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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15368908 No.15368908 [Reply] [Original]

Ajiman in Tokyo. $1900 USD for two (with some light alcohol).

They specialize in Fugu, which is poisonous pufferfish. It was fucking delicious

>> No.15368923

>rich retards actually pay that much money for S L O P P A
I've got the Brooklyn bridge to sell if you're interested op.

>> No.15368937

it's called fine dining you turbo faggot.

>> No.15368944 [DELETED] 

its called paying asian jews 2k for some fucking raw fish lmao

>> No.15368950

Good bait thread

>> No.15368954

>nearly 2k for a meal
That's approximately ~1/5th of my monthly income and seems like a complete waste of money. Pass.

I think the most I've spent on a meal with alcohol, my sisters and brother in law was ~$800

>> No.15368964

nice i would want to try fugu if fish didn't give me anaphylaxis
i spent $400 on an a5 waygu ribeye from a restaurant supplier at the beginning of the pandemic shutdown
i don't really do fine dining because i'm too autistic for fancy clothes

>> No.15368968

hahahahahaha whatever you need to do to justify it man. you got fuckin scammed my man.

>> No.15368978

fugu is boring and people only eat it once to say they had it. that's how vapid you are OP, not for trying it, but for saying it was delicious when you know it wasn't.

>> No.15368981

Please describe the experience with something a little more detailed than "It was fucking delicious".

>> No.15368983


>> No.15368986

>2 grand for some raw meat and herbs
The jew fears the samurai, because the samurai is just as capable of fooling the goyim to overpay on things that do not matter.

>> No.15368987
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MMMMMMmMMM looks really good, can I have a bite?

>> No.15368992

Hats off to the japs for being able to part fools from their money so skillfully

>> No.15368993

One time I ordered an actual numbered meal (large size) from BK. Was like $11 or something.

>> No.15369048

Looks disgusting

>> No.15369057

You're disgusting and pitiful.
Probably like $25 when I bought a big ass frozen pizza once, but that's Canadian prices, and our food prices here are fucked.

>> No.15369063

lmao they didn't even have to cook it

>> No.15369064

>*insert some special experience* is boring and people only eat/do it once to say they had it.

Yeah, that's usually how unique shit works you fucking dumbass. There are many things I've done which I only did once so I could experience it, why is everyone here such a seething broke faggot.

It's a small family owned restaurant. We sat at the counter and had like courses prepared for us. Ranging from sashimi, fried fugu cheek, fugu millet, aspic, etc. All of it was delicious, the fried fugu cheek was phenomenal. There's a fugu stew dish at the end which was also good.

>> No.15369070

why is japanese cuisine so hilariously bad?
the main staple dish of nipponland is sushi which is literally just fish on rice
their curry is just watered soup
ramen is just inferior version of authentic Chinese noodles
even instant noodles is taiwanese (Chinese) and not from japan

why could the nips not make a satisfactory cuisine?

>> No.15369073

because weeaboos and "national pride".
People lap it up too, its embarrassing.

>> No.15369077

If the only way you can describe an experience is by saying something was delicious, phenomenal and also good you might want to read a few books to improve your vocabulary.
This gave me no information whatsoever other than you have absolutely no idea what you're clumsily attempting to talk about.

>> No.15369082

He's an NPC. They were born without souls, such actions are impossible for them.

>> No.15369085 [DELETED] 

>post on Mongolian fish fucking website about how he paid over 800 dollars to try a bland white fish.

>reeeeeee why are you guys allowed to sayid was a mistake? Reeeeeeeeeee

It’s okay anon. I got meme’d into trying it once too. It was nothing special. But I didn’t pay nearly as much as 800usd.

>> No.15369089

>>15369064 #
>post on Mongolian fish fucking website about how he paid over 800 dollars to try a bland white fish.

>reeeeeee why are you guys allowed to say I made a mistake? Reeeeeeeeeee

It’s okay anon. I got meme’d into trying it once too. It was nothing special. But I didn’t pay nearly as much as 800usd.

>> No.15369099

Oh, pardon me. Didn't mean to offend your sensibilities with my feeble vocabulary.

Fucking faggot. I'm not your personal blog. The fried fugu was very juicy and tender, and was somehow cooked in a way (or due to how fugu is) where it retained a pleasant bounce when chewed, almost maybe a toughness, but was still incredibly moist and tender. It was phenomenally delicious and also good and the batter was seasoned and friend perfectly. Perhaps the best fried food I have ever eaten. faggot.

