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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15312445 No.15312445 [Reply] [Original]

>Local mom and pop pizza + wings place went out of business due to all this covid lockdown crap

IT'S NOT FAIR BROS. I just wanted a delicious local homemade ham and pineapple pizza for dinner.

>> No.15312490

>ham and pineapple pizza
you got the taste of recession instead. Basically the same, really.

>> No.15312496


>> No.15312506

It went out of business, because too many people refused to take even elementary public health precautions. You can thank the cunt next door who refuses to wear a mask. You can thank the twat across the street who hosted a Christmas party. You can thank all the fuckers who are planning New Years parties. You can thank the shit heads from out of state who just had to travel to your area, because they had time on their hands.

If everyone had just followed the basic advice the first time around, we wouldn't be in this fucking mess now, and your restaurant would still possibly be open.

>> No.15312509
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Lawry’s The Prime Rib shut down permanently. Shit fuck piss fuck dirty old cunt

>> No.15312519

All restaurants are open in my comfy republican state. Ha Ha

>> No.15312520

>lost the best italian restaurant in town
>went to my first date with my gf there
>lost the affordable but good california sort of fusion place
I'm sure I'm missing some others that have closed.

>> No.15312523

You will never be a real woman

>> No.15312534

Absolutely correct.
You will never think of a creative, original, funny reply to anything.

>> No.15312538

That's fine.

>> No.15312544

Must suck living in a country where government lets that happen to small businesses

>> No.15312545

Blame the politicians and rulecucks who vote for them.

>> No.15312548

>my state has voted republican in all but 5 presidential elections
>once for johnson, twice for fdr, one for teddy roosevelt when he was independent, and one for bryan in 1896
>the last time we had a republican governer was in 1974
>still having restaurants close

>> No.15312551

You will never be a real woman either

>> No.15312553
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That's ma boy

>> No.15312557

It does. It's draconian. The world is going to be run by three or four large corporations (implying it already isn't) in ten years. It's over.

>> No.15312558

fuck the dem/chinese pandemic and this obvious attempt to kill all small businesses
they're even inventing new strains now to make sure it never ends

>> No.15312564

It went out of business because the politicians shut it down, retard.

>> No.15312566

>live in a red state
>everything is still open
>half of people wear the mask under their nose or chin, a quarter don't wear one at all
>no one will ever break your balls over it unless it's a corporate chain
>same number of new cases per capita as neighboring states which are enforcing draconian lockdowns and quarantines
Sucks to suck

>> No.15312573

Politicians shut it down because people wouldn't adhere to even the most basic preventative behaviour

>> No.15312576

and the liberals pretend like their plandemic shut down is totally for the good of the public lmao

wake up retards, they're destroying private business then they'll destroy private property, than they'll force us into taking handouts and (((((((((stimulus)))))))))) and than the communist take over of America will be complete. Mich McConnell did literally nothing wrong. Hes the only man left in American Politics willing to defend our values.

>> No.15312584

Hey I dunno about you but I have enough in my savings account to live for at least a year without work because I'm not fucking stupid. All we had to do is wait out a few weeks with shutdown travel and quarantine and the virus would've died before it started.
Instead we're in a nearly yearlong shitfest where the country is halfway closed and still fucking our economy because nobody took it seriously when it mattered (;

>> No.15312600

They didn't have to

that's cool

>> No.15312602

What's destroying business is dragging this shit forever. Any responsible person should be able to go a month or two without work without starving or getting evicted. Then we could've just had a full lockdown and let the virus die out. Instead we left the country halfway for months on end, letting the virus spread while more and more people go broke because our economy is getting fucked.
We chose literally the worst possible path.

>> No.15312604

See? it's fuck heads like this that are responsible for your favourite restaurant going under. Let's everyone thank him.

>> No.15312609

you will never be a woman.

>> No.15312612

I agree they didn't have to. The coronavirus is already in every corner of America. At this point, lockdowns make no sense.
But initially we could've prevented all this shit if people wouldn't have taken the virus as a sign to go party more and lick windows.

>> No.15312618

I already told you I'm good with that.

>> No.15312622

I'm neither a tranny nor a faggot, I'm sick of this shithole of a country where if you have any notion of social responsibility you're a communist or bugman or whatever fucking buzzword you prefer.

>> No.15312632

How did the pizza place go outta business? The guy I know who was doing a nicer pizza place said he’s making money hand over fist because of COVID because it’s the ideal to go food and he doesn’t have to pay for a waitstaff anymore

>> No.15312639

At this point I'm refusing to wear a mask or quarantine solely out of spite for finger-wagging maricones like you.
Losing small businesses sucks and at any other point in human history we would have started ____ing the people responsible months ago, but fucking hell do you types do a good jobs at turning "trust le science" into retarded soccer mom dinner theatre that no normal human being sees and thinks "I can get on board with that!"
I'll take a shot for you when I'm hanging out with my coworkers tomorrow, though.

>> No.15312642

Everyone is going to McDonalds or BK or TacoBell. Mom and pop places seem to be suffering.

>> No.15312646

>refusing to wear a mask or quarantine solely out of spite

America in a nutshell.

>> No.15312650

Lol, enjoy your rona dumbass.

>> No.15312660

>All we had to do is wait out a few weeks with shutdown travel
Drumpf was the first one to call for that and your ilk had blood coming out of their ears because of how racist and ignorant that was. "I told you so" doesn't work when the cat's completely out of the bag that the whole thing has been zog shitflinging from the getgo.

>> No.15312661

.02% fatality rate. I'll take the risk rather than live in fear like the cuckold tranny you are. Faggot pussy. Free men don't ask for permission. Free men don't live in their knees. Cope. Seethe. Dilate.

>> No.15312668


wow so scary lol

>> No.15312696

Yeah well that’s just because Americans have abysmal taste and prefer the plastic “”””food”””” sold at fast food. 60% of all Americans regardless of skin color are niggers and you can’t convince me otherwise

>> No.15312701

>Any responsible person should be able to go a month or two without work without starving or getting evicted
Regardless of how much it's their "fault" that they're broke, a lot of fucking people are broke. If the government's biggest priority is refusing to pass any meaningful stimulus for whatever idiotic reason, "just don't work for a few months" isn't an option for people living paycheck to paycheck (something like 70% of Americans iirc). Your anger should be directed at the people who thought $1200 was enough to keep someone alive for a year and are now saying NOOOOO WHY AREN'T YOU QUITTING YOUR JOB AND GETTING EVICTED FOR THE GREATER GOOD?

>> No.15312704

>my ilk
I would've agreed with a travel bran for literally everywhere. I think the only people eligible for returning to the country during that time should've been American citizens abroad.
I wish Trump would've done that. Instead he implemented a travel ban against China (a good move) but not against Europe and other places it had already spread to, and implemented it much too late.

