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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 260 KB, 320x356, BD20C2BB-5B6C-41DE-812B-0E4B9A8EEFF8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15328927 No.15328927 [Reply] [Original]

I miss this motherfucker like you wouldn’t believe.

>> No.15328956

He looks like a normal weight Joey Diaz

>> No.15329019
File: 19 KB, 226x282, _46379871_000960173-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss this old boy like you simply would not believe.


>> No.15329378

Maybe if you had told him that before his death, he wouldn't have made a series of increasingly bad life choices that lead to his suicide.

>> No.15329400

He was making the same bad life choices since before I was even born. You should read his book Kitchen Confidential

>> No.15329428

he was a hedonistic cock who got cucked.

>> No.15329453

Love that guy. You should watch the video of him making a strawberry drink on a train. Floyd was the best

>> No.15329458

I'm glad this virtue signaling SJW is dead like you wouldn't believe
I just wish his fans would follow his example

>> No.15329461

Consider getting hobbies and a personality

>> No.15329501
File: 221 KB, 1200x800, 1594011433436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I come across an interesting if not infamous website, seemingly as old as the internet itself yet never truly explored by the average mind.

*grabs a live chicken and bites its head off*

As I was saying, my journey for fame, fortune, and food has brought me to 4chan; known to some as the true birthplace of the modern internet. Specifically I find myself on /tv/, a den of the absurd, the dying, the reborn, and the contrarian; dedicated to the "discussion" of all that takes place in front of a camera lens.

*kills the last animal of an endangered species*

I see Aiden Gillen, a close friend of mine who has become a peculiar case; blossomed into somewhat of an ironic god for the ever sarcastic masses of 4chan. A simple phrase from his opening lines in "The Dark Knight Rises" immortalizes him in the memetic dreams of /tv/. Not long after, I encounter a scantily clad prepubescent girl who makes some vulgar sexually suggestive approaches towards me -- likely the work of the less reputable men who lurk in the shadows of /tv/. A fight breaks out nearby, two overweight men with poor hygiene fighting over the sexual history of a B list actress. I smell the pungent aroma of passed gas; it smells good. It smells like beautiful disgusting chaos. I'm starting to feel at home here.

*shoots a doe in mid birth and uses its umbilical cord to strangle the barely newborn fawn*

I ask the locals for their opinions of my own work on television and it doesn't bode well for me, I'm called a pretentious faggot and told to kill myself. The lingering insecurity of my sexual past flares up like a gazelle blown apart by a stick of dynamite, and I leave to ponder about my experiences with /tv/...and of course...find something to eat.

*drags the corpse of a homeless man into a nearby kitchen*

>> No.15329528

He wants so desperately to be right. He wants so desperately to win. The “irony” ;) is the more he fight it. The more he responds. The less anything intelligent he has to say.

>> No.15329595

The world lost a massive faggot in him. Glad he's dead.

>> No.15329597

Based and UUUU
Can you write one about sneed?

>> No.15329600

I think you mean lil nigga

>> No.15329604

it's an old pasta that was written while he was alive
the suicide comments and sexual past were sadly prophetic

>> No.15329673

You're right, OP. I don't believe you. Who would possibly give a fuck about this shit head.

>> No.15329699
File: 173 KB, 666x666, 1342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw baneposting outlived bourdain

>> No.15329709

He has Charles Manson eyes in that pic.

>> No.15329715

No body likes you

>> No.15329723

>the one part of him that looked human or like it had life in the pic was Charles Manson
Ain't that a bitch.

>> No.15329785

u mad bro

>> No.15329793
File: 20 KB, 380x380, food_1608595824671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never watched em.. didn't even know who he was..

>> No.15329794

Good riddance what a faggot

>> No.15329801

Another celebrity Jew gone too soon.

>> No.15329889

>cope and seethe

>> No.15330015

He was of french ancestry not jewish.

>> No.15330027
File: 231 KB, 820x1024, 558-5580327_post-apu-apustaja-brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does the surname Bourdain sound Jewish to you?

