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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 56 KB, 680x680, yum_stew_in_a_dutch_oven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15337011 No.15337011 [Reply] [Original]

How should I make a hambone stew if the only large pot I have is a single dutch oven? Most instructions I see say to cook the stock and the vegetables separate before combining.

Also fuck it, Dutch Oven general thread because I just got this thing. What do you like to make in your Dutch Oven?

>> No.15337034
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>> No.15337058

fuck you anon that looks delicious, please offer this cooklet some advice

>> No.15337060
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>> No.15337077
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Advice on what? Stews are easy.

>> No.15337127

i just needa know what to do with only one pot. everything I'm reading says boil my hambone in one pot, cook veggies in another, then pour ham stock into veggies.

>> No.15337159

Man fuck making stocks. That shit is literally $1 at the store. Just buy it and ignore the retards in this board that will yell at you for not making your own because fuck them, they buy it at the store too and lie about it online.

>> No.15337200
File: 1.21 MB, 3264x1836, 20210103_162454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too late anon i have already begun to extract the delicious ham flavor from the leftover bone. just look at that baby sparkle.

>> No.15337334

everything going on here is peak comfy

>> No.15337383

For stews and braises I usually sear my meat then saute veggies then add liquid deglazing then add meat back. But with a ham bone I usually make a white bean soup where I just add my mirepoix/garlic/peppers to cold water with the beans and hambone in already then heat it up. Comes out quite good, so given it's a ham bone just do that. Or saute your veg in the pot, add water and ham bone. Din't get anal about this shit, it will be good.

>> No.15337517

awesome thanks for the help anon. i just added some lentils to the pot, cant wait to see how my first stew turns out.

>> No.15337573

Can it really be called a stew with no mirepoix?

>> No.15337595
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that was added as well anon. I'm a cooklet but not that dumb. Gonna throw in some kielbasa too once the lentils have softened a bit.

>> No.15337617

you'll just have to cook the stock first and then pour it into a bowl or jug or whatever and then do the rest of the steps in the dutch oven

>> No.15338131

You don't cook the veggies separate. You just cook and throw away the first batch for the stock. Then strain and use more vegetables for stew.

>> No.15338589

Sounds and looks good anon. Post final results.

>> No.15338595

don't forget you can REDUCE to increase flavor.

>> No.15338835
File: 706 KB, 2979x1830, 20210103_211012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon. in the end it wasn't the most flavorful stew but overall a good first attempt for this cooklet. now i'll be eating it for a week straight

forgive my ignorance but are you talking about just boiling the whole thing for longer so that it has less water and is more condensed?

>> No.15338913

>$800 le creusett
>$100 pressure cooker.

I go pressure cooker. Any day.

>> No.15338926

Looking Comfy Anon.

>> No.15338956

>forgive my ignorance but are you talking about just boiling the whole thing for longer so that it has less water and is more condensed?
yes, basically. something as delicate as lentils could probably be added late btw since they really don't benefit from being slow cooked. example would be my peas in >>15337060
and >>15337077. they are added at the end and allowed to cook through. shall i post my full cook log of my beef stew so you can see what i do?

>> No.15338990

If you go out and buy shit specifically for stocks unless it's on sale/cheap AF, you're likely a tryhard or fucking retarded. But, nothing wrong with saving bones leftover from butchering/roasts because there's still a shit ton of flavor in those.

I'll typically save up all my chicken bones from like 4-5 roasts and make big batches of stock. Likewise for shrimp shells/fish bones, which add a ton of flavor to gumbos, jambalayas, paellas, etc.

Otherwise, those stock base pastes are actually pretty decent if a bit salty, and even the liquid stuff or shitty dried powder stocks are fine in a pinch.

On a side note, dashi is easy as fuck to make and I've yet to find a powdered form that tastes nearly as good.

>> No.15339148

>shall i post my full cook log of my beef stew so you can see what i do?
why the hell not. i was working off joy of cooking, told me to simmer them for 30-40 min but my mom was talking some similar shit about that being a long time for lentils

>> No.15339458
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layered rigatoni bake. spicy italian sausage sauce and 4 different kinds of cheese.

>> No.15339474
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Well this is beef stew. I start by frying up some bacon. This will give me the oil I need to keep my beef from sticking while I brown it and add some flavor later.

>> No.15339486
File: 509 KB, 2016x1512, 7C33F0F7-9EA5-404A-8162-74AAB686E5EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remove the bacon and set to the side. Start browning the beef chunks. I’m using a chuck roast that I have cubed and removed unnecessary fat.

>> No.15339489
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Make sure to brown all sides.

>> No.15339494
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While the meat is browning you should prepare your mirepoix.

>> No.15339501
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Remove your meat when finished browning and set to the side. Make sure to collect the juices that bleed out because we will want to add them back into the pot later.

