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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 102 KB, 1200x754, McDonald's Wojak#.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15325071 No.15325071 [Reply] [Original]

McDonald's wagie here. Ask me anything.

>> No.15325079

has a woman ever hit on you while you were wearing your macca's uniform?

>> No.15325082

Male or female?

>> No.15325086


How come the meat patties are so damn dry on most of their "premium" burgers? I know the double cheese burger patties are soaking in water or something.

>> No.15325087

Yeah, can I get a large big mac with no onions and a sprite without ice?

>> No.15325105


onions are good. i used to hate them, but now i love them.

>> No.15325116

I love sautéed onions and salsa, but fuck having it on a burger.

>> No.15325120

I made a messy in the bathroom. CLEAN IT UP.

>> No.15325124


>> No.15325128

No, but I wish, man...


Because the meat dries up very fast in the production shoot. It's only really juicy coming straight off the grill.

No, I'm off shift, sorry.

>> No.15325138

This. I purposefully piss on every surface in the bathroom every time I go in one just to inspire them to get a real job.

>> No.15325162

Do you eat it.

>> No.15325173

Yes, all the time. It's actually very addictive, anons. I always thought Supersize Me was a scaremongering meme, but no it isn't.

>> No.15325174

You ever have someone quit during a shift and walk out?

>> No.15325184

No, but I have had a guy threaten to do it multiple times because one of our managers is a cunt. He'd say stuff like "Don't fucking speak to me like that or I'm clocking out now and going home"

He's in the Navy now so he did eventually get out of the wagie life

>> No.15325190

do you hate seeing the same people pull through the drivethru every day?
I'm an addict and I probably order through the app and pull through the neighborhood drivethru maybe 6-8 times a week on average. At least this past year. Often for my morning coffee and mcmuffins. Do the girls running the drivethru hate seeing me all the time? I try to juggle locations a little bit especially if something gets goofed up.

>> No.15325199

>He's in the Navy now so he did eventually get out of the wagie life
>enlisted military
>out of the wagie life
kek lel oh ho ho ho

>> No.15325201

I could have written this post myself. Life is good.

>> No.15325209

Armed forces requires literally signing a contract surrendering your free will. It's wagie in it's uber form.

>> No.15325213

He'll learn about the world eventually... I hope.

>> No.15325217

How come some places don't have hot and spicy sandwiches?
How come breakfast is so slow even with no ine there? How come when I make a complaint a Mexican woman calls me?

>> No.15325226

Nah, it's actually nice because you know what they are going to order. Some regulars actually give us in chocolates and stuff on Christmas, and in return we usually either give them free or reduced price stuff.

Whenever I am on shift, I give an old man regular a large latte free of charge every time

>> No.15325228

Is there opportunities for sexual encounters with co- workers?

>> No.15325233

Hot and spicy sandwiches? You mean the hot and spicy chicken legend? Couldn't tell you, dude.

Breakfast is generally slow because we have a limited number of staff for breakfast, so often one person has to do two jobs.

>> No.15325239

I wish there was. I have seen two on Tinder. I liked one and never got anything back, and the other I decided against it, even though she has the same name as me as is hot af.

>> No.15325254

>hot and spicy chicken legend?
I don't know. I used to order them as hot n spiceys. I moved and they don't have em. They were 1 dollar sandwiches. Sometimes they put too much mayonnaise. Sometimes they didn't put enough.
How old are you? I'm 25 and contemplating working fast food can't find other places. Seems like a high school job. Also seems stressful.
Did the get paid instantly thing bring in a lot of crackheads?

>> No.15325264

Ask me how I know you moved to the western United States.

>> No.15325266

Why is it so fucking hard to evenly disperse pickles and tomatoes so that they cover the entire patty instead of just throwing them all on one side?

>> No.15325271


>> No.15325283

It's cheaper to have discerning customers fix it.

>> No.15325286

Oh, God bless. Hey you guys keep me fed at least, so thank you for your service.

>> No.15325293

No. I went from Nevada to Colorado.