>> No.15312711

>Lol, enjoy your flu dumbass.
What did he mean by this?

>> No.15312716

I'm not a 97 year old morbidly obese GRIDS patient, so statistically I'm more likely to die in a car crash on my way to get tested. Thanks for your concern, though!

>> No.15312717

I don't want to sound like a libtard *edditor but honestly todays wages have not kept pace with inflation.

>> No.15312724

Move elsewhere then, triple faggot.

>> No.15312725

Reminder that you shouldn't blame the lockdowns. Blame the fed who raked small businesses over the coals in terms of financial aid.

>> No.15312731

Good goy take the vaccine and kys voluntary :)

>> No.15312735

I think there shouldn't be evictions during this time and maybe we set up some sort of food line program so people don't starve. In cold climates it's already illegal to shut off heat to people's houses during the winter months.
>70% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck
Sorry that they're retarded urbanites who pay the vast majority of their paychecks on rent.
Job opportunities are stellar in rural America and you can live on a minimum wage. By staying somewhere they can't afford living on their shit job they're irresponsible.
I don't want to get some fucking tech job, so I'll just never live in a big city.

>> No.15312738

The Fed did the right thing. We need to stop the leftist slide towards communism. What we should've done from the very start is ignore the entire thing so we can establish herd immunity instead of letting small businesses die.

>> No.15312746

Planning on it mate. I don't want to raise children here.

>> No.15312756



>Organ damage caused by COVID-19:
>Although COVID-19 is seen as a disease that primarily affects the lungs, it can damage many other organs as well. This organ damage may increase the risk of long-term health problems. Organs that may be affected by COVID-19 include:

>Heart. Imaging tests taken months after recovery from COVID-19 have shown lasting damage to the heart muscle, even in people who experienced only mild COVID-19 symptoms. This may increase the risk of heart failure or other heart complications in the future.
>Lungs. The type of pneumonia often associated with COVID-19 can cause long-standing damage to the tiny air sacs (alveoli) in the lungs. The resulting scar tissue can lead to long-term breathing problems.
Brain. Even in young people, COVID-19 can cause strokes, seizures and Guillain-Barre syndrome — a condition that causes temporary paralysis. COVID-19 may also increase the risk of developing Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease.

>> No.15312763

Fake news.

>> No.15312769

Hope you didn't like your parents, cause you're gonna get em killed by acting like a retard.

>> No.15312770

Herd immunity is a meme

>> No.15312772

All that being true, you will likely give your covid to someone else along the way. They may have a parent or grand parent who winds up in hospital. Even if that parent or grand parent does not die, you could still be a contributing factor in the death of a heart condition patient who receives a lower standard of care because the ICU is full, or near full.

Right now, in Alberta Cancer diagnosis are down by 20% over last year. That's not because there is less cancer. That means that the people represented by that 20% are going around undiagnosed and untreated. They all still have cancer, it's just doing it's thing undetected.

>> No.15312776
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>let a million people die because socialism bad

>> No.15312777


>> No.15312786

Herd immunity only works when there is a vaccine dumbass.

>> No.15312791

If you're set financially then why are you worried?

>> No.15312792

Cool, go get the vaccine so you can keep ME safe, wagie.

>> No.15312799

wanna talk about how many millions socialism killed?

>> No.15312812

Because it's killed a large amount of Americans and has disrupted my life a disproportionate amount compared to countries that just had an initial effective lockdown.

>> No.15312816

6 million (;

>> No.15312824

Capitalism has killed waaaaay more. Even if you just look at the US.
Genocide of the native americans, dead slaves, dead homeless, dead people who couldn't afford medical care, people killed due to unsafe workplaces, all those that killed themselves and starved during the great depression, all the central / south americans killed by the united fruit company, etc, make mao look like an amateur.

>> No.15312834

Cause some of my friends have Asthma, or other long-term medical conditions, and my parents are almost 70. You may be cool with murdering your friends and family by being a dumbass, but I'm not gonna.

>> No.15312842

lol k bucko

>> No.15312844

>Genocide of the native americans
nothing to do with capitalism

>dead slaves
nothing to do with capitalism

>dead homeless
nothing to do with capitalism

>dead people who couldn't afford medical care
nothing to do with capitalism

>people killed due to unsafe workplaces
nothing to do with capitalism in fact its capitalist countries that have the most stringent safety and regulation laws

>all those that killed themselves and starved during the great depression
nothing to do with capitalism. look up the stock market

>all the central / south americans killed by the united fruit company
nothing to do with capitalism

>> No.15312882

>homeless people die in the street because they can't afford housing

>this has absolutely nothing to do with the economic system that doesn't provide them housing or healthcare or food.

Imagine being this fucking dumb.

>> No.15312906

anyone whose ever interacted with the homeless know that those people fall into 1 of 3 categories. 70% of them are psychos who would never be able to function in society and are destined to be vagrants, 28% of them are just lazy, and maybe 2% of them are actual "le honest good people who just slipped through the cracks". Most people who are actually capable of work will manage to make it back on their feet by pulling up their boot straps.

Nothing will help 98% of these people, they are destined to be hobos. It might not be exactly their fault, a lot of it is genetics and upbringing, but it isn't the fault of capitalism. Capitalism didn't deny them a job, their own decisions led them to where they are.

>> No.15312930

>Not understanding they lack healthcare to help with underlying mental health / addiciton issues

>believing people live on the street out of sheer lazyness

>not knowing the USSR had near zero homeless rate

You must be a real fucking genius mate.

>> No.15312936

>and pineapple pizza
You and them both had it coming.

>> No.15312941

I hate to say it but putting the 70% of them to hard labor (i.e. gulags) is a good way to clean up the streets and make them contribute to society.

>> No.15312945

Someone has a low IQ

>> No.15312955

>kill every homeless
>look we have 0% homeless rate!

They were commie trash but they were right about this

>> No.15312959

That's no way to talk about yourself, anon.

>> No.15312964

I wasn't, don't worry.

>> No.15312986

what sort of coping mechanism is that?

>> No.15312987

>The only possible way the USSR could have a low homelessness rate is by murdering them all.

american education at work I guess.

>> No.15313000

Yeah and the vaccine can cause bells palsy, who cares about side effects that only affect like ten people.

>> No.15313017

Yo hol’ up wait a second now. You’re tellin me Lawry’s had their own restaurant?

>> No.15313023

a couple of people in the trial of one of the vaccines got Bells Palsy, but statistically, it was the same number that would have gotten it anyway in a group of that size.


>> No.15313024
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>> No.15313031

you've probably already inhaled a SARS 2 virus once or twice this week without even knowing it, its not a common cold for nothing

>> No.15313039

Who is forced to patronize the restaurant?

>> No.15313045

Do you not know how viral loads work?