>> No.15330031

He was a sociopath so no surprise

>> No.15330038


>> No.15330065
File: 198 KB, 1080x1350, 106505927_277132703364560_2977771544395532600_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothin personnel, tony

>> No.15330068
File: 33 KB, 800x623, asia-argento-e-jimmy-bennett-1051721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zoomzoom here. sorry mister bourdain.

>> No.15330824


>> No.15330829

His shows were kino but desu he was the worst part

>> No.15330902

Never stick your dick in crazy.

>> No.15331246

RIP in peace tony

>> No.15331255

he killed himself over THAT?
i thought this was a picture from that snapchat of the white kid going to thailand and fucking a ladyboy named jeff

>> No.15331271

He looks like Epstein + Diaz

>> No.15331277

He shared similar interests... kids and drugs. Personally I'm glad he died in shame.

>> No.15332647

The guy was on and off of drugs his entire life. He was always swept up in some personal family drama. He probably had clinical depression. He had friends. An extra stranger on the internet saying it wouldn't have mattered. Its not like he didn't know he had fans.

>> No.15332993

He was put to death for pizzagate, close friends of abromovic

>> No.15333196

That was h hard working motherfucker. Chef is a hard job.
way to soon.

>> No.15333199

Pompous faggot I'm glad he's dead. I hope he's in Hell watching Guy Fieri prosper.

>> No.15333416

This fuck got cucked by a teenager. Just a threadly reminder.

>> No.15333445

Love transcends superficial appearance chud. Maybe you'll feel love one day and understand.

>> No.15333454

i wouldn't love a slag like that m8

>> No.15333469


Yeah, generic narrators people love always suck. I'm sure you're not just a selfish, idiotic piece of shit who is insecure.

>> No.15333474

You can't love a person you don't know chud. If you've been conversing with an image you're schizo.

>> No.15333525

>t. uggo
>needs people to look past shit life choices
Uh, that's a no from me, dog.

>> No.15333572

That's how pathetic he really was behind the cool ny guy façade

>> No.15333585

He was an alcoholic line chef for most of his life at Les Halles. He was a loser who watched other losers do drugs and ruin their lives, then wrote about it.

>> No.15333590

almost none of these high-profile celebrity suicides are committed sober. think on it.

>> No.15333600

And by that he became a hero to me and many others. But you fucking kids don't get any of it. I don't even remember how long about KC was. Probably 15 years now. You amoeba aren't worth his time of day.

>> No.15333605

shut up, drunk-ass

>> No.15333703

Guy Fieri deserves every good thing in life. Like him or not he’s hard working and unpretentious.

>> No.15333709

Guy Fieri gets to put his cake on a flipflop and eat it too. That's one bad mambajamba.

>> No.15334095

I thought I missed him but I realized I’m just nostalgic for the past. I’m currently watching proto no reservation (food networks a cook’s tour) on YouTube

>> No.15334193
File: 141 KB, 618x893, 1608940453728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anthony Michael Bourdain was born in New York City on June 25, 1956, the oldest of two sons of Gladys (née Sacksman) and Pierre Bourdain.[4][5] Although he was not raised in a specified religion, his father was Catholic, while his mother was Jewish.
>while his mother was Jewish.
Makes him officially a member of the little hat tribe.

>> No.15334210

And a “real Jew” at that. Definitely explains his success in the entertainment industry

>> No.15334252
File: 111 KB, 2048x1152, 106683461_3199288480109506_1719369424274255175_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason I like this guy and his overnight travel series. It may be a bit pretentious and hipster-esque in places but overall relatively comfy.

>> No.15334300


>> No.15334308


>> No.15334325

Not a great loss for cooking

>> No.15334354

Why this thread again ?the guy advocates for white genocide, good riddance.

>> No.15334464

He's just acknowledging the fact that the genetics responsible for skin tone are recessive and will be obliterated by the dominant genetics of other races as interracial marriages continue to grow and expand in number.