>> No.15325306

I'm 23, currently studying engineering. It's stressful, but relatively brainless.

>> No.15325313

I disperse them equally. I guess whoever makes the burgers you eat is a lazy fuck

>> No.15325317

Why are you posting here when you're under 18 years old?

>> No.15325324

What if an elder person goes in to use it right after you're done?

>> No.15325331

How do you deal with retarded manchildren crying at you all day about something as relatively unimportant as a food order?

>> No.15325355

I'm 23, bro.

>> No.15325363

It depends on the mistake. If he's missing half his food, I legitimately sympathise because that sucks, and it doesn't happen often. I had some autist coming back once saying he asked for a cheeseburger with no cheese and complained that he got cheese in it,

>> No.15325367

do u purposefully make the food cold? I never get a hot meal anymore.

>> No.15325411

Me personally? No, I try not to. I dump old food and make it fresh when possible. But sometimes you get a cold burger. Now, that can sometimes be the fault of a lazy employee, but it can also be the fault of the system set up.

My advice would be to show up when it's really busy. That way, we don't have time to leave stuff sitting there.

>> No.15325414

Laugh Out Loud and wait outside the door to hear the crash. Sit at the table until the bihourly cleaning and finally the ambulance to arrive.

>> No.15325982

What a badass

>> No.15325999

What’s the secret to making McDonald’s fries?

>> No.15326797

Where do you work?

>> No.15326803

how do the mcmuffins turn out so right?

>> No.15326836

How are you. You okay?

>> No.15326841
File: 100 KB, 600x451, leddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's in the Navy now so he did eventually get out of the wagie life
He was better off with McDonalds unless he had dependents.

>> No.15326846


What's the most food you can get for the least amount of money? Can you still get a 40 piece nuggets for $ 10?

>> No.15326861

Do you think anyone working there actually faithfully follows sanitation and hygiene guidelines, or is the whole kitchen a fuckit?

>> No.15326917

how many times have you considered suicide

>> No.15326938

I'm 21 am I too old to even bother applying? I don't need a job, I am studying full time (government pays me) but I've always wanted to work are McDonalds. Am I too late anon?

>> No.15326973

They'll take anyone with a pulse. I don't know why you would, but if you want to, do it.

>> No.15326976

take the White Castle pill bro

Redpill us on the Filet-O-Fish. It is either the best or absolute worst thing on the menu.

>> No.15326981

would you be a strong provider for me and my children?

>> No.15326985

just say why faggot. dont be cryptic on a fucking Ecuadorian Weather Almanac Internet Archive.

>> No.15326990

Not OP but used to work there: belt toaster, you just lay them the correct direction, they come out 30 sec later perfect.

>> No.15327014

I will do it then anon, I have a pulse so I'm golden. I like their food so that's one of the reasons, but mostly I like the uniforms. I remember how happy a happy meal made me when I was a kid, and getting to dress up as a worker and actually make burgers and nugs would be awesome.

>> No.15327061

why do you keep fucking up my order?

>> No.15327457

I like two plain hamburgers with large order of fries, do I save money by special ordering that double cheeseburger meal with no cheese plain?

>> No.15327526

when's the last time you seriously considered suicide?

>> No.15327621

Please quit your job. Anything is better, pays better, and you won't be treated as some second class slave by normalfags.

>> No.15327635

They still put cheese on it even if you request no cheese.

You'd be better off just using the McDonald's app deal for $1 large fries and adding the two plain hamburgers.

>> No.15327786

when you are behind on your orders because some guy ordered 20 cheese burgers, its not your main worry

>> No.15327863

what's the best bang for your buck at NaldsMcDo?

>> No.15327951
File: 253 KB, 550x532, smug konata 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's in the Navy now so he did eventually get out of the wagie life

>> No.15328061

How many people ask you for secret menu and what do you tell them

>> No.15328177

can I get sauces from the burgers as a dipping side for my fries?

>> No.15328390

is McDonalds paying for university for you? One of my friends worked there and they paid for half of his degree

>> No.15328433

Who the fuck do you think you are?

