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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 76 KB, 599x611, Screenshot 2021-01-09 073010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15368407 No.15368407[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Wow! They really care!

>> No.15368420

Ice cream?

>> No.15368424

Crass corporate marketing ploy it may be, it doesn't stop them from being right.

>> No.15368426


>> No.15368427
File: 31 KB, 640x480, a5109769b73d6db415f702503035d1fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont trust them

>> No.15368429

It wasn't a riot it was a circus and it played right into the hands of the security state.

>> No.15368432

all companies say this shit on twitter and then praise dictatorship when selling in China. Fuck corporations

>> No.15368437

I know they're right. I'm fucking pissed at the Capitol rioters too. I don't care so much about "muh white supremacy," I'm fucking pissed that we're going to get slapped with the Patriot Act 2.0 because these dumb fucks did this stupid shit to show their support for Donald fucking Trump of all people. I can't fucking believe their stupidity. But what also pisses me off is these corporations who spent all 2020 praising BLM and talking about "riots are the language of the unheard," are now shitting their pants.

>> No.15368440


>> No.15368442

Seethe more. We're going to take the country back.

>> No.15368446
File: 50 KB, 1024x821, dilate tranny ywnbaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you still get a yeast infection if you used a cone of ol' Ben and Jewry's to keep your wound from closing, or is that strictly, you know, a woman thing?

>> No.15368458

lol keep telling yourself that. You had one shot and you missed. You think the gub'mint won't be loaded for bear on round 2? You're not getting another.

>> No.15368459

Fuck corporations

>> No.15368473

Please do, every failed coup just gives us license to stamp down on you and your god-emperor even harder.

>> No.15368477

whether you agree with what their social media intern posted or not, the corporation is not your friend

>> No.15368580


>> No.15368603
File: 294 KB, 469x472, 1610197982413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

End your worthless fucking life.

>> No.15368605
File: 157 KB, 1200x630, BidenBushBoys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it. Kill yourself. Do it. Do it.

>> No.15368612

>it doesn't stop them from being right.
Im not sure that is actually true, I think they would avoid using lethal force or brutality regardless of what ethnic background they belonged to, simple because not doing so would cause a much bigger diplomatical repercussion when the fucking House of Representatives and the Senate became covered in blood, gore and corpses! Imagine what a single photo of such events would cause to the reputation of the country? How do you think external view of your country will be like?

>> No.15368622

youre so mad lol xD

>> No.15368627

Let's see their Jewish board of executives talk about Jewish privilege. 2 percent of the population, overrepresented several thousand times in government. Billions to Israel, a country with a budget surplus, while American taxpayers can't afford basic healthcare.

Whoops, sorry. Stating the obvious truth is hate speech. Sorry CNN. Sorry Bolsheviks.

>> No.15368638

Pervert degenerate

>> No.15368646
File: 1.95 MB, 237x240, reddit trash.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back, tranny. No one likes you here.

>> No.15368648

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

>> No.15368650

Is ice cream not food?

>> No.15368654

go back to /pol/ and wear a fucking mask, mouth breather

>> No.15368656
File: 79 KB, 600x800, 205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go back to /pol/ and wear a fucking mask, mouth breather

>> No.15368657

>Is ice cream not food?
I am not sure you could even consider it as food, it is literally poison, specially the gourmet varieties! They should be labbeled as soft drugs and taxed upon.

>> No.15368659

>cope and seethe

>> No.15368662

Dilate. You will never be woman.

>> No.15368672

good ww2 movie

>> No.15368673

>t. dilate seething tranny

>> No.15368683

Mentally ill redditor sides with corporations once again.
Thank you for standing with the establishment you tranny freak.
This, also good post.

>> No.15368686

They're almost right, but it wasn't white privilege.
They were let in because either the police were scared of the numbers, or the government wanted an excuse for more overreach.

>> No.15368694

We need a new breed of leftists to destroy corporate hegemony over our culture. Like the one from the 30s and 40s, before they became pissy soyboys obsessed with defending blacks, corporations and pedos.

>> No.15368697

Also good post, I think the police sorta supported them too. They were no doubt pissed how they were told to not do anything about the BLM chimpout, so this is their petty revenge.

