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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15281202 No.15281202 [Reply] [Original]

I can’t stand the sounds of other people eating

>> No.15281208

It's a common thing among autistic people, you're not alone

>> No.15281211

Yeah, it's pretty gross when people lack the self-control to moderate the noises they make.

>> No.15281383

I like hearing people swallow

>> No.15281388
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i hate people that yawn like this more than jews
viscerally want them to suffer immediately and I visibly cringe

>> No.15281395

This, but when people take a shit in my toilet. If I can't inspect it before they flush I get irritated as fuck.
Thinking about disabling the flush button so they're forced to ask me for help and I can check the color, composition and smell before I lift the cistern lid and flush it manually for them.

>> No.15281410

I get off to it. Especially if it's an attractive girl.

>> No.15281420

What if it's an attractive mature blonde transwoman?

>> No.15281423

If they're attractive then sure

>> No.15281471

Haha I do this

>> No.15281477

Dude u would smell mine from the next mobile home over to yours----trust me the smell would bring u to ur knees and beg for death

>> No.15281489
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It actually is an annoying thing if you think about it, but if it actually causes you significant distress then you are probably either lacking sleep, have high stress levels, or as the other basement-dwelling faggot said, autistic.
Try to relax, kid.

>> No.15281497

reminds me a story of when anon's mom would get mad if he flushed because she wanted to she his shit

>> No.15281522


>> No.15281539

That won't work unless the people you know are stupid. It's easy to just pop off the lid of the cistern and manually operate the flush.

>> No.15281548

It usually doesn't bother me but one of my roommates just sounds gross. He chews with his mouth open, he gulps every beverage, it's absolutely disgusting.

>> No.15281553

You can tell from her collar that she's hiding an adams apple, also those shoulders are a dead giveaway. Still cute though would lick his bussy.

>> No.15281738

his shoulders dont look that masculine

>> No.15281753

Is it true this is autism? It might explain some things. I hate the sound of people eating too, and so did my dad. My dad used to slap me at the dinner table when I ate to loud, and often times made me eat outside with the dog.

>> No.15281756

the fuck is that guy's channel

>> No.15281759

I’m sure you dad making you eat with the dog didn’t have any lasting impacts whatsoever

>> No.15281766 [DELETED] 
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I absolutely cannot eat in any restaurant with black people. I'm aware that it's not their culture to observe our manners, but I find it so repulsive I can't enjoy my food. They chew with their mouthes open, talk with a mouthful of food, snort, burp and are loud and make a complete mess of the table. It's repulsive. And they all seem to do it.

It's not racist it's fact. Absolutely appalling.

>> No.15281775

Right there with you, OP. You just learn to deal with it. It's frustrating when you enjoy cooking but hate being near people eating it.

>> No.15281777

Anyone who says "it's not racist, it's fact" is in fact a racist.

>> No.15281804

Anon, despite /pol/ing up my perfectly good thread, have a Christmas (You) on the house

>> No.15281816

Don't travel to asia

>> No.15281821

You are not alone brother. I can't stand it. I hate when someone chews gum like a 2 dollar hooker. Makes me sick.

>> No.15281844

I don't even like seeing people chew and swallow, but I'm also a 21st century schizoid man

>> No.15281878


>> No.15281882 [DELETED] 

Chinks are so fucking bad for this
My uni is a chinese money laundering scam so we have hundreds of them here. They eat like cattle. Regular Canadian people eating does bot bother me.
But when these fucks chew their noodles like they are boiling hot, smacking their lips and talking their disgusting language with their mouths full of their gross food.
it bothers the fuck out of me
Also last year like 4 chinks got scurvy because they only ate ramen noodles for months

>> No.15281921

I love the "visit Canada" ads running in the US online right now focused on the US stereotype of Canadian niceness when white Canadians are actually hateful bastards.

>> No.15281929

Very true, stay the fuck out. Everyone here hates Americans, especially right now.
It will probably be okay in a like a year for Americans to come visit. Otherwise if your car has American plates it will probably get vandalized.

>> No.15281947

>spray paints maple leaves on your windows

>> No.15282001

>white Canadians are actually hateful bastards
is that what theyre calling our disapproval of thousands upon thousands of gimmegrants fucking up our fragile economy?

>> No.15282013

People who say this shit don't realize how utterly disgusting they sound eating, but other people are able to deal with it, because they aren't mentally ill like OP is.

>> No.15282025

Mod deleted my post yet the post the simply states niggers stays lmfao

Chinese people, who are culturally chinese Not simply ethnically chinese, eat like disgusting pigs
Clean it up chink janny

>> No.15282050

Hahaha the tranny mods deleted my post! Oh no! Looks like I will get a big DOUBLE SCOOP of new IP addresses tho. Looks like the transexuals are allies of niggers, big surprise!

Now, janny.... CLEAN UP MY MESS. Go on, clean it up. Babby made a boom boom, CLEAN UP MY SHITPOSTS.

>> No.15282094

Jannies here are massive tools. I get banned like every other time I post a thread even when it’s pretty much on topic

>> No.15282119

break yourself free

>> No.15282137

Yeah I hated that a lot, didn’t last 1 minute

>> No.15282140

Are you fucking DEAF?



>> No.15282151

she didnt even start eating until around 3 mins. definitely autismo, Anon.

>> No.15282167

like seriously, the chinese and east indians have a monopoly on country god forbid we're a little irritated

>> No.15282171

on our country*

>> No.15282193
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Me neither, anon.

>> No.15282248

I jumped ahead after 20 seconds of cringy intro

>> No.15282269 [DELETED] 

My neighbours daughter is like 9 years old and she just kissed me on the mouth, with tongue.

Fucking.... NICE.

>> No.15282455

What kind of 9 yo knows how to tongue kiss

>> No.15282487

I know that feel.

>> No.15282765

cute accent, slightly awkward from how intimate this is

i dont mean *intimate* anon, shut up

>> No.15283196

The ones Joe Biden visited with his son. Double barrel pedophilia. Let's see if the pedophile adjacent leftist mods ban me again.

>> No.15283216

If you want to experience true hate and racism, go to a non white country you untraveled simpleton.

>> No.15283243

Eating sounds ASMR is great, sucks to be you OP

>> No.15283251

Please have sex

>> No.15283289

Is this real life? Y’all don’t know who that is?

>> No.15283313

It’s hard to tell these days, people do the merely pretending troll without shame

>> No.15283333

I don't normally notice but there's this guy I know who always makes this "clomp chomp" noise while he's eating. I haven't fully figured out what the noise is. If it's his jaw clicking or his tongue sloshing food around and slapping around or his lips. Very frustrating.

>> No.15283350

That's Sasha Grey, newfriend.

>> No.15283927
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I did. I taught English and culture to impressionable non-white youths, sometimes with a teacher who's love of diversity and multiculturalism was matched by her hatred of certain groups of people.
Its also fairly famous for noisy eaters, which never bothered me in context.
The most hateful person I met there was a white Canadian, who railed against multiculturalism despite it literally being his job to teach it and the reason he was able to move overseas.

>> No.15283943

i am supposed to know who this is?

>> No.15284246

Yep, you have autism