>> No.15328449

How many more days until
McRib season is over? Eating one is like masterbating, I think I want to do it but end up feeling disgusted with myself after and realize I’m a victim to Jewish propaganda

>> No.15328494

Yeah can I get a number 69 and a mcgangbang hahahaha

>> No.15328514

you're mom, it's time for bed

>> No.15328530

What's the real recipe for the big mac sauce? The copycats are all slightly off.

>> No.15328612

>He's in the Navy now so he did eventually get out of the wagie life
I don't know why I still come to this shitty website

>> No.15329134

What’s the best item on the menu?
Any secret items?

>> No.15329176

it comes to the store premade in a tube. Anything your gonna find is speculation unless you ask ronald himself or something.

>> No.15329183

I hope you burn yourself badly with hot grease

>> No.15329397

I wish, man. Nah, it isn't.

>> No.15329408

Last week

>> No.15329417

Because honestly, the intelligence range in McDonald's is huge. You can have big brain niggas and pea brain niggas.

>> No.15329421

In some stores they leave it sitting around. In our store, it is cooked to order fresh every time. It just depends where you go and how lazy the staff are.

>> No.15329435

Yes, sanitisation and hygiene are taken pretty seriously.

>> No.15330451

do you not have hambawga on your display

>> No.15330461

dump half a can of silicon lubricant ontop of the oil in your fryer

>> No.15330465

I have no mask will you serve me?

>> No.15330493

Hey, at least I'm housebroken.

>> No.15330743

Why would you say this to me anon? You are so mean.

>> No.15330749

Is there a legitimate "secret menu"

>> No.15331571

Why do you guys meme about the military?
>95% of the jobs are non-combat, just regular civilian jobs with zero risk
>Housing and utilities paid for, often even off base after your first year or two
>Lifelong health insurance
>Huge boost to SS/401k
>Random benefits from nearly every company in the U.S.
>B-but you cant leave for 4 years!
How often are you jumping between jobs?

>> No.15331592

Fuck off recruiter. No one wants to work for an organization that ass rapes brown kids with moabs so some fat 90 year old senator can make his jew donors happy

>> No.15331614

Where do the pea brains come from and why do your managers keep them/let them do things like work the overnight shift alone? Where does one find an adult human being that cannot follow some of the most idiot proof processes in the history of mankind? Or is there more room for error than I'm imagining?

>> No.15331630
File: 619 KB, 1024x576, DA50488F83BC4B21809DD237EC02A6F7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pulls up 1 minute before close
>can I get a damn uhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.15331770

Oh suddenly you pretend to care about the global poor and downtrodden.

>> No.15333153

Useless fucking boomers ruined our country fuck 'em

>> No.15333594

Somebody post the picture of that cat ordering a Big Mac from burger king and going uuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhh. Cracks me up.

>> No.15333628

only happens if you're special forces, which no one is.

>> No.15333664

I was in the US army for four years. It fucking sucked dick, but it was definitely worth it for the GI bill alone. All of the other things are kinda bullshit, especially the "paying for housing off base after a year or two." That only happens if you get married, and believe me, you do NOT want to get married in the military. It's a fucking scam, getting married allows you to move out of the barracks and get an apartment elsewhere, but how are you going to transition back into the civilian world with such a limited skillset (provided you picked something like combat arms or something hyper specific) while also maintaining your finances? Most people won't be able to. You'll reenlist for another four years, probably have a kid by then, then reenlist to take care of your kids, then you've already been in there for 12 years so you might as well do the full 20.

The military is good if you're a young man in life and have no guidance or no real future. That's it. If you do join, don't fall for any of the fucking traps. Don't buy an expensive car, don't get married, don't become an alcoholic. That's it.

>> No.15333667

got any plans for the future? What job would you like to move onto

>> No.15333757

Been 4 years in the USMC by now. This shit is absolute fact.

>> No.15333775

What's the secret to the milkshakes? How do they get them so thick?

>> No.15333845

Where did it go wrong for you?

