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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 44 KB, 938x938, 000215572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15268519 No.15268519 [Reply] [Original]

A lot of people think wine is just a means for Dunning-Kreuger afflicted effete snobs to felate themselves, but they also forget that it's fucking delicious and really good bottles can be had for under 15$. Does /ck/ have any favorites? Pic related, an easy drinking beaujolais I've been enjoying lately.

>> No.15268525
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Georgian wine is good

>> No.15268533
File: 30 KB, 171x600, 6D250096-4670-4B1E-8A80-C3AC3083092F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is fucking amazing

>> No.15268539
File: 25 KB, 500x333, 114FF9FE-9942-49C4-B34D-A0CA2F47A821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this too

>> No.15268547


>> No.15268552
File: 19 KB, 400x600, 54AD9A37-F1C1-4202-B8DA-3315DB3417ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally My fav type of wine is Vin jaune, 2bh all the wines from Jura, including Vin jaune.
Vin jaune makes sherry btfo'd

>> No.15268555

I've never had a Louis Jadot wine that was anything better than mediocre for the money spent. Also this thread is getting nuked like every other wine thread ever.

>> No.15268569

Why do wine threads get nuked? Also, got any recommendations for beaujolais then? The Louis Jadot is doing me right so far but if there's better out there I'd like to try it

>> No.15268582
File: 18 KB, 458x458, 2EF49975-E238-46A4-86ED-CCA05A8E5120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you like Beaujolais, try Morgon. It has the best taste among Beaujolais I think and you'll feel it's more luxurious than any well-made Pinot Noirs.

>> No.15268611

Because the mod is a beer-swilling baboon who gets its fee-fees triggered by things it perceives to be "fancy".
Morgon is a big jump from generic beaujolais and can benefit from a bit of age, I'd suggest fleurie if you want a user friendly higher end beaujolais.

>> No.15268646

i stole a bunch of Petrus bottles and its pretty good!

>> No.15268660

r8 my wine (not my cat because he's 10/10)

Never had a Croatian wine before, this should be interesting

>> No.15268668
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shit forgot image

>> No.15268670

Get the cat drunk and observe the antics lmao

>> No.15268813

I've heard good things about Croatian wine but tokaj is definitely at the top of my list of eastern European wines to try

>> No.15268967

I just try to get cheap reds. Enjoyed yellow tail, little penguin, bota box, and fish eye. I'm going to celebrate with a yellow tail merlot here soon, really enjoy the plum infusion.

Had been drinking a cheap vietnamese red, but I think it was giving me an allergic reaction. Currently drinking Viesta, a Chilean red.

>> No.15269090

Dunning-Kruger is a pseud cope. You can toss the label at anyone and feel like you're making an argument when really it's exactly as substantive a claim as
>you a dum dum head!

>> No.15269155
File: 57 KB, 356x800, PetitePetit__37822.1501870981.1280.1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Michael David petite sirah. Run 18$, delicious

>> No.15269162

Can some recommend a good Sherry?

>> No.15269174

Depends what you like. I only really ever drink finos because it goes better with food.

>> No.15269292

Beaujolais is a poor niggas Pinot Noir.

>> No.15270032

the thing to remember about wine is that price =/= quality and you should drink what you like. also the economics of various countries mean you can get stupid cheap wine for $5 from chile that's on par with $20-25 wine from france

>> No.15270052

Reislings, Beaujolais, Riojas and Malbecs all get a thumbs-up from me

>> No.15270059

Pinot Noir is a pretentious consoomer Beaujolais

>> No.15270140

kept it simple with a nice fornerot hautes cotes de beane blanc with dinner tonight.

drank some great stuff on sunday as i got together with friends for a little pre christmas dinner: i opened a 2012 marcel deiss altenberg de bergheim (grand cru field blend from alsace) which was even more opulent, tropical and apricotty than i remember. we had a lovely light ribeira sacra natural af red. and we finished off with 2010 doisy-daene barsac which was heavenly.

wouldn't say it btfos sherry at the same price. like a bottle of equipo navazos palo cortado or something
do agree that all jura wine is tight af tho for sure.
that falanghina has a cool label and its a fun grape 7/10
el maestro sierra and gutierrez colosia make great value sherries. if theyre available in your area try the 10yr oloroso from the former and the amontillado from the latter
for more widely distributed stuff hidalgo la gitana manzanilla pasada pastrana is fantastic

you are both very stupid

>> No.15270619

You sound like an insufferable faggot

>> No.15270669

>unnecessary blog shit
>"heavenly", "than we remember", "a little dinner"
>replying to the entire thread to establish himself as an "authority"
>"kept it simple with a cheapie, only $30, whilst I normally only drink fine wines, I selflessly endeavour to stay current on les vins to which la classe ouvrière is accustomed, one might say I'm a man of the people"

energetic, young, highly punchable post, a bit tight and has an eggy, almost fart-like nose but clearly this distinguée critique de vins clearly does not believe in copper sulfate, fortunately after an hour and a half it really opens up and we enjoyed it much more than we remembered

>> No.15270700 [DELETED] 

Pinot noir is for gays

>> No.15270720

I fucking hate wine but recently made sangria for my girlfriend and I kinda' like it. Am I turning gay?

>> No.15270730

you might as well start asking your gf for dick sucking tips

>> No.15270731

look more closely at her hands, and despair, for you are already the gay

>> No.15270737


nah i enjoy having fun and liking things

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>> No.15270753

that wine was £17 poorfag thats not expensive

>> No.15270763

based taste

>> No.15270869

Oh my bad I mistook your "keep it simple" to imply you wanted to make sure everyone understood you had money. Make sure to casually mentioning something actually expensive you own or an expensive hobby you have, since obviously only a poorfag would drink that swill.

>> No.15271161
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This was pretty nice for £12.

>> No.15271168

I should fucking hope so it's 50 quid a bottle

>> No.15271184

Wtf is a fun grape you absolute pretentious bellend

>> No.15271300

yeah i just drink the cheapest boxed red from the grocery store

>> No.15271448
File: 44 KB, 1000x1000, moet-chandon-brut-imperial-magnum-563984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally got to drink this fucking wine after so many attempts over the years
Finally decided to buy it today which also happens to be my birthday

>> No.15271502

Vin jaune is amazing but i would say it's different enough from sherry that it's not an easy comparison, especially with the more oxidized styles.

