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15331828 No.15331828 [Reply] [Original]

Why is steak so popular? And I don't mean the high-class, "melt in your mouth" a5 wagyu stuff, I'm talking about ribeye, filet mignon, ny strip, etc.
You go out to a steak house and order one. It's chewy, tough, the "crust" tastes of burnt butter, there's pieces of cartilage and unrendered fat that you have to spit out, so you decide to go home and try making it yourself. You watch youtube tutorials on how to make the "perfect steak", and wala, it's the exact same thing. Different methods you try might make it more juicy or taste different, but at the end of the day it's just a shitty tough piece of meat.
Meanwhile you put the cheapest cuts of cubed meat in a slow cooker with spices and some water and the meat turns out completely tender and delicious. Can someone explain to me why the fuck steak is so popular?
>you've never had a properly cooked steak
I assure you I have. I haven't had a5 wagyu, but I've had many expensive cuts prepared by professional chefs, and it's all been more or less the same shit.

>> No.15331844

you've never had a properly cooked steak

>> No.15331870

Just cause it’s a steakhouse doesn’t mean it’s the best prepared steak, it more or less means they have steak. Unless it’s one of the top tier (Ruth’s Chris or equivalent) I have to order my steak a temperature or 2 below what I want because it’s always over cooked. Best steaks I’ve had are the ones I make myself

>> No.15331922
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>i go out to a steakhouse and order a well done steak and it's tough and chewy
>i watch e-celebs and copy what they do and my well done steak still comes out tough and chewy
>no matter what i do other than buying a5 wagyu my well done steak always comes out tough and chewy

>> No.15331928

>one of the top tier
>Ruth’s Chris
Is this a joke?

>> No.15331987

Then explain to me what I'm doing wrong. I just made a ny strip about an hour ago. I liberally seasoned the steak and it's sides with salt and freshly cracked pepper. I then let it rest for 20 minutes. I heated up a cast iron skillet (piping hot), poured a touch of olive oil in the pan and seared both sides until the crust was golden and my meat thermometer read 140. I then added a half stick of butter and some garlic cloves and basted it for about 30 seconds. I then took it out of the pan and wrapped it in aluminum foil with the melted garlic and butter, and added some squeezes of lemon juice, and let it sit for 10 minutes.
I cut at an edge against the grain, and it came out pink in the middle. The seasoning and juices were great, but the steak had the consistency of rubber. Mind you, this is how every steak I've ever had is.
"Tender" steak my fucking ass.

>> No.15331999

You cooked it medium, then continued to cook it, then wrapped it in aluminum foil. If there was any pink left after that it must have been miniscule. Stop overcooking your meat.

>> No.15332085

Listen, first get the steaks to room temp, salt the shot out of them and add any seasoning you want get your pan piping hot, put in your oil sear both sides, take the steaks off and let them rest for about 5 mins, lower heat to med-high add your butter (I use a lot) and garlic etc., return your steaks to the pan and baste the fuck out of them, I do it for roughly 2-3 mins. Remove steaks again and let them rest for another few mins amd you’re done. Will come out med rare- medium and will taste like Gods load

>> No.15332094

No it’s the only thing above an outback or longhorn around my area

>> No.15332105

If you salt the steak and let it rest for 20 minutes the salt with draw out all the juices. Season your steaks right before putting them on.

>> No.15332106

It has to be a joke. Ruths Chris just serves steaks swimming in brown butter and that's their whole identity.

>> No.15332120

There’s a really good steakhouse way better then Ruth’s Chris that I’ve been to but it’s not a big chain that anyone would know of so I said Ruth’s Chris equivelent

>> No.15332124

The oldest link I still post to people who don't know fuck about steak.


For a real grill? Finish on a 600F grill, put a pad of butter on top and finish at 135F with flames. . No one does it properly.

>> No.15332132

How is filet mignon a “tough piece of meat” you retard?

>> No.15332136
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>top tier (Ruth’s Chris or equivalent)

>> No.15332146
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You shouldn’t let your steak get too much above room temp

>> No.15332148

anon, you don't have teeth do you?

>> No.15332158

You're right partially
If you season a steak and leave it for an hour, it's fine
If you don't have an hour ahead of time, season it immediately before you cook it.

>> No.15332165

Water isn’t the same thing as “juices”. Why do you think dry aged steak is more tender? It’s the rendered fat you want and excess water absorbs the heat preventing it from rendering as quickly.

