential building blocks in such a massive amount that your body can't work properly. There is no natural way of gettin immun and keep natural reproduction alive. The only thing possible, is for humans to go all in-vitro. Which in of itself will kill humanity due to the side effects.

Please stop spreading your retarded 6th grade understanding of the problem. The only people unaffected in studies, are those which aren't exposed. People which filter their water and go the extra steps or do not life in industrial zones.

>> No.15373352

Akshully, the extintions of the dinosaurs fits greatly into my point, the one most blatant being that dinosaurs didn't fucking go extinct, the dinosaurs that adapted to the extreme conditions survived and flourished. The extreme loss of food sources due to the asteroid event caused egg predation to become a major food source, which filtered out all the animals with innefficient reproductive habits. Something like half of an animals gestation period is just to develop the teeth, which obviously isn't going to work when everything is trying to eat them. Mammals evolved internal gestation to protect their young, and breastfeeding so they could be born before teeth developed. They survived. Some mammals instead continued laying eggs and instead just gave up their teeth for snouts and rudimentary beaks. They survived. Some dinosaurs also did this, developing complex beaks and hiding their eggs in holes and trees. They survived. The vast majority of land animals are adapted specifically due to extinction events, because that's what life does. It adapts. Microplastics fucking large portions of the ecosystem just means that we'll be able to see the adaptations to it 100 million years from now, which isn't at all a bad thing. If it wasn't for extinction events, life on earth would just be in a rut of the same successful shit from 300 million years ago.

>> No.15373361

Xenoestrogens literally aren't estrogens you cunt, they're "close enough" chemicals that fit into our estrogen receptors. They can evolve more specific receptors, they can evolve blockers to keep out xenoestrogens, they can evolve systems to regulate and maintain the amounts of estrogen they are absorbing. If you think a several billion years old life form can't adapt, you're flat out being a doomsayer and nothing more. Estrogens in the ecosystem is a disaster, but to say it's apocalyptic is laughable.

>> No.15373375

>goy it your plastic, it's fine, you will either die from sterility or become another Golem species all together to survives - it's a natural!
You are retarded because you do not understand that unlike external pressurs, throwing in internal estrogens into the food chain will preent any evolution due to a lack of fucking reproduction.

Every day I hope that we will get an american filter on this board.

>> No.15373380

Sure life will prevail, just not life as we know it and certainly not human life worth living - becaue we re to sensitive to those changes outside of technological short cuts. The more complex a lifeform the worse their adaptation. Roaches sure as hell wot suffer anon. Are you a jew, I mean, roach?

>> No.15373391

Animals that can reproduce despite the abnormally high amounts of fake estrogens will reproduce and spread their genes. You can say "but that's impossible" and be as wrong as you like. A lot of animals will get fucked, but that's the way it works, and the ones that don't get fucked will hang around.

>> No.15373400

Are you going to actually present an argument or are you just gonna call people kikes? Do you actually think humans are a fragile species? Because we're not. We've already survived a volcanic extinction event 100,000 years ago, and straight up flourished in the one that happened 12,000-15,000 years ago. We're debatably one of the most ecologically flexible species on the planet.

>> No.15373474

>a mal omehow can reproduce despite being flooded by estrogens
Nigger, you obviously don't even understnd rproduction. Stop posting your retard hitory channel knowledge on here.

>> No.15373499

I'm not terribly invested in humanity's survival until the next big natural extinction event.

I want technological civilization to survive, upload themselves into machines and conquer the universe. Needing to adapt to higher level of carcinogens and endocrine disruptors is just one more of the problems we don't really need in the short term.

Technological civilization is about to hit a cliff, regardless of human life.

>> No.15373549

Unless you get your water from a well, filter the shit out of it, and have somehow removed all synthetic fibers and plastic containers from your home ecosystem, than maybe....maybe you'll avoid your water system being contaminated by microplastics.

>> No.15373555
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>> No.15374406

In not posting to win, I'm posting to have fun and insulting retards on /ck/ is bunch of fun.

>> No.15374483
File: 210 KB, 2000x2000, f63e6a0c-2a69-4c7a-8474-a87078ccd11e_1.442e2c723d47cd204e8bfeea87e7a8a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually use a plastic frying pan

>> No.15374514
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>> No.15374769

That sounds amazing

>> No.15374810

So you are saying that because the water is contaminated you should continue to eat plastic induced food too? Are you one of those that thinks that "oh I farted a little in my pants so I might as well fill them with feces too"?

>> No.15374823

my entire endocrine system is fucked because I have a cyst on my pituitary gland idgaf anymore

>> No.15374826

Is this what's happening now? I can't tell if this has just been made or of it's been awhile. Is this what happens to shut down discussion?

>> No.15375258

Like the other anon said, just because you got a few drops of piss in your underwear that doesn't mean you way as well intentionally piss down your legs and fill up your shoes.

get some wooden chopsticks.

>> No.15375274

>wooden chopsticks


>> No.15375331

remove the cyst then you lazy fuck

>> No.15375358

Enjoy your prostate cancer bro

>> No.15375389

Wood is organic and decomposes, unlike plastic

>> No.15375440
File: 51 KB, 600x600, d27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You lost the game the moment you responded to a soijack poster, anon.

>> No.15376266

based and plastic pilled

>> No.15377619

Maximum Brainlet take.