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15359146 No.15359146[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>pull back stove to clean underneath
>the wall is caked in decade old oil
Anyone else done this

>> No.15359151
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stfu tranny

>> No.15359187

You can see the despair in his eyes

>> No.15359194

pics or it didn't happen, OP

>> No.15359199

She cute

>> No.15359207

If you never move the stove then you will never need to clean under it. If you don't know it's dirty then it isn't.

>> No.15359286
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>A person cannot rationally consent to HRT until they are at least 45 years old
Also TERFs:
>only attractive tranners who fully 100% pass should be allowed to exist

>> No.15359298

What the fuck is a TERF

>> No.15359301

Which acronym should I label myself with if I want people to know that I see trannies as non-human?

>> No.15359304
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>> No.15359306

I'm transphobic, fuck off trannies

>> No.15359309

Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist
Basically women who correctly recognize that trannies are not women.

>> No.15359311 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 560x560, 133331018_214701747002384_5805611990570810997_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off and die tranny lover

>> No.15359312

That's not as catchy or cute as something like TERF, but okay.

>> No.15359318


>> No.15359323


>> No.15359324
File: 1.65 MB, 1506x3976, gayfaqs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The correct term is homomisia. They are not trans because they are faggots who are even more mentally ill than the usual faggot, and you are not afraid of them.

>> No.15359336

You're a fuckin faggot dude

>> No.15359341

Yo fuck you and kill yourselves. I'm a tranny and a chef and I've been posting here for 10 years.

Fuck you for turning my board into a board about trannies, I hope you all fucking die

>> No.15359349

Suicide is the highest calling a faggot like you can aspire to achieve. Don't make someone else sully there hands with your putrid existence.

>> No.15359353

>why do gays spread so much aids
Because gay men are still men. Lssbians don't have the super high aids infections that straight men do.
>muh reproduction
So infertile people can't be married?

>> No.15359356

They should start putting testosterone in breakfast cereal, I'd rather have girls with inch-long clits than transsexuals

>> No.15359372

The -phobia in homophobia and transphobia is not -phobia as in arachnophobia (irrational fear), but rather -phobia as in hydrophobia (water repellant). Homophobia was created to describe people who are repelled by homosexuals or who would avoid them, not to describe a literal fear of them.

>> No.15359381
File: 209 KB, 906x1024, FagStats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whole list of shit
>picks infertile people
They can adopt and children need a proper mother/father dynamic in the house to grow into functional adults. Go back into your closet and try not to diddle a kid like you were when you were 5.

>> No.15359389
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And yet -misia works much better and is more accurate. Kind of hard to avoid faggotry when it's pushed everywhere.

>> No.15359390

When I bought my appartment and took out the kitchen the walltiles near the stove were stuck to the wall because of grease

>> No.15359394

>y-you should have gone through my entire list
Why should I? You do realize that gays can reproduce, right? There have been plenty of gay men who have biological children.

>> No.15359399

>the average gay men has several dozens of sex partners per year
Sounds based

>> No.15359400
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>> No.15359413
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It's artificial as fuck, and will more than likely result in a mentally unstable person. Fags only beneficial purpose in life is to die and become worm food. Because they have no real purpose beyond that, they spend their lives deconstructing stability of family values.

>> No.15359420

I hope you realize that a "fag" was one of the pioneers of computer science (i.e. Alan Turing).

>> No.15359429
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>> No.15359431

infertile people have defects, are you admitting that homosexuality is a defect and not something desired?

>> No.15359435

Big statement with no source. For the sake of the argument, let's say it's true. Who gives a shit? Probably worked with a team, and someone else would have came up with it anyway. Fags belong in the ground. It will never happen because faggotry is a choice, but in the fictional event that gayness is genetically identified, all fag wombsies should be purged.

>> No.15359448

>For the sake of the argument, let's say it's true. Who gives a shit?
Since you outed yourself as a dishonest troll, I don't anymore. You just want to be a contrarian. You can easily google Alan Turing's name and find the sources yourself.
I'm asking a question based on the argument that "homosexuality is immoral because they can't reproduce". Can a straight couple be married if they are infertile? Stop dodging the question or I'll assume you're a troll.

>> No.15359465
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>anon name drops one of the most famous people in the history of computing, modern warfare, and intelligence
>durrr citation needed

>> No.15359468

Troon, you said it, go back it up. I'm not about to spend my life researching faggots for you. As a nonfag, my time matters while yours does not. As for the other question, yes, disabled people can be married as long as they are male and female respectively. Your feelings are no justification for destroying family units while you play pretend at someone who isn't a mentally broken kid diddler waiting to happen. You need a fucking electrotherapy if not a bullet, not marriage and sure as hell not a family. Go die alone without infecting the rest of society like the disease ridden mind pustule you are.

>> No.15359473

Do you have a single fact to back any of that up?