>> No.15332172

Not him, but filet is lean not tough. Find a good rib-eye, t-bone, porterhouse. They're all better than filet.

>> No.15332179

You're a faggot who orders well down.

>> No.15332181

>reverse sear
So what, you burn the middle and leave the outside rare?

>> No.15332186

Show a picture of it. As someone else mentioned, you cooked it for literally 10+ minutes because you moved it to aluminum foil. Are you retarded? Do you think someone won't know you're just lying.

>> No.15332195

I agree but I have no clue how someone could call filet “tough”. My 3 year old niece eats it no problem and barely has teeth.

>> No.15332212

Pick the laziest muscle on your body that doesn't collect fat. That's your filet man meat.

>> No.15332227

You pickle the inside, confit the middle and use a goat placenta on the outside seared in ghee.

Hows that for trolly?

>> No.15332237

It's the easiest to cook.

>> No.15332247

Steak is good... even shitty steak can be good. The better meat is, the better the steak. The better it's aged, the better the steak. It's simple, but it's tasty unless you really fuck it up.

>> No.15332251

I never got steak. Then I had a big piece of rump and tried a reverse sear. Now I get it. The best steak I've had was a home kill scotch fillet, reverse seared and basted with butter and rosemary.

>> No.15332261

I find aging a tad esoteric. Grass fed, corn fed, grass feed, corn finished means more than 300 days in the fridge(look it up on Mind of a Chef). Dude was fucking cool, but that's a goddamn obsession.

>> No.15332268


>> No.15332322

If you do steak, an expensive-as-balls steak dinner should be done at least once... it's like really old scotch or tequila - maybe it's not worth the price increase, and maybe the aging and pedigree isn't quite as noticeable as you'd hope for, but it's still pretty damned good.

>> No.15332349

You do it for family. Or just buy good cuts of rib-eye and eat it all the damn time when you cook it properly. Personally I wish I could teleport Louisiana cooks to Canada. I think they eat better than all of us. Fucking turtle soup? Jesus..

>> No.15332428

>old scotch or tequila

I'm digressing on this, but is Don Julio 42 that good? I know good single malt. Tequila is an agave mystery.

>> No.15332439

small upscale restaurant in my home town makes a filet mignon that will have you cum your pants. It doesn't have to be wagyu to be good, you have probably never ventured being the "house sirloin" at apple bees

>> No.15332470

>You go out to a steak house and order one
First mistake. Restaurants overcook meat because people order medium rare then complain if their meat is anywhere under well done.
The only way to get good meat is to cook it yourself and not be retarded.

>> No.15332494

Scotch hits its mark around 12-15 years depending on the distillery... younger's usually kinda shite, and older isn't worth the price to me. Tequila's more in the 5-8 year range, but I've had some 20 year old Tequila and it was great. It definitely benefits from some oak - turns that plasticky, peppery, slightly aloe flavour into something more like vanilla with a bit of honey and ancho.

Expensive meals for business or relationships; expensive meat made at home for family, friends, and the missus; cheap whatever for myself - if it's too terrible to eat as a steak, it can be stewed.

There's some alright things happening with local ingredients here - it's a big country. I learned from one guy I used to work with that sour cranberry can work wonders in a spicy, Viet-Thai influenced ramp and caribou "porkolt".

>> No.15332501

Depends on the steakhouse. A lot will under-do it, expecting it to wait for service a bit too long.

>> No.15332534

Don't let it "rest" to get the seasoning in, use your fucking hands and massage it in.

>> No.15332542

Tell them to order a goddamn temperature, not a "doneness". That makes my nipples catch fire. We need to grow up as a food culture or stop having restaurants. I'd prefer no more restaurants. Grow up and cook. It's not the 50s tv dinner culture anymore, or the 80s GO OUT, what's calimari kids?

Make your own fucking food and grow up.

>> No.15332556

>there's pieces of cartilage and unrendered fat that you have to spit out

>> No.15332605

I prefer medium-rare, but I also like rare just fine, so when I go out to a restaurant I always just order rare. Half the time I get just right medium-rare, half the time I get it actually rare. Every now and then it'll come back cooked medium or above and then I just stop ordering steak at that restaurant.

>> No.15332609

>I always just order rare

>> No.15332620

yeah it's smooth...tequila is for whites if you like that sort of funk wait till you get into mezal and sotol

>> No.15332631

Just because you cant cook does not mean that steak sucks.

