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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 149 KB, 1024x768, Amish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15291377 No.15291377[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do they eat?

>> No.15291380


>> No.15291391

That cart has lights.
These people are posers.

>> No.15291399

I see them at walmart all the time (i live in ontario canada)

>> No.15291406

why do only white people form communities like this?

>> No.15291409
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Idk what they eat in their daily lives, but the Amish market I've been to is all apple fritters, summer sausages, honey, rye bread, and, surprisingly, very high quality macarons.

>> No.15291411

they don't put rubber on their tires, that's it

>> No.15291414

if you're occupation is limited to farming, cooking, and quilting, i can see why macaroons would be made. high profit relative to the resources used.

>> No.15291421

Real food. Amish are based af, but they will never accept or speak honestly with an outsider (English)
It is a legal requirement in most areas. In the late 80s early 90s they would get hit by drunken drivers early in the morning with regularity. Little trad blonde girls with their organs seeping onto the pavement is not good optics, so politicians passed legislation.

>> No.15291430

Menonite and Amish are very different.

>> No.15291519

They legally have to, >>15291421 explains it very well

>> No.15291535

>knowing their father

>> No.15291552

Very Germanic fare. Amish are basically white orthodox jews.

>> No.15291562

Thats fucking sad They were probably going to milk cows

>> No.15291575
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each other

>> No.15291586

>VERY germanic fare
as opposed to slightly... germanic? lol, you don't know what you're talking about I presume

>> No.15291594

In the county north of mine some road construction workers were coming back from a bachelor party and hit two carriages with a dually GMC.
They killed 9 kids, 2 adults and 4 horses.

>> No.15291601


>> No.15291602

This Midwesterner gets it. Being a kid means calling them all Amish. Being an adult is realizing that Mennonites are Mother Earth's one true Master Race.

>> No.15291619

Are you incapable of inderstanding levels of differention? Are things black or white to you? Do you consider yourself an autist?
If you have ever visited an Amish house and spent time in Germany (out of the cities) they are nearly indistinguishable from a culinary standpoint. I would argue the Amish cooking is actually more "German"

>> No.15291627

Kind of wondering what the difference is? I know mennonites fixed the roof of our barn but thats about it

>> No.15291629

Heretical scum, fellatiating the English wizards. St. Peter will judge you wanting when you stand afore and cast you down like a jezebel.

>> No.15291632

all religious people need to just stop already

>> No.15291637
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>MFW Amish leaders post on /ck/

>> No.15291643
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religion is just an excuse for fascists to oppress gays

amish are just a child labor cult, their kids work 12+ hour days from a young age in the fields

>> No.15291644

>What do they eat?
A cross between old Colonial american-british kind of baking and pie recipes with canning and homemade breads COMBINED with old German and technical old Dutch favorites.

There's is a community that winters in Florida (well more than one, really), but the one in Sarasota is a bit of a unknown touristed area only by locals, called Pinecraft. They have a farmer's market, an ice cream shop Big Olaf's, and a restaurant called Yoders. It's popular items from pies to chicken n dumplings to roast beef dinner with choice of sides. Very good homey cooking. Fried chicken is popuar there, and there's even pretty good evidence PA "amish" had the first chicken and waffles, not Harlem. There are many furniture and restaurant choices, some rival like a cracker barrel or a golden corral all you can eat, but all of the food is good. Sarasota won't let them ride horses in the street for the welfare of the horses vs heavy traffic, but the entire community is dark and candlelit come sundown, and there are big 4 person bikes, some with carts, for going to get Ice cream at night.

>why do only white people form communities like this?
Oh, it's generational to just keep things simple and the same. To keep children on the straight and narrow religiously speaking, not exposed to heretical teachings and heathen ideas. It helps to keep them away from worldly things that could corrupt their souls and sense of family and God first. It's just how things were in the past really, their way of life. Do they operate mills with electricity, sure they do. Strong feelings about insurance though, so that financially speaking, it's gambling to them, so they just save their money, and they save it really well. Most families I think are pretty well off, they just don't have big ticket items other than land and houses to spend it on. Self insured from just savings

>> No.15291647

>Little trad blonde girls with their organs seeping onto the pavement is not good optics

Oh how times have changed... Now they consider that a feel good story.

