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File: 19 KB, 600x900, water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15343589 No.15343589 [Reply] [Original]

>stop drinking as much soda
>start drinking more water
>penis gradually starts shrinking

what the fuck bros

>> No.15343834

they don't remove the estrogen in the water treatment plants from all the w*men on birth control because it isn't considered pathogenic
the chemicals in soda neutralize it

>> No.15343843

>penis changes size on a bi-monthly basis
anyone else like this?

>> No.15343844

>Stop drinking soda completely
>Only drink water
>No headaches, more energy, overall improved mood, not as tired
>Penis is already small and will never see action
Man, I love water

>> No.15343896

>drink 150 ml of Coke at lunch and 150 ml at dinner
>stop doing it for months
>literally nothing changed for me

>drink water when I'm thirsty
>decide to drink 3-4 l every day
>start feeling tired and moody

>> No.15344013

I have a friend who drinks ONLY water and he has chronic migraines.

>> No.15344046

increases or just straight decreases?

>> No.15344391

Tell him to go see a doctor.

>> No.15344408

Doctors are con artists trying to sell pills, dont bother

>> No.15344412

Seriously, dude? This is such a freaking irresponsible thing to say I'm at a loss for words.

>> No.15344415

>eat food and drink water
>it’s poisoned by the Jews

>> No.15344423

both kek

>> No.15344437

you are 60% water https://boards.4channel.org/x plz go

>> No.15344701 [DELETED] 


>> No.15344724

That's the effect of not being your own man and doing whatever the fuck you want. You let the water cuck you out of drinking delicious soda, now you live with the cock of a cuck for all to see.

>> No.15344730

yeah me peen is small sometimes but then it gets girthy again, idk bro

>> No.15344745

Who the hell isn't on a well? City people use this site?

>> No.15344752

Never go to a doctor unless you are taken there against your will and only then learn to negotiate and take big figurative dicks in the ass.

>> No.15344769

> hit cold water peepee smol
> see cute girl while hangs with bros
> big peepee
> east euro girl blowing me behind the dumpster at work to get her greencard

>> No.15344786
File: 273 KB, 1280x1281, 1594104656263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seriously, dude? This is such a freaking irresponsible thing to say I'm at a loss for words.

>> No.15344793

I drink only water and can count on my right hand how many headaches I've ever had.

>> No.15344803

>start drinking RO water when I was 15 after hearing about tap water toxins
>dick is extremely small and still have significant brain and thyroid damage from years of drinking poisoned shit

>> No.15345484

>retard with a small cock
>"it must be the water!"

>> No.15345527

Enjoy stage 4 cancer. They could've found and removed it at stage 1, but you were an ass and swore off western medicine because clearly you're smarter than everyone

>> No.15345605

>This is such a freaking irresponsible thing to say I'm at a loss for words
You haven't taken the doctor-pill yet? They have sky high student loans to pay back, and try to boost income by adding on unnecessary testing and procedures. Happens in all fields. Doctors have been busted for running pill-mills to get opiates out to the public.
Here's an anecdote from my dentist.
>have Gen X dentist
>does 2 crowns for me, checks x-rays and mouth for every cleaning
>still have wisdom teeth
>"Oh wow, anon, your wisdom teeth came in just fine, lucky you"
>Sells his practice, moves across the country
>20-something Millennial dentist buys his practice
>first thing she says after seeing me the first time is that I need to get my wisdom tooth extraction scheduled
>changed dentists after that
>new GenX dentist comments that my wisdom teeth came in just fine
It was pretty blatant that she was trying to get paid for an unnecessary procedure. Hard blackpill on medicine.

>> No.15346460

>stop drinking soda
>start drinking tap water
>libido disappears
>start to experience homosexual fantasies >start to adopt submissive mannerisms
Seriously, what the fuck do they put in water these days?

>> No.15346678

Fuckin regard
Iatrogenic death (doctor / medical induced death) is like #3 behind heart disease and cancer
The stats are probably lied anyways I bet it’s #1
My friend is in research and the shit he tells about cancer treatments is horrific
Did you know men who don’t get treatment for prostate cancer tend to live longer ??? Huh??? That’s just one thing

>> No.15346694

imagine drinking tap water.
I'll take my fuckin chances with the aspartame kidney stones.

>> No.15346729
File: 31 KB, 350x370, 1599891420121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who have prostate cancer tend to live shorter than people who don't have prostate cancer
your point being?

>> No.15346758

>Did you know men who don’t get treatment for prostate cancer tend to live longer ??? Huh??? That’s just one thing
You don't usually treat prostate cancer in a way you would treat any other cancer. If you need regular cancer treatment for it then you have a very aggressive form of it, so it's no surprise people who need to be chemo'd for it have shorter lifespans. If a man lives long enough he will develop prostate cancer anyway.

>Prostate cancer is virtually inevitable with age; autopsy men over 85, and almost 100 percent will show it. Hence this medical adage: Some men die from prostate cancer, but all old men die with it.

>> No.15346778


>in denial gay brown hands typed this

>> No.15346945

Mine feels bigger lately

>> No.15347015

What makes you think their hands are brown?