>> No.15339502

Just start with the bones then add the beans/veggies later.

>> No.15339511
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Put your onions into the pot and let them cook down for a minute or two. They will bleed a bunch of water and will likely pick up most of the fond from the bottom of the pot.

>> No.15339517

very based anon. I made a ham and macaroni dish like this on christmas. Guess i'll have to kick it up a notch next time

>> No.15339520
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Once your onions start to get some color add some minced garlic and some tomato paste. Mix them both in with onions and give them a minute to cook.

>> No.15339528

Just got our 9 qt Le Creuset this weekend, great way to start 2021.

>> No.15339531
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Once that’s done we want to deglaze with some red wine. Simmer this until the alcohol has been cooked off and the wine is reduced to around 1/3.

>> No.15339539
File: 538 KB, 2016x1512, 7DB67D31-884D-4FB1-88A1-D15B6439EE58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now we add the other two parts of our mirepoix, the carrots and celery as well as our meat.

>> No.15339558 [DELETED] 
File: 648 KB, 2016x1512, 2A8B810D-EB86-4268-A94A-BC3A8E4244C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cover with unsalted chicken stock and add potatoes. The potatoes should be unskinned russets that have been cut into eights. If you cut them any smaller or remove the skin the will fall apart. Add some bay leaf, allspice grains and thyme for flavor.

>> No.15339583

Not OP but keep going. You seem talented as shit.

>> No.15339585

Cover with unsalted chicken stock and add potatoes. The potatoes should be unskinned russets that have been cut into eights. If you cut them any smaller or remove the skin the will fall apart. Add some bay leaf, allspice grains and thyme for flavor

Pic related >>15337034

>> No.15339600

Cover with unsalted chicken stock and add potatoes. The potatoes should be unskinned yukon golds that have been cut into eights. If you cut them any smaller or remove the skin the will fall apart. Add some bay leaf, allspice grains and thyme for flavor

Pic related >>15337034

I will but captcha is going crazy on me.

>> No.15339608
File: 414 KB, 2016x1512, 73EF0892-65D1-463E-8358-6543EE6871BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ring to a boil, place the lid on the Dutch oven and reduce the flame to low. We’re going to leave it like this for several hours.

>> No.15339612

>you seem talented as shit
Why the fuck do people on /ck/ always go crazy over basic bitch stew? Is it because you don't actually cook, so this looks impressive to you?

>> No.15339624
File: 535 KB, 2016x1512, 7337A7AD-EE10-49BC-BCF2-2BC99A8D6FA8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After a few hours we’re going to open the Dutch oven and pull out a piece of beef. When it’s tender enough to be be pulled apart with a fork you know the stew is done.

>> No.15339630

I pretty much adapted Chef John's baked ziti, substituting cottage cheese for the ricotta. And muenster mixed in with the mozzarella, is what really drives me wild.

>> No.15339642

talented at high-effort posting. unlike you, midwit.

>> No.15339654
File: 484 KB, 2016x1512, 86C63E5C-5444-4991-934C-57A1BF00B46C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reduce the liquid down if it’s not thick enough for you. Feel free to cheat with some cornstarch if you don’t have the patience. I’m not a snob.

Probably because stews, while seemingly simple, actually require an understand of some core cooking concepts like a mirepoix, flavor layering, as well as how big and small you can cut meat and vegetables and have them hold up to such a long and slow cooking process without them disintegrating. If you were to look at the end product a complete novice would have no hope of recreating it.

>> No.15339671

At this point you’re done. Make sure to serve your stew with some hearty. Read that can be used to soak up some stew without turning to complete much. I tend to finish off the rest of the bottle of red wine I opened to cook with while I eat.

Pic related >>15337077

>> No.15339682

Oh am I forgot, if you like peas make sure to add them will you’re reducing down since they won’t hold up well to such a long cook. Just let them heat through and you’re good.

>> No.15339690

>if you were to look at the end product a complete novice would have no hope of recreating it
I guess so, but everybody here *should* know how to throw together a fucking stew. Browning meat, mirepoix, deglazing, etc, aren't exactly high level techniques. And suggesting that knowing the exact size to cut you meat and vegetables is some special thing is just silly. Your potatoes will fall apart no matter what size you cut them if you cook them long enough, and if you're going to do a cornstarch slurry you have to bring it up to a boil anyway. I'm not ragging on you, anon. I like your OC. It just feels like any time someone does a basic stew cook-along a few people lose their minds, and act like, "FINALLY, REAL COOKING!"

>> No.15339702


>> No.15339705

>everybody here *should* know how to throw together a fucking stew. Browning meat, mirepoix, deglazing, etc, aren't exactly high level techniques
And yet they don’t.

>> No.15339726

i ordered a staub dutch oven with my christmas money, and been dying in anticipation to use it whenever it comes in.
fuckers delayed it tho, been waiting 10 days so far...