>> No.15291650

amish rightly understand that the cage is destroying humanity. otherwise they are similar if you can call that similar.

>> No.15291653

i would much rather burn the fags

>> No.15291655


The weak should fear the strong.

>> No.15291657

>hyuck my neighbor Enoch Zacharias Schmidt done be MORE german than a german
just say no next time

>> No.15291663

Can you smell your colon with your head so far up your own bum?

>> No.15291667
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in a sane country poiticians would pass laws against running over little girls, but hey, america

>> No.15291669

you got called out
squirm and slither, pretentious worm

>> No.15291673

Menonites are much more "liberal"
When you see "Amish" in Walmart or whatever, those are Menonite.

>> No.15291699

Wasn't me, I just hate snobby autistic people.

>> No.15291704

>Is simple minded and intolerant
>Attempts to lampoon people he has never interacted with as simple minded

I know Amish men by name. They are erudite and shrewd and have the physical constitution of a prize ox. I guarantee a 12 year old Amish boy would whoop your ass. Maybe even a girl.
Also they love firearms and hate the government, so they are okay in my book.

>> No.15291713

>I guarantee a 12 year old Amish boy would whoop your ass
I thought you could rub ice cream on their face and they weren't allowed to do shit

>> No.15291719

whats the cage?

>> No.15291726

I'm lampooning you, not people I've never interacted with since your love of the <quantified> german people has blinded you to your own abuse.

>> No.15291769

This pretty much sums it up for a modern, retarded palate >>15291673 but the details have to do with feuds between Catholicism and Protestantism, and living according to their interpretation of scripture... boring stuff.

>> No.15291786

No, Amish men still encourage rough housing. The women cannot say shit in their presence either. Corporal punishment is de rigueur as well. And what we call "domestic violence" Most Amish women know their place though.
>Aww, he is so cute when he backpedals!
You are a husk of a man, with no spine.

>> No.15291793

Dont they only have muskets or whatever?

>> No.15291798

an abomination that runs over little girls and instead of doing something about it, politicians blame the victim and make a law that says they have to carry around flashing beacons

>> No.15291810

refers to you being a hayseed
>more german than a german
satirizing your imbecilic descriptions
>enoch zacharias schmidt
they are somewhat german christian cultists, it's a written fact not a joke
your butt will ooze hurt until your hubby gets home to plug it up

>> No.15291815

high calorie foods all that labor they do

>> No.15291817


>> No.15291821

No, there is an generally agreed upon cutoff date for technological advancement. It is open to specific community interpretation, but it ranges from 1898-1908, IIRC.
It can be argued that any tech that existed at that time is acceptable, even if refined.
I.E. An AR-15 is fine, since repeating firearms and self contained cartridges existed then, but it cannot have plastic furniture or electronic optics.

We invited some Amish we worked with pheasant hunting three years ago.They had a ridiculous variety of classic shotguns, many with a value bordering on a thousand dollars or more.

>> No.15291830

You want another try to make a point? We will call that a Mulligan, bud. ;)

>> No.15291853

where i live (NE IA) there's a big Amish community. great pies, pickles, produce. i understand at home they eat german food pretty much. egg noodles, spatzel, wurst, taters, stew etc

i think it's cool how they don't baptize their young people until they are old enough to decide for themselves, and also they rotate minister/preacher duty throughout the community, like 5-6 families will come together at each others' houses every Sunday and Jebediah will be the priest one year, Uriah the next, and so forth. iirc they aren't allowed to use melody when they sing as it is "ornamentation" so they kinda chant. also they deliberately include a small mistake in everything they do as a sign of humility before God, kinda like always covering their head/wearing a bonnet or hat. Also they speak a super old and specific dialect of Bavarian high German, kind of like if people still spoke Shakespearean English. I speak German pretty well and could barely understand a word they said, using weird pronouns and tenses etc. If the zombie apocalypse happens, life will continue on exactly the same as before in the Amish communities. they've got it all figured out

oh also I work with people who use drugs, handing out clean needles and naloxone etc and apparently we distribute quite a few needles in Amish country, they've got a bit of a meth epidemic and I hear in Ohio/Pennsylvania they have been hit with fentanyl overdoses. Nobody's immune

>> No.15291863

t. the problem

>> No.15291869

Amish are the go to for quality dairy. Fuck the FDA.

