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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15313010 No.15313010 [Reply] [Original]

How cheap are MREs and how easy are they to make?
Ive been depressed as a cunt for too long and now using my kitchen gives me anxiety. I just need calories and something hot while i get my shit together.

>> No.15313015

Can of beans. Into bowl. Into microwave. Enjoy.

How simple is that?

>> No.15313032

How about i eat something that doesnt taste better after i cry into it because ive eating microwaved beans for 5 fucking days?
Fuck off faggot

>> No.15313054
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>using my kitchen gives me anxiety
start using it more then, retard
rip the fucking band aid off and get used to it instead of stuffing your face with preserved shit that's designed to make you unable to shit

>> No.15313066

what's making you depressed, friend?

>> No.15313078

MREs have been wildly overpriced since covid hit. Just buy frozen/canned stuff.

>> No.15313087

make a big pot of chili in the crockpot or buy 10 cans of ravioli

been there friend

>> No.15313094

mres will make you more depressed, they are not great even at their best. Make very simple meals, you'd be surprised how good even a chicken thigh cooked in a frying pan with nothing but salt+pepper and some butter can be with your ramen or canned soup or whatever. Eggs are great cheap protein too but can be less forgiving than boneless skinless chicken thighs

>> No.15313107

bro it's hard to help a depressed person through a mongolian basket weaving gathering, just get help through friends or family

>> No.15313111

go for a 45min walk every day for two weeks and then report back on your depression/anxiety

>> No.15313151

shut the fuck up

>> No.15313163

dude just have some warm Ensure Plus Dark Chocolate. like drinking brownie batter.

>> No.15313585

My buddy in the S shop was selling leftover MRE boxes from field ops for like $100 a piece. He made over 40 grand over the course of two years as company supply. 3/1

>> No.15313611

Abloobloobloo whine some more you fucking baby.
Its clear you're a worthless fucking idiot if you're literally too much of a scared pussy to cook for yourself.

>> No.15313623

I'm the original suggestor, not the "abloobloobloo" guy, I really think you should give it a shot
t. a guy who wasted a good chunk of my 20s with anxiety

>> No.15313631

Do your own research faggot.

But you don't need MREs. Eat canned food or the shit in little packs that you can cook up quickly. MREs will not satisfy you, sure they're easy to make ready, but they have lots of calories, more than you'd need in a regular day.

>> No.15313674

You need to force yourself to face the anxiety, there is no way around this. Been there, I'm sorry.
Start with something straight forward and not intimidating. Boiled eggs, set and forget until your phone timer screams at you. They will come out perfect every single time.
If you find yourself some microwavable rice and a can of beans you can use that as a base while you expand your menu.
Get soy sauce, dump rice, canned meat and eggs in a skillet. No secret, just mix and stop when things start looking burned.

>> No.15313677
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>how easy are they to make?
literally just buy and pack a bunch of dried/instant food that doesnt spoil into some large ziploc bags.
toss in some salt & pepper sachets from Mcdonalds and a plastic spoon.

Remember, MREs arent what soldiers eat on the daily. They're typically only given out on patrols and to guys on the frontline.
Usually soldiers get cycled off of the frontline back to the nearest base where military cooks prepare either bulk food, or use 10-man ration packs to prepare hot food.

Keep this in mind when making your own MREs. Look at pic related.
Is it a healthy, balanced diet that'll keep you alive over the course of years?
Fuck no.
It's literal college student-tier food.
But it's lightweight, tasty enough, easy to prepare and has a long shelf life. It'll keep you fed and happy for a day when out camping, through-hiking or tramping on a Great Walk.

>> No.15313682
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>> No.15313700
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Ausfag here.
I make little home-made MREs like this and always keep a couple in my vehicle. I do a lot of desert and outback driving, so you never know when your number's up and you'll be stuck camping on the side of the highway for a night waiting for someone else to come past to help you out.

I also keep an extra one in my camping shit, so if I either feel like staying an extra night on a whim or if I get injured and need to bunker down for an extra day i'm covered.

>> No.15313747

The kosher ones will cost you extra :^)
All you do is add water to a little pouch lean it against a rock or something and it will heat up the entree and whatever else you want (hands, cookie, ect).
I would recommend soup and TV dinners tho MRES are hella expensive.

>> No.15313763

bread and butter, toasted first

>> No.15313776

MREs are only good for the novelty, or when you're actually outdoors (or you just want to pretend you're steve).
otherwise just a hot bowl of instant noodles/soup/pasta is a much better option.

