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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15303133 No.15303133 [Reply] [Original]

show us your worst /ck/

>> No.15303525

Twice my food was delivered to someone else's home. Fuck knows whose. I imagine some person just walked out the next morning and found $60 worth of cold Thai food just sitting there. The other time was McDonald's. Boring but that's the worst I can recall.

>> No.15303541

>order late night McDonald's on uber eats
>pass out before it gets there
>wake up, so hungover/drunk don't even think about it
>it had been storming all early morning
>eat rainwater mcdonalds

>> No.15303544

Other than the occasional forgotten item I haven't really had bad fast food experiences. Yet.

>> No.15303554

Passing out drunk while waiting for your food is fucked. I've completely forgotten about it until next morning once and it was just left on the doorstep. Another time I had like 6 missed calls on my phone and the person hadn't left anything and when I tried calling, no answer and the restaurant was closed. My own fault so I didn't chase a refund.

>> No.15303558
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>order food from micky deez
>ask for no onions
>get burger
>onions are in my burgers

>> No.15303561

>No onions
Are you allergic or just gay?

>> No.15303562

Every time I've ordered Popeyes they get the order wrong. Sometimes it's been missing sauces, sometimes it was missing orders of fries. Not the worst thing ever but still sucks, you know.

>> No.15303564
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Not so much a horror story, but I flipped my lid. So I'm at my local Jack in the Crack at 2:15 AM kinda drunk but not overly so (I don't drink and drive anymore), and I order a munchie meal. There are a couple cars in front of me, I see they direct the guy in the big truck before me to pull around and park and they'll bring it out. I get up there and they tell me to do the same. After about 15 minutes, he heads back through and takes off a minute later. I keep waiting, eventually for FOURTY minutes because I was buzzing, but still optimistically awaiting my food. I eventually get pissed and pull back through. They tell me that they forgot my order, they're super sorry, blah blah blah. I see it's basically 2 people working and it's late so I decide to be the bigger person and be polite. I tell them it's alright, I understand even though I'm pretty miffed by this point. They offer a free dessert, but I say no because I don't eat sweets much. They hand me my food, I get home without checking the bag because I assume, "How could they fuck this up again? No way." THEY GAVE ME THE WRONG FUCKING FOOD. Fuck my local jack in the box, buncha godless bastards running the place

>> No.15303566

I've learned to stop ordering mcdonalds, it always takes literal hours late at night. It's insane. Luckily there's a local joint that stays open till 4 am, that has tendies, catfish, and bbq. So i get them now, takes like 20-30 min

>> No.15303569

>yes all i want to taste is onions in my multi-ingredient sandwich

>> No.15303575
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I went to the Arby's in Spokane WA and about 4 hours later my stomach was so bloated and agitated that I could feel hot oil starting to leak out of my sphincter. I barely got to a public toilet in time and it was legitimately explosive diarrhea so bad I had to run back to the hotel and change my shirt. There were a lot of people around, it was humiliating.

Fuck you Arbys

>> No.15303580

I'm assuming that food is much more enjoyable than McDicks.

Anyways, I ordered McDs and my coworker had said that the Filet o Fuck was actually really great. I order it and a McChicken or McDouble on the side just in case I didn't like the fish. I pick up my order and I get everything but when I open the box for the fish, it's a quarter pounder with cheese and bacon. I check the label they place on the box and it said filet o fish.

Not so bad, i enjoyed the meal. Then i order it again a couple weeks later. I get the filet o fish and it's the worst thing I've ever eaten. I took two bites before throwing out the sandwich and also spitting out the food in my mouth.

>> No.15303582

KFC sometimes does free delivery here like when there's a major sporting event but it takes forever because it seems like everyone is ordering at the same time. I ordered at 7:30 and got my food a bit after 11. They did send me an email with another free delivery voucher as an apology though. McDonald's usually gets here pretty quick, though I live just 10 minutes from one. If I wasn't drunk and lazy or if delivery cost more than $1.99 I'd just do the drive.

