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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15268635 No.15268635 [Reply] [Original]

My boss called me this morning and told me I was fired. What are some cheap foods to get me through my job hunt? I already have plenty of rice and beans, but I'd like to change things up so I don't die of malnutrition. I don't have to pay rent, but I do have legal fees I'm currently trying to pay off.

>> No.15268637
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Dumpster dive outside the local supermarket

>> No.15268638

A bullet
Last thing western civilization needs is more poorfags.
I always have some money to buy a nice stake.

>> No.15268647

You are too dumb to cook stick with eating taco bell

>> No.15268655

Buy offal and jewgle different recipes for it. They're always extremely cheap here in muttland, satsfying and high in protein. I bought some chicken livers, hearts and gizzards today for $1.00/lb. Gizzards and hearts are surprisingly versatile as well. They can be grilled, stewed/braised, fried, etc. Also if you have a good international market they will have such things as beef/pork hearts and sweetbreads dirt cheap. In many respects they can be prepared in ways that surpass a steak in flavor. Can't be a typical "ooo, icky poo-poo" mutt, however.

>> No.15268658

>i live with mommy but still have to pay off the lawyer I hired to sue my employer for not warning me to not drink the dish station water. Help /ck/.
Eat deenz and beans.

>> No.15268674

>no rent/mortgage
>legal fees
Yeah I second the bullet suggestion, only genetic dead ends get involved with the legal system

>> No.15268680

This actually might be fruitful. The bakery section throws away a lot of good stuff.
Why else do you think I'm on this board? I know how to cook.
I guess I'll have to get used to organ meats.
I'm not suing my employer. I tried to sue a Chipotle manager and he countersued, and I also have to pay legal fees on top of the money I owe him. I also didn't work as a dishwasher, as you seem to be implying. I worked for a tech startup.
But yes, I guess I can eat deenz and beans. I might try to make a homemade version.

>> No.15268686

Baked goods and veggies you’ll find both that are still good

>> No.15268692

Thank you.

>> No.15268717

I would hardly consider myself a dead end. I'm just going through difficulties currently. I'm simply trying to get my life back on track.

>> No.15268730

IDK if this is true about the chipotle manager or you are bringing back the pasta of suing a chipotle for discrimination.

>> No.15268745


>> No.15268758

>working in tech
ha faggot

>> No.15268766

Eggs are cheap, can be cooked a hundred ways, go with dozens of condiments, and loaded with protein and aminos. A tube of oatmeal lasts forever, is easy to cook, loaded with carbs, and is great with raisins, nuts, butter, brown sugar, etc.
Dried fruits have shelf life (obviously), make a convenient sweet snack, and keep you loaded up with vitamins in the winter months. Raisins, dates, apricots, banana chips, there are lots of options here.
Carrots, onions, celery, and potatoes. Buy these, make lots of soups and rouxs. I always recommend soups on here; you make one big pot of soup, and you eat for several days, especially if you buy some small loaves of bread. I buy bags of six small loaves and stick them in the freezer. Normally a shit idea since it makes the bread go stale faster, but if you're toasting the bread in the oven to eat with soup, it works great.
Cheap cuts, obviously. Chicken thighs have more flavor anyway, and there's a meat for making soups and stews with. Cured ham lasts weeks in the fridge and gives you sandwiches for lunch, or ham & eggs for breakfast.
Storebrand time, bucky-boy. Not ideal by any means, but this stuff is so loaded with preservatives, you'll be stunned at how long it lasts.

>> No.15268954

I could buy 5 dozen eggs for about $5. Try to see if there is a restaurant supply store nearby. And not all calories are the same in regards to satiety. 400 kcal of candy is far less fillimg than 400 kcal of meat.

>> No.15268962

I attempted to sue for discrimination, but after successfully getting diagnosed with PTSD I tried to sue for emotional damages but failed.

>> No.15268981

What legal fees do you have? Maybe we can help each other out. Do you have a pretty mouth?

>> No.15268989

This is not real.

>> No.15269009

I wish it weren't real, but my current living situation would suggest otherwise. All I wanted was a comfortable life and a place to play chess with my friends, but these last few months have led to believe that God hates me.

>> No.15269020

See if you qualify for food stamps if you haven't already

>> No.15269027

What state did you file your action in?

I will give you $50 if you post the claim on here.

>> No.15269028

Just get a job you retard.

>> No.15269052

I'm not degrading myself that way.
I'm not that stupid.
I'm currently job hunting.

>> No.15269068

How is it degrading?

>> No.15269073

You've already degraded yourself. I want to at least see what your attorney wrote. I'll give you $100 if you post the legal claim your attorney filed.