That sounds like a great mix of wines, always a fan of Alsatian wines. I have a bottle of Zind Humbrecht grand cru riesling that's almost ready that I'm really excited to try.

>> No.15271554
File: 72 KB, 490x686, Dolce Rosso Lambrusco Botticello.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is the best Lambrusco you could find on the west side of the Atlantic
I fucking love Lambrusco wine

>> No.15271600

Anyone have anything they're looking forward to opening over the holidays?

I've got a few fun things coming up but I'm especially excited for a couple, have a bottle of FX Pichler smaragd riesling, a bottle of Alain Voge 'Vieilles Fontaines' cornas, and a bottle of 1950s boal madeira.

>> No.15271690
File: 38 KB, 464x620, 79f64fcf-5010-4da7-9efa-7664317592f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got some lagrein. I'm a sucker for wines where it looks like there's a confused mashup of unrelated languages on the label. It feels like Star Wars or Star Trek or something.

>> No.15271708

And it's surprisingly good. Tastes like those really tiny spring blueberries.

>> No.15271749

Can anyone suggest Greek wines?

>> No.15271772

Yes, Greek wines are good, I highly suggest drinking them often.

>> No.15271774
File: 244 KB, 1346x790, xmas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I passed up the opportunity to buy some old old blandy's madeirda, though I've always had a soft spot for it. Was ultimately too pricey compared to vintage port. The very rare wine co madiera line is unbeatable for the money if you haven't tried it, covers the full spectrum of dryness levels

Got these three on hand, a 2003 Lafaurie-Peyraguey split and and Aubry 2013 1er cru in the fridge

xinomavro is the most reknown, Assyrtiko is nice for a food white but they do tend to be briny, then there's always paleokerisio if you want a sparkling orange wine with tannin structure, tends to be a hit with women

>> No.15272461

congrats, you're in for mediocrity

>> No.15272510

The wine world is so goddamn full of jackasses and the worst kind of snobs. I don't have any problem with expensive foods, clothes, cars, or whatever, but it drives me nuts that wine critics gush over expensive wines and then don't even pick them in blind taste tests.

>> No.15272514

Eh, I like regular Moet Brut better than Dom Perignon which is the Moet house's famous vintage champagne.

>> No.15272515

Is there a xinomavro that is not balls to the wall tannin and acidity or is that just the style?

>> No.15272531

it's just the style, closest comparison would be like a bastard child between nebbiolo and petite syrah

if you can get one 10 years old or more though they soften considerably with age. Some of the nicer niche stores will carry a few that are much older than most other wines on the shelf.

you should take a look at the audiophile world then, at least wine is a consumable product compared to 3000 dollar diamond cables

Dom Perignon, especially the 2008 vintage, needs a few years of bottle age to calm down. Same with Roederer Cristal. They're both good wines, it's a shame that most people buy em and drink em immediately. There's no question Moet is more accessible.

>> No.15272540

I have never been impressed by a Champagne. I feel the carbonation really distracts from the flavor. And it only comes out in events where other things have your attention more than the wine anyway. It could be Prosecco for all I care.

>> No.15272548

Champagnes I don't care for (note: these are all brut, regular champagnes, not any of that rose colored crap): Nicolas Feuillatte, Montaudon, Tsarine, and Ace of Spades. Ace of Spades was the absolute worst Champagne I've ever had. Just terrible stuff.

Champagnes I've enjoyed:
Moet Brut
Veuve Clicquot
Perrier Jouet
Roederer Brut

I've probably had a few other champagnes that aren't coming to mind right now.

>you should take a look at the audiophile world
I hate those idiots far more than wine snobs. They don't really care about the music itself, just how it sounds and pretend that $3000 cables sound any different than normal cables. The whole audiophile industry is full of grifters. Even if you drop some bucks on overpriced crap like Ace of Spades, at least you can ball hard with it.

>> No.15272578

I had a bottle of Martini & Rossi Asti and haven't tried any Italian sparkling wines since because I hated it so much. What are some good Italian sparklers?

>> No.15272586

i like wine but every time I get a bottle I drink the whole thing and fall asleep

>> No.15272590
File: 49 KB, 498x996, franciacorta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

franciacorta is the best italian sparkling out there, primarily because it's bottle-aged and fermeted
they tend to run a bit more expensive than prosecco but cheaper than champagne. Pic related can be had for ~20-25 dollars and is great

>> No.15272910
File: 374 KB, 1200x1600, 1491940888732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats something similar to a greuner vetliner that i can find in canada?

>> No.15272949

Insanely hideous label

>> No.15272951

Carnivor (cabernet) has been my choice lately. $12 where I am

>> No.15272993

You can definitely find gruner veltliner in Canada, what are you on about? T. Canadian

>> No.15273587

probably lives in ontario

>> No.15273637

Trying the Falanghina with an Italian dinner tonight, will let you know how it goes.

Honestly expected to get shit on for the left most bottle, its a lambrusco which most people have a really low opinion of

>> No.15273744

I had a cheap Chilean malbec a while back that had a really nice unexpected herbaceous/mossy taste. Haven't been able to recreate that it other malbecs; does anyone have some possible leads?

>> No.15273756

Probably a blend, a lot of new world "single varietal" wines actually aren't, they just label it that way because people who don't know about wine think blends = bad and "name of grape" = good.

>> No.15273801

love that memory

>> No.15273820

why do you talk like this?

>> No.15273837
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like what

>> No.15273841
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Finna boutta make some chrimbass booze for a small and socially distanced family gathering but half the attendees are faggot vegans so eggnog is right out, and the other half get blistering headaches from red wine and dark liquor.

anyone got like a mulled white wine recipe that isn't just lamo put a clove in some mimosa

>> No.15273844

What's your budget for wine ? I never pay more than 6~7€ for a bottle. At that price you won't have spectular wines but ok ones for cooking.
Curious to see how much people in other countries pay.

>> No.15273847

quite a lot of wine is not vegan, FYI

>> No.15273853

I don't actually give a shit, they just won't drink anything obviously containing dairy or egg.

>> No.15273854

I consider anything over $30 to be a splurge
I usually drink stuff between $15-25
I don't buy a lot of sub-$10 wine except for cooking

>> No.15273981

Usually 10 to 20$. I'll go up to 40-50$ if there's something I really want to age for a couple of years but I'll spend that much maybe twice a year.

