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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15284532 No.15284532 [Reply] [Original]

Bongs of /ck/, did the supermarkets let you down?

>> No.15284546

what the fuck am I looking at

>> No.15284554

A load of people in the UK got rotten turkeys from Lidl, Tesco and Sainsbury's

>> No.15284562
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>> No.15284565

some sort of paltry

>> No.15284570

jesus fucking christ

>> No.15284578
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quintessentially english

>> No.15284581

im dusgsted

>> No.15284595
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England truly is God's forsaken land.

>> No.15284637
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>> No.15284646

What a stupid title those events are unrelated

>> No.15284669

>nooo not the heckin turkey not the freaking traditional holiday birdie

Kys eternal anglo scum

>> No.15284673
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Lmao, how’s that Brexit working out for you?

>> No.15284677

Darn, he got tesco'd!

>> No.15284689
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>> No.15284693

Just wait until they send Tesco a sternly worded letter

>> No.15284697

anything to get you to fear the notherburger chinkflu

>> No.15284703

It will all be over

>> No.15284716

They are related. they both happened to the same lady.

>> No.15284737

You fucking idiot Jeremy, you total fucking idiot, that was your job you fucking moron, you cretin, you’re a fuckhead, that’s what you are, a fucking shithead!

>> No.15284741

Do yuros really eat rotten turkeys? Jesus christ how horrifying

>> No.15284744

>not living in America the greatest country on earth

>> No.15284748

imagine the SMELL

>> No.15284754

>buying your bird from a discounter
>complain about the quality

>> No.15284755

Vile County vile people it's only fitting they eat vile rancid food

>> No.15284767

I hate british "people" so much bros

>> No.15284828


>> No.15284839

>Dec 26

I bet they have it sitting in the fridge for 10 days.

>> No.15284879

Okay mac

>> No.15284907

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.15285014


>> No.15285037

Learn English before you try to argue, ESL vato-kun

>> No.15285048

Is weatherspoons open for Brits to get some dinner?

>> No.15285076

Sorry m8 ol BJ put em on locky wocky so no diddles for christmas this year
Sad innit

>> No.15285090
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Just have to dip into the advent calendar

>> No.15285191
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It... it’s meant to look like this, right bros?

>> No.15285213

It's k, it's just a fruitcake turkey.

>> No.15285400
File: 274 KB, 1152x2048, E9444896-AD59-4793-B970-92914AC5F5BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that’s how turkey is meant to look. At least we’re not like the yanks with their chlorinated chicken, haha

>> No.15285416

Do they really not have freezers in the UK????

>> No.15285425

europoors have the GALL to talk shit about american health and safety standards? suck my dick

>> No.15285429

We don’t need to freeze our meat because we have better farming practices than America.

>> No.15285434

jokes on those retarded poors for buying their christmas bird at a supermarket over a real butcher

>> No.15285442

Nope. Not in the slightest. Everything was in stock, everything was good quality. Had a very traditional board of fate with roast beef, roast goose, ham and the traditional sides this day and very nice it was too.

>> No.15285448

Looks like that paid off well for OP, ya dumb bongaloid.

>> No.15285466

I'm poor and I still got my bird from a proper butcher. I can understand just buying some Birdseye chicken breasts from Tescos, but proper meat should be bought from a butcher, you just can't trust supermarkets.

>> No.15285482

a little bleach wash would have prevented all of this

>> No.15285484


>> No.15285495

Turkey is a North American food. Bongs have no idea and should be required to stuck to chickens, ducks and geese. And mutton. A big rubbery slab of boiled mutton for you on Christmas. No turkey for you, losers.

>> No.15285500

So will this be the standard quality of meat now that Brexit is official?

>> No.15285505

goose is an infinitely better bird than turkey so thank you

>> No.15285515

words of truth

>> No.15285527

Yes especially before veganuary

>> No.15285537

I don't disagree. I have had both and very much enjoyed the roast goose I ate. Locally raised, skillfully butchered and roasted to a delicious perfection.

So stick to what you know, particularly now that you've gotten your malformed Brexit and imported meats are about to become very scarce and expensive. You'll be paying 10 pounds for a tin of sardines before long.