>> No.15333848

Go find it, niggy. You've got Internet.

>> No.15334957

Did u fuck any co worker? I know a girl who has a body count of +35 and fucked 3 people in the mcdicks fridge

>> No.15334963

What is she, 14?

>> No.15334970

Post body

>> No.15335380

>mcwagies get a "real job"
>nobody left to work at mickies
>no more bathrooms to piss and shit in
self own

>> No.15335399

not mcdonalds but have worked at a restaurant
it really depends on the manager honestly
most employees keep good habits just out of basic human decency but things are only kept full-on "up to code" when the inspectors are coming

>> No.15335448
File: 118 KB, 364x287, JOJO kira.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does it trigger you whenever someone orders fries without salt ? and asks for salt later ? and because of that you need to make a FRESH batch of fries ?

>> No.15335669

19, can u believe this shit? I wanted to work at mcdicks just for the poon.

>> No.15335703
File: 420 KB, 600x600, 1606104150397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go bro

>> No.15335720

not OP but you know you can order anything cook to order, right?
atleast be straight forward with your request instead of being a limp dick faggot about what you want
also fries are fresh almost 24/7 because the batch sizes are tiny

also stop ordering the daily double I fucking hate making it

>> No.15336886

when someone ordered fries without salt or fresh fries we'd just dump some of the ones in the warmer back in the oil for a few seconds

>> No.15336894


>> No.15336899

penises or vaginas?

>> No.15336903

Is that you Peepeemonster?

>> No.15336921

Am I an asshole of I order twenty cheeseburgers?

>> No.15337388

Depends on how busy the store already was at the time which you'll most likely never be aware of unless you're going into the store in person.
Don't take it too personally though, stress gets to a lot of workers sometimes.

>> No.15337466

steak, egg, and cheese bagel. breakfast only, also comes with grilled onions and garlic sauce. eat the egg separately

>> No.15337485

Literally me, literally every time I order something

>> No.15337506

when will you kys?

>> No.15337777

I hope he doesn’t, I have food that needs to be made. He’s a hero!

>> No.15337870
File: 772 KB, 1960x4032, Everytime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this acceptable?

>> No.15337934 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 684x620, 40kbrah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smug anime reponse. The best kind of response

>> No.15337967
File: 46 KB, 900x506, 456345634565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's in the Navy now so he did eventually get out of the wagie life
And another one falls, another falls, another one bites the dust!

>> No.15337976

mayo on cheeseburger?

>> No.15337984

why would you ever work at a fast food place? Every single other job is better

>> No.15337994

For me, it’s Mayo and sriracha

>> No.15338047 [DELETED] 

>>>15325071 (OP)
>is McDonalds paying for university for you? One of my friends worked there and they paid for half of his degree

they had a scholarship program. You had to apply and only 10 people out of Canada go it. This was back in the day... before the dark times... before the orcs and skaven...

>> No.15338054 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 750x727, orcs8 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone wants to work for an organization that ass rapes orcs

Fixed it for you

>> No.15338092

retail makes you interact with customers for much longer. at least running a register at wendy's doesn't piss me off like scanning niggers EBT carts filled with shrimp and steak.

>> No.15338374 [DELETED] 


What is ebt? Like food stamps?

>> No.15338431

way better, a it's a credit card for food stamps.
call your local social services and tell them you're living on the couch of your friend's house.
abuse the system before everyone is forced to be on ebt and wait in lives starving to death

>> No.15338731
File: 1012 KB, 1199x667, 1609704428977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the McChicken literally the single best item on the menu?

>> No.15338737

>Ask me anything.
Are you ready for my order?

>> No.15338748

Anon were you are your company tweeted some dumb dindu nuffin gay pride shit during the riots? I ask because McDonalds was my first job back when and if I were working there now I'd want to be told so I could seek another. Walmart did the same shit. If there's a Costco in your area I recommend applying, Costco is based. Also save up and buy their stock during its dips, it's an elevator but the shares cost like 300 or something each

>> No.15338753

The Angus third pounders actually were hefty and quality enough to avoid this. The mushroom swiss one was heaven on earth from a drive through back when they had it. Just perfect.