>> No.15274346

Merlot is trash, Pinot Noir is the best.

Other stuff in between.

>> No.15274543

I worked in Georgia for 3 months. Imho their reds are better than the whites, even including the qvevri style.
Thank god there is a place selling georgian wine in my country, I get some bottles from there each year. It's so good but so rare here in Italy.

>> No.15274574

Imho Trento doc are better than Franciacorta.

>> No.15274753

Bardolino is the best 5€ wine, prove me wrong.

>> No.15274976

Cru beaujolais IMO is the best bang for your buck wine. Super yummy and goes well with damn near any food. If you've never tried it, give it a whirl.

>> No.15274984

A fair amount of it has flaws though because the cru fad and the natty wine fad both hit their booms at the same time

>> No.15274993

Yup. Portugal, Croatia, Chile, Argentina, Armenia, Spain all have great wines for the price.

>> No.15275005
File: 219 KB, 1200x1600, 20160207_153426597_iOS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes Mogen David has quite delicious wine.

>> No.15275008

>you can get stupid cheap wine for $5 from chile that's on par with $20-25 wine from france
your country has weird taxes then, or you live in chile

>> No.15275011

anon, that bum-wine of yours will send you to an early grave

>> No.15275014
File: 557 KB, 853x2935, wormwood-wine-dark-colorize-nov-2012-014[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recommend wormwood-infused wine if you can find some.

>> No.15276099

Thx, I will try these out.

>> No.15276134

Blue Raspberry is the distinguished gentleman's choice. I can't even tell how many times I've gotten laid thanks to that expression.

>> No.15276186

I just started my wine journey and so far my favorite reds are tempranillo and chianti. I havent tried much white but I picked up a South African chardonnay on a whim and really like it. Any suggestions?

>> No.15276493

Try a chablis after the south african chardonnay for contrast

>> No.15276640

>tempranillo and chianti
You might also enjoy shiraz (not to be confused with syrah) and cabernet sauvignon (slightly different but still in line, I suppose). Riojas (including crianzas) are another good option, usually on the cheap side.
There's a huge gamut of whites to try out. Go try out some alsace, gewurztraminer, and both main kinds of jurancon (they're completely different) at least.
I also second >>15276493

>> No.15277076

Thank you very much for the suggestions. Gonna browse costco for some of these soon :)

>> No.15277464
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>> No.15277482

> 0 results


>> No.15278829
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Do you get the cheapest wine for cooking or not? I'm using a $2.79 wine for a marinade for Christmas.

>> No.15278880


>> No.15278905
File: 254 KB, 1464x955, 5b-vinos-finca-sanblas-171204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15278909


>> No.15278983

Mostly agree but Louis Jadot Beaujolais Villages is fairly solid and dependable. Workhorse wine.

>> No.15278993

That looks fucking disgusting tbqh.

>> No.15278995

I wonder who could be behind this wine...

>> No.15279029
File: 22 KB, 400x200, 1404940185588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made me laugh my ass off, thanks dude

>> No.15279072

I’m running a 99 degree fever from my mild alcohol withdrawal. It’s my third detox this year, and I only had 2 moderate drinking sessions (6ish beers) in a week to induce it.

I wish I could still sip wine. I wonder if this year’s Beaujolais nouveau was any good?

>> No.15279097

As others have said, probably a blend. I would explore some Cabernet Francs, which is a popular blending wine, but less common on its own due to the flavors you mentioned. Also I think altitude has a lot to do with bringing out more earthy tones in wines?

>> No.15279102

Oh so you saw Sideways once and think you know wine?

>> No.15279139

You try an AA program anon? Also scrolling through this thread is like browsing /hc/ when you're doing nofap desu

>> No.15279714

Interesting, thanks. There is much to learn.

>> No.15280581
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Left work early to pick up some wine
Also my new Riedel crystal should be delivered today after I broke my last really nice glass
What should I start with first?

>> No.15280995

Like a giant fucking faggot

>> No.15281038
File: 882 KB, 926x1200, IMG_1764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried the Riesling first (never had riesling before) and it's nice and crisp
Got the new crystal, going to pop the malbec soon
Saving the Austin Hope for tomorrow

>> No.15281072

As an Alsatian, thanks for the support to my economy

>> No.15281087

Wine is dry as fuck and tastes like the inside of a homeless persons shoe. Be a man and drink bourbon or don’t drink at all.

>> No.15281122

I wouldn't recommend super cheap wine. At least spend 5-7$ (that's what we pay in france) and it makes a hell of a difference

>> No.15281356

How do I study wine?

I wanna read a book or something to get into tasting and appreciating wines. Any suggestions?

>> No.15281372

Why don't you just taste and appreciate wine?

>> No.15281377

Best champagne. Don't waste your money on Bollinger, it is overpriced shit

>> No.15281467

>not to be confused with syrah
It's literally the exact same grape

>> No.15281528

>Austin Hope
kek I've been bombarded by facebook ads for that shit
Don't tell me you fell victim

>> No.15281544

Syrah is what pretentious aussies call their shit to distance it from aussie shiraz which has a damaged reputation internationally.

Also worth noting that petite sirah is not the same as syrah or shiraz.

>> No.15281586

Why is Riesling so good?
I thought white wine was only for ladies and gayboys
Have I been spending too much time on /fit/?

>> No.15281609

Met with the family today for christmas, my mom drank a little too much and puked all over the floor, so I had to clean it up.
How was your day /ck/?

>> No.15281618

my bro talked about killing himself in a hotel room and my mom was being sad, idk

>> No.15281635
File: 2.90 MB, 1080x1080, QH4dN3j.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wine doesn't know if you're gay or straight and in any case most of us are gayer than we let on in public

good riesling is the 10/10 passing mtf of white wine, but chenin blanc can be delicious too. chenin is more of a cis tomboy I would say. try something from anjou. avoid new world chenin at all costs

>> No.15281646
File: 1.48 MB, 1500x1125, IMG_1275 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I moved to take a job 4 years ago so I'm 700 miles away from my family and friends
And I'm moving again for a new job and a $20,000 salary increase so soon I'll be 2000 miles away from my family and friends
I'm drinking alone, watching Blue Mountain State on the couch and talking to some thots trying to get nudes

>> No.15281815

I've had some killer SA Chenin in my time.

I've always thought of Chenin to be a pretty masculine grape so tomboy makes sense I guess.

