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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 44 KB, 653x580, 20200615_192649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15282440 No.15282440 [Reply] [Original]

The Anti-Babish

>> No.15282447

rageusa is the mcdonald’s to babish’s burger king if those restaurants were actually competitive nigger semen gargling federations

>> No.15282470 [DELETED] 

Why do these threads get 100's of replies? Why do jannies delete other threads but allow this spam constantly? Why is OP such a fucking faggot? Why are jannies trannies?

>> No.15282477

Fucking Americans

>> No.15282478

Adam is a good YouTuber, I am accepting any and all arguments.

>> No.15282484

He looks like something is wrong with him. What could it be?

>> No.15282488

Adam when are you gonna release a video about sous vide

>> No.15282499
File: 36 KB, 655x527, 1608633970959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've def noticed it in his eyes too. Perhaps a bit of antisocial personality disorder? psychopathy or sociopathy? Autism?

>> No.15282518

Oh you want some too?

>> No.15282565
File: 2 KB, 125x70, 1608581033944s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Fagusea, shut the fuck up. No. Just shut the fuck up you pathetic dickless spinless brainless little fuck. When I'm done relentlessly plowing your mother, aunts, sisters, wife, and daughters until all their holes gape like a raw Thanksgiving turkey, I'm going to slide my rock hard 15" long thick as tallboy still slick with your mothers cum monster dong all the way down your throat and then I'm going rest my massive balls over your nose completely cutting off your air supply. The last thing you see is going to be my powerful masculine anus shitting blue cheese popovers and easy beef wellington into your eyes as the lights go out. I'm coming for you Adam.

T. Chef "I'm the great ape of your family's anal rape" John

>> No.15282569

Are you saying he's better because he makes better recipes or are you saying that because he has more hair?

>> No.15282573


>> No.15282582

Do Americans really look like this?

>> No.15282587

not an argument

>> No.15282592

Babish incarnates the staleoutwardly facing aspect of reddit while rageusa embodies the neurotic inner voice of reddit

>> No.15282598

These people unironically have advertising deals with 4chan.

>> No.15282655

You're doing the world a great service, thank you.

>> No.15282658
File: 35 KB, 771x633, 1605477793752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15282745

Someone post the "soychad" image where it proves adam is shilling himself

>> No.15282749

Americans look up to people that look like Adam Ragusea or Babish.

>> No.15282751

Ragusea IS a fucking jannie here. How the fuck do people not realize this yet? He doesn't make any of the threads, he just refuses to delete them because they're good publicity. He made that original thread, but that's it. It's pretty much proven he knows what /ck/ is, which would be bizarre unless you actively used 4chan.

>> No.15282762

Based. I think that's why there are so many more ragusea threads. It's so much more interesting seeing some neurotic lunatic freak out in his youtube comments than some basic bitch retard make a krabby patty.

>> No.15282776

>Ragusea IS a fucking jannie here. How the fuck do people not realize this yet?
He does strike me as that type of person desu

>> No.15282792
File: 124 KB, 1080x591, 20201225_001758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy based

>> No.15284436


>> No.15284439

This is a 9/10 in America

>> No.15284446


>> No.15284589
File: 89 KB, 730x1024, 31F37147-1754-4154-8405-5A331E246344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sanpaku ass nigga

>> No.15284655


>> No.15284679

It's alright, I think his videos are ok

Why does he make /CK/ seethe?

>> No.15284701

Advertising is aginst the rules, sweaty. But I got you covered. Where is that button?

>> No.15284850

i hate this faggot

>> No.15285248
File: 76 KB, 1440x410, 20201225_112450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go away adam.

>> No.15286803

Don't lie, you already know a lot about him and why he's not liked in /ck/
Also, you will never be a woman.

>> No.15287441

You're a redditor.

>> No.15287455

Did you photoshop his eyes to be closer together?

>> No.15287463

And as always- Enjoy~

>> No.15287468

the number of replies is irrelevant if they are just telling faguesa to choke on the bull's dick. what really is the problem is you faggots giving the thread bumps

>> No.15287477

I made these, was good.

>> No.15287769
File: 62 KB, 640x483, 1554826888098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ragusea larp shitposting is pretty funny I think.

>> No.15287840
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Fagusea, shut the fuck up. No. Just shut the fuck up you pathetic dickless spinless brainless little fuck. When I'm done relentlessly plowing your mother, aunts, sisters, wife, and daughters until all their holes gape like a raw Thanksgiving turkey, I'm going to slide my rock hard 15" long thick as tallboy still slick with your mothers cum monster dong all the way down your throat and then I'm going rest my massive balls over your nose completely cutting off your air supply. The last thing you see is going to be my powerful masculine anus shitting blue cheese popovers and easy beef wellington into your eyes as the lights go out. Then I'm going to give your infant son the ol' shake-a shake-a.