>> No.15303585

>stumble into quiznos
>phone rings while waiting on sandwich
>it’s the pizza guy
>grab sandwich and stumblerun 2 blocks home
>catch pizza guy as he’s leaving
>balance sandwich, drink, chips, hot wings and garlic bread on pizza box and head inside apartment building
>phone rings
>chinese food has arrived
I ate like a king and learned a valuable lesson about one-click ordering.

>> No.15303592

How disorderly must your life be, that you can spend over $100 by accident on delivery food?

>> No.15303594

I’m better now.

>> No.15303602
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This made me laugh so fucking hard. I genuinely felt as if my eyes would pop out of my head. And now I've woken up my family. Thanks man, holy fuck what a good laugh.

>> No.15303604

Thank fucking god anon. I mean really. I'm genuinely, and I'm not even kidding, relieved to hear that.

>> No.15303672
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>> No.15303673

I don't mean this to be inflammatory but how old are you, anon? I used to feel the exact same way about onions on burgers until my late twenties and now a burger feels incomplete without them at age 31.

>> No.15303688

top kek

>> No.15303726
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I got food poisoning from Wendy's born l chicken nuggets, it gave me a terrible stomach ache and made me constipated for like a week so I couldn't relieve myself and all I could do was lay in bed in the fetal position to try and stimulate a bowel movement. Eventually had to go to the doctor for antibiotics.

Another time I was going on vacation and landed late at night, went to Jack in the box to get something to eat because it was the only thing open and there was a dude standing by the cashiers with no shirt or shoes trying to sell porn dvds to people waiting to order, curly fries were pretty good though.

>> No.15303746

>at work for the day, gas station jockey
>order some fried rice for a quick and easy dinner while I work
>specify as much as I can I need utensils, chopsticks or fork whatever
>get food
>no utensils at all
Eating rice with my bare hands like a fucking animal, still not as bad as when the same thing happened with a poutine.

>> No.15303748
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>> No.15303801


>> No.15304255

>Be me
>Headed home after late night gym sesh
>Bis and tris, baby
>Looking swole, fukkin joocey
>Hit McD's drivethru for day der dirty bulk
>2 McDoubles, no chup, McChicken, add pickle and onion
>Super fine black qt3.14 at the window
>"You look like you could be one a dem Hollister models!"
>T-thanks, you too
>Pull away feeling great
>Get home
>Stupid bitch forgot my McChicken

>> No.15304384

You need to hang it up.

>> No.15304387

DYEL. Negress was mirin, brah. Guns spooked her and she forgot the Chick. Probably ate it herself.

>> No.15304396

An Indian woman in Oshawa took 28 minutes to make a roast beef footlong at Subway. It was unexpected and virtually inexplicable.

>> No.15304698

What language is this?

>> No.15305010

>Guns spooked her and she forgot the Chick
This checks out

>> No.15305093
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Wigger speak almost the same as nigger speak.

>> No.15305890

McDonald's wagie here. One dude ordered a chicken legend with BBQ sauce and garlic mayo.

Also, I got a gravynaisse (yes, I know) burger in KFC today and it was absolutely disgusting

>> No.15305900

>Not mavy

Who fucked that one up?

>> No.15305977

>>15303558 some brainlet redditor is going to screencap your post

>> No.15306329
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10/10 storytelling

>> No.15306382
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>walk to mcdonalds on lunchbreak from work
>Get a mchicken and a mcdouble
>Line is massive, takes forever to get food.
>have to eat while I walk to get back to office in time
>Mcdouble has no pickles or mustard
>dissapointed but eat it anyway
>bite into mchicken
>they forgot the chicken
>literally a mayo and lettuce sandwich.

My disappointment was immeasurable and my day was ruined.

>> No.15306427

>Be me
>Hate myself
>Eat fast food bc I only deserve slop

>> No.15306480
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>in line at MagDonna's drive thru
>place my order
>waiting to get to first window to pay
>impatient twat behind me keeps honking
>get to first window
>pay for my meal and impatient twat's meal
>get receipts for both meals
>get to second window
>collect both meals
>drive off
>MFW she has to circle around and go through drive though again

>> No.15306499


>> No.15306630

The first (and last) time I used a third-party food delivery service, I ordered a big mac with nuggies.
The big mac was dry as fuck, and somehow, i really don't know how, it was missing one of the meat patties. How do you fuck that up? >inb4 the driver ate it

>> No.15306680

why so many nonfunctioning American alcoholics ITT lmao

>> No.15306709

i mean the stoners at taco bell ALWAYS forget the cinnamon twists, so i learned you always have to check inside the bag before driving off now. end of story.