>> No.15281828

Do you want to work in wine service? Go get a sommelier certification.

Anything else? Go do WSET.

You can learn a lot drinking with others and in bars by asking staff questions. In my experience people are often enthusiastic to share knowledge with people who are actually interested to learn.

>> No.15281943

Never cook with anything you would not drink.

>> No.15281954

You are a manchild, not a man.

>> No.15281973

Do you really have to give them (You)s?

>> No.15281976

It's complicated. I really know shit, but my normie friends think I am a sommelier. Learning regional styles, aging techniques and how to read a label and how to match with food is the basics; after the really obvious, like white vs red and sweet vs dry.
Grape varietals, specific vineyards and vintages is advanced.
If you know anything about beer, whiskey, coffee or tea it will be easier.

>> No.15281984

Innate Germanic high Test autism.

>> No.15281992

alcohol should not be consumed outside of a religious setting. prohibition is the answer

>> No.15281996
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This is bomb-diggity with holiday turkey

>> No.15281999

come to BKLYN and i'll show you why

>> No.15282003

How's the Vecchia Modena?

>> No.15282004

Get fucked. Faggots like you gave women the vote.

>> No.15282012

No, but I chose to. Whether they troll or not, my words were true.

>> No.15282014
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Based wine snob.

>> No.15282020

I'm going to get some for New Year's.

>> No.15282046
File: 251 KB, 1908x1146, 21872084-0-image-a-5_1575567681976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no wonder, Brooklyn is the worst borough of all time, I'd rather live in fucking Hoboken or even Staten Island

t. Manhattan

>> No.15282057

Kek. They whole city should be nuked. I would celebrate in the street if the Ruskies emptied a boomer on it.

>> No.15282063

People like me will bring back prohibition and remove their franchise.

>> No.15282106

To be honest as long as it takes out Brooklyn with absolute certainty, that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.

>> No.15282132

I am open to compromise. Repeal the 19th and I will accept a ban on the commercial sale of alcohol. Private brewing remains legal and people on the black market can get fucked by the ATF, since with no women voters we can stop worrying about bullshit firearms laws.

>> No.15282139

My main target is Wall Street

>> No.15282163

That's cool, just spare a few warheads for Brooklyn please. If there aren't enough to cover the whole borough then at least glass Williamsburg to Red Hook, Bushwick, Bed Stuy, and drop two on Park Slope please thanks.

>> No.15282811


>> No.15284787

What's your favorite glass shape?
Really loving my shiraz glass >>15281038
My previous nice crystal had a very similar shape as well
Perfect for the malbecs and cabs I mostly drink, and seems to work great for riesling too

>> No.15284812
File: 78 KB, 1000x1021, cheap shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also have a cheap set of red glasses (pic) that cost less than my single crystal
Probably placebo because I don't like the look because their shorter and wider and the thicker glass doesn't feel elegant but I swear my wine tastes better out of my nice crystal

>> No.15285078

>started working at a winery earlier this year
>never drank wine
>get wine 45% off on employee discount for screw cap bottles, 30% off for corks, less for anything dipped with wax, I haven't checked yet
>christmas shutdown from last friday until the 4th of january
>buy myself a case of assorted bottles

I wouldn't call myself a wine guy yet. But I do enjoy Baco Noir.

>> No.15285111
File: 18 KB, 250x252, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's only like 3 wineries on earth who produce baco and that exact christmas shutdown narrows it down even more, good job doxxing yourself R.I.P. all your secrets

>> No.15285119

This depends on what you mean with "study wine".
Generally a lot is down to just drinking wine, trying to understand what you are tasting and learning a vocabulary.
I wanted to buy and read "wine tasting - a professional approach" but didn't have the time yet.

>> No.15285261

prohibition as a movement was started by the equivalent of soccer moms, you're supporting a movement of bored middle aged women that is proven to only generate more crime and debauchery

good job retard, you played yourself

>> No.15285345

for chriistmas day i drank:

pierre paillard les parceles bouzy grand cru champagne - 70/30 pinot chard blend of mostly 2015 vintage with reserve wine. nice stuff, pretty fruit driven for a wine with 4 years sur latte

talley stone corral vineyard pinot noir, edna valley 2013 with the roast goose. dont drink much cali wine cos its usually expensive here in uk but i needed a more robust pinot and didnt want to spill 3 figures on burgundy... pretty impressed with this

dow's q do bomfim port 2006 with cheeses not much to say its a nice port

hope youve all had a ncie christmas day winegen frens im now watching nba and sipping my ledaig 10

>> No.15285507

I'm not too worried about posting something inoffensive on 4chan.

>> No.15286395
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Had a bottle of J M Sélèque Solessence with cheese and charcuterie. More generously fruited and elegant than I remember but still quite lean. Mostly Chardonnay, base wine 2016, disgorged 2018.

Then a Louis Claude Desvignes La Voûte Saint-Vincent Morgon 2014 with roast turkey. Was delicate enough to go with the bird and very Burgundian. Lacked the concentration of Burgundy but had lots of black and sour cherry, blueberry, red brick minerality, subtle forest floor and roasting herbs.

Finished with a single barrel whisky from Starward that went very well with the Christmas pud.

>4 years sur latte

>> No.15286802

Girl I'm dating is a total wine snob. I'm a pretentious fuck but I can't get past 99% of expensive wine being a pure and OBVIOUS scam. If my g/f based or just a brainwashed NPC? I have honestly lost a little bit of respect for her at her insistence of drinking the 'good stuff' (which we all know she'd fail to recognize in a blind taste test)

>> No.15286819

>NICE OR EXPENSIVE THINGS ARE A SCAM!!!!!!!111!!!!!!!!11!1!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.15286826

Expensive wine is a transparent scam preying on pretentious midwits

>> No.15286827

How was the Kalin Semillon?

>> No.15286830

Grapes are terrible for cats. Don't do what this dumbfuck anon is suggesting.

>> No.15286868

You are either good and drunk or pretty good at playing drunk
Well did anon
Well did

>> No.15286870

who says

>> No.15287012

Yes, whatever you say. You are so very unique and smart. Much smarter than anybody who drinks fine wine. You in your genius have lifted the veil of fine wine and effortlessly debunked the entire industry with your amazing never before spoken insight. Is that what you wanted me to say?


>> No.15287249
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Pretty good

>> No.15287587

Has this become the 'enlightened supermarket choice' or is it just the same guy posting it over and over?