>> No.15285541

Why do British people eat turkey for Christmas? Didn't they just have it for Thanksgiving?

>> No.15285551

A Christmas bird is traditional and at one time much less expensive than a cut of roast beef or mutton. So some choose a turkey today.

>> No.15285559
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>> No.15285571

Serves them right for eating that bland shitty bird from the Colonies instead of duck or goose.

>> No.15285573

>buying meat from lidl/tesco
enjoy vCJD

>> No.15285577

Do brits celebrate thanksgiving? I thought it was more of a north american thing

>> No.15285580


the germans once again the enemy of the bong

>> No.15285586

i've never purchased rotten meat in my life
how does this happen?

>> No.15285588

Adding more bad news to a shitty Christmas you fucking autistic cunt

>> No.15285592


>> No.15285649

No, it's an American thing. Most in the UK would only eat a whole turkey at Christmas, the rest would be sliced turkey in sandwiches.
Supermarket whole chickens and turkeys are usually covered in colourful plastic so you can't actually see the meat until you open it.

>> No.15285696

>lives in a trailer in Dogdick, USA

>> No.15285704

the trailer in Dogdick has a yard that you don't have to pay the council to access

>> No.15285709
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>> No.15285712

Yeah it shows

>> No.15285717

This was the year before last? Yes, the turkey stunk and was rotten, threw it and had chicken breaded wrapped in bacon.

>> No.15285726

Ah fuck it happened again this year? No, lesson learned, bought a turkey last week and put it in the freezer, took it out Christmas Eve morning. Not getting fucked by the rotten turkey juju again.

>> No.15285731

Why do anglos cause subhuman mutts to seethe so much?

>> No.15285749

Well at least the birds weren't washed with bleach.

>> No.15285759

Lol we don’t keep any English people in places like that.

>> No.15285844

>not having roast beef on xmas


>> No.15285858
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Nope, its very clearly related to a very shitty 24 hours

>> No.15285868

It's the result of years and years of the Bongs claiming unwarranted superiority. Now that the truth leaks out, what with a failed Brexit, failure with regard to Covid, failure with regard to immigration policy, and so forth, the Yanks are finally watching the snooty twats begin to fall flat on their faces.

Act like you are better than everyone else, and everyone will cheer when you step in dogshit. It has always been so.

>> No.15285876

Neither are our birds. The only fowl in North America that receive this treatment are destined for fast food restaurants and grocery store processed food products. Buy a whole bird from a decent butcher and you'll get the honest product, unadulterated, unsoiled and above all, unspoiled.

>> No.15285915

All I read is seethe, what shithole do you inhabit to that causes so much seethe

>> No.15285919

This, imagine on the most special day of the year, you choose the most basic and accessible bird you can. I get that you're poor, but come on, live a little.

>> No.15285925

true that

>> No.15285979

All I read in your post is cope. And i don't care where you live. It matters not a whit to me, and neither do you.

>> No.15286005

Serves these idiots right for not fucking brining it days prior.

>> No.15286009

Why are they roasting turkeys? Should be a goose.

>> No.15286017

>the Bongs claiming unwarranted superiority
I don't think we've ever done that though?

>> No.15286081

Sounds like you copied that out of a Dicken's book.

>> No.15286083

Look back over the last 300 years and you might find a teeny bit of evidence to support my contention.

>> No.15286087

Impossible. it's "Board of Fare" not Board of fate"

>> No.15286095
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>> No.15286223
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You laugh but its not really funny if it happens to you. This christmas was probably the last time I will ever be able to enjoy a Turkey dinner with my father because his religious sect is banning poultry meat in the new year. Me and my mother went out for fucking hours looking for a suitable, big Turkey so he could enjoy the meat one last time. Eventually settled on one from Lidl, which expires on the 27th according to the packaging. My mother spent so much time touching the fucking cold turkeys that her arthritis has been playing up all week. She couldn't open her fucking presents without me helping her, so they are still sitting unwrapped in the main room and she might never get to open them because I have to take all the christmas stuff to the loft tomorrow and she won't be able to climb up and get them when I go home. It was all for fucking nought. we opened up that Turkey this morning. it was fucking slimey and green, fucking disgusting and impossible for us to cook. we had no other meat in the entire fucking house other than in sausage rolls so we spent an hour fucking opening up sausage rolls, scraping the meat into a bowl and we microwaved it and that was our christmas meat. My dad was so fucking let down. Did I mention he is fucking 78? He said it was the worst Christmas dinner he ever had and he spent 4 successive Christmases working in the coal mines where the only food they had was fucking pork pies consumed beneath a fucking christmas tree too big for the mineshaft. You fucking pricks need to think about others.