>> No.15306713

>go to sonic
>they have some kind of buy 1 get 1 free deal on chicken wings
>get food and receipt
>look at it
>receipt is as much as my hella fat friend's
>they didn't give me the bogo
>go inside
>watch ghetto black woman berate tiny malnourished black girl
>think I got her fired

>> No.15306842

I never got fountain soda after my first restaurant job. I would eat a burger dropped on the floor before I consume that soda mold again

>> No.15306870

I used to work at McDonald's at behind the grill was more than an inch thick layer of accumulated fat coating the wall.

>> No.15306986

When I was 5 or 6 years old I was sick with something but my parents hadn't realized it yet, we went into McDonald's and I said I had to use the bathroom. My stomach was kind of hurting and I felt dizzy and by the time I got inside the bathroom I just wanted to throw up, so I did inside a floor urinal. Then I felt like I had to shit really bad and immediately pulled my pants down and shat in the other clean urinal. My mom went inside the restroom and discovered me hunched over in my own filth and then cleaned me up with some paper towels and baby wipes. We quickly exited McD's. I feel bad for the employee(s?) that had to clean that up.

>> No.15306999

why are you a faggot?

>> No.15307124

>at MICKd’S
>double quarter pounder, no onion, 1 slice of cheese
>burger arrives
>it’s a single quarter pounder with onion and two slices of cheese
>the patty is a ducking fossil, dry and lukewarm
>bring it up to the cashier, ask for a new one
>cashier looks like he’s pissed off at me
>as I’m sitting down I glance into the kitchen
>the cashier is pointing me out to the cook, they’re both giving me the death stare
>food arrives and it’s what I wanted
They probably came in it or something.
Who gets mad at having to cook the correct thing? Why even bother working a job if you don’t want to do the job correctly?

>> No.15307274

Ordered McDonald’s. The coffee spilled while it was getting delivered and because there is “no contact drop off” now, the delivery driver left the mess at my door step. I complained and they suspended my account because I apparently complain too much.

>> No.15307422

>work dead-end factory job
>30 minute lunch break
>fuck it i want real food today
>walk to nearby chinese place
>walk in and i'm the only customer there
>place order and wait
>place is clearly not busy at all, nobody comes in and nobody goes out
>5 minutes
>10 minutes
>20 minutes later
>finally get my stryofoam box of rice and sugar-coated "chicken"
>eat food on the walk back
>food is somehow already cold, tastes like oil
>rice is a solid mass of mush
>get back 5 minutes after break ended
At least I got a fork.

>> No.15307562

salmonella so bad i threw up black ???, crawled into the bathtub, and passed out. woke up in a puddle of my own diarrhea+vomit 4-5 times that night and just turned on the faucet to rinse off. eternally grateful i live alone

>> No.15307871

they sound like cunts but
>Why even bother working a job if you don’t want to do the job correctly?
nobody works at mcds because they want

>> No.15307920
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Not fast food, but still revolving around food
>Flashback to 5 or 6 years ago
>15 yo anon goes on an annual winter holiday trip to Spain with mom and dad to escape slavic cold
>We decide to fly to Sevilla
>is nice - have fun for 5 days exploring the city and eating tasty spanish treats
>On evening of the last day before the flight we go to this Japanese-Peruvian fusion place. They basically served ceviche sushi or some shit like that
>it was decent if I remember
>few hours later, I go to bed and fall asleep
>wake up in the middle of the night with big nausea
>run to the toilet
>spend 4-5 hours in the toilet violently shitting and puking interchangeably to the point where I am dehydrated, shaking and tired from lack of sleep
>the morning comes, my bowels have nothing to shit out so I just make those wet farts that faintly smell of shit
>we pack up and leave the apartament to make our way through the city centre to the shuttle bus stop
>During the entire trip through the city and the shuttle ride have the wet shitty farts roughly every 15 minutes
>underwear is soaked but thankfully no shit stained pants or smell that could bring attention from strangers
>make our way to the airport
>the same shit happens for next 2 hours until the flight, dad bought me some isotonic drinks to not fucking die
>Get on the flight back, fall asleep immidiately after the takeoff
>get back home, spend next 2 days resting in the bed from the shit and puke galore
>It was either food poisoning or virus, since my parents had similar symptoms for next 2 days after we came back
>still have flashbacks from that day