>> No.15313061

I gave ur mum a viral load last night m8

>> No.15313069

What lockdown? You mean the shit back in April? Everything is open. Including bars.

>> No.15313081

Based non-cucked county poster.

>> No.15313083

and 1/1000 americans are dead lol

>> No.15313095


Retards caused all this to drag out longer than it ever needed to.

>> No.15313097

put a bullet in every mask wearing democrats head, as well as the governors they worship and this all goes away.

>> No.15313103

You sometimes see people wearing a mask, but its usually just old women. I was at the bar on Monday and will be back on Friday for the astroglide wrestling match. April and part of May were kinda shit but that shit has been over for a LONG time.

>> No.15313139

>reddit spacing
Fuck off samefag.

>> No.15313146

Not him, but you don't understand the concept of a paragraph do you?

>> No.15313148

Everyone gave up after the BLM retards decided that Covid-19 rules doesn't apply to them.

>> No.15313160

No one cares redditfag. Go back to your shithole.

>> No.15313174

pizza places were one of the only restaurant types thriving under the lockdown
it's not the lockdowns that put them out of business, it's the dickheads who would rather go to dominos or caesars for a pizza, because it's fast and cheap

>> No.15313180

did your handler forget to buy your tendies?

>> No.15313202

conservatives almost never patronize small businesses, and when they do, they have a tendency to act like they're owed something extra for doing so, and they'll bitch about the prices and how much cheaper they can get it at walmart
i think we are starting to get to the point where conservatives are being wiped out faster than libs, mostly because they are so bullheaded and pants shitting retarded to take proper precautions
0.1% of the population is dead from covid you retard high school dropout
learn how to do statistics before you start spouting bullshit you dumb fucking faggot

>> No.15313213

go play in traffic

>> No.15313221

>anything he doesn't understand is communism
>advocates for herd immunity
checks out, definitely a retard
get back in your basement, your tendies are getting cold

>> No.15313222

What about the BLM? People don't wear masks at all when hiking or camping.

>> No.15313229

Bullshit figure. Misclassified death ya goober.

>> No.15313234

Like how the fuck do these people justify 2 months of rioting and those retards don't even practice social distancing. And the same liberals who tell people that they aren't doing enough to stop the virus are saying that the BLM "protests" won't cause Covid-19 to spike.

>> No.15313237

>anon on 4channel knows the true figures
wew lad

>> No.15313239


Try not to strain yourself too hard over spacing there, retard.

>> No.15313245

Ok redditfag.

>> No.15313247


>> No.15313249


Look it's okay.

Just gotta.

Stop being a retard.

Anytime is a good time.

>> No.15313251

Joe Biden is your new president
Trump lost nearly 70 times now
popular vote 2016
popular vote 2020
electoral vote 2020
and over 60 lawsuits disputing the election
you're a loser, and so is he

>> No.15313265

That's not very tolerant of you.

>> No.15313266

No one takes redditfags seriously. Go back to your shithole where you belong.

>> No.15313267

>wearing masks
The blm people are faggots for gathering en masse during a pandemic but at least they were taking some sort of precautions. Not comparable whatsoever to the assholes still going to bars, restaurants, large indoor gatherings, etc

>> No.15313278


No one takes autist retards who get analflustered over spacing seriously.

>> No.15313279

Strawman as much as you want but the virus only has a .03% death rate. Literally just the flu bro

>> No.15313280

>"i'm just asking questions" faggot
>disbelieves medical experts because some college dropout with an opinion show said it was fake news
>believes a two bit con artist and second rate game show host is the messiah
there were studies that showed those protests actually curbed viral outbreaks, because people would avoid going to city centers
and you're equating maybe 100k protestors to several million people dining out and packing bars

>> No.15313285

Can't tell retard plaguerats that.

>> No.15313286

most of the magafags migrated here after their trump worship subreddit got blowed up

>> No.15313288

Why would I give a shit if they are gathering out in the woods on BLM land? More people are getting out and hiking etc than ever before. The BLM doesn't permit or deny gatherings on its land.

>> No.15313316

Didn't know the flu killed 341k Americans in 9 months

>> No.15313319

Those "protestors" were densely packed you literal retard.
>we need to shut everything down because of covid-19
>the people breaking covid-19 rules to go outside didn't spread the virus because they support BLM but you still aren't allowed to go outside
>we might shut everything down again but not for people who are "protesting" for BLM
Do you hear yourself? Pure hypocrisy. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.15313332

If you count all the ancillary deaths, due to stress, lack of availability of medical care, and all the rest, it has a much higher death rate. You need to look at excess total deaths over the same period last year. To do this you take the total deaths in 2019 from all causes and the total deaths in 2020 from all causes. You will find that there have been more deaths total in 2020 than 2019 from all causes.

Buried in that number are the direct covid deaths and also those due to things like "Grampy had a heart attack but the ICU was swamped and he didn't make it" or "Cousin was in a traffic accident but the doctor was exhausted because he's been working 18 hr days and he failed to notice a blood clot".

>> No.15313335

>82282392 cases
>1796768 deaths
wew lad
that's 2.1%

>> No.15313336

I actually followed Covid-19 rules. Why should others like BLM be allowed to break them?

>> No.15313337

Guess you missed the part where I said they're fucking retarded for gathering en masse during a pandemic. But hey, I know reading is a strong point for you faggot redhats

>> No.15313345

Oh there is a fucking nigger group called BLM now?

Lol I thought you were talking about bureau of land management land! Haha fucking niggers screw up everything I guess.

>> No.15313346

The protests lasted for a few weeks. Can't say the same about people continuing to go to bars, restaurants, and large indoor gatherings

>> No.15313348

The protests shouldn't have happened at all, cuckboi.

>> No.15313353

>its fine because it lasted a few weeks
Wow you are unironically retarded.

>> No.15313355

You're right. Not during a pandemic
Where did I say it's fine, faggot?

>> No.15313364

blame it on pigs

>> No.15313366

They do.
I guess you missed the part where you tried to justify a group of people breaking covid-19 rules because they wore a mask.

>> No.15313375

Why weren't there spikes in the major cities where the largest protests took place then?

>> No.15313376

Literally your entire post you retard.

>> No.15313378

oh you mean the groups of magatards insulting nurses?

>> No.15313384

Where did I justify it? I literally said it was wrong but that at least they took some precautions. Damn you're a fucking retard

>> No.15313398
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>This thread

>> No.15313406

You did, retard.
You mean the BLM retards who decided rioting for weeks during a pandemic is a good idea?

>> No.15313409

We're continuing to see tons of cases because faggots continue gathering with people they don't live with and going to crowded indoor places maskless.

We didn't see any major spike in the US following the protests. Clearly, the protests weren't responsible for any noticeable rise in cases. If they were, we would've had a huge jump in cases in places like NYC and Philadelphia

>> No.15313422

>trying to speak something into existence
Awwww how cute. Trying to be just like your cult leader

>> No.15313436

give me freedom or give me death

>> No.15313448

Are you telling me that the weeks of rioting from BLM didn't exist? Ok retard.