>> No.15332644

Yup, that way if it's overcooked it will be medium-rare.

>> No.15332667

Filet is almost impossible to fuck up. Just don't cook it over medium rare and it will melt in your mouth. OP is just an idiot.

>> No.15332684

>restaurants overcook meat because people order medium rare then complain if their meat is anywhere under well done
This is absolutely false. We would never cook something longer than necessary because that takes time and grill space. Plus, if something is undercooked we can always throw it back on the grill, while an overcook steak is ruined and you have to start from scratch, which is essentially the same as throwing your most expensive protein in the garbage.

>> No.15332689

You're the only one who sounds like a kid here (well, you and OP).

>> No.15332693

And you will never be a woman, tranny.

>> No.15332698

Depends on where you go, I've been to some chain restaurants where if you try to order medium-rare or rare anything they'll just straight up tell you they don't do anything below medium.

>> No.15332700

Texas de Brazil actually serves good steak.

>> No.15332706

Steak tastes good unless you're talking shitty chefs and/or low quality meats. If you don't like it, you can order something else.

>> No.15332709

I don't understand why people even go to chain restaurants anymore. They're not cheap, and the food isn't good, and the cooks can't cook. Same with most fast food, for that matter. I can't even enjoy a well done burger anymore, and places like McDonald's practically charge restaurant prices anyway.

>> No.15332727

because of pre-cooking...you're steakhouse steak was probably precooked too but no to pleb medium level

>> No.15332730

Right off the bat you've confused the quality of the meat (A5 wagyu) with the cut (ribeye, ny strip, etc), which means you're a retard who doesn't know what he's talking about. Didn't read the rest of your garbage post.

>> No.15332742

That's why my favorite place to get steak is a restaurant called Black Rock. They literally just bring you a chunk of raw meat placed on a ripping hot volcanic rock so you can cook it to your liking. It's great, like cooking at home but with zero prep or clean-up.

>> No.15332743

In many cases, people live in places where their choices are limited to either a chain restaurant or an expensive restaurant. In this case, the appeal is because they are cheaper. Chain restaurants also routinely have discounts and deals that push their prices down even further. Really, the only thing cheaper than a chain restaurant for some people are buffets, and the quality of food at those buffets is going to be way worse than chain restaurants.

>> No.15332748

i like my tenderloin with just a crust on it so that probably is good

>> No.15332765

Or they could just cook at home instead of pissing away $50 for a poorly cooked steak and salad and a plate of alfredo made with premade sauce for their retarded wife.

>> No.15332775

lol what a poorfag like you has to slave at his stove?

>> No.15332783

Of course cooking at home is always going to be cheaper than going to a restaurant. The appeal of a restaurant is that you're not having to make the food yourself and not having to clean the dishes after. People also get bored of eating their own cooking all the time and want something different. If you're on a budget, chain restaurants can give you the restaurant experience at a much lower price.

>> No.15332785

Maybe for deep flyovers, but even then the chain places aren't cheap. Plus, those places still exist in areas with lots of choices, as though there's a significant portion of the population that just doesn't realize how bad they are.
Fuck off, dude. Plenty of people here cook, but you, "cooking everything at home is always better" fags are fucking delusional, and usually can't cook for shit.

>> No.15332803

No, I've lived in rural places where the cheapest places to eat outside fast food and buffets were chain restaurants. You really don't have any choices when you're living in a place like that. It's either go to Applebees or you're not dining out.
And if Applebees isn't cheap for you, maybe you should reconsider your finances. Applebees isn't expensive.

>> No.15332817

>Applebees isn't expensive
I was more thinking of chain steak houses, or Red Lobster, but even Applesbees is overpriced for what you get. Also, if the only restaurants you have a fast food and Applebees, then the only grocery store you have is probably going to be Walmart - but people always say they only have Walmart when in reality they just go there out of convenience.

>> No.15332829

Applebees is cheap. So are chain steakhouses and Red Lobster. How fucking poor are you that you think "Red Lobster" is expensive?

>> No.15332863

>meat thermometer
>for steak

>> No.15332865

>how fucking poor are you
It's about value, not only spending >$20 on a meal. I've done plenty of three figure meals, but only for something special. Spending $25 before alcohol at Red Lobster is absolutely expensive for what you get. It's like going to 5 Guys and spending $20 on a fast food burger and fries, when you can go to any restaurant/bar and get a better burger cooked to temp with a nice beer for the same price. Are you seriously flexing that you can afford Red Lobster? Isn't that a black person thing?

