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File: 130 KB, 1024x683, summer_truffle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15270515 No.15270515 [Reply] [Original]

For me, it is the truffle, at least the so-called "summer truffle", Tuber aestivum. Although, I would imagine that they're rather similar throughout the genus.

>> No.15270540

Any antisemitism will be reported to the JIDF and ADL. It's illegal in the US now, and I'll have your broke ass hauled into a courtroom.

>> No.15270549

What do truffles taste like?

>> No.15270553

Pencil shavings

>> No.15270628

Very earthy and savory.

>> No.15270634

Like salty coins in milk

>> No.15270679

Truffles, hopefully.

>> No.15270687

Youd be assuming wrong. Burgundy black truffle is great; summer truffles taste like nothinf. Alba white truffles are most overrated; they smell like kerosine and only last a few days at a price tag of $3800-4000/lb

>> No.15270693

Salting your food indicates you're not a good chef and try to mask the flavor instead of letting the natural flavors come out

>> No.15270696

I hope it doesn't taste like truffel oil because that shit tastes like gasoline

>> No.15270705

See >>15270687

Yes and no. Is truffle oil vaguely reminiscent of white truffle? Yeah, but only in the kerosene way. It doesnt have any of the nuance because the one compound is lab synthesized

>> No.15270747

Musky, earthy, nutty, They smell like they taste. Although, the flavor is rather minor, I find. Which is why I think they're overrated.

>> No.15270756

You do know they're the same species, right?
>In cuisine and commerce, particularly in France and Italy, the summer truffle (T. aestivum) is distinguished from the burgundy truffle (T. uncinatum). However, molecular analysis showed in 2004 that these two varieties of truffle are one species. The differences between them are therefore likely due to environmental factors.
Is the taste really that different?

>> No.15270758

Youve had summer truffle. You havent had the real deal truffles that are so legendary and memed out that they make these tasteless turds famous by loose associatikn

>> No.15270760

What exactly is a "real deal truffle"?

>> No.15270765

It's not as much overrated as it is difficult to use. I'd recommend some proper truffle infused oil, that's the easiest way to enjoy it, you can make some pizzas with it or season your pasta. Be aware that there are a lot of fake ones as in the taste was synthetised from other stuff and that makes it not truffle oil at all.

>> No.15270768

The kind that costs over $200/oz and you can smell it on the guy before ge even breaks out the goods.

i think the real deal ones are t. melanosporum, the perigord truffle. regardless theres a huge difference in flavor

>> No.15270780

>The kind that costs over $200/oz and you can smell it on the guy before ge even breaks out the goods.
Ah, these were $10 for 0.70 oz.
>i think the real deal ones are t. melanosporum, the perigord truffle. regardless theres a huge difference in flavor
I'm willing to try them again, perhaps once I've read more into their preparation to really give them the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.15270782

Spoiler alert: neary all truffle oil is synthesized. Pricier ones are passae but generally nobody is wasting alba truffle on this purpose

>> No.15270799

Where do you live bro? That sounds like the prices for “truffles” from oregon/WA.. some can be quite nice when in season (smell like blueberry and chocolate), the shit tier ones are best used for making gastriques, infused oils, dehydrated and used in pasta dough. Ive always wanted to make a truffle demi glace using a pound of shitty truffles and a few poinds of chicken feet

>> No.15270819

Yup, that's what I said. You ain't spoiling shit.

>> No.15270841

That's the converted price, I'm a Brit, that being £7.75 for 20 grams. They're only from around 150 miles away, which while is a fair distance in the UK, isn't "that far" in American terms, as far as I understand. So they're relatively "local". What made me so disappointed is the smell was pungent, and so I expecting the taste to be also, but it wasn't.

>> No.15270849

>*I was expecting

>> No.15270863

ink cartridges

>> No.15270866

Thats exactly how the chinese ones are. They look much cooler than they taste.. Also it could be likely they were leftovers from a good batch that had become dry and thus losing their luster.

What was the texture like?

We blend the scraps that werent able to be shaved with nice olive oil and then drip through a coffee filter to make passable real oil so that does work but its also nowhere near as pungent so it does work for a finishing oil

>> No.15270897

>Also it could be likely they were leftovers from a good batch that had become dry and thus losing their luster.
I don't think so, as they came in a small jar in a musky brown solution, and they were kept refrigerated to slow down the decomposition of the aromatic compounds.
>What was the texture like?
The outside was a blackish brown, covered in what I would describe as crust of tetrahedral prisms, this was firm and crunchy. While the inside was a brownish white, this also was firm, but more fluffy than the exterior. The interior had gyrus-like folds, that were slightly darker than the surrounding matter.

>> No.15270976

Oh lol. Gross.

Bro theyre stored in rice in the fridge and dont last but a week or so. You got shit tier truffle in a jar, nothjng like the real experience

>> No.15271000

Wouldn't that dry them out though? That's why they tell you to store wine in a wine fridge, not a regular fridge, because the latter is deigned to remove mosture to make perishables last longer.

>> No.15271024

Moisture is the enemy with fresh truffle. It ruins the texture; theyre naturally quite dry so you generally keep them in arborio rice because im assuming its less “greedy” with moisture than white rice.

They soak up moisture and spoil quickly. Theyre extremely perishable.

>> No.15271026

You got bamboozled.

>> No.15271029

Also thats not why, usually you just dont want wine to be super cold but you also dont want temperature fluctuations which can affect the product. The wine “breathes” a little through the cork as it expands and contracts but you are somewhat right in that if it is t stored facing downward the cork will dry out letting oxygen in and now youve got vinegar

>> No.15271033

If it is not*

>> No.15271067

Oh whoa, so those were some shit-tier truffles? Good thing my mother gifted them to me then. Thank you for letting me know, I'll see if I can find a better source next time.

