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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15304523 No.15304523 [Reply] [Original]

>Cute cashier draws you this
>stares at you for a second
>adds a heart while suppressing a smile
What do?

>> No.15304525

Smile and thank him

>> No.15304527

>What do?
Die, because you will never have another moment of comparable affection and joy.

>> No.15304529

Demand a refund because the whore contaminated my food

>> No.15304530

you're retarded if you think a woman did something this autistic

>> No.15304531

>thank him
I did, I sucked his cock. I'm a girl btw (born male)

>> No.15304535

i'm born female

>> No.15304538

the only autism i am seeing is every post in this thread

>> No.15304582

Ask why they said they gave me wings but there are none in the box.

>> No.15304589

I'm going to kill myself in public in an extremely gruesome manner in front of hundreds of children.

>> No.15304594

alert redbull for copyright infringement

>> No.15304599

How can you be a girl if you were born male?

>> No.15304600

God I hope so except you're alone with no one else around to be harmed.

>> No.15304610

You just got corona virus. I'm sorry OP....

>> No.15304611

A witch played a prank on me.

>> No.15304613

yeah who cares, I didn't even get a flu shot

>> No.15304641

How do you fat fucks eat this without feeling bloated and shitty for eating half a days worth of calories? Hell I get guilty for eating too much yoghurt, blueberry abd oats and thats as bad as it gets for me. How do fat fucks live with themselves?

>> No.15304649

>you'll never be a woman

>> No.15304660

But I identify as a man?

>> No.15304664

No one claimed you were smart.

>> No.15304669

Wow its almost like some people have jobs or muscles. I load like 7 semi truckfulls of amazon boxes a night. Like 50000 pounds of boxes

>> No.15304671

By not having an eating disorder.

>> No.15304673

When I'm suffering from PMS I feel bloated and shitty anyway, might as well stuff my gob.

t. male who identifies as female and larps PMS

>> No.15304675

fucking idiot who drew this probably believes in g*d

>> No.15304742

But I work in the meat industry when Im not studying part time. My job is to literally push half a ton of beef carcass on railings from one side of the factory to the other every minute. Your job is easy because its mainly cardio shit when each package has a max weight of 15kgs, my job is known for conditioning guys who wanna do the most physically demanding but well payed job in the factory. You still have to eat healthy even if your metabolism is sky high. Eating high saturated fats crap just makes you sluggish. Healthy greens+protein+whole grain rice will make you look like a beautiful scuplted man. A diet of parma and chips will hide those beautiful muscles youve been building doing the hard work and make you slow. Why do you sabotage yourself?

>> No.15304755

faggots detected
it's parma.

>> No.15304757
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>> No.15304785

i gave up a long time ago
also you're a fag

>> No.15304844

Nothing wrong with being a fag, friend

>> No.15304864

>What do?
Wake up from my dream

>> No.15304871

oh no no no

>> No.15304882

>i-i like you too
then pass out for blood pressure

>> No.15304896

Nothing is more pure than masculine love, friend

>> No.15304900
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That's not a bad way to scar someone for life desu. If you feel so broken and defeated and want to die you might as well do it in front of the person you hate and give them a haunting memory. I'd gladly shoot myself in front of my boss if I was done with life.

>> No.15304905

>Fix it.
And then get gut points and charisms points

>> No.15304919

CHUD DETECTED! You are pathetic, grow up trans women are valid no matter what you bigots say.

>> No.15304923

weak bait, my cockfiend

>> No.15304924

well the other half a days worth of calories doesnt have to me more parma you twat, you can actually eat something healthier, or better yet just not have a weak stomach

>> No.15304928

do it faggot

>> No.15304939

Yes because a low impulse parma eater will be calorie counting after work. Lol

>> No.15304952


Nah, youll be behaving like you do at work, believing that you have the right to stuff every feel good piece of carb in your mouth because you deserved it after a hard day of work without realising youre overeating

>> No.15304967



>> No.15304982

>eats one thing that's unhealthy that day
>"diet ruined, better eat more junk later"

lmao yeah real fat fucks probably do think like that, but I don't think its a stretch for normal people to understand roughly what they're eating and the repercussions

>> No.15305320

>did you draw yourself in there, honey? Cause you're an angel
Watch her giggle and wet her panties

>> No.15305328

stop tickling her then creep

>> No.15305380

Nothing pure about feces.

>> No.15306608

>What do?
Tell her to keep the change, because that's all she's worth

>> No.15306667
File: 275 KB, 584x814, Img_2020_12_29_00_58_08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me
>Like to frequent the same cafes, restaraunts, even prefer "my" mcdonald's
>Female employees eventually start talking to me and giving me free food
>Get uncomfy
>Stop going there
>Get likes everyday on hinge
>Turned off by the idea that they just want a stoic dildo ATM
>Send them some nonsensical message and then ignore
Holy shit I may be gynophobic

>> No.15306855

>I think genital mutilation because of delusions is heckin cute and valid

>> No.15306910

Nah, you are just a faggot, anon.

>> No.15306930

this is the board where everyone has seen Nikocado's obliterated anus, try to peddle your retardation elsewhere

>> No.15307050

Thank them for the food and leave.

>> No.15307052

I dunno. Never once felt anything for men, but got burned falling in love with random thots

>> No.15307119

I have never seen Nikocado's obliterated anus, nor indeed a single full video of his. I have discretion and taste in the youtube I consume.