>> No.15313458

>wearing a cloth mask deprives me of muh freedom

>> No.15313466

Hey liberals. Why don't you go back to /pol/. Why are you making your shitty arguments in /ck/ of all places? Are you afraid? Looks like it.

>> No.15313473

I too use chain link fencing to keep out mosquitoes

>> No.15313481

if mosquitoes are carried by basketballs maybe

>> No.15313488

That's a hell of a pedantic hill to die on

>> No.15313489

Imagine thinking pedophiles give a shit about your health lmao

>> No.15313500

>im so arrogant that i literally 100% believe everything i am told because i cannot be lied to, i am far too intelligent to be deceived. furthermore, i have met and verified each and every one of those bodies.

>> No.15313507
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I hate this place

>> No.15313508

Hoa- Covid has been around much longer than 9 months and the flu [almost nonexistent this year] would certainly kill that many if you tested every single soul including the at least 80% asymptomatic that "have it"

>> No.15313512

Can't believe how many retarded cucks there are on /ck/. Why would you want the government to make more rules and reduce your freedom? If you're that scared of the virus just stay inside but don't force your retardation on everyone else. Your paranoia is ruining peoples lives.

>> No.15313515

>can't eat at resteraunts because of allergies
Now you know how I feel, you fuckers. That's right, you gotta cook something. Welcome to the cooking board.

>> No.15313518

and in which authority do you happen to believe to claim these figures wrong?

>> No.15313532

Woah, a contrarian. Cool ideological stance, my man. Fuck people who do things.

>> No.15313533

What are the flu deaths this year?

>> No.15313538

Wow really interesting. Covid caused those deaths and not the mass hysteria resulting in complete isolation, shutting of emergency services, hospital layoffs, mass DNR orders and palliative drugging, and the additional LTC home genocide? Real cool.

>> No.15313546

Also excess deaths literally do not exceed any norm outside the Spring and only in a few states. Zero difference in excess deaths between countries that locked down or not that isn't explained by a dry tinder effect or population variability

>> No.15313551

Redhats aren't known for their arithmetic skills unless they are calculating in biblical units like cubits.

>> No.15313555

Yeah that's why you don't use CFR you fucking retard. You will never capture the true amount of infections. No respectable person on Earth even the most fearmongering retards use CFR over IFR you retarded sophist

>> No.15313563

around 500k so far

>> No.15313572

He did throw up an EU ban though, unless I'm misremembering

>> No.15313586

We don't have the data to calculate the IFR
Also a large amount of covid related death have been swept under the rug or been unreported

>> No.15313597

Cook for yourself pleb.

>> No.15313598

Yes you do, and you estimate it, which is why only a retard like yourself would possibly ignore IFR and use a completely unreliable metric that again, not even the biggest doomer retard propagandist would use

>> No.15313602

If large amounts of death are swept under the rug (they aren't you tranny) that's even more the reason to not trust the CFR you fucking retard jesus fucking christ

>> No.15313628

I'm in a red county in a blue state. It's like living in the 1920s again. Lots of maskless parties and gatherings private weddings baby showers funerals. Bars secretly open like the old speakeasies. Cops don't enforce it. Restaurants making igloos for people to stay in. People taking off masks whenk nobody can stop them. It's like living in the prohibition era in Capone's Chicago.

>> No.15313642

They aren't "legally" open where I am. They are illegally open like the speakeasies of the 20s.

>> No.15313649

Yeah we should totally believe China and Russia's numbers chuddy

>> No.15313653

America has too much of a short-sighted, individualistic culture to deal effectively with a pandemic

>> No.15313659

All you're doing is continuing to prove why CFR is unreliable. But continue with your conspiracy theories about evil foreigners it amuses me

>> No.15313669

>look mom! I'm reposting a meme i saw grandpa post on Facebook

>> No.15313673

ah yes dirty humans socializing and breathing kill them all and bailout the governors stock shares!!

>> No.15313683

oh great so now masks are a conspiracy against freedom but Russia suddenly tripling it's death toll is fine

>> No.15313685

You did. The weeks following the protests saw the biggest spike in the summer. You're seeing a spike now because you continue to test every soul on Earth
What kind of tranny shit is this? Most infections are people that actually have to go to work and use public transport

>> No.15313701

So do you believe the numbers and CFR or not, tranny? You can't seem to make up your tin foiled mind.

>> No.15313720
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I just wanted a ham and pineapple pizza man

>> No.15313724

>alex jones calling me a tinfoil hat

>> No.15313732

>Ham and pineapple pizza
Unbelievably BASED.

>> No.15313734

Hey is your tranny ass going to theorize about Breakfast at Tiffany's looking villains or affirm whether you believe case counts are reliable?

>> No.15313758

I believe there are more deaths and more cases

>> No.15313762

Not answering my question, tranny. Do you believe the case count fatality ratio is reliable?

>> No.15313764

>I too simp for government and more restrictions on day to day life/commerce for a meme virus.

Feels good man

>> No.15313777

if you really believe these wildly inflated numbers, due to the average amount of people that people know, the median american should know 1 person by know and I highly doubt that's the case. ive lived in 3 states and work in tourism so i know many more than average and still the only case I know of was an acquaintances mom who was old as dogshit getting really sick for two weeks and I don't even buy that wasn't just regular flu

>> No.15313788
File: 2.61 MB, 2160x1884, 1609021485742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Covid is a hoax and masks are for fags!"

>> No.15313793

it is to some extent, not the most revealing factor but it's still telling us that the CFR for SARS COV2 is way higher than the seasonnal flu

>> No.15313836

>covid is a virus that has been blown way out of proportion
>non n95 or p100 masks literally do not block viruses from passing through
Please reconcile this

>> No.15313846
File: 935 KB, 1920x1440, 1584145183778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just popped in to say that the only people I know who have tested positive have been the most obnoxious, controlling maskfags in the fucking world holy shit I wish covid was a fist that socked them in the mouths. But no, they just got "real bad" headaches and after they got over it, now walk around talking about how they almost didn't make it. I wouldn't be surprised if they bought a "I beat COVID-19" t-shirt off etsy or some bullshit. I remember a while ago feeling like I was completely surrounded by assholes and come to find out, my instincts were correct.

>> No.15313851

Yes. That's how it started

>> No.15313853

because the virus is carried by droplets that get stuck in your mask.
Why do so many people believe the mask is there to directly protect them?

>> No.15313859

Bet they got it at a BLM protest.

>> No.15313864

>Willingly admitting to being from Reddit, and expecting an abhorrent response
I like your style.