>> No.15269083

I'm better than foodstamps or EBT and I can easily find another job. It's just a matter of time. In the meantime I'm in dire straights.
I'm not going to dox myself. I will however let you know that the Chipotle I was banned from is in Nebraska.

>> No.15269093

$125 is my final offer.

>> No.15269097

>I'm better than food stamps
You know there's a difference in being proud and being stupid. You're being dumb.

>> No.15269101


>> No.15269118

I'm not that desperate. I value my privacy.
I still have savings and my mom has been willing to help out for a few months. I'm NOT stupid.
I used to eat a lot of sardines. I'll consider this.

>> No.15269136


>thinking of the savings account you're forced to pay into as some kind of failure instead of tailor-made for your exact circumstances

Situatuons like yours are literally why food stamps exist. you are forced to pay into the system, so there's no shame dipping into it if you actually have at some point.

the only people who think poverty is degrading have been coasting on daddy's money their whole life, or have drank the premium kool-aid from those who have. You are better than that, anon, and you should do what you need to do regardless of what anyone fucking says.

>> No.15269139

Save your savings for a emergency that needs money and get stamps you dumb dumb.

Food stamps are nothing more than a social safety net. Stop projecting your stupid ideals on it.

>> No.15269166

My mom would probably get upset if she found out.

>> No.15269177

so? who cares

>> No.15269264

My mom. She's an alcoholic and can be emotionally abusive at times.

>> No.15269307

>better than ebt

Imagine working and paying insane taxes into your govt who use it for nothing but feeling too proud to take whats really just what the govt stole from you in the first place

>> No.15269437

That was a dick move by your company to fire you during the holidays, but you may be entitled to severance and unemployment. You can also hit up food banks and government assistance programs. You paid into the system, use it.

Are you prior service? There are programs specifically to help vets including food pantries and meals on wheels.

If you have a clean record and are willing to change careers, healthcare is hiring like crazy.

>> No.15269601

What kind of shitheel fires someone over the phone?

>> No.15269783


>> No.15270145

I am very mad about my employer. He recently found out about what I was doing to the Chipotle manager and said he didn't want someone like me in the company.
I'm not prior service, but I just visited a church food bank a few minutes ago.
My boss.

>> No.15270157

you got a mouth dont ya?

>> No.15270453

can't you collect UE benefits? don't have any money in a savings account?

>> No.15270642

So you were fired without cause, due to an ongoing legal dispute with a completely unrelated party? That sounds.... illegal.

Were you on probation? Do you live in a right to work state?

>> No.15270649

>So you were fired without cause, due to an ongoing legal dispute with a completely unrelated party? That sounds.... illegal.
You're an idiot. That sounds entirely legal. At will employment is the norm across the vast majority of America.

>> No.15270659


>> No.15270671

Spam is tasty. It starts to get gross if you eat more than two slices in a meal, though. Use it instead of bacon, sandwich meat, or eat it with rice.

>> No.15270676

find yourself a hotsauce club and go crazy with them rice and beans, mang. you're not gonna mal-nutriate.

>> No.15270691

May I ask why you got fired, OP?

>> No.15270713

>but these last few months have led to believe that God hates me.
You shouldn't have tried to fuck someone else's life in court, what comes around goes around. This is now the Lord testing your faith, if you think the past few months sucked, it's going to get much worse before things get better. Remember, the Lord helps those who helps themselves. Keep the faith and stay strong.

>> No.15270807

To be honest OP randomsued someone for discrimination money and when called out about their bullshit they started randomsuing for PTSD money.
We may not have the entire story but that sounds like a parasite to me.

>> No.15270879

>check nutritional profile of beef liver
>1000% RDI of vitamin A
>2000% RDI of vitamin B12
uh bro you're poisoning yourself

>> No.15271012

Let's be honest OP, you live in the Omaha metro area, as does your family. Button up and do tour best to act normal and you should have another job by January, their is no shortage of work in the Douglas, Sarpy, Cass, county area, so you will be fine on that front. Vut you need to drop the suit, courts here are not pro lawsuit and covid means the most you'll get is a judge going over the file in his home office and throwing out the whole thing. Forget it move on and in the meantime check out the food bank for the heartland or the Archdiocese of Omaha food bank systems, they will do much better for you than beans and rice.

>> No.15271018

You're the kind of anon that thinks if you eat a rabbit you'll immediately die of starvation, amirite?

>> No.15271023

Are you the same guy that tried to sue a Starbucks for stopping you from stealing the complimentary honey?

>> No.15271071

Is your body fat percentage above 2%? Congratulations. You are full of extra food. Use it, you garbohydrate addled poop factory. Fasting is much easier and more comfortable than rationing rice and beans, and much less retarded.

