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15355350 No.15355350 [Reply] [Original]

... what do I do with it? Trying to make that London Broil

back in a bit. Desperate for advice. I only have basics, some olive oil, margarine, salt & pepper, garlic powder, some parsley...

>> No.15355357
File: 804 KB, 2576x1932, 20210106_142924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry lel

>> No.15355379

I'd just throw it all in a slow cooker, then put it on a nice piece of toasted brioche bread with gravy on the side.

>> No.15355487

Do you have a crock pot? If so, sear the beef in a pan to lock in juices. Clean and dice your veggies and put everything in the crockpot all day

If you don't have a crock pot preheat oven to 450 - bake meat for 25 minutes or until whole surface is seared. Reduce the oven heat to 200. Cook on low heat for 2 hours or until the center measures med rare with a meat thermometer. Take out of oven and thinly slice.

If you back in the oven take out ever 30 minutes and baste with something (can even just be water and salt or water and sugar but i prefer using a little vinegar and a little olive oil (with diced garlic).

Also, pick up garlic and cut the meat and insert whole cloves. Also, cook with rosemary

>> No.15355696
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I do not, sorry. This is what I've done so far:

I scored the meat crossways on both sides. I chopped some onion and minced the garlic clove, and doused both sides heavily in the Worcestershire. Rubbed in the sauce, garlic, onion, salt, pepper, some garlic powder and parsley. Wrapped it in foil in lieu of a big enough bag and its sitting in a roaster pan in the fridge.

Now I wait, not sure how long yet.

Set up the broiler pan with foil to collect any jus. When Im ready to cook it, Im gonna sautee those mushrooms and onion. I havent figured out how to make the jus yet. I have the sauce and gravy mix to add but not sure how to do it yet. I want to have some hot jus for it to set in with some mushroom and onion, but not sure yet how exactly I wanna do that.

Honestly, I still dont know yet how long to broil it or on what heat.

I had to wing it, I couldn't get coherent answers from the web so far. Everyone had different ideas so I just took what they had and common. Ive wanted london broil with mushrooms and onions for ages and could never find the recipe I wanted. So I finally just decided to wing it.

>> No.15355701

Also, am re-reading for those instructions, thank you very much.

>> No.15355742

>lock in juices
Stopped reading as soon as you espoused that old boomer myth

>> No.15355759

Fuck that noise. I need all the help I can get.

>> No.15355764

The recipe itself wasn't bad. Just keep in mind that he's a cargo cult worshipper who doesn't actually understand WHY the things he's doing might or might not work.

>> No.15355769

I would sacrifice a chicken to Beezlebub right now if it would help me pull this off.

Let me be absolutely clear, I have no idea what I am doing. Im desperate.

>> No.15355831

Should I make some jus somehow and bake it in that? Should I use the broiler at all?

>> No.15355899

Definitely make some jus. You can follow packet instructions or use the drippings from the roast to make a delicious and thick jus. Though, it may end up too salty depending on brand. Taste as you mix if you use the drippings with the packet.

>> No.15355930

Thank you very much. I appreciate it. I am confused if I should bake it only or broil it first? I am confused because I hear so many different methods.

I know it sounds stupid, but I was wondering if I should broil it for a few minutes on each side and then finish it off with the bake in the jus. And if so, how high should the heat be and for how long on each side. I wouldn't mind a sear if I was sure how to do it.

>> No.15355949

I always broil first then slow cook and baste every half hour until medium rare in the center

>> No.15355979

Thank you. I'll see what I can do. Im thinking broil for three minutes on each side, maybe more at about 300F?

>> No.15356151

chop it up , put in slow cooker, one can of tomato soup, i packet of onion soup mix, salt and pepper, thats it. put over egg noodles when done

>> No.15357411


>> No.15357634

Im letting it marinate overnight after all, It is 5am here now. So I am gonna try >>15355487 etc as best I can today.

>> No.15358308

Another dumb question:

Ive read that I should pat the meat dry before broiling. In my half-ass marinade, there are a lot of onion chunks and bits of garlic clove, and of course the seasonings.

Ive seen people wash the marinade off. Should I? That seems a bit counter-intuitive.

>> No.15358831

so now I am trying to comport this with https://tinykitchendivas.com/how-to-cook-london-broil/

it'll soon be time for me to get to sauteeing those mushrooms onions and making that jus

>> No.15358869

Far right huh?


>> No.15358984
File: 1.46 MB, 2576x1932, 20210107_124250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plz no bully

this is where I am now, about to broil

>> No.15358987
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>> No.15358996
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>plz no bully
Post feet, then the council will decide what to do with your worthless faggot reddit self.

>> No.15359021

so Im far right and reddit. got it. moving on.

My plan is now to broil for about, eh 4 minutes on each side, and then bake in jus and then bake around 350 for 20 mins, and then reduce heat to 200 for about two hours.

Trying to cobble together the different ideas to get it where (I think) I want it. Rare is nice, but I want it tender more, so I guess I will check it a lot

>> No.15359043

Post feet, faggot. This shit thread cannot go on without you paying your reddit dues, shitbird.

>> No.15359058
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You'll eat my god-awful chili and like it before I post even a single toe.

>> No.15359075
File: 1.95 MB, 237x240, reddit trash.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feet. Go shove your whatever the fuck it's supposed to be up your ass until then.

>> No.15359243

So the first mistake I learned from was that minutes really count in a broiler. Four minutes was too little and six was too much. Apparently 'crisp' is at five and burning at 6

It is now baking in the jus

>> No.15359364

If you broiled that with the garlic there, that garlic burnt to fucking coals long before you got a proper sear on the outside. Make sure you take internal temps at regular intervals. It will literally be inedible if you go over mid-rare. You are cooking arguably the absolute worst cut of beef possible. It needs to be mid-rare and sliced thin across the grain.

>> No.15359445

The garlic etc looks ok but I think I used a bit much.
Im going to baste it again right now and check the center
Im sure I screwed up the jus somehow, Im just not sure how. I'll have to taste it. If I find a problem (most likely too seasoned) Im not sure how to fix it, if I can.

>> No.15359489
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It seems done. Too done. I would say its done medium but not as tender as I hoped, and indeed too garlicy
Better luck next time I guess. Next time I will probaly skip the first bake and go straight to 200
Thanks all for help, have a good day.

>> No.15360254

....................Where the fuck is the pic of the meat? What in the world are you doing? Where's the finished product? I kept this thread open overnight just for this?