>> No.15313874

>geriatric obese orange man beats covid in days.
>geriatric cigar obsessed boomer also beats covid in days

I mean how poor is your health that you worry about a literal cold lmao

>> No.15313878

>these people are calling nurses traitors

>> No.15313881

So masks are more of a detriment than a help?

>> No.15313883

Oregon has had mask mandates in buildings and lockdowns since Spring Break. Lockdowns are a preventative measure that happen in response to "numbers increasing" with no publicly published criteria of any kind. California and other states have mask mandates but their numbers keep going up.

Businesses are going to be shut down regardless of whether you wear a cuck muzzle in public.

>> No.15313890

why? if you're spewing virus loaded droplets you're already sick

>> No.15313898

No retards using their starwars masks instead of using disposable ones is how they get that shit.

>> No.15313910

>not knowing the USSR had near zero homeless rate
Because they arrested them, sentenced them to forced labor and executed or jailed them if they didn't comply.

>> No.15313911

How is it to some extent and then you outright theorize about mass death coverups? Even assuming your delirious doomerism your appeal to CFR is not based in any authoritative or even consistent self-appellate evidence you turd.

>> No.15313920

The virus is aerosolized which is not contained by any mask. Not all droplets are contained and there is zero evidence anyone asymptomatic should be wearing them

>> No.15313923

Why wouldn't a star wars mask work? Do only globohomo single use polyethylene masks work?

>> No.15313926

How come countries that already used mask like Japan or Korea did so well?

>> No.15313932

Because people wash them as often as you autists take showers, just use disposable ones.

>> No.15313934
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Why didn't Colorado?

>> No.15313939

Sounds like projecting. Do you not wash your axe wound mangina either? That was a nice goalpost shift btw

>> No.15313941
File: 42 KB, 1141x552, turdburglar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When you talk about numbers, you don’t know how many people died in China. You don’t know the deaths in Russia or in India… they don’t exactly give you a straight count, just so you understand
guess who said it

>> No.15313944
File: 93 KB, 607x428, 1576674087679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats become of this thread? this is a cooking board

>> No.15313947

because retard boomers like you won't wear the "cuck muzzle"

>> No.15313950

>murder is now illegal
>murder rates continue to climb for some reason!

Just because there's a mandate doesn't mean people are going to follow the mandated rules.

>> No.15313953

Disposable masks have been shown to be most effective because as I said people don't wash them. I'm also not a faggot and where them all the time, only at work and in stores.

>> No.15313958

Some of the most intelligent conversations that aren't muddled up with /pol/ or reddit debates come from ck.

>> No.15313967

very well

>> No.15313970

I don't care. You're arguing against me, not a strawman.

So I ask your gender confused ass again:
How is it to some extent and then you outright theorize about mass death coverups? Even assuming your delirious doomerism your appeal to CFR is not based in any authoritative or even consistent self-appellate evidence you turd.

>> No.15313984

(the answer is Donald Trump)

>> No.15313999

>Fucking boomers don't wear masks! If there was a mask mandate then we wouldn't have this problem!!!
>States with mandates still have high rates of infection, though
>That's because no one follows the mandate! Fucking boomers!
ok, dude. I don't know what you want. State sponsored executions of anyone who doesn't wear a mask when they're 50.99% by volume outside of their homes?

How much CNN and MSNBC do you watch, my man?

>> No.15314000
File: 123 KB, 866x1068, 1595210920818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baseless conjecture

Your example makes no sense at all. Most people comply to begin with and there's no point in arguing about masks when you ignore a basic correlation about mandates while arguing a platitude

>> No.15314004
File: 19 KB, 352x418, 1606929779842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

US mask compliance is like 93% right now brainlet

>> No.15314005


Answer the question or dilate and fuck off, nutjob

>> No.15314008
File: 137 KB, 801x1200, 1436841021102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pineapple on pizza is perfectly find, so long as it is not the only topping.

>> No.15314010

I answered to both can't you read?

>> No.15314013

get your shit together lol

>> No.15314016
File: 250 KB, 2048x1022, 20200911_103423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These retards will say masks work because reasons and then ignore any actual data showing zero correlation between compliancy and any metric of pandemic success.

>> No.15314024

OP here. I just wanted a pizza. Ended up going to another local place.

>> No.15314026

No you didn't. You just bitched about the orange fool. Go dilate now, you grotesque fucking mess

>> No.15314033

What are you even talking about? Are you implying the two posts 30 seconds apart to the same reply, are the same person? Is this what HRT does to your brain?

>> No.15314036

Well he called bullshit on these countries numbers, that's something.

>> No.15314039

>Baseless conjecture

... I just can't. You idiots come up with 'I gotcha' phrases every few years. Why are you like this?

>> No.15314049

masks work in addition to distancing, quarantine, and of course the correct use of said masks.

>> No.15314055

based as fuck
honestly, it really surprises me that no one has yet taken to ____ing the people responsible

>> No.15314060

One says 93 and the other 59, gee this is what having trannies live RENT FREE in your head does to you

>> No.15314062

What? Take your fucking meds you schizo.

>> No.15314068

>Lawry’s The Prime Rib shut down permanently
That's because Chicago is a shit hole

>> No.15314069

>this thread
>Man Who Thought He'd Lost All Hope Loses Last Additional Bit Of Hope He Didn't Even Know He Still Had.png
humanity is doomed

>> No.15314071

>most people comply
Yeah, inside stores (even then I always see a bunch of faggots wearing them under the chin)

They don't wear them any other time and continue gathering with people outside their household which is why we're still getting so many cases. Americans are incredibly retarded and don't realize if they just complied with basic precautions we wouldn't be in this mess

>> No.15314076

My image says at least 59% circa June, with a more updated one featuring 90% in late October in the link provided
How hard was that for you? Tell me the truth.

>> No.15314082

How long does it take to work? Or is this like welfare raising the quality of life for blacks where it has an endless testing period and just "needs more time" before it produces results?

>> No.15314085

>it's just the flu that killed 300k Americans in 9 months!

>> No.15314091

See Japan, Korea, Taiwan...

>> No.15314092
File: 697 KB, 900x604, No evidence of quarantines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolk, Japan and South Korea didn't force those measures so now what will you shift to?

>> No.15314096

Meanwhile deaths from actual flu are down by 60% and some motorcycle crash victims would have survived if they just would have worn a mask but instead died from "COVID".

>> No.15314098

Go ahead and provide proof instead of faux-menstruating. Plenty of countries are even laxer and it's made no difference

>> No.15314100

You posted this already and then promptly ignored a subsequent reply. >>15313508

>> No.15314104
File: 166 KB, 1197x1447, 1566065287629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What? Take your fucking meds you schizo.

That's an ad hominem conjecture sir!!

>> No.15314108

You're shifting from masks to lockdown ese.

>> No.15314110

None of those countries made any enforcements and Taiwan's compliancy is similar to the US, can you please provide actual data rather than appealing to false platitudes?