>> No.15338778

If it's a white rural area, depending on the managers but McDonald's is probably cleaner and lower risk than any upper end boomer "real restaurant", because they do not want the lawsuits or bad press and they have food prep down to an absolute science. Also everything and I mean everything comes frozen and stays frozen until ready to use, and veggie pots are refrigerated on the line and get used up easy before they could ever go bad

>> No.15338780

do you have ambitions for upgrading your career path? work in other kitchen go to school

>> No.15338789

bitch made.
diced raw white onions on a stadium dog are godly.

>> No.15338818

I'm sorry sir this is a McDonald's we don't serve dog

>> No.15338843

>orders retard amount of mayo packets
>sits in parking lot alone to drench burger in mayo
>post online for reddit gold

>> No.15340547

so simple, so tasty. Unbeatable.

>> No.15341273

Why do you assholes keep making me ask for ketchup every time? Do you really think the survival of your store depends on retaining as many $0.04/unit ketchup packets as possible? Is this something posted in every break room?

Also, I had a friend bring me out an empty drink cup to be nice when I waited for her in the parking lot. When I entered to fill it up, I was accused of walking in for a refill and threatened with the cops.
My question is: Do you think breaking two plate glass windows is adequate retaliation, or should I make it three? I am planning on calling the manager the morning after to mock them.

>> No.15341303

How come your system breaks if you try to order fries, and a meal that also comes with fries?
Tryna get food, one fuck wants a burger, two want nuggys. Order the meal, nuggets and two fries, one is always missing because the system can't handle it

>> No.15341362

I don't work for McDonald but the manager of my local one where having a smoke together and he told me that it mostly just comes down to the employees just not giving a shit or just down right want to spite the customers.

>> No.15341381

>employees just not giving a shit or just down right want to spite the customers.
I hate this attitude deeply. It's true that customer service can be soul-crushing, but waiting years for your opportunity to tell the customer No-You're-Wrong is some petty shit that should be met with a broken cheekbone.

>> No.15341383

Had a bunch of smug bitches tell me I had a nice shirt and then laughingly ask where I got it.

>> No.15341428
File: 142 KB, 500x375, Hamburger_University.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.15342381

>My advice would be to show up when it's really busy. That way, we don't have time to leave stuff sitting there.
or how about if my food is cold ill just throw it back to you and make you do me it fresh

>> No.15342402

not specific to mcds but every fast food place. why in the name of christ do you always ask me what i want when i am clearly browsing the menu above your stupid head? i dont come is the pisshole every day i would like to decide what i want before i order it

>> No.15342452

This happens to me literally everywhere. Bitch stop stressing me out, I entered your café 2 seconds ago.
In japan people working fast food and such are trained to look away while you browse. Sounds like heaven.

>> No.15342675

It's a horrifically inaccurate documentary made by some biased alcoholic who wouldn't stop drinking throughout

>> No.15342702

Roy Rogers > Mcdonalds

>> No.15342711

I order Big Macs without anything on, just bread and meat. Does the kitchen hate or love me?

>> No.15342737

What are you doing now anon, you seem pretty wise

>> No.15342759

Whats the most healthier option there? Something without cooked in pufa vegetable oils. Highest quality product.

>> No.15343078

Why do people order this many? Biggest order Ive gotten was 3 McDoubles and a soda

>> No.15343096

>has the balls to tell the manager to fuck off
>joins the navy which will put you in the brig on bread and water for pulling stunts like that

>> No.15343130

>believe me, you do NOT want to get married in the military. It's a fucking scam, getting married allows you to move out of the barracks and get an apartment elsewhere, but how are you going to transition back into the civilian world with such a limited skillset (provided you picked something like combat arms or something hyper specific) while also maintaining your finances? Most people won't be able to. You'll reenlist for another four years, probably have a kid by then, then reenlist to take care of your kids, then you've already been in there for 12 years so you might as well do the full 20.

as a single guy who joined for one (1) enlistment at 19yo. this guy is 100% accurate. my transition out of the military would have been much much more stressful and difficult if i had gotten married. instead i had the luxury of moving back in with my parents for a few weeks, fucking around on tinder a bit while earning my terminal leave money, and enjoyed a nice vacation after years of getting buttfucked before i started my cushy govt contracting job.