>> No.15368704

>they were only slightly mutts
>it must be bad because they were white
oi... better get your story straight, rabbi

>> No.15368723

>Ben & Jerry's desperately fights Halo Top for the admiration of morbidly obese women
I wish boys would fight over me.

>> No.15368724

This, Trump and the mob got played like a fiddle because there wasn't a brain to share between the lot of them. Does anyone belive that the total lack of security was normal given the circumstances? I'm sure that building could go on total lockdown. Someone really wanted a new patriot act.

>> No.15368738

y'all literally tried to overthrow democracy bc trump lied and said there was election fraud bc hes a sore loser.

>> No.15368740
File: 68 KB, 623x538, 1605546436402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>failed coup
you have to be really retard to believe this was a coup,
a coup happens in privy of the public eyes, eg like congress certifying sleepy Joe's election
also >>>/pol/

>> No.15368782

slurp the boot chang

>> No.15368791

Now this is bootlicking!

>> No.15368796

>social media brand account talkin about political shit
I hate trumptards too but shouldnt they focus on making ice cream that doesnt taste like shit?

>> No.15368818

>potus summons a ragtag mob of terrorists to stop democracy from happening
Yeah, that's an (poorly) attempted coup. Congress certifying the election is just democracy happening.

>> No.15368833
File: 67 KB, 796x418, Eq_KDngXEAELAMF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15368834

Why do American companies keep posting their political opinions and virtue signal about how progressive they are?
In Europe companies usually keep their opinions to themselves, a business is a business

>> No.15368838

>still believing the election was a fraud
Fucking lmao dude. He lost, move on

>> No.15368841

you know (((why)))

>> No.15368843

It wasn't Trump supporters, it was Antifa. Stop believing mainstream media lies and do more research. There were 4 bus loads of Antifa confirmed arriving, videos of people calling them out for being Antifa, videos of police just opening the barricades and guiding them into the Congress for some reason. It's the same tactic they've used in the past with their own flyers to prove it. https://www.naturalnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Antifa-disguise.png

This Antifa member was arrested for invading the Capitol and then released immediately for some reason. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/01/far-left-activist-john-sullivan-utah-arrested-storming-us-capitol-released-without-charges-organized-antifa-event-area-time-stop-steal-rally/

McConnell and Schumer made a signal right before the invasion like they knew it was coming. The whole thing was a setup to give Congress the excuse to blow through the election fraud hearings and drop objections so they could ignore it, frame Trump supporters as violent, frame Trump as calling for violence so they could impeach him when he clearly called for peacefulness, and create an excuse to wall off Congress from we the unwashed masses so they can get away with destroying the country after stealing the election. When an event like this happens that accomplishes so many of their goals in one fell sweep, you have to investigate whether it's a false flag, and all the evidence proves this was clearly one. Don't fall for the media and big tech gaslighting intended to convince the American people that the complete opposite of reality is reality. The facts speak for themselves.

>> No.15368845

>In Europe companies usually keep their opinions to themselves
Lmao you’re so full of shit

>> No.15368847

>.50 cents have been deposited
I thought shareblue ran out of funds for this shit.

>> No.15368854

They don’t nearly as much. The one doing it will usually be global American companies
It should be forbidden for companies to broadcast political opinions beyond what is in their immediate area of business. A business is composed of many individuals which have different, private opinions

>> No.15368857
File: 65 KB, 656x802, 1605850822574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't listen to the mainsteam media! listen to my conspiracy peddling media instead!
Take your pills, anon.

>> No.15368862

Did you forget your meds today gramps?

>> No.15368865


trying to gaslight when it's so glaringly obvious what's going on is shameful

>> No.15368867

you're right but it doesn't piss my off it makes me gleeful

>> No.15368870

so what bitch? what are you going to do about it? haha.

>> No.15368873

I fucking wish antifa in the US was as organized as you schizos suggest. Meanwhile they're out in the middle east fighting ISIS while you're gobbling the cock of a billionaire reality star. You faggots said for months you were going to storm the capitol and now that you have, it was antifa? Antifa sounds based as fuck if it's true.

>> No.15368878

>it makes me gleeful

>> No.15368882

Omegalul trumpers get btfod

>> No.15368883

>100+ days of riots and autonomous zones with 30+ dead
This is fine
>1 day of clowns with no plan breaking in then going home peacefully
Literally white supremacy