>> No.15291875

Learn when to greentext, faggot

>> No.15291880

no, you are the problem, cagie. go have an "accident" now involving a telephone pole that "just came out of nowhere", please

>> No.15291881

God that description got me horny as hell.

>> No.15291890
File: 272 KB, 1204x1042, 1608652887767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck are you talking about?!

>> No.15291909

cagie is a derogatory term meant to deride people who have come to the conclusion that roads are meant for automotive traffic. its users tend to be pretty salty

>> No.15291924

Indiana anon here, there is a large Amish community like I can step out my back door and see Amish houses. Many many of them go to Sarasota quite often. The next small town over even has a Big Olaf’s in it

>> No.15291928

Goddamn, really doubling down on the ignorance, huh kiddo?
Did you finally get to vote this year?

>> No.15291939

Oh shit. Well if it makes him feel better I do ride my bike on the road often. At least if a car hits me on my bike I'm guaranteed thicc money, especially since I'm a safe and cautious biker.

>> No.15291944

I am a cyclist (XC & CX). You should have greentexted. Learn humility.

>> No.15292042

I genuinely felt bad as this has happened quite often where I live, then I got to the part
>and 4 horses
and genuinely lost it thanks anon

>> No.15292053

Worst is you know they did not die right away. They laid there screaming while the cops examined everyone else and then got shot in the face.

>> No.15292065

I know an old Amish dude who lets me hunt on his property. About 2 years ago a semi smoked him in his buggy but he survived. The guy literally spent the winter churning butter with a cast on both legs. Every time I visited while hunting he was just churning away

>> No.15292081


>> No.15292092


>> No.15292129
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>> No.15292203

Shoofly pie and head cheese.

Why did it take until now for someone to answer this question with real foods?

>> No.15292262

Have sex chudcel

>> No.15292323
File: 113 KB, 1494x836, the emperors finest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what DO they eat?

>> No.15292358
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>> No.15292366

Whatever they want, their TDE is probably around 5,000kcal

>> No.15292394

Why is the incel npc meme surrounded by a bunch of left leaning pundits and Bernie?

>> No.15292417
File: 114 KB, 600x365, 1594998552961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15292434

Do you have asperger's syndrome by any chance, sport?

>> No.15292443
File: 76 KB, 1024x716, Le soi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't know

>> No.15292507
File: 84 KB, 576x1024, IMG_20160827_175100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can't get scrapple in California
Why'd you have to remind me, OP?

>> No.15292518

Antisemitism is illegal in the US. Reported to the JIDF and ADL. Enjoy your court appearance and prison time idiot racist ITT.

>> No.15292522

Jews are not human beings.

>> No.15292528


They sell scrapple at the whitest-ass grocery store in town here in San Mateo

>> No.15292719


your moms pussy


b..b..but they arent jews

>> No.15292724

Shut the fuck up, spic scum.

>> No.15292735

What store? I'd drive to San Mateo for scrapple

>> No.15292739

oh nooo i can't go live in kentucky with a bunch of weirdos, oh well back to my delicious takeout and enormous chinese TV

>> No.15292779

Are they uncut?

>> No.15292810

Do you not have any reading comprehension?

>> No.15292910


Draeger's. It's frozen, in a freezer next to their meat department where they keep all the other weird shit.

Probably very expensive.

>> No.15292918

The ones around me drink gallons upon gallons of Mt. Dew and Budlite

>> No.15292936

It's meant to signify the value of your clever meme.

>> No.15293256

Your spaciing makes me doubt

>> No.15293284

you do not have any breeding comprehension, incel