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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15319129 No.15319129 [Reply] [Original]

I used to own a Little Ceasers, AMA.

Here's the giant 15FT led sign you put on the top of the building.

>> No.15319132

Why do you no longer own a Little Caesars

>> No.15319133

Fucking Apple fliped the photo.

>> No.15319137

Bad location

>> No.15319142

What do you think of the pepperoni cheeser?

>> No.15319144

>Bad management

>> No.15319150

30% Less pizza for 20% higher price. Bad deal.

Its hard to run a profitable Little Ceasers when there are no black people/teens/poor people around. I put it in a mostly white and rich part of the city, which was super dumb.

>> No.15319175

Why are you black

>> No.15319177

>spells little caesars wrong

>> No.15319183

In your opinion, is the extra most best worth it? Do y’all make fun of the super fats that order their pizza heart attack style?

>> No.15319192

if you had the money to buy a franchise why did you decide on a little Caesar's? seems like a strange choice to me, but I never eat there anyways, closest one is 45 minutes away.

>> No.15319215

OP's store ceasers to exist

>> No.15319226

Cheese. Yes we do, seeings a minivan

No idea


I had just sold my first company and wanted a new business. Didn't feel like building a business from the ground up so I wanted to buy a cheap franchise. I also had just moved somewhere nicer so really didn't take my time to learn which businesses would be the most successful in the area. It was a learning experience, I'm wiser and richer now though.

>> No.15319241

Didn't finish the post, seeing minivans full of fat Hispanics and one massive lady driving in the front ordering 6 cheese pizzas makes me laugh some times.

>> No.15319242

>Here's the giant 15FT led sign you put on the top of the building.

Give it back, Jamal!

>> No.15319268

What do you do now anon?

>> No.15319324

Stay at home dad (3 sons). I just chill at home and shitpost on /biz, my wife is a lawyer so she goes and works. After the exit, I was worth ~$8,000,000, I'm worth more now. I'm probably going to start another business because shitposting and playing videogames is getting boring.

>> No.15319340

Your first mistake was that it wasn’t a WingStop

>> No.15319353
File: 66 KB, 600x1147, 1608670302809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus anon how did you lose so much net worth and how tf were you worth that much in the first place? Not trying to bully I'm just tired of being a poor fag and need ideas.

>> No.15319402


Please be trolling

>> No.15319426

>how did I lose so much net worth

I didn't, I'm worth more than when I exited. I'm probably worth ~12,000,000 now but I don't care enough to check.

>how did I get worth that much is the first place

Grew and exited a company in a pretty ordinary industry. Also, learn what a tilde is you retard. It means I was worth around 8 mil, not I lost 8 mil.

>> No.15319436

>I'm probably going to start another business because shitposting and playing videogames is getting boring.
This is why you are rich.

>> No.15319441

When I pass shut down fast food places I always want to buy the sign, but I'm too scared to find the owner and ask. Do you think anybody would care if I stole one?

>> No.15319443


How much did you lose on the Pizza Pizza? I'm hoping 5 figures, but hope it wasn't over 100 grand.

If your networth is that high then you've got plenty of time to figure out what to do in your freetime to make you happy. Something your passionate about.

Though to be honest raising those little niglets to not be criminals should be the highest of your priorities. kek.

>> No.15319445

congrats on your success i will come to live near you and work for you ok

>> No.15319447

No but the sign is also like 700 pounds and huge so it would be a feat if you were even able to steal it.

>> No.15319460

>someone worth over 10 million posts on 4chan.

Suspicious. even if you do browse biz that's a fucking horrible place for anyone who is serious enough to acquire such wealth. Its just a place full of short selling crypto crack heads and smg is nothing but a pump and dump chat.

>> No.15319468

Oh wow! Now we can know if it be like it is.

>> No.15319470

yeah but a lot of them are rich especially after the last couple weeks. fuck books

>> No.15319480


There are many many wealthy people who post on 4chan and some celebrities.

>> No.15319501

There are people worth way more than me that lurk this shit, like Martin Shrekli. And I don't post in the crypto or trading thread.

125k, it really wasn't a big deal but I was so fucking depressed that I failed. Most of my free time is spent between hydroponics, shitposting, working out, archery, cooking, or playing vidya. Raising my kids not to be retarded negros is absolute my top propriety at the moment though. They're shaping up to be just great. I'm making sure not to spoil them so they can get some work ethic and become more successful than me.

Housing here is expensive as fuck.

It's a very glamorous life being a failed Little Ceasers owner.

>> No.15319504
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Just how much does a managerial job at Little Ceasar's pay?

>> No.15319507


This. In fact I say more rich people and celebs post here than anywhere else. Why? Because they are anonymous and can be themselves and converse and express themselves like normal people, something they cannot do in real life or on most social platforms. It's also the most lax when it comes to content and has a high userbase.

>> No.15319516

>125k, it really wasn't a big deal but I was so fucking depressed that I failed.

Yikes. What part of that was startup cost and how much did you pump into it when it started to fail?

>> No.15319541

I lost 125k, I put in 450k total though. Just to startup, I put in 300k.

I paid the manager 42k a year, a very fat Hispanic guy. He would always take all the extra pizzas after we closed for the night.