>> No.15343168

Been in the Gavy for two years so far and I fucking hate it. But this post gives me hope, Godspeed anon. The only sin I'm fucking up with is being an alcoholic/smoker.

>> No.15343215

But why did you join?

>> No.15343412
File: 243 KB, 950x960, fd2fa259dc1b806987b1038c602db192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funnily enough I joined the Navy after quitting McDick's and becoming a NEET full-time. This thread is nostalgic in a horribly greasy kind of way.

>> No.15343674


dude this every time they pickles are on top of eachother. im not gay, i dont want a bit of only pickle

>> No.15343686


Uh oh, someone McCummied on your sandwich.

>> No.15343824

Yeah but why did you join the navy? What thought process made you decide joining the navy would be?

>> No.15344424

why the fuck do you put so little onions in the cheeseburgers you motherfuckers

>> No.15344568

Not mcdonalds but I worked in a small pizza hut and cleaned the entire kitchen from top to bottom every night. Took about an hour once I'd figured out the routine.

>> No.15344591

You know if you're not a total autist you could move up to clothing retail. Bit boring and no free food but you won't go home smelling like grease every night and you usually get staff discount.

>> No.15344649

fuck this guy, he's a loser, ignore him fuck that question

Hey OP
How do you get the onions so small? What's your secret?

>> No.15344652

>I know the double cheese burger patties are soaking in water or something.
>I know
Pretty bold of you to say you know something when you clearly fucking don't. Water, fucking lel.

>> No.15344656

Do you ever hope to grow into the business and be promoted to manager and go to hamburguer college?

>> No.15344797

Night guys!

>> No.15345489

dehydrated onion flakes, they get put with water for an hour to reconstitute and viola, mcdicks onions

>> No.15346889

Just got a job there, any advice? Common mistakes to look out for?

>> No.15346909

Spit on everything. I'm talking the floor, the burgers, the fries, the nuggets, the tabletop, the cash register, hell even your co-workers.

>> No.15346921

yeah, don't accidentally fry your cock!

>> No.15347179

Yeah uuuhhhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.15349106

Should have joined the AF or Navy then. You absolutely can live off base alone.

>> No.15349429

>get hurt in combat.
>literally fucked for life because the army wont pay for it because they will say it was your fault and it wasnt in combat.

yeah no thanks

>> No.15350221

You realize you get to basically choose your job in the military right? Unless you basically completely flunk the asvab and disqualify yourself from most jobs. Theres very few combat roles. You're even given a list to fill out.

>> No.15350736

Because it'd be better to sacrifice my sanity for a few years in order to accumulate benefits rather than being a wizard NEET till my thirties like I said in my previous post (that is if my parents wouldn't have kicked me out earlier). Can't say I regret the experience fully but I don't think I could do this for 10+ years. Basically the military was like a last resort and the decision of which branch to choose was superfluous.

>> No.15351095

What's the most a customer has ever pissed you off?

>> No.15352221

where do you work

>> No.15352582

jesus christ early 2010s were something...

>> No.15354139
File: 12 KB, 426x382, 1413145571990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw wont be conscripted for the eventual war

>> No.15354152

Do you want fries with that?

>> No.15354646

You're fucking disgusting. You took a piss on the shit I took on the sink

>> No.15354672

How can I make your job easier? I know it sucks. Is there anything customers can do to make life easy (other than just not coming)

>> No.15354684

>Oh this? It's the Louis Vuitton fast food collection
>Panty drop
>Cut to you plowing bareback

If only you hade game anon

>> No.15356367
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>> No.15356576

Fast food workers are not mean spirited... unless your keep changing your order... and if you're THAT indecisive order online first... Even in long lines, no questions will be asked, and no "initial" resentment will be held against you.