>> No.15287595

Someone's mad

>> No.15287604

Hartley and Gibson sherries are a good value

>> No.15287607

imagine roleplaying as niles crane without the self-reflexive irony of being in a sitcom

>> No.15288224
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Someone suggest good Portuguese wines to me

>> No.15288246

Lovely lambrusco, not overly sweet

>> No.15288307

Is this why ancient Greek texts usually mention mixing water with wine, or is that a necessary hydration and stretching it out thing. Also primitive methods.

>> No.15288345

The sad thing about a lot of forced memes on here is that the product in question is actually pretty good, but people will be tricked into thinking it's bad.

I've had it. You could do a lot worse in like the ~10.99 category.

>> No.15288376


>> No.15288388 [DELETED] 

You are both retarded.

>> No.15288390 [DELETED] 

You must be gay yourself. Come out of your closet, nigger.

>> No.15288395

Join your local Alcoholics Anonymous chapter.

>> No.15288416


>> No.15288432

Might as well just have chicken McNuggets if you are going to drink this shit.

>> No.15289401
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99% of "audiophile world" stuff is just decent quality gear with $100 worth of unnecessary bling added like pretty cable housing or machined face plates or exotic hardwood veneers, but it's not fun to laugh at stuff like that so everyone obsesses over the $20k cables and shakti stones because sour grapes

>> No.15289496

bonjardim reserva
niepoort redoma
anything made by luis or filipa pato
vadio branco
manz dona fatima
anything from colares
luis seabra

hard to find bad port of geese wines, and those that are bad are so comically cheap that you wont even care

>> No.15289524
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For me, it's Carlo Rossi Burgundy

>> No.15289528
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>> No.15289548
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I like this wine, however I can say nothing of it because I do not know wine. It tastes good.

>> No.15289634

Get the Great Courses lecture Everyday Guide to Wine. You can find it on Audible and will give your everything you will need to know to know more than 99% of people

>> No.15289653

Do any of you guys make your own wine? If so, do you put any additives?

>> No.15289675

are white wine drinkers more attractive? i tend to think so based on my obervations.

>> No.15289735
File: 22 KB, 465x620, baf94acf-9d87-4f83-9eea-fd42f7df39c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opened the 2018 of this with my family last night. First time I've had a wine that was almost entirely Petit Verdot, and honestly think I prefer it to anything else I've had.

>> No.15290035

>thinking he's not exactly right
Literally every test and study shows that not even 'experts', let alone regular people, can't tell expensive wine from cheap, or one varietal from another, or even red from white, by taste alone. It's a scam.

>> No.15290064


I hope your next X-mas is happier, anon.

>> No.15291256

Never heard of the producer but the picture of Charles V is cool.

>> No.15291286

I thought it was rather good, lots of milk chocolate and forest floor, fresh fruited enough to maintain balance too.

>> No.15291325
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Against my better judgment I got another hipster wine. As usual only homepathic agriculture, indigenous yeasts, beeswax sealed amphorae, the usual stupid shit. But this one also was marketed as not having any electricity used in the production.

Surprisingly it's really good. I thought it was going to be nasty.

>> No.15291402

Good faith post here. I've tried different wines and hated all of them, some of them well over the $10 mark, and I even tried 19 Crimes and didn't like it. To me wine is just way too flavor-heavy and tastes yeasty, musty or spoiled and I just can't get into it, but I would like to.

For context I'm usually a whiskey drinker. Anyone got any advice?

>> No.15291428

Maybe you just don't like wine. Maybe you don't like shitty wine (19 crimes is shitty wine). Maybe you just haven't had the style of wine you like (have you tried a mosel riesling? a barbera? an amontillado?)

If the $10 mark is above average you're probably just drinking too many same-ish, god awful commodity tier wines made to cater to one type of palate, and if that palate isn't your palate, then too bad for you. The problem is "the good stuff" is by definition not normally something that's going to be at every bottle shop everywhere in the world, if it was, it would be commodity tier wine.

>> No.15291440

That could be the case. Either way it's not a big deal, I just feel bad for not being able to appreciate something that's supposedly good.

>> No.15291452

No idea about cats but they are potentially dangerous for dogs. Something about their kidneys

>> No.15291461

Good place to fook sloots.

>> No.15291464

Eat shit and die, Ohio.

>> No.15292362
File: 1.56 MB, 4032x3024, DC0C8E58-66B6-4209-A92C-0C4D262FDD30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had this Italian wine while out with my girlfriend, less then 20 dollars a bottle, good stuff.

>> No.15292377

Based good quality sweet wine drinker.

>> No.15292401

chardonnay is underrated desu

>> No.15292461

>tastes good
>relatively cheap
>can actually drink it with food

I hate retards who defend beer over wine

>> No.15292777

got 12 bottles of natty wines for christmas brother
mostly australian
i am a wine guy now

>> No.15293403

classic and consistent ccr, good choice

how tannic was it? ive had a couple of petit verdot dominant blends and in youth theyve been super aggressive

aphros are legit really great winemakers - the phaunus wines are their ultra-trad natty line. their regular aphros wines are fantastic - still from biodynamically grown fruit but using temp-control, stainless steel and oak and chestnut barrels. the loureiro based whites are especially good

>> No.15293416

That’s a man

>> No.15293426
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boxed wine babyyy

>> No.15293858

>their ultra-trad natty line
I understand what you're trying to say here I just want to say I think it's funny to call that "traditional". It's about as traditional as a cave painting or a flint axe.

>> No.15294033


>> No.15294039
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Something other than chardonnay

>> No.15294057

This guy does incredible stuff. I had a syrah and something else they were both lovely.

For good value I like rioja a lot because im a sucker for tempranillo. R lopez heredia has a 2011 rioja (vina cubillo) for under $30 which is a really good deal imo and it's delicious

>> No.15294069
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>muh blind taste test
Shut the fuck up

>> No.15294074
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>> No.15294087
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>> No.15294088

As someone who used to sell wine to rich people, expensive wine is sometimes a scam and sometimes not. Many california producers that sell their base bottles for $45+ are scams and only meant to appeal to rich housewives and naive young businessmen who think they are too good for $20 bottles.

>> No.15294156

I mean obviously things like Caymus or Kristal are overpriced and could be considered "scams" at this point but there being overhyped, over-advertised, mediocre products isn't unique to wine and doesn't make it a scam.