>> No.15271100

Very very bottom of the barrel shit-ass nigger tier truffles. The premise of your OP is correct but only because you got lucky in that actual $200+ an ounce truffles are very overrated

>> No.15271106
File: 43 KB, 962x324, wine_fridge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I was talking about.
>Picture related
This is from:
#4 also mentions what I was talking about, specifically about corks.

What a fucking rip-off. I'm certainly glad I didn't pay for them, but angry that they were sold to my mother under false pretenses. I think I'll be letting that "delicatessen" know, in person.

>> No.15271134

Its your fault for not doing a little homework on the product.. Let it go.

Im just a random anon but refrigerators are pretty humid. Cold and humid. Take a crispy cookie or cracker and leave it in the fridge for a little while, see what happens.

>> No.15271147

Not to derail the truffle thread, but fuck Sriracha. This fucking overrated meme ketchup that just tastes like pickled preservatives.

>> No.15271194

>Take a crispy cookie or cracker and leave it in the fridge for a little while, see what happens.
You dare question James Suckling, MasterClass wine appreciation instructor extraordinaire?! In all seriousness though, I store my wine in the fridge, horizontally, and have never had any issue with the cork drying out simply due to the fridge itself.

>> No.15271204

Excuse you? I think it'll find it has subtle hints of garlic, salt, sugar and capsaicin.

>> No.15271234

bro i have a drinking problem, there's no way a bottle of wine is in my fridge or counter for longer than a week. these things are not my concern and wine is for fags anyway

>carlo rossi
>sutter home

fuck it, man. i'm trying to get drunk.

>> No.15271250

Ah, I almost exclusively drink mead and Tokaji aszú. When I was younger I used to drink single malt whiskey, the peatier the better, but that no longer appeases me.

>> No.15271257

for me? it's canadian club whiskey and miller high life beer. it's not that i dislike wine, it's just that i would never go out of my way for it. for cooking or with a really nice meal is one thing, but leisurely drinking? pass

>> No.15271296

To each their own, although I will admit, I never understood the appeal of drinking a litre of boxed wine, or something of a similarly low standard.

>> No.15271820

Sour walnuts

>> No.15271867

They sell black truffle oil too.

>> No.15271872

The ones China sells you.

>> No.15271917

a perfumey mushroom

>> No.15271921

you're a subhuman tastelet desu

>> No.15271999

always remember to read the thread before participating!! :)

>> No.15272026

I have never understood the appeal. I love fungi and woody, umami, gamey flavors.
But truffle and truffle oil has always left me nonplussed. I would not actively acquire it even if it was cheap.
Am I missing something, or is it only popular and desired due to rarity and exclusivity?

>> No.15272079

Ah, I thought Trump might have just recently started a truffle company.

>> No.15272084

>>15271921, you should really take >>15271999's advice. Subhuman threadlet.

>> No.15272103

Shut up, filthy kike

>> No.15272124

samefagging this badly

>> No.15272140
File: 5 KB, 448x134, lack_of_yous.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this retarded.

>> No.15272255

>being this much of a phoneposter
here's a (You) for your stupidity

>> No.15272262
File: 71 KB, 1884x763, desktop_proof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you retarded? I'm quite clearly on a desktop.
>Picture related
Maybe stop trying so hard, and actually use your brain.

>> No.15272271

>tripling down in his idiocy
you're embarassing yourself, here's another (You)

>> No.15272407

You must rather brain-dead, huh? I pity you.

>> No.15272452
File: 21 KB, 384x130, fucku faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hahahha.. anon eternally BTFO'd. kys, loser

>> No.15272468

No one will ever know your name, much less remember it or the things you do.

>> No.15272485
File: 22 KB, 500x500, 102301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15272511

>phone + desktop posting again
it's so obvious it's just pathetic at this point desu

>> No.15272535
File: 174 KB, 1920x1080, eatmyass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it all grows so TIRESOME. frankly, it's embarrassing at this point; let it go.

>> No.15272766

This much salt.

>> No.15272767

Truffles are a muh Italy meme none of you faggots know anything about Caspian Sea black caviar in the 90s

>> No.15272821

bags of sand

>> No.15273104

Is it even overrated?

>> No.15274293

Cheese and bacon

>> No.15274407

among black americans it is

>> No.15275501

Ah, I'm not that target demographic, to me it seems tacky.

>> No.15275564

Bake a chestnut, then let it cool. Drag it through dirt and eat it.

>> No.15275804

same. I only use it for cooking

>> No.15275857

Salt is also overrated. It's unneeded in food and makes Americans fat.

>> No.15275962 [DELETED] 

They kind of smell like a toddlers taint.

>> No.15275975

like sex

>> No.15275979
File: 43 KB, 490x490, white truffle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good thread, the white truffle is superior in every way

>> No.15276057



>> No.15276070
File: 54 KB, 851x852, 1605333862783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>salt makes you fat

>> No.15276147

>no gay sex with hats on

this place is going downhill

>> No.15276168


It's really, really hard to explain. You just have to taste it. It's like garlic. You can't explain it. It's also like garlic where a little goes a LONG way, and you keep tasting it in the back of your mouth, like garlic, long after you've eaten.

It's good stuff, and thank god you don't need much for it in dishes since it's so expensive. Like garlic, it can really make and elevate dishes, but also ruin some, so be careful.

>> No.15277474
File: 347 KB, 950x535, bbq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

southern bbq just overpowers any quality meat flavors with bbq sauce and seasoning
it tastes fine but is definitely not some artisanal craft like people make it to be

>> No.15277505


>> No.15277512

agreed, truffles are the niggers of mushrooms

>> No.15277537
File: 162 KB, 640x649, slime popsicle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coffee, cheese, wine.