>> No.15314121

No I'm not, that'd be you in response to my point about masks here >>15314016
. How the fuck am I shifting by directly responding to a point about quarantines and distancing you fucking retard?

>> No.15314137

Wasn't me. But there's no such thing as someone getting the flu and staying asymptomatic the entire duration of the illness

>> No.15314148

Proof that deaths by other causes are being labeled covid deaths?

>> No.15314153


>> No.15314155
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Good show OP

>> No.15314157

You guys are here, too? Yikes, they really don't pay you enough.
Me and the guys refused to comply with all the lock down shit and we're doing fine. Sure, we had some threats of fines and stuff, but we scared them off. Cops are on our side too, and there's hundreds of places like us that tell folks like you to fuck off. You won't see this anywhere though, because it's against the establishment.

>> No.15314162

You're still wrong regardless
>But there's no such thing as someone getting the flu and staying asymptomatic
In complete opposition to literally any single health body or expert on the planet. Congrats on your Dunning Cuckger

>> No.15314164

Pull the trigger already, take all the pills, they'll never accept you, it's all lies and whispers and snickering and you can never wash these thoughts from your head.

>> No.15314166

Just one instance?

>> No.15314171

Government didn't "let it happen". Government MADE it happen. All of the damage done to restaurants and other small businesses during this whole thing has been by design, because the government decided to do it.

>> No.15314176

You guys really enjoy living through a pandemic huh? Keep prolonging it by being a retarded faggot

>> No.15314177


>> No.15314178

they wear masks

>> No.15314182

Nice goalposts. But why are they at the 15-yard line?

>> No.15314189


>> No.15314194

to be fair "deaths" was plural in his post

>> No.15314207

So does America. At least as much as Taiwan, like I just said. Are you okay?

>> No.15314213

Only time Americans wear masks is when a store makes them. And mask wearing by itself isn't enough. Other precautions need to be taken but Americans don't do that

>> No.15314215

hoho are you implying the americans wear masks with the same rigor than taiwanese?
As one anon said earlier most people in the US wear their mask under their fucking nose

>> No.15314222

He doesn't want proof. No number lesser than "all of them" would be enough to change his mind. That even a single one was knowingly mischaracterized should be enough to plant the seed of doubt, not to mention the scummy response by Florida healthcare officials as to why it was mislabeled nor the revelation that many Florida clinics had a 100% rate of positive tests around the same time which are all referenced in the article i linked.

>> No.15314226

Haha no they don't. You can't be that fucking retarded

>> No.15314233

Cool conjecture.

>> No.15314235

Florida has been doctoring their numbers to keep them lower this entire time

>> No.15314241

I have to be honest. I don't care if your grandma dies. I don't care if you die. The disease isn't that serious, and doesn't warrant radically restructuring society, taking people's rights away, locking them in their homes, and forcing their businesses to close, all enforced with state violence. You, me, your grandma, nobody is worth what we have destroyed.

>> No.15314243


>> No.15314244

Well you've got a thread full of whining crying autists, I'm sure their tears will sustain you til bedtime

>> No.15314255
File: 1.28 MB, 3301x2703, how-to-properly-wear-a-mask-copy[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how often do you see these?

>> No.15314258

If it wasn't serious, then why are so many people requiring hospitalization?
Anyone can say they wear a mask when they go out. Doesn't mean they're wearing it properly or during the entire duration of their outing

>> No.15314260

Yet my article suggests that, as recently as 6 months ago, they were purposely and deceitfully overreported.

>> No.15314265

>muh frozen chicken wings

>> No.15314270

1 (one)

>> No.15314277
File: 246 KB, 2016x1614, 20200902_181733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How often do you shift goalposts in a circle all while not offering an iota of data?

>> No.15314283

Me on the top right

>> No.15314292

Unless you're in your 80s, your chance of dying from it is minuscule, like a fraction of a percent. If you're so elderly that covid can kill you, than lots of other things can to and its only a matter of time. People who are at risk should take reasonable precautions for themselves, we should never have allowed the lockdowns in the first place.

It's not about being able to order some wings. It's about millions of people losing their livelihoods, losing jobs and businesses, their savings, their dreams, all to appease people like you who are scared. How do you not see that?

>> No.15314293
File: 3.03 MB, 4032x3024, notpineapple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15314294

I don't care about your conjecture. Provide data on mask efficiency, mask efficiency and compliancy in your referenced examples or dilate and fuck off.

>> No.15314298

Florida overreporting numbers? Haha, good one. They are underreporting numbers and that's been the case this entire time

>> No.15314302

>taking people's rights away

If they can grant and take rights away, then they weren't rights in the first place and you didn't have them.

>> No.15314307
File: 89 KB, 1095x617, 20201206_232414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it wasn't serious, then why are so many people requiring hospitalization?
Why do you keep appealing to nonexistent platitudes rather than any actual data?

>> No.15314309

And that makes it okay?

>> No.15314310

I didn't ask about deaths, I asked why so many people required hospital care since it's "not serious" according to you.

>> No.15314321

perfectly normal to start seeing results 3 to 4 weeks after the mandate, contamination, incubation, delay between symptoms and report.
Your graph actually proves you wrong well done anon you're the equal of that flat-earther proving the Earth round

>> No.15314330

That makes it meaningless. America has never in it's existence been "the land of the free". I doubt it ever will be either. It's a nice slogan, like "United" States. Also absolutely untrue.

>> No.15314335

>I don't care about your conjecture

Which Christian collage did you attend?

>> No.15314340

No it doesn't, because in every case, infections rise after your arbitrary time period. Yet again your tranny ass has ZERO evidence other than appeals to nonexistent platitudes

>> No.15314345

Disposable medical masks (also known as surgical masks) are loose-fitting devices that were designed to be worn by medical personnel to protect accidental contamination of patient wounds, and to protect the wearer against splashes or sprays of bodily fluids (36). There is limited evidence for their effectiveness in preventing influenza virus transmission either when worn by the infected person for source control or when worn by uninfected persons to reduce exposure. Our systematic review found no significant effect of face masks on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza.


>> No.15314350

Dumb boomer shows up with "symptoms" hospital gladly accepts and cashes out on covid dosh. Simple as

>> No.15314352

they're fucking dropping are you blind or dishonest?

>> No.15314355
File: 83 KB, 1740x965, 20201016_112516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey are you going to post data about your schizophrenic orientalist conspiracy theories or just faux-menstruate?

>> No.15314358

This seems to indicate occupancy isn't much higher than normal.

Remember "two weeks to flatten the curve?" We've been locked down for nine months and taking all of the various precautions that have been prescribed by the million petty tyrants who run state and local governments. If the hospitals don't have the capacity to treat people by now, then they never will.

End all lockdowns, and let people live their lives.