>> No.15307990

>go to carl's jr.
>they ran out of ingredients and we have to wait for food
>tell mom to go somewhere else but she's pissed and being bitchy that day and we have to wait for the food
>2 hours later carl's jr is ready
Was not worth it

>> No.15308002

all women are whores, yes, even mommy dearest

>> No.15308103

I didn’t want to work at Cracker Barrel either but I was one of the best dish bitches that place ever had.

>> No.15308104

eggcellent! XD

>> No.15308300

>the Arby's in Spokane WA
Anon, I know what you're talking about. One time I went there and it literally felt like my stomach was filled with molten metal, and I fucking blew up my hotel toilet.
I wonder if that place is some sort of weird killer arbys

>> No.15308315

you are retarded and so is the LARPing faggot you are responding to...never post here again

>> No.15308332
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Dumb lil anon.......

>> No.15308343

once I ordered from uber eats - 2 different dishes and they delivered someone ELSE'S order lol. I drove to the restaurant after talking to them on the phone. My order was still sitting on their counter. So I ended up getting my order PLUS someone else's. Thanks Uber Eats!!

>> No.15308348

I worked at Burger King as a teen and the gay guy used to tease me that he was going to fuck my asshole on my 18th birthday. I ignored him because i figured he was just being a faggot (and he was managers pet and I needed the job to help my family).

18th birthday rolls around and that night he cornered me in the fridge and grabbed my cock. I kneed him in the balls and told the manager and naturally they believed his story that it was a hate crime and I got fired.

Luckily the McDonalds hired me and I met a chick there and had sex [spoiler] for the only time ever

>> No.15308360


>> No.15308379
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>walk into a mcdick's
>It has one of those disgusting indoor playplaces
>downie is pissing in ballpit while moaning in what I can only assume is either pleasure or pain
>Black crackhead in drag with weirdly bent legs is chimping out at the cashier for some reason and jumping up and down
>fat mexican kid is watching that one Scottish youtuber play a horror game on his phone at max volume
>another kid in a sonic shirt is running around in circles yelling "SUPER SPEED" over and over again
>watch the spectacle for a little bit longer, do a 180 and leave

>> No.15308384
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One time at a bk drivethru i ordered my usual bacon double cheeseburger. Over a period of time they seemed to have been making them all in advance and nuking them before handing them out. Kept being disappointed with the cheese being almost liquified and the whole burger being scalding hot. Finally snapped one day when i got the worst i had ever experienced of that nuking treatment and i drove back thru the drivethru and threw the wretched mess at the drivethru window and i instantly became reformed from my bk double bacon cheeseburger addiction

>> No.15308386

honestly you deserved it desu

>> No.15308418

>drive thru Burger King
>order Whopper
>get home
>unwrap the 'pper
>take bite
>only toppings are pickles, onion, and ketchup

Went back a few weeks later and the whopper didn't have onions, but instead had about 7 extra pickles on it.

>> No.15308432

You got filtered, pleb

>> No.15308454

>new years ever
>order pizza from local chain
>go to pick it up
>dining room is completely empty except for one 14 year old kid
>he has his desktop PC set up in the booth, playing WoW
>two large pizzas, two 2L sodas, and a plate of wings on the table
>he is by himself
>looks happy as fuck

Probably had a better new years than I did

>> No.15308584

Farts always smell like shit

>> No.15308772

okay retard fix your diet

>> No.15308822

You waited 4 hours to use the restroom? Just got after 1

>> No.15308858

Kek. Gonna have to remember to do this.