Sadly they do not have free lunches (but they technically should!

>> No.15356579

also to add my tacobell at midnight+ hours have people smoking weed and jovial. I don't blame them, coming from working in foodstands myself.

>> No.15356591

they probably love you because it's quick as fuck to make but also probably think you're retarded because, well, $5 for a cheeseless mcdouble with extra bread? can't say I blame them but you do you

>> No.15356601

"love" ... you make the product and give it to the customer and hope for no "ACHTUALLY I WANTED" commands which fuck up your whole rhythm. I could care less for less or no mc-pickles, just make the operation smooth.

>> No.15356640
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Here's a pro-tip, if you think minorities hate you (technically they only resent you) order online under names like muhammad or Juan.

There, more protection for your shit-fast-meal.

>> No.15356644

? just using that poster's own words, obviously they don't love them (who would?) just if the POS came up with [8 INGREDIENT SANDWICH MINUS 6 INGREDIENTS] that's easier for me than any other variation of it

>> No.15356648

Are you making an argument over specifications on my own post....

Are you in a drive through right now?

>> No.15356661
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to add to my statement, I meant, if the order-er keeps CHANGING their meal requirements. Unless that idea is lost on you. Again I'd depose working in those this conditions and especially being a fucking manager at those stinky places.

>> No.15356690
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also drunk posting but I've made and gained way better experiences money and respect in foodstands yeah fuck fast food and most importantly fuck making that shit 10-8

I'd love to meet a dishwasher here that'll be contrarian to me. Shit job, smelly as fuck, and makes you feel like your boss raped your of all he profits he fucking makes no fucking joke. (unless your a delusional faggot who dreams of being a manager)

>> No.15356705


>> No.15356717

No, no, waiting for the pure contrarian bogeyman nihilistic posts to pull me down. Come on, you tranny faggots, get me. Hit me up.

>> No.15356752
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What toys do you have.

Also I will always ask for no salt on my fries to get fresh fries no matter what lies you tell me. For almost TEN YEARS McDonlad's wagies on this site have been telling me in these types of threads to "Just ask for "fresh fries, because it really fucks our shit up when you ask for no salt"

Guess what? Every fucking time I've taken your advice to just ask for them fresh, instead of no salt they give me cold hard fries, and every time I say no salt I get piping hot fresh fires.

I'm poor as fuck and can only afford to pay $4 for fries once in a while, and when I do get them I want them to not taste like shit, thanks

WHAT HAPPY MEAL TOY DO YOU HAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???

>> No.15356828

was saying >>15342711 wagies loved more than hated them because it's twice as quick to slop together a plain item than otherwise, I still agree with you. yes I've been the drivethru window wagie, thankfully not since many years ago, and the indecisive faggots were about the fucking worst because everyone in the fucking restaurant is listening to you and trying to get you out asap so hearing you changing the order in between struggling to breathe is very frustrating

>> No.15356868

based technology. try ordering as "moshe goldstein" and if your order is fucked up sue them for hate crime

>> No.15356879

ha ha you're really poor

>> No.15356910
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Ha ha, karma is a thing, which catches up to you sooner or later in one form or another. So have your fun cause when your done a nightmare waits for you.

>> No.15356934

plain coffee

they don't have shit on the menu right now that's actually healthy, a burger after removing at least one of the buns might be the least bad thing for you

>> No.15356937

Karma is a made up thing that people say is real because it might stop you from doing something horrible or assholish. Real chads know shits just random

>> No.15356941

How do you cope with your meth habit?

>> No.15356948

>Real chads know shits just random
Keep the faith, good Chad.

>> No.15357143

better question is how do you exploit their meth habit?

>> No.15357276

Whatever joker, fine, go with protestant names then, if you think they won't spit in your shit-dollar food. Faggot.

>> No.15357368

I did this when I worked there and the managers had to clean it up so when ever one of them fucked me over I just did this or something like this then on my next break "hey someone shat on the toilet seat

>> No.15358177
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This post gives me social anxiety