>> No.15314359

Ok, keep believing everyone is wearing masks when they should and also wearing them properly 100% of the time
This is a planning model you retarded bitch. The covid part literally says "everyone stays home"

>> No.15314363

I see Brave little Belgium is doing quite well.

>> No.15314367

I'll be honest, I've just continued to live my life, don't wear a mask, ignore orders not to congregate, and basically do whatever I want. So in a way, you're right, they can take whatever they want from you with no justification. But the only way to fight that is to not comply.

>> No.15314368

On July 12th, that's two and three months after the PEAK of two county mandates. Are you genuinely this fucking retarded or are you hoping someone else is and will only read your dumbshit post?

>> No.15314369

>no source

>> No.15314376

Keep whining like a little bitch about how Taiwan wears masks when they literally wear them less than the US and then providing an estrogen fueled point of conjecture about how much you hate your father

>> No.15314383

>resorts to name calling
does it soothe your hemorrhoids?

>> No.15314384
File: 127 KB, 219x305, 1607663422560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15314385

California and New York have the highest mask compliance rates in the entire US, strictest lockdowns, and also some of the highest rates on infection. So if lockdowns and masks don't work why do we need them? If they do work why are New York and California so heavily affected?

>> No.15314390

Yes, and the baseline operating capacity is 90%, flu season is 98%, can you read, retard?

>> No.15314398

It's an aggregation of national health centers published statistics. I'm sorry I'm using actual data rather than faux-menstruating about how we falsely don't mask up as much as Taiwan

>> No.15314399

>wear them less than the US
got a source for that? And no, something you read on parler or Facebook isn't a source

>> No.15314401

They also have the highest population density.

The people who need to give their heads a shake, are the ones in the plains states. They could so easily have avoided all of this... But no.

>> No.15314405

not even a year passed, and people have forgotten that concern over the virus originated in conservative circles
we saw people dropping dead on the street in China, raised concern, assessed the situation, and came to the truth of the matter

unfortunately, bernie-bros, trannies, white women, bugmen, and blacks formed a coalition to elect George Bush so he can continue bombing people in the middle east and selling the country into corporate slavery, just so they could stop Cheeto Hitler from giving people $2000 relief checks for the havoc politicians have wreaked on their lives and reducing paths of immigration that reinforce corporate hegemony through labor exploitation
this involved encouraging mass hysteria over the virus to make concealing voter fraud easier

>> No.15314406

Oh cool nice non argument. Go be a good tranny and hang yourself

>> No.15314407

>novel virus causes massive detrimental strain on existing health care facilities around the world
>killing countless old people and causing massive long term effects packing ICU units generally reserved for people literally on their death beds.

>bUt tHe DeAtH Ratteessss!!!!!!!

>> No.15314412

I linked this to you multiple times, learn how to fucking read you abomination

>> No.15314415

Jesus christ. and you believe this do you? No wonder this board is the way it is.

>> No.15314418

Singapore is the most densely populated place in the world, keep shifting the goalposts, tranny.

>> No.15314421

Lockdowns work when people comply. Masks work in addition to other precautions like social distancing. People aren't complying or taking precautions
Nice projection you retarded faggot. Again, it literally says "everyone stay home" under covid. Is everyone staying home?

>> No.15314427

>highest population density.
Do you know what a lockdown is? Do you know what a stay at home order is? They are only allowed to exit for essential business and have been doing so for weeks. You are a fully demoralized shill and deceiver and you will get what's coming

>> No.15314430

>more baseless conjecture
>more ignoring of actual data
Lovely talk as usual

>> No.15314436

Masks don't work faggot, straight from the CDC's mouth

>> No.15314438
File: 85 KB, 966x563, 20201206_224235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You literally don't even know what you're reading. You don't know what you're talking about which is why you haven't posted a single data point or research paper.

>> No.15314440


>> No.15314448

I already responded to this bullshit graph above. Try reading before you post you waste of oxygen

>> No.15314450

I bet you beat your meat to futanari

>> No.15314451

But that's essentially what happened.

When conservatives said "stop flights from China," they were branded as racists and the mayor of New York told people to hug their Chinese neighbor and go out to dinner and not to worry.

Three months of lockdowns in the spring led to race riots. We were told the riots had nothing to do with spreading covid, but Trump rallies were "superspreader" events. We were told that it was okay to attend a protest, but not to go to a barbecue, or Thanksgiving, or to vote in person.

The supposed surge in mail in voting allowed a situation where voter fraud became easier, and now there's a corpse in a suit occupying the "Office of the President Elect" which is not a thing. These are all things that have happened, they're fucking facts. How do you deny that?

>> No.15314453

Your point being?

>> No.15314460

I don't care about you menstruating about orientialism. Provide data or dilate and kill yourself

>> No.15314461

There's currently over 7k people hospitalized with covid in LA County. That wasn't hard

>> No.15314464
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>> No.15314467

We've hit the auto-sage limit. I'm impressed. I just wanted a damn pizza guys. I'm sorry this turned into a shitfest.

>> No.15314474

>i know I'm wrong but muh pride

>> No.15314483


>> No.15314486

You're worse than fucking moon landing deniers.
Math out the asshole proves that man can easily go to the moon but when explained it's
You want me to pull out of my ass finalized data on worldwide COVID-19 stats?

Where I live the major cities ICU beds are almost all full, which has never happened in it's history. So either war has broken out or you know ...

>> No.15314489

Sure they stopped flights from China

But did that stop thousands of Chinese nationals from flying in from Taiwan, HK, etc? Were those travelers properly contact traced?

>> No.15314495

I don't even know what I could possibly be wrong about considering your argument is an appeal to your own HRT informed opinion and not any actual research

>> No.15314499

it's simply true

I remember buying n95 masks and people looking at me strangely for doing so
I remember standing in a Publix parking lot, looking around at the people going to their cars, and thinking, "These people have no idea the degree to which the world is about to change."

>> No.15314500

>You want me to provide evidence?
Yes? What kind of tranny seriously asks this?

>> No.15314507


>> No.15314511

So you believe that everyone who wears a mask wears them properly and throughout the duration of their outing?

>> No.15314514

Lmao all the reddit posts boot licking the government

>> No.15314528

Loosely using the word conjecture makes you look like an idiot. With that mindset everything in casual conversation is conjecture.

>> No.15314561

Is this data or another point of conjecture that defers to orientalism as we see Taiwan with lower compliancy than America?

>> No.15314564

You're obviously just very insecure about your stupidity. Yes, a baseless opinion is basically conjecture, is that supposed to be revelatory? That doesn't make your conjecture anymore legitimate

>> No.15314578

Haha thought so. Retarded faggot

>> No.15314591

Oh okay, so conjecture yet again, thanks tranny.

>> No.15314598

If the droplets are contained, why do my glasses fog up?