>> No.15308896
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I'm a fan of crispy chicken sandwiches. I like them even more if there's a spicy option, and even more if there's some kind of other option that adds bacon and cheese. At this point on probably 20+ occasions at several different restaurants I've had fast food workers fuck up my order because "spicy crispy chicken club" is too many modifiers for them to hold in their brain at one time.
"Chicken sandwich" would be fine, "crispy chicken sandwich" is pushing it, but "spicy crispy chicken club" is simply beyond their comprehension and they'll forget a part of the order or give me something else entirely maybe 50% of the time.
There was one particular worker at a Tim's I often visited for lunch at my old job who got the sauce wrong 9 times in a row. There were only two options. That's worse than if she had just flipped a fucking coin to decide what sauce to use.

>> No.15309142

And that's why you'll eventually make something of yourself if you haven't already.
When i was a wagie i noticed that there are those who complain about life and do nothing, and those who accept it and actually do something.

>> No.15310282

>go to mc donald's
>skeleton at the window

>> No.15310650

>11 or 12
>long day of shopping
>bk had this saucy buffalo chicken sandwhich
>mom orders that
>sitting in car munching
>she's all of a sudden wretching
>dad looks at her sandwhich
>the patty was raw.
>she hasn't had fast food chicken in years

>> No.15310658

This is fucking genius

>> No.15310800

Anon, what do your farts smell like?

>> No.15310856

>Welcome to McDonald's
>can I get a Mcgriddle

>gives me two Mcgriddle cakes with no sausage
should've specified

>> No.15311063

>like nuggies
>oh hey it's that guy that likes nuggets
Fuck you, you fucking bitch. I can drive 10 mins in any direction and arrive at another mcdonalds.

>> No.15311067

based except for being a tripfag

>> No.15311071

I ate somewhere and the child didn't give me release.

>> No.15311079

Where is mag donna's?

>> No.15311083

>molten metal
that was exactly what happened. it didn't taste off at all, it was fine but holy shit~

the core meltdown took about 3.5hrs anon, maybe my guts are slow or maybe i was just coping as best i could but 4hrs in i was sick as a dog with that fucking beef'n cheddar

>> No.15311107 [DELETED] 

Do you ever put your dick up to a fast food joints hot tub bubble/water jets until it brings you to orgasm and you cum in the tub?

>> No.15311201

Lmao mcsauce sandwiches
>At mcds with grandparents sometime in the early 2000s
>Signs everwhere advertising "delicious bbq chicken sandwich"
>Was supposed to be some sort of shredded chicken with bbq sauce or something
>Grandpa orders it
>No chicken except for a few tiny shreds

The product was discontinued a week later.

>> No.15311218

I like to masturbate in this one taco bell that has a handicap toilet. I can put my tablet down on the baby changing station (isn't it weird they are all at the same exact height to fuck a toddler standing up?) so I can masturbate with two hands and fling it somewhere. It's like a mini office lots of room.

>> No.15311326

That's why I always ask for the McNiggle

>> No.15311379

>be in Cincinnati OH
>go to Steak and Shake
>get fucked in the ass in the bathroom
>get HIV

>> No.15311424

Oh shit, I was in Columbus and did the same with a kid in the br.

>> No.15311428

>working fast food
>ask customer to pull through
>he gets out and sits on the car roof
>literally wtf?
>pulls his pants down and masturbates
>pulls himself off through the window
>16 year old cashier shrieks at the airborne sperm and farts in terror
>everybody is surprised and starts farting
>assistant manager sharts herself
>some people get a whiff of this and start puking
>more sharts ensue
>poo and vomit everywhere

>> No.15311433

will you answer the call?

>> No.15311441

Is it true you can cum in the fryer because it's so hot it makes no difference?

>> No.15311447

can someone translate this?

>> No.15311478


>> No.15311498

Much like your mom, that sucked and was retarded

>> No.15311510


>> No.15311538

I think I've been to that mcdicks and used that same stall after you had just finished.