>> No.15294208

People who bitch about wine being a scam are just expressing their deep seated fears of looking like this guy

They're too insecure to just enjoy things on their own merits and they lash out at anything that they perceive as being a possible threat to a hypothetical nightmare in which they're humiliated for trying to look sophisticated (because deep down that is what they crave most)

>> No.15294220

>le ABC maymay
Is it still 2005 where you live?

>> No.15294340

more like, Carlo Rossi Bargaindy

>> No.15294531

i mean palhete is a traditional portuguese wine style of co-fermenting white and red varieties

but yeah for sure its not particularly traditional as a whole

>> No.15294583

how often must I drink to aquire a taste for wine
I do not drink to a state of drunkenness and have nobody to share a bottle with, so when I open a bottle a lot goes to waste

>> No.15294656
File: 26 KB, 800x800, 56251-sommerhalde-spaetlese-blauburgunder-aoc-weinbau-hartmann-remigenfoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if you guys ever heard of swiss wine

2000 years ago Romans brought grapevines here in this areanear the border to Germany since they had to supply with wine the 6000 legionnaires of the nearby barracks

>> No.15294669


You don't have to drink a bottle in one sitting. You can drink a bottle in a week, just close it when you're done with it and store it on a cold and dark place.

>> No.15294678

I've been a wine fag for my entire drinking life. I don't get where the elitism comes from. I have never drank a red wine that I didn't thoroughly enjoy, even the bottom tier cheap boxed wine tastes great to me.

>> No.15294703

buy those vacuum plugs and your wine will keep well
just drink a glass with dinner or something
you can rotate between like 3 bottles and it will last

>> No.15294856
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I like blauburgunder
I am not paying swissbux prices if I can get something I like from a country where the streets aren't paved with gold from melted jew teeth

>> No.15295088


fair point

>> No.15295237

tried some red wine for the first time and it tasted like shit. gonna stick to code red mountain dew, a real upper crust drink.

>> No.15296153

I overaerated 3 bottles of 2014 cotes du Py Morgon on christmas cause the whole gift giving/video calling/delayed cooking meant we sat down to eat 2h later than expected. The tertiary notes i was expecting fell flat and my sister insisted on a spicy side she made that ruined the accord to my chestnut/porcini stuffed capon. Now everyone thinks I overspent on a mediocre wine except my brother in law whom I downed the 4th unopened bottle with after dinner.

>> No.15296176

Gj talking shit about people being snobs and then mispelling Dunning-Kruger

>> No.15296196

I've fallen for the cru beaujolais for holidays meme before, never doing that again. I like it, nobody else likes it.

Having been a guest at a lot of different holiday dinners from people of varied backgrounds, the only thing that consistently goes over well with everyone, without fail, is mosel riesling.

>> No.15296260

I've never paid more then 20 USD for a bottle of wine, but the difference in quality between 10, 15, and $20 is quite noticeable. What's the price of diminishing returns?

My favorites are Bordeaux, Muscat Bailey A, and Riesling.

>> No.15296415

I had a killer Riesling from there once but apparently they're not common.

>> No.15296427

I didn't decant my bottle at all and it was perfect: >>15286395

>> No.15296462

You haven't even had a good bourdeaux if you haven't spent over $20. Bourdeaux is one of the most overpriced, overrated, oversaturated styles of wine available. Normal people don't even drink it nowadays.

>> No.15296680

A lot of petit chateaux offer good value wines arguably. Classified growths are obviously overpriced though, yeah.

>normal people don't even like it
What did he mean by this?

>> No.15296681

Not that guy, but I buy bordeaux only rarely. I'm showing my age here but I haven't tasted a sub-$20 bordeaux that I liked in maybe 15 years.

>> No.15296706

Any other good palhetes you can suggest? I'm finishing the dregs of the bottle from last night and god damm I love this stuff. There was a whiff of VA last night which is totally gone now, as is some of the delicacy, but it's still 90% there which is weird for such a light wine.

>> No.15296821


>> No.15297011

I'll pay that. Entry level Bordeaux that we stock is around $20. But we have higher alcohol taxes here so they'd probably be cheaper in the States.

>> No.15297042

tasted like oxidized fruit and browned butter, very interesting wine and paired nicely as a soup-n-salad kind of wine. Needed an hour of air to open up, and should have been served around room temp, because it tasted best by the end of the meal. For 36 bucks it's a nice wine, but niche appeal if you're not looking for something that's borderline sherry-esque in terms of character.

depending on the wine type and region, some wines don't even get really good until 50. For champagne I'd say most prominent diminishing returns cliff is around 100, then another dropoff after 150

Madiran is really nice ppq since it's got almost no recognition in the greater wine world. It's French Tannat, very rich and intense, somewhere between rhone and right bank

>> No.15297089

>some wines don't even get really good until 50.
This is true and it is crazy anybody would try to refute it. To be as unpretentious and on-obscure as possible, lets consider Italian wine. Yoou simply are not getting a good brunello, amarone, or Barolo for less than $40-50. Or lets say I want a Burgundy Pinot Noir or a Rhone Hermitage or even top tier Napa cab. All of those wines start to be available in that price pint and wines under that price pint won't (for the most part, barring underrated/harder to find wines) have comparable flavors. As you mentioned Champagne is an obvious one as well.

>> No.15297211


>> No.15297219

>tastes good
>relatively cheap
>can actually drink it with food

I hate retards who defend wine over beer

>> No.15297623
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Bit of Aussie wine kino for ya

>> No.15298049

Good stuff? I've been meaning to try them and Mount Mary for a while.

>> No.15298062

There's no e in "dunning-kruger"

>> No.15298076

any suggestions on interesting grapes varietals? I've come to the point where I would rather spend money on an interesting varietal rather than some big name winery.

>> No.15298117

What do you drink a lot of? Just noble varietals?

>> No.15298157
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>> No.15298174

i think it's wondiferous.
a hint of cat spray and dog balls, followed by smegtastic foreskin notes and then finishes strong with sewer grease and cat tail root.

>> No.15298307
File: 118 KB, 1024x768, 88e12de5-b7ab-4527-801a-2441cbf4bc52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is good

>> No.15298320

doesn’t the distinction of being able to call your product kosher cost an unreasonable amount of money, annually?