>> No.15286228

>his religious sect is banning poultry meat in the new year

That's on your father then. It's very unfortunate when people feel the need to submit to arbitrary rules based on magical thinking.

>> No.15286246

no because I'm not a council flat living subhuman and went to a butcher

>> No.15286250


>> No.15286259

>we had no other meat in the entire fucking house other than in sausage rolls so we spent an hour fucking opening up sausage rolls, scraping the meat into a bowl and we microwaved it and that was our christmas meat.
just eat the sausage rolls normally or don't have meat at all

>> No.15286270

yes, its totally normal for them to eat rotten turkey, thats why theres an outcry about turkey being rotten.
you are aware that by pretending to be retarded to make a point, you only make your point unbelievable and still seem like a retard,

>> No.15286276

That wasn't very Christmassy.

>> No.15286290

Unfortunate, but all old people are supposed to be dead from coof by now as God intended.

>> No.15286297

Oh, c'mon now, even you know that's not true. They started to tone it down after the last vestige of their empire, India, the Jewel in the Crown, was ripped from their shriveled, grasping hands in '48. But among the knuckledragging Tories you can still see vestiges of it.

>> No.15286317

Is that a pie a day advent calendar? Do bongs really?

>> No.15286331
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>> No.15286388

Put the words ‘rotten’ and ‘turkey’ into the Twitter search bar to see the unholy reality that is daily bong life

>> No.15286393

This is what I look like after a night of getting my bussy pozzed by the lads

>> No.15286402

Just run infront of traffic at that point

>> No.15286406

You couldnt tame your fucking faggotry for the lord's birthday?

>> No.15286407
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This is why I used a bird I raised and slaughtered and butchered myself.
Salt cured was delicious. Now I'm stewing the carcass.

>> No.15286413

What the fuck cult is your dad in?

>> No.15286507
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>> No.15286563

If they really trusted in God, they wouldn't be looking at the snake in such an ardent manner.

>> No.15286645

Nah bro.

>> No.15286730

Any fowl that is water chilled is likely chilled in chlorinated water. Im just poking fun at brits because even in parliament the green party and labour party say that the uk shouldnt allow us chickens sold because of chlorine in the chicken.

>> No.15286769

>still thinking America is the greatest country on,earth

>> No.15286773

guy on the right is missing an arm

>> No.15286775

That may well be so. However, if you have a decent butcher, you can buy birds who have not had such swimming lessons. The turkey we had Christmas eve, and today again and likely will have in various ways for the weeks to come, came from such a butcher. It was killed, plucked, dressed and then air chilled, as opposed to being dunked in the pool.

Mass produced food, with exceptions is never as good as food items grown or made by individual small businesses.

>> No.15286777

That's where the snake got him last time they tried this nonsense.

>> No.15286788


>> No.15286815

Hello Poe, meet Law

>> No.15286823


>> No.15286833
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It's rotten you fucking idiots!


>> No.15286854

He's only acting. You're the real deal.

>> No.15286882

Anglos just got their right to laugh at American food revoked.

>> No.15286925

No argument here. Water chilled fowl usually have much soggier skin which is the main problem i have with water chilled.

>> No.15287110


>> No.15287114

brits be like
>you Yanks dun know quality food bruv

>> No.15287122

who the fuck gets a turkey for christmas?

>> No.15287230

Not long ago people let their meat to rot a little to improve flavour

>> No.15287324
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I swear 90% of these will be people overfilling their shitty fridges, while simultaneously incapable of setting the temperature correctly. Too often I go to people's houses, put beer in the fridge to find it's clearly about 8-10°c and rammed to the point there's no air culation to be had at all. I'm not surprised most people are paranoid about meat going off on the best before date, they can't comprehend looking after food, they think the fridge magically protects it till the packet says chuck it out.

