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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.15 MB, 2500x1407, pickynog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15350546 No.15350546 [Reply] [Original]

one good way to cure pickiness is to starve yourself for one or more full days, then only prepare and eat the foods you dislike, potentially before smoking a blunt to induce the munchies

>> No.15350556

So being discriminating is called pickey by you types now? That's bullshit you like something or you don't, so what's it to you? Go back to your crib and cry because people have their own tastes.

>> No.15350719

>he's a picky child you has "his own tastes" and "won't eat this" because of "preferences"
everyone thinks you're a cringe loser and it's part of the reason you have no friends

>> No.15350733

I find it amazing that we routinely have picky eater threads here. Ridiculous statements like
>onions are overrated
>mushrooms are overrated
>green peppers are overrated
All started by picky eater zoomers whose only big-sounding word in their vocabulary is "overrated"

>> No.15350859

Some people will be like "wanna eat sushi" and I say no thanks I'm not really into it, and now I'm a "picky eater". Other people will cry if pickles touched their burger because they don't like pickles and the juice added a very slight flavor. Those people are picky.

>> No.15350947

Agreed but green peppers are overrated and people who eat them are tastelets.

>> No.15350967

T. Tastelet

>> No.15350982

dude who the fuck likes mushrooms lol

>> No.15351072

My girlfriend is a super picky eater so much so it pisses me of when I decide to cook something she goes oh I dont like that. Good thing though is that when she tastes what I make she usually comes around but this cycle repeats itself constantly.

>> No.15351087

what people who arent my immediate family eat is none of my business and i do not care

>> No.15351088

People with an actual good Palette

>> No.15351147

Reminder that if you hate a perfectly cooked and seasoned dish of any culture (besides maybe Africa or Japan) you are objectively a childish pleb

>> No.15351160

Beat her. She'll come around quicker that way.

>> No.15351168

You wouldn't post here if that were true

>> No.15351220

Changing what word you use won't change how you are viewed by others. Being picky is a childish trait, something to be proud of growing out of.

>> No.15351231

>you must become a drug addict like me to be healthy
If you're a stoner, know that everyone around you sees you as a child

>> No.15351244

but would you eat a scorpion

>> No.15351268

smonking one wed cigarette to cure a psychological disease like pickiness is the very definition of the therapeutic use of a medicinal treatment, /pol/tard

>> No.15351338

this is literally why children with cancer are prescribed weed medicinally as well

>> No.15351866

but I hate greens

>> No.15351892

Fuck tomatoes. Fuck onions. And if you like them fuck you too.

>> No.15351906
File: 1.97 MB, 380x285, britughh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me: hey, i think it's annoying that some people refuse to eat tomatos

>> No.15352291

Why don't you get a life bro

>> No.15352501

So obviously you two are losers that are too afraid to have any kind of choice, if you did you'd be called "pickey," and you're too stupid to understand that people natuarally discriminate. You're fucking pathetic robots consigned to working minimum wage. Are you robots?

>> No.15352517

I'm an adult i don't eat what i don't want to and i don't put myself in situations where some little bitch will have a problem with me not eating shit i don't want.

Simple solutions to non-issues.

>> No.15352526

>around you sees you as a child

What is your obsession with this? when you grow up you will realize no one thinks that much about you retard. Children think like this.

>> No.15352780

This is the one thread I see all the time that I have no complaints about. It’s simply true. Don’t be a picky lil bitch.

>> No.15352783

all i see is a nappyheaded nigger

>> No.15352821

Good post, retard. You're like a fucking genius or something. Retard.

>> No.15353249

Typical picky eater response

>> No.15353280

If you're picky, chances are you consume too much sugar.
Cut that shit out.

>> No.15353286

You own a Nintendo Switch, don't you?

>> No.15353287
File: 2 KB, 125x117, 1609775532129s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>picky eating
Fucking retard zoomers.

>> No.15353290

All of those things have a purpose but I'm still picky enough not to enjoy them in certain things or not be in the mood to have them.

>> No.15353292

The word is palate.
You used the color word.

>> No.15353296

Not a live one.

>> No.15353332

pretty picky choice tbf

>> No.15353428


If I'm a child for not wanting to ingest parasites, then I'm a child.

>> No.15353531

>"hey, i think"
Shut the fuck up nigger I'm going to rape you RAPE NIGGER RAPE NIGGER RAPE RAPE NIGGER

>> No.15353556

I don't really care if tastelets/manchildren have preferences or that they don't like tomatoes/onions/mushrooms/whatever. But refusing any food served to you because of "preferences" is rude and retarded, shut the fuck up and eat what's served, you can eat your cereal at home, don't bitch about food you haven't prepared.

>> No.15353560

this applies to vegetarians and meat-only fags alike

>> No.15353575

so you speak for "everyone?" aren't you the presumtous cunt,

>> No.15353595

hey now

>> No.15353597
File: 149 KB, 1200x1333, He_161a3e_6567083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mushrooms are quite literally an alien species of extraterrestrial origin and should be eradicated.

>> No.15353607


>> No.15353609

brown cow

>> No.15353614

You'll get nothing and like it!