>> No.15298336
File: 656 KB, 1824x3648, IMG-20200326-WA0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These were good

>> No.15298340
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As were these

>> No.15298342
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Really good

>> No.15298356

>A lot of people think wine is just a means for Dunning-Kreuger afflicted effete snobs to felate themselves
Maybe in the 90’s. But I think a lot of people drink wine now that American wine industry has become big. The explosion of the craft brewing scene has also made many beers as pricey as fine wine it’s not really a big distinction class wise. I saw a 4 pack of some meme IPA for $20.

>> No.15298369

I drink beer sometimes, and have been to the midwest, so let me explain this mentality. Many areas of flyover land were settled by beer drinking people or teetotalers from religious extremist groups. As the generations passed the idea of doing things differently came to be seen as dangerous or subversive. The only people who violated this rule were:

1. Immigrants

2. Gay people

So in today's flyover or as they call it the "real america" (sic), you really have no choice but to drink beer if you want to have a career, a marriage, a position of respect in your HOA or at your megachurch. Not drinking at all is the second best option but binge drinking often and saying "oh it's fine I'm not a pussy" when someone tries to get you to not drive home, this is best in life, according to beer culture.

tl;dr don't drink wine if you live in a place like that, unless you want to end up like Matt Shepard and a $1 million gofundme raised for the people who beat you to death with a baseball bat with bible verses all over it (from the protestant bible of course since they would say catholics aren't 'real christians')

That looks like a sud-ouest wine though, can that really be considered "bordeaux"?

>> No.15298413

Balkan wines are great. I had a vranac from Macedonia that was incredible

>> No.15298440

I learned my lesson I guess. It's rioja for everyone next year.

>> No.15298451

Rioja can also be a problem because it's seen as a supermarket wine in some circles so even if you bring a rare tondonia gran reserva you'll get retards wrinkling their noses at it. If I had to bring something retarded because christmas drinkers don't care about wine but insist on having opinions anyway, I'd bring a chateauneuf du pape.

>> No.15298471

At this point I don't give a fuck anymore, maybe some chianti or montepulciano if they feel too fancy for rioja, half the family are italyboos anyway. Chateauneuf is overpriced for what you get most of the time, i'd rather have a saint joseph. I was just pissed it wasn't as good as I wanted since I had the same bottle with a mushroom risotto a couple of weeks back and it was delicious.

>> No.15298485

southern italy - look for aglianico and gaglioppo for reds, fiano, greco and coda di volpe for whites

austria - besides great gruner and riesling there are also roter veltliner, neuberger and a host of juicy red varieties like zweigelt and sankt laurent

hungary - dry whites from furmint, juhfark and harslevelu

north-west spain - besides the well-known albarino there are great whites from godello and treixadura and reds from mencia, merenzao, caino tinto. lots of these will come from field blends

southwest france - jurancon whites (sweet and dry) from the two mansengs, reds from gaillac, marcillac and fronton made of negrette, fer servadou, duras and more

literally anywhere in the alps from savoie to sudtyrol will have interesting and rare grape varieties

sorry for the sprawling answer hope you find some fun stuff

>> No.15298491

>Chateauneuf is overpriced
That's why it's a good choice.

>I'd rather have a
But you can have what YOU would rather have 360 days a year, give or take. Christmas isn't about wine, as long as you always keep this in mind you can't have a disappointing Christmas wine experience.

>> No.15298538
File: 320 KB, 998x1340, 01BF6472-7E60-46D7-9B61-9AF28C5A568C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of this is true except in the minds of fart sniffing New Yorkers and Californians.
The only Midwestern state that can actually have some kind of claim on excessive beer drinking is Wisconsin for obvious reasons. Other than that the pattern is pretty consistent. The further north you live the more you drink. Poor people drink cheep domestic beer everywhere. Rich and middle class midwesterners drink wine as much as anyone else.
You know poorfags also drink lots of Franzia too. Cheapest alcohol on the market in terms of $/g of ethanol. You think niggers in Compton are drinking Chateau du Cru Navarrelegette Reserva blah blah blah blah no they drink 40’s. The biggest reason poorfags in the US don’t drink as much wine is just price. For whatever reason we have the cultural expectation that wine shouldn’t be cheap unlike most other countries where a bottle of table wine at a restaurant costs under $7. Here you’re lucky to find a restaurant that will sell you a single glass of dirt cheap wine for under $7. But $2 PBR’s or Coors Lights are usually a part of happy hour in any city.
The only people I know who turn their nose up at wine are soiboy craft beer enthusiasts who won’t drink anything that isn’t a part of the latest bottle release from Hopocaust Brewing Co

>> No.15298560
File: 407 KB, 600x597, flyover-land-v1-front-cover-600pxl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waah waah waah NIGGERS
Yep, it's from the midwest alright

p.s. last time I was in a midwest liquor store a bottle of mediocre beaujolais villages was $17, not my fault you fundie freaks put a sin tax on drinks that aren't Spotted Cow

>> No.15298576

Agree. Great stuff, very tasty !

>> No.15298589

Oh sorry did my use of the “N-word” trigger you? I have never lived in a flyover state. I have a lot of family there though and the vast majority don’t drink. The ones that do drink wine, beer, scotch, whatever they feel like. Nobody is hung up on who drinks what that’s just a thing on the coasts where hipster faggots will look down on you for not liking whatever trend is popular at the time(btw good time to get into craft gin if you want to impress your douche bag friends).

>> No.15298596

>Oh sorry did my use of the “N-word” trigger you?
Yes, it triggered a confirmation that you're a flyover at heart
> I have never lived in a flyover state
Well maybe you should move to one, because, having lived in several, I can confirm you'd fit in great there

>> No.15299587

looks beautiful

>> No.15299812

I really like full bodied sweet whites with food and spent 10 days in Alsace drinking aromatic, sweet, mineral tasting Riesling, muscat, gewurtztraminier and pinot gris. You could buy grand cru bottles for 12 Euro! I recently found Albariño from Portugal can be similar and have been enjoying that at a lower price point. I am in Ireland, so wines add a lot of tax, so that same bottle is 30 euro. Any other recommendations? I tried some American Riesling but did not enjoy it.

>> No.15299847
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Lately pic related, not expensive, fine to eat, good for getting drunk and getting high to, good malbec too and I'm not too into them

>> No.15300135

try upstate NY riesling, avoid california riesling

>> No.15301607

I refuse to buy California anything. NY can also get fucked though.

>> No.15301813

Whats wrong with you?