T. Chef "I'm the great ape of your family's anal rape" John

>> No.15288205

>his schtick is making "simple" practical recipes
>they're not simple at all. He adds a shitton of steps to the point the dishes become overcomplicated monstrosities worse than than the originals in every way.

This is what really bothers me.

>> No.15288499

Not only that but acts superior and smug about it at the same time

>> No.15289844

So did I. Before he ever had a YouTube channel, because it's a common as hell method of roasting. What's uncommon is calling roast potato chips/fries. The guy is a complete retard.

>> No.15290057


>> No.15290355

Lol the resident fat fuck mod here gets so triggered by Ragusea

>> No.15290415
File: 1.78 MB, 1842x911, ragushit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15290584

>What's uncommon is calling roast potato chips/fries.
Can you try that in English?

>> No.15290614

Ethan Chlebowski's version is better

>> No.15290688

i'm telling adam about this

>> No.15290726

Name one recipe he complicated

>> No.15290849

Don't ask how I know, but Adam threatens his wife and children with violence/leaving them often.

>> No.15290885

>source: trust me dude

>> No.15291277

Don't ask how I know, but Adam beats and rapes his wife and children whenever they criticize anything he cooks. This man is sick and needs to be locked up.

>> No.15291329
File: 190 KB, 1080x852, 20201226_201503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like the love child of John Oliver and David Herman.

>> No.15292826

I'm starting to realize something I dislike of him after watching this
The guy had one phrase that got popular (Season X not Y) and now tries too hard to force popularity with others. No matter how much you say summon forth the upside down bear or heterogeneity or vinegar leg on the right it'll never be funny Adam

>> No.15292829

Where does he go when he leaves them?

>> No.15292839

I used to like babish. Then, /ck/ shitting on him led to me thinking his videos were subpar. I eventually stumbled upon ragusea's videos. /ck/ occaisionally shitosn on him, but shits on babish more. now i like adam more. this is my story. sageru

>> No.15292849

Have you tried exercising your mind?

>> No.15292864

Hahahahaha, wow. This really does it.

>> No.15292885

They both suck

>> No.15294194


>> No.15294206

Looks jewish

>> No.15294494
File: 97 KB, 1280x720, dosh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ethan Chlebowski
He is generally underrated and never talked about. Must be the mustache.

>> No.15294503

his kielbasa recipe is supremo basado, and the way he sections his videos is very pleasing because i can just skip straight through the intro faggotry/sponsorship

>> No.15294514
File: 10 KB, 299x283, David Seymour (YouTuber).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't know what actual millennial cucks are like. Check out David Seymour. No, I won't link him because I find him fucking insufferable.

>> No.15294527

>can't grow proper facial hair
>do it anyway

>> No.15294534

I thought David Koresh was dead

>> No.15294552

and always sage your replies to these threads

>> No.15294774

Has Babish ever flipped on the audience or does he have an infinite mindset unlike Fagusea?

>> No.15294828


>> No.15294863

More like Adam FAGuSOYa

>> No.15294883

Cringe and Lockpilled

>> No.15294896

That's perfectly valid english anon. How did you cross the border?

>> No.15294910

He's a pseudo intellectual left fag who picks and chooses science to support his views. Just see the spicy food video to see how much of a fag he is.

>> No.15295652

anti in the sense that all the hair went from the face to the head?

>> No.15295706

> arguments
You misspelled "black penises"

>> No.15295728
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>> No.15295730

You see the salt one? He says he doesn't used iodized salt because he wants to explore the wide variety of grains available. Basically admitting that he wastes fancy salts because he imagines they do something special in solution. The stupid retard doesn't realize that it only matters with finishing salt.

>> No.15295895
File: 73 KB, 840x625, toru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15295932

His burrito episode was soy incarnate.

>> No.15296099

it's like you watched the video and it went over your head, and then you made up your own story and posted it here
everyone reading your post lost 50 iq points.
Statistically most people in this thread are now actually retarded (except me I was a genius before now I'm merely average iq)

>> No.15296130

as if half this board isn't obsessed with shitty fast food as it stands

>> No.15296216

Adam is blessed with massive amounts of charisma and high intellect

>> No.15296224

what proof is there that hes a janny

>> No.15296232

Ban e-celeb threads.
Ban "is coffee good for you?" threads.
Ban twitter screenshot threads.
Ban obvious corporate shilling threads.
Globally across the entire site. Instant deletion. Now.

