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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 130 KB, 1280x720, tasting history imagine the taste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15282865 No.15282865 [Reply] [Original]

>gained 500k subscribers in less than a year
>actually makes good content instead of clickbait shit
Any other based food youtubers?

>> No.15282877

Cooking with Jack

>> No.15282882
File: 402 KB, 330x200, KMB-Yasunashakes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty fucking handsome too ngl to you fellas

>> No.15282885
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guys is this person a homosexual?

>> No.15282887

Boring channel, sorry. Historical food sucks dick. They barely even ate anything tasty.
Based, love him.

>> No.15282893

He says he has a wife. But I bet (s)he's a tranny.

>> No.15282909

He mentioned he has Mexican in-laws. Damn, this nigga is burying his face in Latina ass every day. No wonder he's so happy.

>> No.15282910

Not sure, but he has a somewhat offputting and stiff presentation personality style.

>> No.15282932

So everybody and anybody on youtube is a fucking star now? This generation is fucking doomed. Go read a book, any book, doesn't even matter which one it is.

>> No.15282933

Doubtful, just has a personality meant for youtube is all.

>> No.15282934

>you need to have connections to Jewish Hollywood elites to be a proper star, goy!!!

>> No.15282937

Yeah. Simple Google search answered that.

>> No.15282938

He did so well cause it was a great balance of actual cooking info + actual history, so it appeals to all the autistics like me that want that substance, and then im sure the normies enjoyed the jokes and presentation of it all. Good guy all around tho, i also enjoy the ameuture edge and him not acting like he knows more than he does

>> No.15282944

Still a bad role model for the gay community because he's dating a yucky hispanic.

he literally said he has a hispanic bf on twitter

>> No.15282958

he seems a bit.. homosexual

>> No.15283003

>Any other based food youtubers?
Chef John, Bruno Albouze, Townsends.

>> No.15283015


Benedetta Rossi, use subtitles

>> No.15283053

he has the mannerisms of an upper middle class white woman; does not surprise me that he is a fag

>> No.15283096

His presentation style can irritate me sometimes but he's great otherwise. I like how his videos are put together and the fact that he clearly does a lot of research, more than a lot of history food channels.

Also I find it charming that his kitchen looks a bit shitty.

>> No.15283121

Tasting history more like tasting bussy

>> No.15283380

Yes... some people are homosexuals... get over it incels.

>> No.15283529

go back faggot

>> No.15283539

Gross we're they molested as kids or something you niggerfaggot

>> No.15283609

he can come across as a tryhard faggot sometimes, especially when it comes to Hispanic food ("heh yeah I can pronounce all this absolutely perfectly and am fluent in Spanish, no big deal") but overall very informative and interesting

>> No.15283628

>Lent in the Middle Ages
>he still hasn't paid me back

>> No.15283639

I watch for his Pokemon plushies.

>> No.15283660

Quoting a whole thread should be a bannable offense

>> No.15283683

>Cooking with Jack
Good videos but what is with his intonation? The way he speaks is so triggering. Every sentence has the same melody. Is he autistic or am I?

>and you PUT it in the pan
>with just a TOUCH of butter
>and you sauté ONLY a little

etc. very strange

>> No.15283689

him being a homosexual is more impressive.
Usually "oppressed" groups can never stfu about their persecution complex and insert their niche stories into everything to prove to themselves their group matters and shove it in peoples faces. He never once brought up gay history while cooking, so I applaud him for doing the bare minimum of actually discussing the topics he presents.

>> No.15283695
File: 168 KB, 773x466, 1602085856666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but is he a top or a bottom?

>> No.15283815


>> No.15283937

No, HE really is that fucking stupid. Just ignore JACK niGGERs. They WILL never learn!

>> No.15284761

Sweet, sweet Mrs. Crocombe


>> No.15284764

Although the Christmas punch is more fun


>> No.15284775

No he refers to his partner on the show, never wife. 95% sure he’s gay.

>> No.15284826

Reminds me of How to Drink. Cool channel. But then on one of his later videos he apologizes for making an episode about what drinks Winston Churchill because he was a racist and a bigot and directly calls him this. I wager he tweets bullshit politics too like YongYea, but unlike Jim "Orange Man Bad" Sterling he doesn't inject politics in his show.

>> No.15284880

I watched one of his older vids earlier (butterbeer). He seemed a lot less gay.

>> No.15284939

If I could fry you in brown butter and sage I would massfag.

>> No.15284941

>what is with his intonation?
Are you thinking of Chef John?

>> No.15284953 [DELETED] 

You're thinking of chef John from food wishes dot com. Jack is the one with the dead arm

>> No.15284955

>They barely even ate anything tasty
Most of the food you eat today is derivative of the things they ate, retard. Once sugar, spices, etc became readily available and affordable to the general public, everyone was cooking imitation-nobleman chow.

>> No.15284958

I think you mean FOOOOOOOD wishes DOT com.

>> No.15285019
File: 298 KB, 558x710, Screen Shot 2020-06-17 at 01.14.17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15285024

Obviously a bottom.

>> No.15285036

A bit too much talking head vibe in few videos I have watched. Maybe include more footage of making the food he's talking about.

>> No.15285117

Watched one episode of the guy wasn't bad. Got gay vibes from him. Guy probably paid for youtube to recommend his totally original channel to everyone.

The worst part about this guy is that he oozes narcissism. That and he seems like a member of the tribe.

>> No.15286098

Annoying as fuck and there are plenty of historic food tubers who arent faggy and boring. His gay ass plebbit humor makes me cringe. If he took his humor out itd be great

>> No.15286488
File: 140 KB, 406x596, RPaU2O9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Food history channels are my crack cocaine and I'm so glad 99% are ran by likeable, nice people.

>> No.15286506

You clearly haven't met many 'oppressed' groups, the majority of minorities are not how you described at all. Get off twitter.

>> No.15286572

Ethan Chlebowski is a fucking Chad

>> No.15286798

So he makes you have naughty feelings and you wish you were in his tribe? Gotcha anon.

>> No.15286893

Tbh I really don't like that his show is 90% history and 10% cooking. It's very formulaic how he always goes into a massive fucking ramble about some historical bullshit I already know about every episode.

Food's kinda interesting but general consensus obviously is that historical food fucking sucks so there's no real value in the recipes themselves.

>> No.15286951
File: 145 KB, 899x899, 73CE14E6-9854-4C9F-BB30-A4E5C5F77322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15287048


>> No.15287605

I started snorting nutmeg because of John Townsend. I do not regret it one bit.

>> No.15287628

>we're they

Freudian slip?

>> No.15287640

kimagure is the only cooking youtuber I watch

>> No.15288090

Many such cases