>> No.15311744

Last time I was at fast food, I stopped at Popeyes because I had never had it and heard it was good, a black guy ran in and punched another black guy blabbering about how he had been fucking his girl. I picked up my tray and carried it to my car until it ended, it didn't and cops came so I just left with the tray which I still have at home. Now I stick to Wendy's and Dunkin, but only if I forget to make breakfast before work, and then only the drive through because I'm concerned about this behavior repeating itself.

>> No.15312114

It’s Arby’s. You knew what you were signing up for. This is the only restaurant where I know I’ll feel worse after eating there.

>> No.15312126

got the norovirus sometime last year, my roommates thought i was going to die

>> No.15312210

Woke up my wife with laughter

>> No.15312221


>> No.15312230

I'm dying

>> No.15312257

Just gay

>> No.15312276

>work at mcdicks
>something starts fucking up the ice cream machine as usual
>somehow a rat got into the machine and was chopped up by the blade
>ice cream machine up and running 20 minutes later
Don't fucking eat at mcdicks

>> No.15312277

I had a friend who thought farts only smelled like shit when you had to shit. His logic was that it would only smell like poo if it was around poo in your intestines and the smell would come off the poo and make the fart smell.

>> No.15312287

He's right, but there's always some poo in there whether or not you're ready to take a dump.

>> No.15312294

>get a burger at wendys
>imediately start feeling sick 30 minuites after
>violently ill for the next week
>go to doctor
>what about any other food borne illnesses

>> No.15312297

That's a McDonalds fault though

>> No.15312302

There's no way thats true

>> No.15312363

wow thanks

>> No.15312714

Do you even lift? The female black woman was admiring my physique. However, I believe my large biceps frightened her, thus she forgot my McChicken sandwich. More than likely, she ate it herself.

>> No.15312743

He's an American, they have strange customs.

>> No.15312754

Then do it faggot

>> No.15312773

Then everyone crapped

>> No.15313016

>go to burger king to get something to eat
>it's closed because it got shot up again by gangsters

>> No.15313057

Me first job was at a KFC .
>Once dropped the full bag of chickin to the filthy as fuck kitchen floor.
>Apply my country's 5 second rule and just scoop it up quick as fuck with both hands and just like that toss it into the floury mix along w the other chicken.
>There was some sort of kiddy party going on in the restaurant.
>At least two dozen little shits zooming around.
Thats off the top of my head but i'm positive some more filthy shit happened in the restaurant

>> No.15313600

I do it a lot. It's just a bit of fun.

>> No.15313715

well maybe once you hit 31 you'll understand why you need onions

>> No.15313729

don't lie.

>> No.15313746

Holy shit I did something similar about a month ago. I was drunk and hungry so I downloaded the Uber eats app to see what was around and available. Apparently my blackout drunk ass ordered almost $300 of sushi and passed out waiting for it. Woke up the next morning and opened my front door to see enough sushi sitting there to feed an army.

>> No.15314278

>go to Wendys with friends
>table with 11 old white people and one half-black half-white ginger teenager
wtf bros.

>> No.15314408

>taking grandma somewhere
>stop for some mcydees
>make sure to check food, she got a cheese burger
>everything there, lettuce, pickles, etc
>10 minutes later, "grandma hows your burger"
>theres no patty anon

>> No.15314426
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>Make perfect burger for fast food
>faggots can't handle pickles or onion

>> No.15314431

3am catfish?


>> No.15314452

one day you will remember how cringe your language is telling a story on a Panamanian Canal Digging Construction Coop

>> No.15314477


t, Abdul Al-Inbred Dirka Muhammad

>> No.15314517

wholesome bone post

>> No.15314524

Oh my God, I lose! My fuckin sides

>> No.15314550

Fuck you Frank

>> No.15315224

They either had her wait at the window while they scrambled to make it again, or had her pull up to the front parking spaces. Either way she took it out on the staff and you're a dick.

