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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15363471 No.15363471 [Reply] [Original]

>go to taco bell
>employee standing at cashier spot
>"you have to order through the tablet crap on wall"
>da fuck
>use it and order
>no one know who ordered what by face they dont know if its my order or not

why is this a thing? i get how it could be a business decision but that doesn't make sense cause the guy still was just standing there and handing stuff out.

>> No.15363480

>going to taco bell
you get what you deserve

>> No.15363487

I bought a skip bag off kijiji for my own use in taking shit home. Theres a bunch of places like McDs where I could just walk in and read the number off their monitor, walk off with the order, etc.

>> No.15363493

is that a heckin dog bird

>> No.15363500

This'll be the stepping stone problem to insure facial recognition software is installed to take your picture every time you walk in to order 3 big tacos and a large chile

>> No.15363560

true. i get like a craving for it once a year but that will be my last time there.

>> No.15363665

>no one know who ordered what by face they dont know if its my order or not

>Screen tells me my order is Number Five
>Computer tells employee to make Number Five
>Employee calls out "Number Five is ready!"

But how will they know it's MY order?!?

Fuck off boomer.

>> No.15363666

fastfood fags get the rope

>> No.15363679

its just laziness on their part when Im paying I dont want to have touch receipt or remember a number. you have the attitude of someone who is a mcwagie. they called out the number and then they seemed unsure when I came up to get it. if you want to make sure I payed for the five dollar meal I can show proof.

>> No.15363682
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>its just laziness on their part
>I dont want to have touch receipt or remember a number

>> No.15363685

yea Im paying for the service dumb furfaggot

>> No.15363686

They've been using order numbers since the beginning of time, dum dum.

>> No.15363690

No! They need to take my name and address me by name! I am the CUSTOMER and I am ALWAYS RIGHT. You SERVE ME and I PAY YOUR WAGE so do things exactly the way I demand and deserve!

>> No.15363700

>Eating fast food
>Not using the apps
Big cringe and massive yikes from me

>> No.15363704

I'll take order number 5 and be out the door before you have a chance to show your receipt. gg

>> No.15363708

the tacobell app is fucking shit and when they did that promotion for a free taco it broke and were just giving the tacos away per case it was dumb

>> No.15363719

The Taco Bell app works just fine, retard. Only an idiot wouldn't use the app, especially since they have reward points now.

>> No.15363729

just uninstalled it because it kept giving alerts for shit. nah the app is crap

>> No.15363746

I like Taco Bell notifications. My phone goes, "BOOOONG!"

>> No.15363756

thats nice ur a very special taco boy

>> No.15363764
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I'm a Taco Man.

>> No.15363769

That's stealing, you can't do it

>> No.15363770

The virgin data divulger.

The chad reward refuser.

>> No.15363773

I only use the Subway app, but I just mute notifications from it.

>> No.15363778

I know how to do that but the experience was really depressing so I wont bother with taco bell again. yum brands all suck dick prove me wrong

>> No.15363785

>data divulger
Because they totally don't know what you ordered if you order in person...

>> No.15363791

those apps record more than that they can sell to other companies bro. like location data purchasing habits age email etc.

>> No.15363804

>I know how to do that but the experience was really depressing
Well, it's not an experience you'd ever have to deal with again because when you order with the app it's literally: walk in, pickup food, walk out. But that's fine.

>> No.15363813

no i mean the atmosphere in the store it was sad and depressing. the experience would have been similar cause it was shit service all around. none of the customers were pleased

>> No.15363819

Ok. I'm still going to get my number five when the employee remakes it.

>> No.15363822

Why are you even going inside the store in the first place? Order on the app. Pull up to the drive through and say you have a mobile order. Pull up to the window and they'll hand you your food.

>> No.15363824

Not if my gf gets it first.

>> No.15363827

I know this is bait but why would you go to mcdonalds for the service?

>> No.15363830

dude shut up people do things differently than you accept it

>> No.15363832

>I'm a bitter and cynical depressing person
>The store felt depressing
Huh, really makes you think.

>> No.15363834

Never had an issue with the tablet and regularly bypass the line by using it, are you retarded OP?

>> No.15363835

you dont go for the service you go for the food and expect some level of standards in the service

>> No.15363843

no the problem is the tablet was the only option but there was still some lard ass there at the counter to make people feel dumb when they go up to him expecting to order and then he wastes our time telling us to do his fucking job pushing buttons

>> No.15363846
File: 736 KB, 1301x852, cirno tb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread bitching about shitty service
>"why not do it this way instead, anon? it's really simple"

>> No.15363847

So you're blind to the super obvious tablets and that's their fault?

>> No.15363848

What is a "skip bag?"

>> No.15363850

I'm assuming something like a "Skip the Dishes" branded courier bag. So he's pretending to be a delivery driver and stealing orders.

>> No.15363855

If fast food employees are somehow making you feel dumb then I hate to break it to you but it's probably because you are dumb.

>> No.15363858

i feel like your intentionally not understanding what happened. people walked in say employee at cashier station and start ordering. he tells them no go order at tablet behind us. it happened a few times while I waited and pissed everyone off.

>> No.15363861

maybe i am but thats irrelevant to the issue

>> No.15363877

No it's very relevant. It's a simple process that you are misunderstanding and are getting frustrated by. So the problem is you.

>> No.15363897

there was a fat ass people were assuming was servicing people with no signage saying it was self serve. not gonna be gas light by some yum brand manager twitter bitch

>> No.15363914

And I'm not taking the word of a fat ass autist who was embarrassed by a computer and is now making up stories about how "everyone was pissed".

if it was such a bad system, literally every fast food place wouldn't be using them.

>> No.15363926

the guy behind me sighed and was annoyed when he was made to use the cuck tablets too

>> No.15363935

And then you flipped off the wagecuck and backlipped into your Ferrari and drove off with your supermodel girlfriend while everyone clapped. I get it.

>> No.15363944

it happened. cope more bitch

>> No.15363967

>there was a fat ass people were assuming was servicing people with no signage saying it was self serve
>not gonna be gas light by some yum brand manager twitter bitch
>cuck tablets
>cope more bitch
You're literally 12, aren't you? I guess that explains why you got so defensive at the suggestion to just use the drive through like a normal person.

>> No.15363983

I have a car with no muffler and straight pipes its loud and I dont like turning it off to order cause they cant understand me. the entire thread you've been posting why no do it this way and I give you reasons and you keep doing it.

>> No.15363985

Post belly button and go to sleep.

>> No.15363989

What is a skip bag? What is a kijijiji? Is this some old-world dead language you’re using?