>> No.15353635

More people see you as a child for smoking weed
and being belligerently shitty to other people over trivialities
than for having one or two things you don't like to eat

not liking something doesn't make you better than people who do like it

>> No.15353649

Why the fuck would that annoy you?

>> No.15353652

I tell ya in my opinion if you aint like onions then you aint people

>> No.15353653

Sorry nigger i aint eatin your bbq bugs

>> No.15353655

>one good way to cure pickiness is to starve yourself for one or more full days
You are right OP. Until recently my nation was poor as shit, we used to eat the leather of our shoes. Our culinary traditions are still catching up to innovative practices like 'seasoning'. I am considered childish and picky because I prefer 'salt' and other luxuries added to the traditional pot of water and item to eat. But I understand if you want to stick to tradition.

>> No.15353666


>> No.15353696

It was a brussel sprout.

>> No.15353727

Thznkc there sherelo k, I wouldn;t have jnown that i f tiy hxbnt told me.

>> No.15353928

Stop making these threads, faggot.

>> No.15354079

The most likely reason you are a picky eater is that your palette has been distorted by too much sugar/salt intake, or you are simply too young to post here. Either way, stop doing these things.

>> No.15354383

>green peppers are overrated
I’m never met anyone that thinks they’re anything special, except myself

>> No.15354392

pickle juice is caustic shit and fuck you for not liking sushi

>> No.15354394


>> No.15354395

Would you eat chicken feet, pig blood cakes, offal soup, etc? Fucking child!

>> No.15354421

Or how about you mind your own fucking business you pretentious little shit.


>> No.15354427

>i only eat tendies

>> No.15354434

You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.15354485


>> No.15354520

I bet you had to walk to school uphill in snow shoes both ways, bullshit and so what? fuck off. Why is that important to an American taxpayer?

>> No.15354708

I hate picky eaters, why dont they leave the gene pool

>> No.15354716

If your life choices all revolve around the opinions of people who don't contribute anything of value to your life, you are a child.

>> No.15354771

I don't eat mushrooms because I'm afraid they have the chance of releasing spores and growing inside me. Is this possible? If not, why not?

>> No.15354774

Can confirm, picky eaters are manchildren of the highest order and evolutionary dead ends

>> No.15354784


>> No.15354794
File: 80 KB, 933x1290, 1CAF23BE-957A-4975-AC2B-75A94EDFDFB7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is it that picky eaters tend to hate mushrooms, onions, tomatoes, pickles, bell peppers, beans, etc.? those are all my favorite things. meanwhile they’ll eat disgusting shit like store bought hot dogs and bologna, which is basically dog food. just awful.

>> No.15354820

Because they were raised on junk food with parents who didn't give a shit about them.

>> No.15354844

I like how you listed all of that as if it's weird and/or gross, exposing you as a tastelet who probably eats fast food weekly.

>> No.15354889

Are you a parent? You come across as some asshole spouting politics.

>> No.15354897

based post, filtered though

>> No.15354932

Not better but being an adult gives freedom of taste, that's not being picky, it's being discriminating. Do I want live around niggers, no, do I want to live in a shitty neighborhood, no, do I want to eat mcdonalds? No.

Get your shit straight faggots.

>> No.15354961

i dont care what others dont like to eat, why would I

>> No.15354968

I simply do not like pickles, yucky

>> No.15354973

I hate onions. No, I didn't spell .soy. I literally hate onions.

>> No.15355023

Fungi are quite literally not a species, but a kingdom. Shut up loser.

>> No.15355028

It's not filtered. Back to >>>/v/, you manbaby.

>> No.15355061

You're a rockstar

>> No.15355295

Wtf discriminating is even worse. What are you a bigot?

>> No.15355354
File: 353 KB, 1728x2841, received_448426829055499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a picky eater I'm the cook, fuck you but seafood is shit, eclairs as well and especially fuck pork, smells like fucking piss and tastes like piss

Like me veg tho

>> No.15355467

Because their parents didn’t hit them hard enough. Alternatively, it’s because their parents didn’t love them. More than likely, it’s a bit of both. Every last one will disagree with this sentiment.

>> No.15355756

Stop consuming piss

>> No.15355905

actually would but I don't know any blacks or chankoro

>> No.15355911

I hated all of these things too until I was homeless for a year. Starving really puts tastes into perspective. Now I literally will try anything once, but I love all the picky hit list offenders the most

>> No.15355913

Because your stomach acid will fuck their shit up.

>> No.15355917

>It's not being picky, it's being discriminating
COPE you picky man child

>> No.15355926

Who is the mushroom king?

>> No.15355955

>he has to ask
Hint: your two choices are either magic or truffle

>> No.15355977

>Who is the mushroom king
Peach's father :^)

>> No.15356363

I, I am the mushy king.

>> No.15356400
File: 30 KB, 600x400, king_o_shrooms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15357666

weird chinese shit doesn't count

>> No.15358791

Tell big pork to stop fucking castrating male pigs in heat

>> No.15358815

I hate myself for being white so much I celebrated having an abortion last year.

You are white, then you are a virus. Vote Biden.

>> No.15358839

im taking the bait