>> No.15314604

Using the word conjecture is like calling someone a bigot. You are attempting to assert dominance over the conversation.

No one is voicing a baseless strong opinion, they are giving opinions based on common knowledge.

>> No.15314614

That's *with*, not treated for

People actually being treated is about 4700

>> No.15314620

>When conservatives said "stop flights from China," they were branded as racists and the mayor of New York told people to hug their Chinese neighbor and go out to dinner and not to worry.
Never happened. House Dems were desperately trying to shut down travel from China but Trump refused

>> No.15314624

There's no correlation between lockdown measures and COVID cases. None whatsoever, look it up.
This doesn't have to do with compliance, it's true everywhere in the world. No correlation.
Pinning it on non-compliance is a scapegoat for politicians and nothing more. They have no evidence that people are not complying en masse.

I can't believe so many anons here genuinely believe we could have stopped this early in the year. We couldn't, politicians just can't fathom admitting powerlessness and not making arbitrary policies to appear as if they are doing something.

>> No.15314625

No, it's literally pointing out that you're offering an opinion with absolutely zero evidence, an appeal to ad populum is not a substitute for evidence. It really is interesting though seeing you trannies continue to move the goalposts tho

>> No.15314636

>It really is interesting though seeing you trannies continue to move the goalposts tho

Conjecture, where's the evidence?

>> No.15314648

Oh so you agree that an opinion without evidence is conjecture now? That's cool I guess

>> No.15314650

So still far above the average then

>> No.15314655

>ICU beds are almost all full
They're always like that. What makes you think otherwise.

>> No.15314676

They aren't. ICU is generally reserved for people with missing limbs, gun shots, heart attacks, severe respiratory problems etc.

Conjecture. Disregarded you imbecile.

>> No.15314689

It's at the rate of a bad flu season

>> No.15314697

Thanks for agreeing.
>ICU is generally reserved for people with missing limbs, gun shots, heart attacks, severe respiratory problems etc.
So COVID doesnt cause respiratory problems? Nutjob conspiracy theorist

>> No.15314715

No it's definitely higher than a bad flu season. 17/18 flu season was a bad one and hospitals were more crowded than usual that year but not like this

>> No.15314717

COVID - 19 causes SARS ... so yes, that's why the ICU beds are full.

>> No.15314754

Sure they were

>> No.15314760

But you just said they wouldn't be because they treat respiratory issues?

>> No.15314766

A simple Google search will tell you exactly that

>> No.15314774

SARS is a respiratory issue.. a severe one, pneumonia being one of them.

>> No.15314782

>Dr. Wooten avoided giving any numbers on capacity, instead saying our current capacity is “very close” to where we were in the 2017-2018 flu season.
>Hansen asserted that they do have capacity. “We are seeing on average about 50 patients per day, less than what we normally see at this time of year.” Hansen said her biggest concern is about staffing the extra beds, if they become needed.


>> No.15314787

What does that have to do with what I'm asking?
Someone said ICU capacity wasn't out of the norm for this time of year, you responded by saying that's not true because ICU's treat respiratory issues et al.
What are you even trying to say?

>> No.15314825

>d-doesn’t count!
Forget the motorcycle lie for a moment. Explain the clinics and hospitals that were reporting a 100% positive testing rate.

>under reporting numbers
Do you have a source on that?


A source. I need a source.

Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.

No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered.

You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence.

Do you have a degree in that field?

A college degree? In that field?

Then your arguments are invalid.

No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation.

Correlation does not equal causation.


You still haven't provided me a valid source yet.

Nope, still haven't.

I just looked through all 308 pages of your user history, figures I'm debating a glormpf supporter. A moron.

>> No.15314831

And the ICU is usually full. What are they full of now? Do you know it's covid patients, or are you just assuming.

>> No.15314838

Nice, epic, I LIKE IT

>> No.15314848
File: 115 KB, 728x510, 194626CF-F340-40D1-BBCE-9953152DBFEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being some cowardly maskcuck.

Fuck Biden, Fuck Pelosi, Fuck Harris and fuck your Lockdown. These knees bend for no authority except the flag.

>> No.15314852

No, I pointed out they are almost all full, right now in this current moment.
Which isn't normal, because ICU beds are usually reserved for special life threatening cases, include severe respiratory problems.

>> No.15314866


>> No.15314875

Trump lost. Get over it or leave the country

>> No.15314880

Your resistance has been noted.

>> No.15314884

ICU capacity is estimated so that it's always just sufficient. It's very expensive to keep empty ICU beds just open and waiting

>> No.15314888


>> No.15314934
File: 22 KB, 364x364, bootlicker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15314955

Only in America.

>> No.15314959

>state employee claims she was fired for reporting the truth after she was caught altering state data
>former state employee fired for modifying official data claims her home was raided to silence her after she remotely illegally accessed confidential state data

>> No.15314969

Peak NPC word

>> No.15314970

there are like three countries on the planet that had this magical 'initial effective lockdown'

>> No.15314981

Where in the article does it say she altered state data?

>> No.15314989

Only everywhere. The NHS has to pay for capacity just as much as a private American hospital

>> No.15315017

OP here. Again I'm sorry.

>> No.15315036

Holy shit you are mentally retarded. There is literally no other explanation

>> No.15315056

>She was dismissed, they said, because she made unilateral decisions to modify the virus dashboard without approval.

>> No.15315122

Don't blame me, OP, I voted for Jo Jorgensen

>> No.15315323

Does that mean she changed the numbers? Don't think so

>> No.15315359

You're kidding right? When they told people to go to Chinatown? Was that "locking down?" Or how Cuomo, Pelosi, Newsom have been caught without masks and breaking their own rules?
Yer joking.

>> No.15315369

You are literally a retarded leftist who puts their fingers in their ears when arguing. You demand a source. You get one. You then shift the goal post and say the source is bad or comes from a bad site.
Kill yourself

>> No.15315459

So you base your life choices off of what politicians do? That's sad

>> No.15315480

He's clearly a redhat retard if he's arguing that Florida is overrreporting numbers

>> No.15315538
File: 65 KB, 538x650, 1593453520866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Restaraunt built for providing takeout/delivery going out of business when people are almost exclusively ordering out for restaraunt food.

>> No.15315573

>they told people to go to Chinatown?
Fake news

>> No.15315647

>tfw too intelligent to understand condensation

>> No.15315919

the republicans are literally attempting to repeal protections for social media to limit people's online free speech
trump wants to sue people that say mean things about him, constitutional rights be damned

>> No.15315931

convenient of them to pack baby showers and weddings along with funerals
it does make a pragmatic sort of sense

>> No.15315939

because you're a disgusting sweaty neckbeard with disgusting sweaty eyeballs

>> No.15315950

>having access to the best socialized medicine in the world
>having access to experimental drugs made from ground up fetuses
do you have to manually tell yourself to breathe?