>> No.15287332

theres just something about laughing at brits thats so funny. why are they so fucking weird and cucked?

>> No.15287361

Even the larger British fridges I've seen online, are about the size of what we in North America would consider a good bar fridge. No ability to store foods for any length of time, no chest freezers for long term storage of meats. Keeps everyone rushing off to do the daily shopping, completely reliant on the supermarket chains. .

>> No.15287406

only way to eat turkey is brined 48 hours in apple juice and salt, then smoked

>> No.15287447

>buying their Christmas turkey dinner at Aldi

Who gives a fuck what happens to poor people?

>> No.15287484

I don't get why they're upset. It isn't like rotting meat can make British cooking taste any worse.

>> No.15287500

Brings an entirely new meaning to the phrase "Blue Christmas".

>> No.15287501

Based and enlightened pilled

>> No.15287540

imagine harming an innocent animal so you can freeze and cook its "carcass" and post pictures of that on an anime imageboard

>> No.15287597


Didn't any if the people grow up destitute, I grew up with druggie parents, food stamps were sold for drugs.
I used to eat garbage and dumpster harvested/scavenged food my whole childhood.
Trim off the (really) bad parts, season the hell out of it and cook it to well done.
No worse than any of the meat eaten from any the Paki take-away places that litter South London.
Trim, season, cook, enjoy.
An alcohol rinse can also help, both the meat and the cook.

>> No.15287601

Imagine whining as much as you do. Imagine it. Just imagine.

>> No.15287603

Forgot to add, my sister used to call soggy-moldy meat "Wet Aged".

>> No.15287754

I didn't harm him, I killed him.

>> No.15287793
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why couldn't people have just worn the mask

>> No.15287804

There is a notable difference between harming and killing. That's a well known fact that should be taken into account at all times.

>> No.15287807

Boo hoo faggot

>> No.15287810

Rotten turkey, brother on his way to the same state. Good god 2020 is beginning to suck just a little bit don't you tink?

>> No.15287854

wew lad, if not a larp then I feel for ya man. Hope you're in a better place this Christmas than when you grew up

>> No.15287855

>cash your chips on a frozen turkey from the nearest poorfag store
nothing could go wrong

>> No.15287876

looks like it has morgellons

>> No.15287950

The fact that nobody realizes this is satirical shows the decline of the internet as a whole

>> No.15288126

hey, at least some bong faced mecca and prayed to allah before they were killed, that's all that matters

>> No.15288141

Yeah that's normal when all the guys working at the plant came over on a boat from Eritrea. Try to be more culturally sensitive

>> No.15288161

>american health and safety standards
those even exist, you fucking amerishart?

>> No.15288194

And yet here you are, speaking English.

>> No.15288198


>> No.15288207
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Heh heh

>> No.15288217

Heh, good thing I bought from Aldi.

>> No.15288294

Is it really though?

>> No.15288300

I don't want to get /pol/ with it, but this is what happens when you get rid of oversight from the strictest food quality inspectors in the world for votes for your dumbass fucking party by appeasing mongoloid retards.

>> No.15288301

>all of that uncovered exposed to air foodstuffs
what in the actual sweet fuck tit

>> No.15288337


>> No.15288339

Got a trading deal no worse than when we were in the union, hows communism going?

>> No.15288347


>> No.15288355

A 30 year old gal thats finally ready to settle down.

>> No.15288373

So a man raised his own fowl, presumably treated them well to make sure the best quality meat was provided, slaughtered them quickly to avoid gamey taste, and will, not only feed his family for days to come, but also use the birds in its entirety to get the most cost effectiveness out of it through using the bones for stock.
...and this is considered cruel because he likes to show it off on a vietnamese rattlesnake milking board? I think you need new battles to fight anon, and allow people who raise their own animals to be left alone.

>> No.15288608

People should really learn to cjeck their food before putting it in the kart. I bet they get flabbergasted when half their eggs are crushed in the carton too

>> No.15288726

That would be a very expensive advent calendar. Probably in the £50-£70 range.

