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15273170 No.15273170 [Reply] [Original]

In the USA, companies are able to sell simple free water that they ran out of a faucet and purified. In the UK, you cannot sell this. Anyone care to explain?

>> No.15273175

Freedom. If you want to sell bottled water, you can. If you want to buy bottled water, you can. If there was no demand there would be no supply. Bottling the water is not free, and shipping the water to stores is not free. The convenience is what people pay for. An unopened bottle of purified water lasts longer than if i filled up a bottle with tap water right now.

>> No.15273679
File: 64 KB, 463x640, DsOmJU6WkAEKrYy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spring mineral water MUST come from a spring in the UK, you cannot take water from the tap and call it spring or mineral water because it does not meet the legal requirements to be called mineral and/or spring water, it would be like replacing a carton of duck eggs with regular chicken eggs and then saying "hey they're still eggs why are complaining? "

>> No.15273686

In the UK you need a license to watch television

>> No.15273705

England is so backward they have water shortages despite living on the rainiest island in the world.

London is not third world but 4th world

>> No.15273729

It's simple, working and lower middle class Americans are huge fucking cucks who want the chad upper middle class to sodomise them.

>> No.15273821

You can call it something else and still not be allowed to sell it in the UK. OP said nothing about spring or mineral.

>> No.15273857

In America, corrupt government officials and Republican policies have, over the years, eroded, then sold off many public companies, because poor people benefit from them too, which is very anti-american. They sold off waterworks and sewage and quickly found out, that private companies dont really give a fuck about water quality, all they care about is paying customers, and since water works and sewage are usually state installed monopolies, nobody has a choice and they have to buy the fecal infected tap water from their own area anyway but they can not really drink it. So they buy bottled tap water from some other company, that is adding value™ to the water by encasing it in fossilized fish carcasses.
I think you do not really understand what makes america so great OP, it's the freedom of private companies to utterly rape everyone for a few dollars so that the CEO can have a nice house and send his brood to a pricey college, to make sure that the cycle can continue.

>> No.15273892
File: 961 KB, 1242x1040, A1106CF1-1341-47DD-8CDA-63952FF27B94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally no one is going to buy bottled tap water when you have a near infinite supply at home for a ridiculously cheap price already. The only water you can sell therefore is water that is not tap water. Shit alot of the tap water already comes from natural mineral springs in the first place there is actually zero market for bottled tap water.

>> No.15273906

So why not just let the market decide that?

>> No.15273909
File: 677 KB, 980x1306, where I livec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you have your own drinkable spring running thru your property

>> No.15273914

this is the case in a lot of countries in the form of a required tax to fund public broadcasting. the difference is in the UK you're not compelled to pay the fee.

>> No.15273918

BASED delboy poster

>> No.15273920

Because only Burgertards have this belief that the market is a benevolent force. In countries with actual freedom, companies arent allowed to be criminals and lie to consumers at every corner of the "Value" chain.

>> No.15273931

It's not a lie if they don't say it's spring water. The only reason you think there has to be something special about bottled water is that your nanny state requires there to be something special about it. The market for bottled water is people who aren't home, don't want to carry water from home, and don't want to drink from gross public taps.

>> No.15273936
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They did.

>> No.15273942
File: 866 KB, 1199x1643, Screenshot_20201223-144121_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans have worse food standards than the rest of the developed world tbf

>> No.15273951

if only you knew how bad things really are.
your average tap water in a decent location in north america has about 200 parts per million total dissolved solids. they add sodium hexafluoride and pack the unfiltered water in shitty plastic bottles that leach into the water. if the source had 2-300ppm it'll have at least 4-600 by the time you drink it, and that's if it wasn't exposed to high temperatures or direct sunlight. people pay for worse water and extra poison. truly boogles the noodle

>> No.15273952

Spring water in the US has to come from a spring, too. The bottled water that's just purified municipal water like Aquafina is never labeled spring water because that would be illegal. Stop listening to retarded propaganda.

>> No.15273957

>in countries with actual freedom, the government restricts everything people do and actively prevents them from doing things they might want to do
Weird definition of freedom you have there.

>> No.15273961

0 TDS water would leech minerals from your body and make you very sick.

>> No.15273970

Amerilard coping is off the scale again.
Keep chugging the Neo-Feudalism Kool-Aid and keep praying for Trump you fucking retards

>> No.15273984

The UK drinks toilet water if it comes from the tap.