>> No.15313810
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>buy bike
>feels fucking great to forget about life for 2 hours a day, exercise is just a side effect
>usually go out at night when there's no one around
>curfews are back on again
>no going out after 9pm and weekends
>can only go cycling on weekdays when there's cars and people everywhere
shit sucks

>> No.15314647

>go for a 45min walk every day for two weeks
>*dies of covid*
>*gets cured of depression*

>> No.15314703

Lol... MREs.

Hillbilly prepper loser detected. Biden's gunna FIX the damned country Cletus not ruin it. You'll thank us later. Mind you we are taking your guns away from you.

>> No.15315052

take this from a guy that's eaten them - you're almost better off with beans my dude.

>> No.15315067

mres are super expensive

canned fish and microwave veggies are your friend
>bag of broccoli into nuker
>pour hot broc onto plate
>put butter on broc
>open can of sardines/mackerel/tuna onto broc
>add a few ounces of cheese

boner pull tea

>> No.15315075

if a cop hassles you for curfew either shoot him or find his address on your property tax website and seduce his wife

>> No.15315102

Some hotdogs and a can of beans heated in a pot will beat most MREs. Trust me on this.
And they're not cheap at all.
If you're really so depressed or inept you're better off buying Hungry Man dinners and frozen pizzas etc. than MRE's.
Maybe if you did get off your ass and did some cooking it would improve your mood a little, though. It's very therapeutic for me.
It doesn't have to be fancy French cooking that takes hours of effort either. Throw a chicken and some root veggies in the oven or make a stew or something. You can find ten minutes to peel some potatoes. Come on.

>> No.15315112

Based vets tough loving OP Gomer Pyle

>> No.15315121
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even the bottom of the barrel room temperature IQ private is able to handle making an MRE, tho if you somehow can't you can always eat them cold. Be warned tho, they stop you up and after a few meals the novelty wears off and they all start to taste repulsive. Except for #10, that fat slut will always taste good.

>> No.15315441

I've heard about the constipation issue my whole life but it was never a problem for me.
I think a lot of the guys just don't drink enough water.

Yeah, it's absolute bullshit. Fresh air is the best defense against catching a cold. That's why people get them in Winter; they're sitting inside with the windows closed all day.
Air out your home daily.

>> No.15316201

I would cook for you and talk to you for some bucks and a bj

>> No.15316815

You can get some variety by menu rotation.
Beans one day, one of a dozen flavors of chunky soup the next, canned pasta once in a while.

If you don't like canned macaroni and cheese, you probably won't like MREs and should cook something.

2 pound foil loaf pan
1/2 cup rice (enriched long grain or jasmine)
2 shakes of salt
1 bay leaf (or not.. it does something, but omittable)
lay out baby carrots on top of rice
(or sliced real carrots, if you can face the anxiety of using a knife)
1 cup water (use the 1/2 cup rice measure twice)
make a lid from a piece of foil

bake 350f for 35 minutes
pull out
wait 10 minutes before unwrapping to allow steam to finish texturizing the rice

You can use real dishes, but foil is disposable

>> No.15316820

You`re a weak pussy I would bash your teeth It

>> No.15317088

You can make an original MRE used by mexican and american cattle drovers in the 1800's driving cattle 1000's of miles, the original chili con carne.
>finely chop a tough cut of beef
>mix in dried chopped mexican chilis
>add copious kosher salt
>mix well, form into cubes and thotoughly dry
>add to water and simmer
Conceivably the best homemade MRE you can make at home.

>> No.15317129

>I don’t feel like cooking because I’m depressed
>ok op, how about you cook a bunch of shit?

>> No.15317246

Not that cheap. You're better off looking into alternative heating methods if you don't plan on using the stove, oven, or microwave. It might lift your spirits to make a fire pit and warm up your food using cast iron, or skewering it and roasting hotdogs camp style.

>> No.15317401

MRE's are only cheap if the government is paying for them. Just get a bunch of canned foods that are safe to eat cold if you're too sad to even use your stove.

>> No.15317604

Do OMAD, and the meal being a protein (preferably collagen based) shake, a green superfood shake, a whole-food Multivitamin, an omega-3 supplement, a quality probiotic (30CFU or more), baby aspirin. Some sort of targeted antioxidant can help too such as but not limited to: Oral Glutathione, 250mg+ Resveratrol, Curcumin (500mg) Black Seed Oil (choose a company that focuses on concentrated Thymoquinone). Maybe do some yoga or pilates. Be diligent and persistent as you can for 2 weeks...

Afterwards, try adding D3+K2 (Solaray makes a great one). If this doesn't help you, get blood work done and get some help promptly as you may be nutrient deficient critically that deserves immediate attention.

I've been there, and these helped a lot. Get well soon anon.