>> No.15369101


>> No.15369127 [DELETED] 

Guess what nigger, I also went to a restaurant in Osaka that served flowers. It was $1400 for two people and all the dishes were based around different japanese edible flowers. Maybe instead of seething over what I put in my mouth you should figure out how you're going to make rent next month.

>> No.15369143
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>> No.15369152

you sure got him

>> No.15369153

Were you born with a silver spoon? Hard to imagine someone this retarded thought of a way to get rich.

>> No.15369154

I took my boyfriend for dinner on christmas eve 2 years ago, bill was like £120

>> No.15369157

oh, and I also spent 1100 for two at a restaurant where the chef comes over with 3 assistants and replicates a literal "snow storm" of sugar and spices, then makes a fucking dessert snowman for you lol.

continue seething with your 24 CAD pizza faggot

>> No.15369165

post feet

>> No.15369173

post receipt?

>> No.15369176

imagine the japanese chefs laughing at the stupid foreigner and talking in japanese in front of him how stupid he is

>> No.15369183

50 dollars for myself and my fiance (now wife) to eat at a local mob-owned italian joint. Went to the italian market across the street afterwards so like 57 bucks counting the cookies we got there.

>> No.15369187
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fucking delicious. nice bait faggot. fugu has no real flavor. it's given flavor based on whatever else it's cooked with. people eat it for the effects of some of the poison

>> No.15369198

You should wear a mask, weeabo gaijin.

>> No.15369201

>I paid $1800 for some raw fish
>anon says this expecting other anons to be wowed by this
>gets extremely mad when they start mocking him for being so stupid with his money
>starts bragging about other times when he did stupid shit with his money
Why are richfags like this? Nobody here is impressed by this attempt at flexing.

>> No.15369206

Yes, the sashimi could be described as "plain" but the texture is interesting. Tastes like a mix between fish and squid almost. The fried fugu was unbelievable.

>> No.15369207

If you have ever payed more than 100 murrican dollarinos for a dinner (per person) you're a fucking idiot and deserve to be scammed out of everything you own.

>> No.15369210

Still can't tell if you're trolling or actually retarded. I'm leaning towards the former. If so then top notch b8.

Anyway my most expensive meal was at a steak house. I had 3 different kinds of fillet mignon and my wife had the prime rib. We also had a couple drinks and a dessert. Cost around $250 after tip.

>> No.15369214

this is certainly the perspective of someone who has never experienced any form of fine dining in their life.

>> No.15369248

LOL, you're ridiculing me for literally having servants recreate a sugary snowstorm and then forming a mini snowman for me to eat.... while bragging about some shit steakhouse?

IMO, steak houses are the BIGGEST rip off. Go get yourself a grass fed, grass finished tomahawk for $90. Sous vide that shit then sear that shit with butter, garlic, thyme. Dinner for two for under $100.

Steak houses are rarely worth it. They're for people who don't know shit about fine dining.

>> No.15369255

You'd think the guy into "fine dining" is the turbo faggot

>> No.15369304

I have, but I didn't pay for it.

>> No.15369310

proud of being a leech huh? cool

>> No.15369866

You're trying too hard now. Seriously, just give it up. We all know you're full of shit.

>> No.15369920

Ok flower eater

>> No.15369929

Are you enjoying this role play?

>> No.15370050

Nope, I actually feel that way and have done these things.

Restaurants typically mark up food by 200% (much more for alcohol, which is why they push it).

So that $150 grain fed steak you're getting is worth only $50. Whereas a truly beautiful piece of grass fed/finished beef would sell for $80-100 at the butcher.

Would you pay $300 for a grassfed tomahawk? Probably not.

Some foods are worth eating out because it's a combination of ambiance, time with friends/family, etc that all combines into an experience....

but to imply that you're really getting the "good stuff" when it comes to steak at steakhouses... LOL shows how much you know, faggot.

They do dry age steaks, but I'm not a fan. Go buy an $60 grassfed grass finished ribeye from a butcher and tell me how good it is. No need to dry age.

>> No.15370180

I took my wife to some nice restaurants in Lyon France when we were there.

My favourite was ran by Japanese people called something like The 14th of February.

>> No.15370239

You literally opened a thread to tell your story as if 4chan is your personal blog. I won't insult you as I feel your existence is enough of a burden already.

>> No.15370250

Heron's in NC
$150/person tasting menu
wonderful, going back next week

>> No.15370435

I`m Rich and could afford It but that`s Total trash, way to go to get scammed by some chinks who totally hate your guts

>> No.15370461

$70 at Texas Roadhouse

>> No.15370466

Nice R*ddit format you fucking faggot. Get fucking scammed on gookshit lmao

>> No.15370872

I fucking just asked a question you turbo nigger, how is that blog posting?