>> No.15271205

Are you that guy who tried to make his chess club meet in Chipotle and got kicked out? I remember that thread.

What, you kept going back and doing it? Or you sued the guy after he kicked you out the one time?

>> No.15271405

I refuse to believe this guy actually derailed his entire life trying to find his autistic chess club a home

>> No.15271454
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>> No.15271475


>> No.15271490

>I'm better than foodstamps or EBT
This is such a shit attitude. These programs exist for people who need help. They are temporary. You pay into them while employed and then you can access them when necessary.

>> No.15271494

Break down your shopping into protein (pb, eggs, meats, fish), carbs (pasta, bread, flour), veg, herbs/spices, and grocery (soap etc). Then bookmark the ad pages of every store within range. Every week pop open the ads and see what the sales are. Over time you will get a sense of the real price of foods and what is a deal to spend on.

Some tips:

>Buy in bulk at the lowest price then shop for smaller amounts as you go
>find the discount aisles in each store you visit, they all have at least one area
>Immigrant markets are your FRIEND. Find where they are and get their ads.
>You can buy some food and toiletries online cheaper, and at higher quality (e.g., bulk bags of good rice, paper, etc)
>If you have the room freeze your on-sale protein and get your veg fresh
>Potatoes, onions, and carrots sell dirt cheap in bulk bags. Learn to cook with these.
>Rice is a staple and there are a thousand ways to eat it
>Learn recipes that stretch out proteins with vegetables, rice, and pastas
>search for deals on herbs and spices like a thirsty simp and over a long period of time you will build a formidable spice collection
>Buddy up with the deli and butcher personnel and they will hook you up

>> No.15271506

>guy who sued a Chipotle manager because he was kicked out of the restaurant for playing chess and thinking this is somehow "discrimination," who got counter sued and is too good for food stamps and is being emotionally abused by his mother, all with the name Chess Master
You took the bait.

>> No.15271512

20lbs rice
20lbs beans
20lbs lentils
2lbs butter
5 dozen eggs
5lbs onions

get your chicken on sale

>> No.15272018

who the fuck doesnt have at least $5k or 10k saved for a rainy day?

>> No.15272114

Spam is also double the cost of frozen ground beef.
It is salty, fatty, and shelf stable.
If you have refrigeration, a frozen tube of 73/27 beef is much better value for protein.

>> No.15272654

Seconded for freezer bread. Go to Jimmy John's and buy a bunch of day old and freeze it. It's like 50 cents a loaf

>> No.15272683

Cabbage is cheap.

>> No.15272705

Sucks, because helping poorfags eat "healthy" threads are usually pretty great

>> No.15272710

Ever consider that round for your own melon? I mean, Western Civilization doesn't need people who can't even spell the simple fucking things. We have enough idiots already.

>> No.15272747

Imagine being abused vy your parents as an adult. Just push the limit and cut contact if it gets tiresome

>> No.15272755

as long as you have a warm asshole and/or mouth, you have a way to earn money

>> No.15272817

Half head of sliced cabbage in a colander, slowly pour over 1L boiling water, put in bowl with 3tbsp oil, 2tbsp vinegar, salt and pepper. Mix well and leave in fridge over night.

The swedes call it "pizza salad" and you always get it as a side with pizza. Cheap as fuck, filling, and delicious.

>> No.15272830

Make a fuck ton of quesadillas and rice
>Corn kernels
Put that shit on a tortilla and fry on a skillet with a little oil. Use cilantro and taco seasoning too if you wanna spend a little extra.

Also make lots and lots of eggs. You'll be fine.

>> No.15272853

Don't eat it all at once then.
I know the concept of moderation is hard to grasp but you can put the back of chips down and a gallon coke doesn't' have to be finished in one drag.

>> No.15272854

>I'm not degrading myself that way.
Not hungry enough then.

>> No.15272895
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Protip: the leeches of society aren't the welfare knuckle-draggers but the scummy dipshits receiving multimillion bailouts.
Be a man and think with your brain and not with your (((heart))).

>> No.15273130

Get food stamps. Ez money, and they covered everything.

>> No.15273196

Dont buy anything that is not generic. Ok, maybe a few exceptions. at walmart, just about every staple has a poor people version that is a lot cheaper than name brand.
Also dont get tricked by sizes. Sometimes larger sized or multipack packages give buyer a false illusion you are getting a better price per oz or lbs or whatever. Check price per unit.

>> No.15273376

Lmao what did you do to get fired and get legal fees anon

>> No.15273386

>buys processed foods

>> No.15273405
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Life is just one big chess game ain’t it?

>considers dumpster diving for food

>too good for stamps though