>> No.15307228

Stream it

>> No.15307230

Many angry incels here. I wonder why they hate imaginary women so much

>> No.15307924

>"i don't want women to just use me, is there something wrong with me?"

>> No.15309245

walk out of the store

>> No.15309266
File: 1.61 MB, 640x1136, 3D3DF273-AABF-4855-B35A-DEAC1B4BE571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15309274

Educate her on anatomy
Hair has volume
Heads have ears
Necks aren't that long
Those arms have no muscle mass
One of the arms is bending like a tube and has no elbow
Right wing is coming from her back while left wing is coming from her arm
One of the hands has a finger more than the other

>> No.15309282

I'm drowning myself in a water tank so everyone drinks my putrid juices

>> No.15309287

Its called purging
It getseasier the more you eat

>> No.15309290

do a flip faggot

>> No.15309300

Hate them when they tell me their pronouns

>> No.15309304

Unless they literally write their number down on the box or receipt, don't read too into it like an autist.

>> No.15309387

Wait but how else do you get laid? How are dudes that are smart to women's tricks getting laid? Are they just tricking them back or what

>> No.15309403
File: 1.11 MB, 2672x2656, gywr2gc0wcr51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jump out the house
Jump out the house
Jump out the house
Jump out the house
Jump out the house
Jump out the house

>> No.15309407

>be hungry in college town
>go to local greek restaurant
>qt3.14 offers pita sample
>be only pita bread sample
>no meat
>think to myself why the fuck would I want to sample bread, cheap whore
>say no thanks
>qt3.14 mean mugs me
>I'll take a lamb giro

>> No.15309411

Where are you going to find an audience of hundreds of children? Field trips and school assemblies aren’t a thing anymore.

>> No.15309426

This person is hella cute

>> No.15309436

This person is unironically super cute

>> No.15309442

Taking hormones and socially transitioning.

It can be hard but desu I just love being a girl, it took a long time and a lot of effort to get here but I'm now really comfortable with my body and my identity and my life :)

>> No.15309444

Y-y-y-you too.

>> No.15309446


>> No.15309463

Do it and I'll suck your lifeless cock. Send me the deets

>> No.15310004

do it on the steps of congress instead

>> No.15310072

Cancel the order and ask for a refund. Never return their again

>> No.15310076

Why would you not just shoot your boss

>> No.15310080

>how do you eat half a days worth of calories
>when by definition they should be eating twice that amount bare minimum

>> No.15310082

Nice looking parm, how was it?

>> No.15310150

I don't want to deal with HR

>> No.15310157

Female here. I hate PMS. Waistline goes up by a couple of inches even if I don't eat. It sucks.

>> No.15310175
File: 467 KB, 853x642, 1436652258314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we use the term femfag now, it's more keyed than "female"

>> No.15310185


>> No.15310219
File: 46 KB, 600x610, Todd6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15310224

Go back to discord, loser

>> No.15310225

ok, you take care of yourself homo

>> No.15310240

made me chuckle, thanks

>> No.15311024
File: 402 KB, 1162x585, 1600158530422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15311085

>tfw relationships are just two people tricking each other

>> No.15311247

I’m lost, googled parmis and it means “among” in French. I don’t get it.

>> No.15311266

Among gives you wings m8, easy as

>> No.15311269

I think it's parm's, the artist is just sloppy.

>> No.15311282

The food is parmi. It's a play on the Red Bull slogan and the probability of getting a heart attack and becoming an angel if you keep eating that shit.

>> No.15311292

There's no I in parmesan though needledick.

>> No.15311309


>> No.15311409

Projecting pretty hard there.

>> No.15311696
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>> No.15311722
File: 50 KB, 1024x821, dilate tranny ywnbaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artificial meats will never be a real choice for serious diners.

>> No.15311983

keyed and locked, dear gentlesir

>> No.15312561
File: 719 KB, 446x1000, 1445282586677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drawing a shitty picture on your takeout box
>asking stupid unrelated question
Thats a woah mama from me

>> No.15312575
File: 81 KB, 893x767, 1598160473416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
because I'm obviously dreaming

>> No.15312594
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>> No.15313088

worthwhile women dont put themselves out there in the places you're looking.

>> No.15313230

Ask her to brap on my food

>> No.15313655
File: 750 KB, 1000x737, 53643-1gszfeazuloxof5qsl3aiog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just trying to brag to strangers on the internet that girls like you.
Eat shit retard nobody is impressed.

>> No.15313895

Hey aspie just cause they tell you to have a nice day after taking your order doesn’t mean they’re secretly filling journals with your name and doodle hearts over and over. jesus.

>> No.15313938


>> No.15313943

>inb4 find a nice church going wench

>> No.15313948

I'm so sorry anon

>> No.15313962

This is not Covid compliant. I will report to the management for another portion of parmis.

>> No.15314040
File: 1.46 MB, 3840x2160, 1600483029585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oof well done anon well done

>> No.15314053

Meet brainwashed Hillsong chick, seduce her, marry her, convert her to Satanism. It's the only path to happiness anymore.

>> No.15314058
File: 26 KB, 779x719, 1607065353415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based af

>> No.15314112

Me, too. Just with a man's body.

>> No.15315756

Post a link when you do my dude

>> No.15315777

I hope (you) feel better anon

>> No.15315924


>> No.15316271

you don't have to eat it all on the same go, it'll keep good enough in room temp for a day or two.

>> No.15316705

Ask to speak to his manager and get him FIRED.

>> No.15317238