>> No.15296248

It wasn't the point of the video, it's a fact that you let slip without realizing how it revealed you don't understand the use of salt in cooking.

>> No.15296598
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He always seems like someone who's enjoying sniffing his own farts

>> No.15296733

Umm, why are you, a legally retarded individual, talking to me, a normal person with an average IQ?

>> No.15296741
File: 10 KB, 320x320, adam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bugs will be SQUASHED

>> No.15296868

Seems to know his stuff but can't watch him as his eyes are too close together and it drives me fucking nuts.

>> No.15296870

i'm listenin right. now. lol

>> No.15297484


>> No.15297549

this kills the babitch

>> No.15297583

Dust eating bitch.

>> No.15298103

and i really do hope you give this a try soon

>> No.15298123

david herman was actually funny though

>> No.15298145

I like babish

>> No.15298460

What is Adams worst video? For me it's this one https://youtu.be/Oot0NGxQEm4

>> No.15298495

I think in terms of Foodtubers he's pretty good. He seems like a genuine person, has an aura of professionalism without coming off as high and mighty, and owns up to mistakes.

I guess the worst thing you could say about him is that his video titles come off as absolutist (but they're literally just clickbait, he never presents opinions that way in his videos), and some of his presentation is a bit obnoxious.

>> No.15298559

fuck you and your pasta adam

>> No.15298930

It's called Italiano Disorder

>> No.15298932

Post timestamped beard, faggot.

>> No.15298933

But he's unironically right in this one.

>> No.15298971

Ok cooklet, whatever you say

>> No.15299001


>> No.15299004
File: 319 KB, 1083x784, 50771589607_b8b6a5e631_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who did this

>> No.15299012

Reddit can't handle the truth.

>> No.15299030

The more you notice:
Cucky white guilt. It appears over and over again in his videos, how many times is this faggot going to apologize for the white race? The Georgia peach video was particularly bad, so was the peanut one, but there are many others.
Your stupid wife, and shitty kids. They have no place in a cooking video, your wife is fucking butt ugly and seems like a useless bitch who writes shitty books and produces "art". Do not show this bitch, do not mention this bitch. She is irrelevant, as are you stupid kids. Remove that shit from your videos.
This man is sponsored by Squarespace, which I would like to take about 10 minutes of this video to thank.

>> No.15299241

Why won't the lazy fucking janitors clean this fucking low tier shitposts? What the fuck.

>> No.15299782

yeah, his editing is good and he uses good sound mixing which is very clean and covers other sounds at the same time. i think he also brings some valuable ideas to home cooks.

>> No.15299790

I caved in and watched Adam's latest video last night and I ended up bailing out halfway through. I don't remember exactly what made me bail but I think it had something to do with him making contrarian assertions without any evidence to back it up. My bullshit radar goes full tilt whenever people start to do that.

>> No.15299792

>so was the peanut one

Oh go fuck yourself you silly twat.

>> No.15299797

After going on his channel, no, it wasn't his latest video but the Christmas goose one.

>> No.15299810

Holy fuck, if /ck/ began posting good things about eating out post op pussy, you’d be hungering for one, wouldn’t you?

>> No.15300081

ya this pretty much confirms it, but the crazy thing is I never get a 4chan vibe from him. He channel is literally r-eddit. Maybe thats just for cameras, and he's a real life 4chan-autist behind the scenes.

>> No.15300350

He can't even make the Carbonara.

>> No.15300364

>Take time to clean up the board
>Lose a Michelin star
not worth it

Also adam's veggie soup isn't bad. Just make sure you use a chardonnay.

>> No.15300376

kek, this, guy doesnt have any basic cooking skills, he's even afraid of deep frying

>> No.15300384

Nigga, he fries food with AIR and not oil!

>> No.15300395

i wonder if he ever even had a decent french fry.

>> No.15300554

He's not a channer, he simply inhabits any forum that he might see people talking about him. And when we stop, he pokes the nest to start it again. Every view we send his way is more income for him. Sage, report, ignore.

>> No.15300585

>Do Americans.....

>> No.15300639

Most Americans don't know who those faggots are

>> No.15300640
File: 136 KB, 1280x720, 1589824659206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the hell calls potatoes cut in the shape of fries roast potatoes? Pic related are roast potatoes.

>> No.15300688

Babish and Fagusea both suck

>> No.15300695

Anybody who roasts them. It's the same thing. Being cut in oblongs is not an appreciable difference.