He portrayed poor white trash in his shows that featured them with the same kind of empathy he extended to other 3rd worlders who had been exploited by the ruling elite white aristocracy. He genuinely liked them and you could tell they liked him.

>> No.15334473

>the guy advocates for white genocide
What's wrong with that?

>> No.15334637

Annoying thing about this cunt is the fact that he had fixers do everything. The normie retard that worships him actually thinks he is some sort of intrepid traveler when nothing could be further from the truth. I think he understood that, though, and it's one of the reasons that he'd tired of being a fucking fake, and combined with being totally cucked by Argento, he cashed it in.

>> No.15334673

If you've ever traveled off the beaten track you'd understand your local contacts are much more important than how "brave" or "intrepid" you are, but you don't have a passport, because you get triggered by hearing funny accents and automatically assume your life is in danger.

>> No.15334696

He a good jew, he ash now

>> No.15334773

Why was Alton Brown the only foodfag to ever focus on the techniques and science of cooking?

>> No.15334786

Is that Jeffrey Epstein?

>> No.15335023


>> No.15335758

That still doesn't matter, what he specifically said about white people dissapearing forever as the only soloution for immigration to work is fucking disgusting.
Fuck this guy, more whites like him should actively end their worthless lives.

>> No.15335767

Sorry, i meant more jews like him.

>> No.15335965

>Mods delete my comment
>Leave this up justifying white genocide because of their past misdeeds, its only karma.

Eat my dick faggot mods.

>> No.15335987

God I wish they’d do their job objectively

>> No.15336032

lmao, look at this rabid narc on the loose, fucking up the whole board, needs to get put down

>> No.15336077

Baneposting will outlive us all.

>> No.15336088

>liking how shit /ck/ has become

Oh yeah that’s right you’re from /v/ and /tv/

>> No.15336102

>everywhere I go is shit
You're the common denominator. I hope you get ousted for good because you are actual shit.

>> No.15336110

>justifying white genocide
This post >>15334464 wasn't "justifying white genocide." It pointed out that Bourdain was also not justifying white genocide, merely observing that interracial marriages are expanding and growing in the west which due to the recessive nature of the white skin tone gene compared to other races, will ultimately disappear. Hardly genocide by any stretch of the imagination.

>> No.15336116

Incels think women choosing a more attractive mate is white genocide, there's no sense arguing with these people

>> No.15336124


>> No.15336199

Yes, a mass influx of immigrants replacing the native white populace, and with your usual cultural enrichment of child rape and terrorist attacks killing whites and constant attack and diminishing representation of white couples and forced change of their culture to accommodate the invaders isn't genocide.
But yes, just call me an incel, fucking retards.

>> No.15336220

>wasting your breath on soys
Here's a tip, any time you see one of these in need of help irl, keep walking. You didn't see shit.

>> No.15336229

isn't this the guy who killed himself because he tried to groom his daughter and she rejected his advances and isn't this also the guy who was heavily involved in sex trafficking while filming a Travel channel show about food and culinary culture in third world nations?

>> No.15336313

yes, yes it is

>> No.15336315

Dude, your paranoid schizophrenia is getting far too strong a grip on your already fragile, snowflake brain. Suggest an immediate detox from your rightwing echo chambers and a visit to your county mental health clinic for evaluation. Also, give your arsenal of popguns to someone responsible.

>> No.15336324


>> No.15336359

Do you need to make this thread every week?

>> No.15336427
File: 20 KB, 589x430, 30653015-DB30-403A-ABB6-C6F83A0F4177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good riddance to a pretentious insufferable pedo cuck faggot. I laugh knowing that Guy Fieri not only outlived him but will be remembered more fondly

>> No.15336468
File: 878 KB, 1280x960, 1528783334905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked the little egg stool to the left so Bourdain could hang himself more easily with his seaweed noose.

>> No.15336691

cope harder brainlet

>> No.15336726

keep talking like you live on 4chan.. loser. Fucking cope and brainlet? Live in the 90s already.