>> No.15301821

Nothing, I just despise communists.

>> No.15301828

Oh, I thought it was for a good reason like their car fetish.

>> No.15302619

How do you age wine in terra cotta?
I've heard that you line the terra cotta with beeswax, but is there anything else you need to do?

>> No.15302756

Wine is too many calories and too many bottles for what I'm crying to accomplish (dreamless sleep). I just do 100-proof bourbon.

>> No.15302762

You realize 5 ounces of red win and 1 ounce of 100 bourbon are basically the same in kcals, right?

>> No.15302816
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Anyone else's wife drink this like water?

>> No.15302940
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>faaart sniffing
>compton(most common nagger town reference)
>le hopocaust /pol/ nod

>> No.15302953

Reminder that coasties, urbanites and leftists are literally not human beings and are only good for comic relief and eventual target practice.

>> No.15303064

sauternes / vin santo / (troken)beerenauslese / almost any late harvest white / icewine / tokaji / any wine that says "grains nobles"
there are quality american sweet wines, but there's also a lot of shit because the average palate here is supersaturated in sugar

>> No.15303227

Damaged rep? While the mass produced Shiraz is shit there is some amazing Shiraz from Australia wtf

>> No.15303289

>unrelated languages
South Tyrol is bilingually German/Italian and both languages are spoken in Switzerland

>> No.15303292

Idk just a bottle of Mavrodaphne before you drown yourself in ouzo usually does it for me

>> No.15303984

Good icewine is a real treat

>> No.15304065

yes sir

>> No.15304070

>you have a different opinion about alcoholic beverages, this made me feel unhappy, therefore I'm going to commit terrorist acts for revenge
Yep, it's a flyover alright

Sure, but who drinks it besides Chinese oligarchs? Having a prize trophy bottle on wiki is cool if that's your goal but normal people just want to drink something nice and "Aussie wine" doesn't really seem "nice" to most people. Idk about within Australia, speaking about the reputation internationally

>> No.15304089

Thank you for copy/pasting from wikipedia for me, but the point is aesthetically it's unusual to see multiple languages featured prominently on a bottle of wine.

>> No.15304124

>"Aussie wine" doesn't really seem "nice" to most people
Doesn't stop us from selling fucktons of wine to the UK/US.

>> No.15304158

This is /ck/, of course.

>> No.15304161

Nothing stops Nebraska from selling tons and tons of HFCS to global markets either but nobody thinks of Nebraska as a culinary paradise. Aussie is associated with bulk trash wine in particular bulk trash "shiraz", hence why more respectable producers avoid the word "shiraz" altogether.

>> No.15304171

Ok? Normal people still evidently drink it though or we wouldn't be exporting it.

>> No.15304197

At the moment, I've fallen a bit into the sweeter fruitier side of wines. Been getting into Chenin Blanc, love the smell of Gewürztraminer, well balanced Semillion. Red side, I've come to enjoy some of the richer Syrah.
But like I said, I am open to weird stuff as well. Tried a very salty briney white wine recently, don't remember where it was from but it was an eastern european country. Interesting, but definately not something I'd drink by itself.

>> No.15304204

thanks, will definitely keep an eye out for these.

>> No.15305423

you're welcome dude, honestly best option is if you have a good local wine shop just ask what they have thats exciting/new etc

if youre in ireland ignore everyone telling you to buy american wine, the cost to bring it across the atlantic on top of it being overpriced to begin with makes it ridiculous. look for kabinett and spatlese riesling from germany, some of the co-ops in alsace make some wine thats still pretty cheap after export (especially edelzwicker, muscat, pinot blanc). southern italian whites like falanghina and fiano are good albarino alternatives for generally lower prices. try some good chenin blanc from vouvray, saumur or montlouis as well (especially any sec-tendre/demi-sec styles)

>> No.15305439

thymiopolous (one of the most esteemed prods of xino) make a couple that are more approachable - theres the jeunes vignes which is quite a juicy young drinker and is usually quite cheap and then the terra petra which comes from warmer rapsani and is blended with something else. much softer and riper feeling tannin

>> No.15305546

Ugh, sometimes I hate Linux, getting wine to work was a pain in the ass

>> No.15306124

I know the usual bordeaux style blend is cabernet merlot, but has anyone tried Cabernet with malbech and/or petit verdot?
I wonder if it can work or if you need the merlot to make the blend shine.

>> No.15306384

>I fucking love Lambrusco wine
Me too, low in alcohol and price so I don't feel guilty and pairs well with a Italian charcuterie. You should try it with bresaola.

Right now I have a magnum Lambrusco which is waiting for a home cured bresaola I'm going to be making, I brought juniper today.

>> No.15306417
File: 176 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone here watch wineking? It's an enhancing experience to watch wineking and drink along with them.

>I wish I had friends who were into good food and wine

if anyone's from the Netherlands let me know

>> No.15306598

I've watched a few. To be honest he makes me feel bad because he's funny, personable, down to earth, knows a lot about different things including a lot about wine, and speaks a bunch of different languages. I'd watch more but every time I compare myself to him I get depressed.

>> No.15306668

>I'd watch more but every time I compare myself to him I get depressed.

don't feel that way. It's all edited of course so I'm sure if you did the same thing we'd only see your best qualities which I'm sure you have

>> No.15308508 [DELETED] 


>> No.15308535
File: 15 KB, 291x350, bairrada-tinto-dinamica-filipa-pato-2-291x350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another portuguese wine tonight. It's got that hipster wine taste, dunno where that comes from, but I always know it when I taste it. But it's not gross. 7/10 would drink again.

>> No.15308551

>tasted like oxidized fruit and browned butter, very interesting wine

Thanks for the info. Would you say it was interesting enough for you to want to drink it again or interesting in a to try it once kind of way?

>> No.15308730
File: 61 KB, 900x1200, turley_old_vines_zinfandel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just had this and it changed my mind about Zinfandel. I surprisingly enjoyed this a lot.

>> No.15308791

Fresher iteration of Zin?

>> No.15308829

Oh look another alcohol thread :/

>> No.15309915

Mouse taint perhaps? :^)

>> No.15310334

what's an ok pleb-friendly champagne under $30 (and $50)?

>> No.15310451

Don't buy Champagne under $30 unless it's from Aldi (and I don't even know if the US Aldi Champagne is the same one as here). Buy some Cava or cremant for that price.