>> No.15288754

>Anglos just got their right to laugh at Anglo food revoked.

>> No.15288768

what else did all those men manage to cram in despite it being "too big for the mineshaft"?

>> No.15288771

99.9% of them did
but 0.01% of them didn't and therefore the 99.9% have to pay the price because uhhhhhh WEAR THE MASK COVID COVID WEAR THE MASK IT'S TIER 36624 LOCKDOWN AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (also you're out of work)

>> No.15288784

Brexit means brexit

>> No.15288799

What did these limey fucks ever expect when they voted for Brexit? Anglos are vile creatures who only deserve garbage food, Europe was the only thing keeping England tied to modernity, now, without colonies and power, they will return to their savage state and the European and American companies are free to rape the remaining anglos with their trash produce they cant sell anywhere.

>> No.15288806

When are anglo cucks going to vote to enter the EU again? You anglos are such utter imbeciles its not even funny.

>> No.15288818


Will never wear a mask

Will never social distance

Covid is fake

>> No.15288829

get out of here /pol/tard

>> No.15288914

Don't worry, he's clearly a giant faggot.
Maybe he can grow his own soy and turn it into a cruelty free tofurky.
Though idk how cruelty free it will be considering when I grew soy I didn't even eat any of it because voles ate all the beans. I let them because
A: I don't wanna kill anything I'm not going to eat
B: I don't like soy
C: I had better crops that the voles were leaving alone.

>> No.15288920
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>greentexting a link

>> No.15288923

good post

>> No.15288948

>Will never social distance
you sure?

>> No.15288979


>> No.15289044

you have been seething all thread you shit skinned subhuman, give it a break.

>> No.15289108

Why do all brits look like oversized Down syndrome children?

>> No.15289120

>nan has been sat
>has been sat
>2 kg turkey
I hate br*ts so goddamn much bros

>> No.15289149

Because they are.

They are island people who worship pure bloodlines.

>> No.15289305

Turkey is god awful. Dry and no taste meat

>> No.15289427

Imagine being poor and buying supermarket turkey. Disgusting.

>> No.15289492

imagine being a bong

>> No.15290037

Luck of the draw. You shop every week, for an entire lifetime. Statistically, the odd bar of moldy cheese or off chicken is going to slip thru. You just take it back and get a refund.

>> No.15290055 [DELETED] 

When in fact it was you who is the autist.

>> No.15290065

Thank god you were here to let us know. Now I'm very embarrassed about my 100% serious response.

>> No.15290074

I've been social distancing for years already.

>> No.15290212

>implying autocorrects to unhinged

>> No.15290235
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>scraping the meat into a bowl and we microwaved it
Y-you couldnt at least pop it in the oven? wtf
>He said it was the worst Christmas dinner he ever had and he spent 4 successive Christmases working in the coal mines where the only food they had was fucking pork pies consumed beneath a fucking christmas tree too big for the mineshaft.
what a melodramatic faggot

>> No.15290239

simple as

>> No.15290290

imagine being a faggot

>> No.15290788

You've obviously been social distancing since the day you found out no girl would dance with you at the school prom.

>> No.15290882

imagine? you don't have to, this kind self sufficient anon did it for real! check the post out friend!

>> No.15290962

excellent post

>> No.15290965

The outcry is due to the fact the turkeys haven't reached the requisite level of putrifaction. Bongs need their raw meat to have the consistency of pudding, or they'll have trouble chewing it with their fucked up teeth after it's cooked.

>> No.15291145

we have chest freezers wtf are you smoking

>> No.15291328

I bet most of these cases were just poor refrigeration from the customer.

>> No.15291345

It's normal. The pigment from the feathers can bleed into the skin, it doesn't affect the taste. Raw turkey also does have a somewhat funky smell too, but you'd know if it was off, since it would have a really unpleasant smell, like rotten eggs.

>> No.15291405 [DELETED] 

what's with white ppl and refrigeration? just put some spices and eat that shit.

>> No.15291447

ur an idiot

>> No.15291457


>> No.15291823

Only fags go to proms. That's the faggiest shit ever.

>> No.15291988

Ah yes, the superior English poultry

Meanwhile the rest of Europe has neither mold nor antibiotics nor hormones in their poultry. Fucking losers.