>> No.15273993

that's why their teeth look like shit

>> No.15273998

Shut the fuck up, bitch. I never suggested drinking 0 TDS water. Glacial meltwater has ~50ppm. Reverse osmosis water still has ~15ppm. Most tapwater is perfectly fine to drink. The point, which you clearly missed, is that they're adding poison.

>> No.15274027

US tap water sucks, simple as that.

>> No.15274031

Why does it suck? Is it because of the freedom loving private companies?

>> No.15274120

Not bad around where I live, but yeah, more often than not municipal tap is pretty shitty.

>> No.15274142
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>t. Flint

>> No.15274145

I live a town over from a poland spring plant. Its just a warehouse in the middle of nowhere that has trucks going and going at all hours.

>> No.15274827

Happy birthday, Michael

>> No.15274918

Why, would you prefer that your freedom was limited by whatever situation you happened to be born in and by those who are already more powerful than you thanks to their good luck?

>> No.15274934

Even america has a publicly funded broadcaster, and even if they throw away their tv they still have to pay for it out of taxes.

>> No.15274949
File: 25 KB, 602x352, nestleceo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinkable water will be a scarce and tightly controlled resource in the NWO.

>> No.15274955

Its very clean, unlike the yellow stuff you can find in america. They literally are forced to buy bottled water in some places as water quality is so low.

I think you probably just have a distorted sense of self from being fed pictures of hollywood peodophiles 24/7 who put bleach on their teeth and encourage you to do the same.

>> No.15274966
File: 139 KB, 1038x1030, 50e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if there was no demand there would be no supply
>bottled water lasts longer than tap water

OK mutt

>> No.15275010

PBS has been saying for decades now that they don't get any government funding. are they lying?

>> No.15275042

>An unopened bottle of purified water lasts longer than if i filled up a bottle with tap water right now.
The fuck? Does your water fucking expire or something?

>> No.15275053

Bacteria breeds in stagnant water and eventually reaches a level unsafe for human consumption.

>> No.15275062

Wikipedia says they're funded by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which is itself funded by Congress.

>> No.15275108


>> No.15275155

>In the UK, you cannot sell this
Yes you can. You just can’t lie and call it spring water.

>> No.15275217

The UK is a country for sissies and it is a nanny state, the men are weak, and the women are ugly.

>> No.15275226

>t. big water

>> No.15275234

You're wrong, faggot. I work in the water industry. The only word in the US that is regulated in terms of water is the word, "purified." That water must meet a certain standard of filtration. Otherwise, spring water could be taken from your garden hose and sold to you and still be called spring water.
The amount of people who come into my store and ask if my water is spring water makes me want to fucking shit myself.

>> No.15275240

I drink mostly RO water that clocks in around 3-4ppm, and I am fine. Been well over 5 years now.

>> No.15275244

Or, I'm simply not a retard. I know for some people it is really hard not to be stupid, but here we are.

>> No.15275247

I've been drinking microplastics and breathing China's polluted air and I'm fine too. This means that there is absolutely nothing wrong with polluted air and microplastics in my food/drink.

>> No.15275253

You are one of three options. 1, a retard. 2, big water shill. Or 3, a bootlicker.

>> No.15275257

Where the fuck you drinking water from? Also, US is the largest worldwide polluter, so you're actually huffing freedom smog. Go back to pol with the china hate

>> No.15275280

I am Chinese. You are retarded. Go back to tumblr.

>> No.15275306

Like I care if you are Chinese or not. You're still a nigger in my eyes.

>> No.15275478


>> No.15275539
File: 1.05 MB, 333x250, RELEASING ARMAGUS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a fucking retard and an idiot. As long as you register wherever you're bottling it as a place of production with all the legal hoops, you can literally fill bottles up from a tap and sell them in every single city and county in the UK. There is NO LAW, BYLAW, OR RESTRICTION AGAINST SELLING TAP WATER.

Fuck, I fell for the bait.

>> No.15275707

Yeah. The UK is a socialist shit hole where retards are protected by the government and this created a system where retards flourish. Now seethe about your failed empire.

>> No.15275956

>boris johnson
Pick one and only one.

>> No.15275967

I can’t wait till the war starts chink :)