>$30 entrees


IMO Japan and Italy are rivals for best food in the world. The dedication to detail in Japan is unbelievably high. Get some culture faggot

>> No.15370944

because it tastes good?
its really that simple to do and they're the ones who figured it out.

>> No.15371099

About £500 for 2 people at Restaurant Gordon Ramsay. Spent similar amount at Core by Claire Smyth.

>> No.15371112

op is such a fucking loser lmfao

>> No.15371273
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>Go get yourself a grass fed, grass finished tomahawk for $90. Sous vide that shit then sear that shit with butter, garlic, thyme.

>> No.15371345

How the fuck is that "reddit"? Going to some gay steakhouse and overpaying for some shit corn fed beef is retarded, probably why you do it.

Maybe try to make rent on time next month instead of insulting strangers online.

>> No.15371351

yo fat momma pays my rent dork

>> No.15371404

sure thing nigger lol

>> No.15371508

zuboraya doesn't charge anywhere near that much:

Specialty Tecchiri Blowfish Hot Pot set: ¥5,400+
Select Fugu Blowfish Kaiseki set: ¥5,400+
Specialty Fugu Blowfish Hot Pot: ¥2650
Tessa (Blowfish Sashimi): ¥1400

>> No.15371541

that place looks like shit compared to ajiman. Like sushi from a gas station or something.

>> No.15371640
File: 120 KB, 1280x720, Paganini_Magliano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at stefano paganini's restaurant in magliano alfieri, 100-odd euro for a 6 course chef's menu at christmastime, plus several pretty pricey bottles of wine, and amaros afterwards. fuckin incredible meal, and the best service i've ever had in my life.
16 year old waiter who was in training to be a sommelier, infinitely better knowledge of wine and pairings than any sommelier i've met in north america, talked to the chef afterwards, its a kind of obscure place, in an out of the way town, but if you ever have the chance its fully worth the time and money

>> No.15371652

is that interior jacobian?

>> No.15371655

400 sushi for 2 in Japan LOTS of alcohol though.

>> No.15371680

Fine dining is nice and all but theres tremendous diminishing returns after $100 or so. I'd much rather have 19 $100 meals than your $1900 meal.

>> No.15371711

$120 in kyoto.
5 course meal with kobe-gyu + dessert and coffee.

>> No.15371833

Why do poor fags interpret everything that doesn’t explicitly cater to their own narrow life experience as “flexing”? This is how you cut yourself off from people and opportunities that could make your life better and more interesting.

>> No.15371935

at a certain point, experiences become more important than the money.

>> No.15372010
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>ooaah yes gaijin-san this is japanese dericacy, you pay two thousan dorra, make you very happy rong time

>> No.15372046

Had some nice Wagyu steaks from costco $300, great for a one time thing but i would never have it regularly.

>> No.15372050

itt: seething poorfags

>> No.15372107

nice way to describe the dicks you just sucked, faglord

>> No.15372110

So much cope haha faggot
>thread just to humblebrag
Insecure homo

>> No.15372118

Fried with batter bahahaha what an absolute retard

>> No.15372140

you are a literal crab nipping at my ankles you enormous faggot

>> No.15372146

just chiming in to say that op a shit

>> No.15372167
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You don't have to spend like crazy for fugu, though.
However much this was I don't remember, because the price wasn't noteworthy at all. So probably ¥12-1700 or something.

>> No.15372195

>but to imply that you're really getting the "good stuff" when it comes to steak at steakhouses... LOL shows how much you know, faggot.

You literally bragged about eating powdered sugar in the shape of a snowman. So who's the faggot exactly?

>> No.15372217

>don’t use simple words like phenomenal, delicious and good
>uses the exact same words
Your financial decision-making, unawareness of actual culinary terminology and the ineptitude regarding reading comprehension paint an unflattering picture of you, OP.
In addition to that, choosing to complement the only deep-fried dish you were served as your favorite is honestly quite insulting to the restaurant you visited, the fish you were served and your own tastebuds. If it’s well-fried and seasoned batter you’re looking for, there are many alternatives. Maybe kfc and popeyes is more up your alley?

>> No.15372281

I spent $80 on a pizza and beer once

>> No.15372376

I once spent 28 bucks on a single burrito because postmates marked that shit up

>> No.15372377
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This looks like warm, slick, deli ham.