>> No.15300814

You sound like a sperg. It's not a appreciable difference, but "roast potatoes" almost always refers to the previous pic. When cut into oblongs they are usually called fries, even if roasted in an oven.

>> No.15300826

aye, stop watching or discussing this leech

>> No.15300830

He touched his sister's little girl who was 6 years old. He's a dangerous pervert child molesting sick queer.

>> No.15300848

John Oliver does a cooking?

>> No.15300885

His rice washing video is great literally half of Asia wants him dead now

>> No.15300939

where im from we call then jojos

>> No.15300960

Nonsense. You're probably thinking of frozen oven fries, which are pre-fried.

>> No.15301022

fucking kek

>> No.15301056

from the clips I've heard on youtube I don't understand why they put up with this one. he's such a whiny annoying bitch it's unbelievable

>> No.15301068
File: 414 KB, 2048x1076, B12C423E6E974E319F74B962AE082EBF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ck/ IDOLIZES this "man"

>> No.15301120

Somebody please vocaroo this

>> No.15301498

i watch him rarely but the last two mins of that made me want to never watch another one of his videos

>> No.15301939

mostly so nick can do "ironic" anti-semitic humor

>> No.15302075

>puts at least one extra comma in every sentence to make watching unbearable

>> No.15302110

>not using kosher only

>> No.15302120

He's mentioned 4chan in his video about using plastic and in his most recent he told a story about pissing in bottles in college. I wouldn't be surprised if he's an oldfag

>> No.15302652

I wish he would stop trying to be alton brown for zoomers

>> No.15302680

I hate adamn so much

>> No.15304033

And herein the popularity of Adam is demystified:
In that video Adam advocates for highly unsafe knife practices and coats it with the much more paletteable "Just go slow if you're not a pro duh". I have never told my apprentices they need to be doing machine gun speed cutting. In fact I often tell them to slow down and they don't have to impress me; no one should abide unsafe practices when good long-term habits are easy if you get in on the ground floor.
The whole video is a "never improve" style cope and those that need the cope eat it up, such as this 4chan user I am replying to. Adam has hundreds of thousands of people he's influencing, and if taking his advice, at least a few of them are going to hurt themselves adopting bad habits.

>> No.15304044

Cum Town doesn't work without Adam there as the punching bag. Nick makes fun of Adam and stav keeps nick going and jumps in sometimes. That's the dynamic.

>> No.15304083

Does /ck/ really hate babish that much? Is his inoffensiveness too vanilla for /ck/?

>> No.15304094

Lmao the seethe and cope about not having gas will never not be funny

>> No.15304095

>can't cook
>can't take criticism
Sounds like a full blown autist IMO

>> No.15304109

/ck/ doesn't idolize him. They laugh at how fucking stupid he is.

>> No.15304120

Look, it's absolutely fucking fine if you want go slow and not use the tucked in finger technique because you're just home cooking, but the tuck in knuckle was born out of an environment where people use knives much more than the home cook and slicing off fingers and flesh and missing work or ruining food was the punishment on top of being in pain is going to yield valuable learning lessons for anyone. You're even less likely to injure yourself badly if you tuck in and go slow vs. having your finger tips out and going slow. You'd also get the hang of tuck in if you ever do get comfortable enough to naturally start speeding up.
What the fuck is this shit? He even brought up weight training as an example. You don't have to follow the muscle head techniques to the tee, but they yield valuable data and techniques for the average joe to take in.

>> No.15304344
File: 206 KB, 1000x1250, Chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, /ck/ I've been working on this "equation" (pun intended!) a while. Tell me what you think or what I should add! :)

>> No.15304359

why does this guy want to "break the rules" of cooking in every fucking dish

>> No.15304369

he either wants to be a contrarian or it's his "gimmick" to separate him from the other 1000 cooking youtubers.

>> No.15304851

yeah cause unlike babish he can't cook worth shit

>> No.15304926

hes also shitting on metric system cause he has trouble reading large numbers.

He also says never deep fry at home cause he hurts himself.

>> No.15304943

It's official:

The janitors actively shill these fucking shit threads while deleting other youtube celebrity threads.

This board is doomed

>> No.15304969

Why does /ck/ hate babish?

>> No.15304990

Because he sux

>> No.15305000

why does he suck? what qualities does he posess which make you, and a large (or vocal) majority of /ck/ dislike him?

>> No.15305003
File: 10 KB, 268x284, 1608586636350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is a cooking board the one that makes me kek the hardest

>> No.15305006

Being lame makes him totally sux

>> No.15305012

ok thanks anon i get it now

>> No.15305435

Nice try adam, but this dude isn't a fag like you.