>> No.15315276

>Order some cooking appliance online
>Business does third party delivery
>Get a fucking text from the delivery girl telling me that I wasn't there (lie) and she is going to come tomorrow
>Tell her she is supposed to call the website and report that she couldn't deliver my product and she is supposed to either send it back to the business or warehouse it came from
>Tell her I know she didn't do these because I would have gotten a notification on my phone
Haha whoops I'm not doing that, busy day
>Tell her that she can't just keep my product
>Tell her she just stole from me
>Get no reply
>Text her to send my product back over and over until I get blocked
>No way of reporting this anywhere
>Random guy brings me my package one week later
>Should be mad but I'm happy because I legit thought I would never see it again

>> No.15315334


Shat myself laughing

>> No.15315641


>> No.15316008

he said taco bell you illiterate baboon

>> No.15316028

hope you enjoyed wasting your time typing that out

>> No.15316072

>In Sandusky, OH
>Go to Taco Bell
>Go to the bathroom to get fucked up the butt by a Craigslist hookup.
>He barebacks and breeds my fat ass
>I order a 5 layer burrito
>NO sour cream!

>> No.15316123

>Decide to get Carls on the way home from work
>Mmmm Mmmm MMMM, craving that Double Western
>Pull into Drive through and order a Double western with a fry and a coke
>Two cars in front, and one more pulls up behind
>Takes 30 fucking minutes from the time I order to the time I get to the window
>Additional 15 minutes once I pay to when I receive my food
>Loudly blast Stuck in a Drive through when I receive my succulent burger
>drive the 3 minutes home
>Unwrap my delightful dinner and take a bite
>Burger is cold, bland, and flavorless
>Eat a fry
>Fry also cold
>Take a sip from my soda
>Soda is watered down
>Scowl and eat the garbage they gave me because I'm tired, hungry, and I was now committed to my anger.
Pretty bad times my dudes.

>> No.15316150

>t. impatient twat

>> No.15316316

Once I ordered from this rlly good pierogi place on ubereats as a special treat and watched the driver bike past my place on the map, dick around for an hour, then handed me a mcdonalds meal like it was nothing

>> No.15316334

One time stoned at like 1:30 am I drove to mcdonalds and got 2 mcchickens and 2 mcdoubles.
I ate one mcdouble on the way home in the dark wondering wtf was missing on it, its just off.
Get home and they didn't put any meat on the sandwiches, just mayo and lettuce on the mchickens and ketchup pickle onion on the one mcdouble I had left.
I had just eaten a whole one without even realizing there was no meat.
Dumbasses at mcdonalds told me to come back when I called them to tell them they're dumb as fuck, I did not go back.

>> No.15316339

Look, everyone...the impatient twat is posting in this thread. I enjoyed your chicken mcnuggets.

>> No.15316349
File: 189 KB, 411x500, __fumino_tamaki_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_kanikama__b6f8c4e1eaeadb3f392e89c15e9ff4c7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to McDs at 11:15 AM
>"good, still got time to order breakfast before noon"
>retarded kid is working the register
>"Hi, can I get a sausage Mcmuffin, no egg?"
>"Y-you d-don't ser-"
>kid is looking at me like I'm the retard now
>"Ohhh, s-sorry about that"
>getting talked down to by someone with 50 IQ at McDs
>"Can I get the onion cheddar burger? That'll be all"
>he rings me up in an annoyed way
>I get my burger
>of course it sucks, it's McDs
>never go back

>> No.15316377

Where do you live?

>> No.15316384

>order double cheese burger at mcfucks
>tell me to pull up to the side and wait
>30 fucking minutes go by and cars are getting their shit within minutes
>finally get my fucking burger
?????what the actual fuck

>> No.15316385


>> No.15316391

McDonald put pickles on my burger before. ):

>> No.15316413


>> No.15316847

>year of our Lord 2020
>still doing brosplits

>> No.15316888

shit, this happened to me too
>haven't had a mcgriddle in years
>go to mcdonalds
>order two bacon mcgriddles (verbatim)
>get order and drive home
>huh, these look a little thinner than I remember
>it's the mcgriddle cakes with two strips of bacon inside
>both are like that

fucking idiots. luckily that's the only time I've ever had an order messed up like that, I've been eating from the main fast food restaurants since I moved out 5 years ago and have had no issues besides that.