>> No.15319553

I think you’re black because your ancestors were black anon

>> No.15319558

Why did you keep the sign? Isnt that property of Little Caesers© ?

>> No.15319574
File: 18 KB, 600x600, try harder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Martin Shrekli
Martin Shrekli is in prison right this second. Nice fucking try you faggot larper. And no he is not posting from prison. Try harder faggot larper

>> No.15319588

Nope, franchisors own the brand and get paid royalties from the business, I bought the sign from them in the form of startup costs. It's mine now, and I'm never giving it back. I keep the sign as a remembrance that I'm not as smart as I think. When you start a franchise with LC, they make you go to Detriot and talk to the CEO and shit and give you a ton of gear (hats, pens, duffle bags, notebooks, shirts, watches) all that is LC branded. I threw the other shit away but I keep the sign. Also, it's too heavy to move and I don't want to pay anymore.

Martin Shkreli has a phone and laptop in prison, he has a fucking blog you monkey. He's been posting on there ever since he got locked up. https://martinshkreli.com/

>> No.15319591

what compels your company to make wings? they suck balls

>> No.15319597

Can i have the sign

>> No.15319598

>Just to startup, I put in 300k.

Jesus christ. It costs that much to startup a Pizza Pizza?!

>> No.15319599
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Pic related

>> No.15319612

>Martin Shrekli.
Ah yes a true business investor hero up there with the greats like Peter lynch and Henry Ford.

>> No.15319616

I honestly have no fucking idea. They're so bad and they sell like shit too. I guess they wanted to look more varied but literally no one eats them. They're overpriced too.

>> No.15319631

will you do a livestream

>> No.15319646

No, I value my privacy a lot. My first year of temporary retirement was spent deleting every trace of me from the internet. I like the quiet life. Also connecting your name to 4chan is not a good idea lmao.

>> No.15319652


Price is my problem with them. I could deal with them being shit if they were as cheap as the pizza is compared to other places. But they’re not. They cost just about as much as good wings do at a respectable place. Fuck that noise. If they marked them down to where they deserve I bet people would go nuts for them like they do the cheap shitty pizza.

>> No.15319698

how old are you?

>> No.15319740

Business is my favorite hobby. It's the truest of all intellectual challenges, and they pay you for it; win-win situtation.

LC's business model is to be cheaper and faster. This works with pizza because it's just dough, cheese, and sauce which are all cheap as fuck so it can work without completely destroying the quality.

This model cant be carried over to wings though without cheaping out on the sauce. It's just chicken and sauce and you can't cheap out on meat without decreasing the actual amount of meat so they cheap out on the sauce and it tastes like shit. Also, it sits in the heaters FOREVER because no one orders them.

I don't want to start doxing myself so ill give a range. Im between 27 and 36.

>> No.15319793

those cunts own almost that entire stretch of woodward
all the shitty run down buildings in the area are because they buy them up and let them go to rot
the Illitch family is a bigger blight on the city than the actual blight

>> No.15319800
File: 49 KB, 500x500, question.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I just start a business (like LC), get it going decently and sell it off so I can be lazy and do nothing?

>> No.15319810

Nope, franchising is like owning any other business. You can't just take a break and not do anything, even if you have a manager.

Kek, why do you live in fucking Detriot.

>> No.15319815

Also, I lost basically all my 20's so if you want to give up your youth, sure.

>> No.15319828

Fuck it, I'd rather just be a peeon and not give a shit about anything. I don't wanna work my life away.

>> No.15319839

>I put it in a mostly white and rich part of the city
>which was super dumb
Yes, I agree with this completely
But at least you are aware of why it failed

I hope that you find another profitable venture in the future and get things right this time.
All the best.

>> No.15319842

Cut your nails you filthy animal.

>> No.15319846
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There are no solutions in life son, only sacrifices. You entire experience the pain of regret due to inaction or experience the pain of loss due to action.

Some old fart told me that.

>> No.15319849

based and stoicpilled. It's the truth for all those who give a shit.

>> No.15319964

That's not being a chad, anon
That's being a cuck

>> No.15319986

>t. retard

>> No.15320050

Can confirm, I'm Taylor Swift.

>> No.15320153

lol butt phone

>> No.15320182

Me too, but I'm 2005 era Taylor Swift when I still had a little fringe cred.

>> No.15320391

because it's cheaper than the burbs and i can get a 3 story house for less than $200k
unless it's in a hip neighborhood, then whenever a house goes on the market it triggers a bidding war
only time my car was broken into or generally fucked with was at my parents house way out in the burbs

also, i'm filthy hipster trash and i work downtown

>> No.15320426
File: 38 KB, 500x640, fedd0edee4ad99de3a77a09b05a4490c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you ever go into work and say "let's make the pizza not taste like wet garbage today"?

>> No.15320471

>not Red/1989 era Swift when indie kids wanted to be poptimists and held her up as the standard

>> No.15320477

i would pay a lot of money for a little caesars sign to put in my living room

>> No.15320878

I was thinking about it but it's a huge fire hazard, it gets super hot.

>> No.15320882

The trick is to open in a predominantly Hispanic neighborhood