>> No.15292003

>Island monkeys

Pick one and only one

Also turkey is wildly unpopular outside the anglosphere. Because it's shit. Civilized people eat chicken or duck. Maybe goose or quail.

>> No.15292023

>implies putting the Christmas decorations away means he has to shove his moms unwrapped presents in the attic instead of just opening them for her
My fucking sides holy shit

>> No.15292025

As a Hans, this is the one thing we got fucking right.

>> No.15292032

He didn't love God enough so the snake got him
Fucking pentecostals

>> No.15292054

Ironically this ended up being the gayest post itt

Keep sucking the dick of a Syrian Jew

>> No.15292093

Swedes and Norwegians actually have dental care. Hard to imagine for you, but it's quite useful.

>> No.15292102

Based af

How will anglos ever recover?

>> No.15292117
File: 23 KB, 413x414, ElRYcLZWMAEi5Tw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did the these guys buy birds that are going to go bad THE DAY AFTER they want to use it?

>> No.15292532

Gott agree with this anon here.

>> No.15292676
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>> No.15292683

Use by dates are usually very conservative.

>> No.15292699

turkey is all about the gravy. if you can't just do something easier.

>> No.15292897


>> No.15292950

Only boomers eat those scummy pies. Fucking disgusting, they use the lowest quality meat you can imagine.

>> No.15292951
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i dont see the problem? just a lil green like just cut it off lmao

>> No.15292968

>his religious sect
Piss off you jodacky cunt. You aren't, nor ever will be, English.

>> No.15292979

Probably would taste like the average bong food. What Is the problem?

>> No.15292997


>> No.15292999

And for New Year's eve, the traditional Blue Waffle feast.

>> No.15293266


>> No.15293268
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Americans were trained to like the taste of vomit because Herseys was made with spoilt milk. You idiots have nothing to be proud of.

>> No.15293371

Bong here. Got my food from Morrisons. No issues.

>> No.15293388


statistically british have the healthiest teeth you dumb ameriblart.

whats it like having the same dental health as the polish?

hell even poland is handling the koronavirus better than you dumb fucks and you guys get SHAFTED on your healthcare hahahahahaha


>> No.15293389


If you order it online, they'll grab the most recent ones and a lot of places have turkeys that arrive sooner than the 18-19th but are air sealed until the 20th-21st when they can be cut open and put on shelves

>> No.15293453

The absolute state of Bongs

>> No.15293457

>Projecting this hard

I'm from a civilized country, not an anglo shithole. Making fun of mutts (you included) is the local pastime

>> No.15293518

absolutely choice

>> No.15293528

26th Dec again, must be all from the same farm. My Aldi crown has been great but it has 29th on it.

>> No.15293545

>I'm from a civilized country, not an anglo shithole.
choose one

>> No.15293647

Hey look, it's a sociopath

>> No.15293671

They don’t even have central heating/AC

>> No.15293680

people dont age their turkeys?
its prime turkey bros, just eat it

>> No.15293687
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Britain just tries to copy everything American now. Their soccer league is still doing the kneel for black people thing even though there are no police killings in UK and American sports stopped doing it months ago.

>> No.15293690

>buying shit from the supermarket
>not from trusted sources like a butcher you know
Fucking never will make it.

>> No.15293721

Curing is different from rotting. It’s all about the type of cultures you get on there. I’m guessing modern processing methods make different bacteria flourish than the kind you’d get if you just butchered a bird by hand and hanged it out to dry for a few days.

>> No.15293735

Yeah we have some of the best in the world. Lower rates of food borne illness than yurop

>> No.15293886

lmao the fucking myth.

>> No.15293904

>so we spent an hour fucking opening up sausage rolls, scraping the meat into a bowl and we microwaved it and that was our christmas meat.

>> No.15294537

You get what you deserve. That's the only read I got from that wall of text.

>> No.15294684

This nigga ate garbage lmao

>> No.15294872

is literally what youre doing right now

>> No.15295992

they had the comfiest threads at /pol/ back then. Everbody just coming together and laughed at roasted pakis

>> No.15296261

But it's not happening to me, so it is funny