>> No.15372534

I had an $80 steak, a $10 baked potato and a $15 glass of whisky once. I'm not a fine restaurant guy.

>> No.15372585

What's postmate?

>> No.15372591

something you could have looked up without dealing with captcha

>> No.15372658
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>"it's called fine dining you turbo faggot."

>> No.15372735

so many poorcucks itt lol

>> No.15374104

what's fugu

>> No.15374138

Pufferfish. They have neurotoxin in their liver and ovaries so you have to be really careful not to touch them when you're filleting them otherwise it contaminates the entire fish and the person eating it will most certainly die.
This makes fugu a (supposedly) very expensive meal as few are the chefs officially qualified to deal with the fish. The filets are apparently a bit tingly from the presence of an extremely small amount of the toxin in the flesh and chefs have reported that if you don't wear gloves, you will temporarily lose sensations over your fingertips when handling fugu.
Also, OP is an imbecile.

>> No.15374143

couldnt tell you, my knowledge of architecture and design is pretty minimal

>> No.15374182

$120 at fancy French restaurant
the best part was mushroom stuffed tomato and the chocolate souffle^eee

>> No.15374206

I spent 40 dollars at mcdonalds once. Ate every last burger too

>> No.15374243

It's called "being invited", usually a byproduct of having friends.

>> No.15374258

Have sex, incel.

>> No.15374382
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Again, it isn't violently expensive. There are restaurants in Japan that specialize in it. I guess you don't get a ton for what you pay, you don't get a big heaping pile of fugu, but it isn't like it's restricted to fine dining establishments that are hundreds of dollars.

>> No.15374396

Get lots of dining and travel experiences in life, OP, for fun meals and created memories But pufferfish is NOT
>fucking delicious
rather just raw flavorless fish flesh, that has a ocean flavor. You were sloshed and high on your risky meal and danger factor.
OP is incredible stupid to take medical risks on a night smack dab in the middle of a global medical crisis using every available hospital bed and doctor in the world. This was the time you'd get laughed out of the ER. Your pricetag for this meal was stupid, but you already knew that. You can dine better than that.

>> No.15374469

I heard that the only reason Japanese people eat Fugu is to get them high off the toxin which produces euphoria if prepared properly. And that spending tons of money on it for its "taste" is something only tourists do.

>> No.15374474

Great to know, thanks anon.

>> No.15374540

Right, the restaurant that cooks food on a portable stove and serves it to you to eat on a one foot deep bench is "fine dining". I think I've seen a hobo in a my city that offers a similar dining experience. Should I give you his contact details?

>> No.15374607

i ate a bunch of pizza my mom ordered from somewhere nice. i probably ate a whole pizzs worth and those are like $40 pizzas... and some beer to top it off

i guess like $50?

i dont think ive ever spent more than $25 feeding myself

>> No.15374718

I don't even wear a mask faggot what are you gonna do about it.

Also this was pre-covid you fucking idiot, how would I get to Japan right now.

>> No.15374725

At that price it's more of a tourist trap than anything

>> No.15374839

Fugu served nowadays has such a slight trace of neurotoxin that it has no noticeable effect on who eats it. It’s illegal to serve the liver which is considered fairly potent in neurotoxin. It used to have an effect on people decades ago but that was stamped out for health reasons. Anybody nowadays who eats it is only doing it so they can say they had it. It’s bland and forgettable.

>> No.15374860

>Google says the upper cost of Fugu is like $300.....so $600 for two

Congrats anon, not only did you get ripped off, but you advertised your retardedness to a basket weaving forum. I'm sure your dick sucking friends on Instagram would like to hear you humblebrag about such things.

>> No.15374870

Incels get easily scammed LMAO

>> No.15374882

You sound like a fucking retard. Kill yourself you retarded silver spoon cunt you don`t deserve to be rich like me

>> No.15375004

Just under €500 on dinner for two at Steirereck in die Stadtpark, Vienna. 8 course tasting menu plus wine flight. Well worth the money. The same again at Marcus Wareing's for 3 courses, with wine by the glass, which was most certainly not VFM.

>> No.15375083

Is there a punchable face on earth?

>> No.15375170

180 euro for a three-course dinner for three in Denmark. I wish I could tell you about everything I had but I a) don't fully remember and b) couldn't understand everything in danish. The starter ws something something beets and salmon. the entre had beef that was honestly so tender I thought it was pate at first. The dessert was plum sorbet with coffee cake or some such. Oh yeah and oysters. Great bottle of white wine too.

>> No.15375175

I wanted to add, go to Kok og vin if you ever find yourself in Odense.