>> No.15332877

You're not paying for "value" at a restaurant. You're paying for the restaurant experience. You can eat better steak at home than at the most expensive restaurants for way less if you learn how to cook and buy the meat yourself. The whole point is the dining experience, you dumb, poor fuck.

>> No.15332899

Why do you keep calling people "poor" when you're the one who can't afford to eat out? You clearly grew up poor and have these crazy ideas in your head that aren't based on anything in reality.

>> No.15332907

Found the guy who orders a steak at Sizzler or Applebees.

>> No.15332934

You people keep talking about "Steakhouse Steak". I haven't had that since the Ponderosa in the 80s. You people just piss money into these homeless shelter eateries? Learn how to make it at home on your grill.

>> No.15332950

You called Red Lobster expensive, poorfag. Enjoy eating ramen in mommy's basement.

>> No.15332954

This is what I'm talking about. It's "I'm tryin' to get to Floridabees" off of I75. You people eat like savages on decent meat.

>> No.15332990

>projection, the post

>> No.15333013

All you need for Red Lobster is garlic butter, basil, shrimp and a pan to simmer it in and knowing how to make bay cheddar biscuits.

Did that 20 years ago so my mom didn't have to go to those shitholes.
Oh and how to make a crappy caesar salad.

Even back then I'd go to East Side Marios for fettucini.

>> No.15333033

>"red lobster isn't cheap"
>wow, you're really poor if you think red lobster is expensive
you so poor you can't even afford to pay attention

>> No.15333034

Nobody was ever arguing that it's worth going to Red Lobster, but I guess that's been your benchmark when you keep saying it's better to cook at home than go out to a restaurant. Makes sense.

>> No.15333056

The benchmark is to learn to cook well at home. Translate that how you want.

>> No.15333076

I cook professionally, and guarantee I can cook circles around you at home. Maybe it's because I know how to look for good values and good quality, but I have no problem eating out. No matter how good you are, cooking all your own meals gets boring.

>> No.15333125
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>I cook professionally

>> No.15333218

>I cook professionally
>Unironically defending Red Lobster of all places
Big doubt

>> No.15333287

I was the one shitting on Red Lobster the whole time.

>> No.15333400

Also I've found that ribeyes are the most forgiving for starting out. The fat content I think

>> No.15333414

I disliked steak my whole life because my parents didn't know how to properly prepare and cook it.

>> No.15334192

>dude a slab of bland half cooked meat
What did you expect? It's quintessencial white people food

>> No.15334217

Not even going to read through this inevitably dick sucking thread, and say yeah, steak is overrated. It's good, but faggots like to act like it's life changing.

>> No.15334222

filet mignon is the only steak of those 3 that isnt shit.

>> No.15334243

You're right.
I started cutting my pieces into smaller ones and frying all of them at once.
Comes out softer, hotter, and tastes better. Steak is the biggest meme.

>> No.15334256

how do you cut raw steak effectively

>> No.15334527

Chad chewy steak for strong jaws v. beta stew meat for baby mouthed weaklings

>> No.15334533

That is because it costs money. Brown people eat leftovers

>> No.15334613

Some people like beef, some people don't.

>> No.15334772

>not eating leftovers in the year of our g_d, 19 Tevet 5781
You're worse than Hitler!

>> No.15334781

A good piece of meat tastes good on its own. Sorry your taste buds are broken so you can only enjoy food that's piled on with overly-strong spices and flavors.

>> No.15334790


>> No.15334832

Sous vide

>> No.15335113

I prefer the scimitars (cimeters?... same shit... the nasty looking curved sucker) for anything that's just meat, like the loin. Cleaver for things with tough muscle and thin bone... bandsaw to slice off T-bones.

>> No.15335157

Use a proper bardiche for god sake.

>> No.15335389

It didn't matter whether it was a .5 inch flank steak, a 1 inch ribeye, or a round roast beef, my dad would get that shit to the most perfect medium rare you've ever seen. It was truly remarkable. But he'd also chop it up the SECOND it came off the heat and never, ever, pre-seasoned the meat. Blows my mind in hindsight.

>> No.15335582

Steak is good but there are so many other foods id rather eat