>> No.15305581
File: 15 KB, 604x438, 48AEF88A-8DA1-46C3-B455-CD740C68876C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dangerously based.

>> No.15305915


>> No.15305934

Based Ethan Chlebowski. Adam, why did you post this superior man?

>> No.15306091

I want to punch his face so hard his moustache falls off.

>> No.15306096

I hope you achieve your dreams, anon. I really do.

>> No.15306144

Chill out Adam.

>> No.15306147

I was thinking the exact same thing! God damn is that moustache ugly

>> No.15306201

>hes also shitting on metric system cause he has trouble reading large numbers.
Please expand on this, I want to laugh

>> No.15306210

As our God of COPE and SÖY

>> No.15306212

You mean (((Joshua))) WHITE MALE?

>> No.15306231

He just has thick glasses making him look like that retard kid from your childhood

>> No.15306256

hes a redditor

>> No.15306355
File: 148 KB, 828x995, 1607412579983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>today we will be making mac and cheese
>firstly look at this study you NEED to boil your PASTA at 100c CONSTANTLY and salt your NOODLES not the WATER, heres no name university of ohio janitor to prove im right
>next add american cheese to your pan, heat thoroughly
>add industrial chemical #4 in order to make your food more like industrial pre packaged food
>but you do you

>> No.15306458
File: 180 KB, 534x900, 1609142563393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this adam is essential to the show people just don't realize it

>> No.15306650

That's sounds like those "chefs" who waste their time making "gourmet" versions of trash processed food for manchildren

>> No.15306672

I don't like hipsters or guidos. fuck you

>> No.15306694

>iodized salt
Fuck off faggot.

>> No.15306707

He's right in this one, considering his channel isn't really meant for pretentious people who count cooking as a hobby. If I didn't have as much autism as I do, I wouldn't learn knife skills.
Check out his vegetable soup video.

>> No.15306735

Because he takes one train of thought (to master a nations cuisine is not about learning specific recipes) that's correct, and leaves out any attempt at learning the techniques or reason behind recipes.
Quintessentially american.

>> No.15306745

>well, do you know about this well known proven to work method of cooking thing?
>well that's totally unnecessary! The proper way is to do it FAGGOT WAY
>here one of my soyboy colleagues will tell you about it he's an expert on fag shit
>expert : I suck cocks!
>*Adam's wife orgasming to BBC in the background *

>> No.15306856
File: 43 KB, 676x269, 65cfc46fa404e36affdbea53aa58c5e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15307076

What if the whites are above the iris?

>> No.15307086

the mods must really like him cause any other youtube food related eceleb thread gets deleted

>> No.15307493
File: 1.27 MB, 1885x961, Screenshot 2020-12-29 233624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>adam's '''cooking'''

>> No.15307505

I'd rather watch that faggot weissman.

>> No.15307506
File: 584 KB, 836x468, ragu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Adam Ragusea is Reddit as a person
>Adam Ragusea's first words were "Um, Actually"
>Adam Ragusea is what you get when you boil Alton Brown for too long
>Adam the type of nigga to critique his grandmother's tendies
>Adam the type of nigga who brings his own vinagrette
>Adam Ragusea tastes his cum for seasoning
>Adam eats Corn Flakes to stop masturbating
>Adam knows the difference between a sweet potato and a yam
>Adam told a cookie that "feeling crummy" wasn't a medical emergency

>> No.15307509

Yeah and?
I think there's an Internet Shaquille thread up.

>> No.15307519

I don't know why he's so obsessed with cutting to shots of his ass.

>> No.15307814

hes not a bad cook just. eh

>> No.15307861
File: 8 KB, 236x177, gavin-oconnor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His eyes are close set and not symmetric. Makes him look like a Jew.

>> No.15307900

Adam brings fuel to the fire namsayin :]

>> No.15307922

I can't figure out a reason to watch this guy. He can be eating the best food in the world. He can make his best Alton Brown impersonation. His yt and streams do nothing for me.

>> No.15307931

Anything is better than babbish, even bipoc bon appetit.

>> No.15308017

think for yourself

>> No.15308025
File: 109 KB, 294x279, jrm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even bipoc bon appetit
That's a strong statement. Why?

>> No.15308095

Andrew Rea is an insufferable cunt. His shows are substanceless overproduced clickbait.

I'll take the random brown persons host cooking for a damage control motivated and new improved distribution of wealth (Conde Nast).

>> No.15308142

white wine in tomatoe sauce