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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 76 KB, 587x585, Screenshot_15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15267750 No.15267750 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15267756

What the fuck are those things shaped like eggs?

>> No.15267759

they're eggs. you separate the yolk and white, put a silicon ring mold down on a nonstick pan, put egg whites in, once bottom sets place yolk in middle of forming egg white

>> No.15267760


>> No.15267764

You think gordon gives a fuck about what a bunch of tranny twitter cuc.ks say? He doesn't want poor riff raff in his restraunts anyway

>> No.15267775

Why would anyone expect value for money when they are ordering from a celebrity chef? They are just looking for retweets on twitter, attention and clout etc. Twitter was a mistake.

>> No.15267778

the internet, as a whole, was a gigantic mistake with many MANY unforeseen consequences

>> No.15267782

>order a full English breakfast
>get a full English breakfast


>> No.15267783

>overly-expensive celebrity restaurant charges out the ass

No shit.

>> No.15267784

>32 likes by a random who
Holy fuck

>> No.15267785

You forgot the part where they are plastic or were in a freezer.

>> No.15267788


>> No.15267794

that's not part of the process, pal. i'd wager my mother's life that for $30 you absolutely get real eggs

>> No.15267833
File: 1.88 MB, 1097x931, savoy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went and looked it up on google and the breakfast looks fancier.

the food looks pretty shit though. it's all beef wellington

>> No.15267834

you could literally just make this at home and it would probably taste better

>> No.15267836
File: 1.20 MB, 717x871, savoy2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a table shot at dinner

>> No.15267837
File: 3.06 MB, 1711x957, savoy3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we didn't know that anon was coming to dinner

>> No.15267842


>> No.15267844
File: 1.43 MB, 845x847, savoy4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

many pictures of british women holding wine glasses

>> No.15267851

It's a Michelin starred restaurant in London. What what did the guy expect?

>> No.15267859

Definitely, its about $2 of low quality ingredients and id rather have a Dennys gland slam anyway

>> No.15267860

Looks good, but a full english isn't something I'd immediately think should be served at an upscale place as it's just a fry up of basic English stuff.

>> No.15267861


>> No.15267862

Twitter screenshot threads should result in a permanent global ban.

>> No.15267863

>make at home
you can make a full english at home yes
>taste better
you really think you'd be able to produce better food than a team of extremely talented chefs?

>> No.15267871

Is it me or are the proportions of meats to accoutrements off?
>5-6 pieces of bacon
>relatively large sausage

compared to
>1 portabella cap
>1 tomato slice
>2 eggs

Bacon and sausage are quite strong ingredients, bacon being an extreme salt and smoke bomb, so what's there to offset all of that salt?

>> No.15267877

yeah. the twitter photo cut out the toast and beans. you can see the beans on the very left in the OP. it's more than I'd pay for that breakfast but who knows maybe it includes the drink? it looks like the woman across the table also finished a small plate with an appetizer on it maybe.

>> No.15267881

You are paying out the ass because you went to a Gordon Ramsay branded restaurant.

Those are eggs, sunny side up. The dark orange coloring is indicative of a high presence of "xanthophylls" in the hen's diet. This has no impact on the nutrition of the egg whatsoever.

That's not a full English. A full English shouldn't even fit on a plate that size.

>> No.15267884

I never thought the internet can get any worse than 4chan and then twitter appeared.

>> No.15267890

>its so hard to slice a tomato and fry a sausage

Only a fool would think that shitplate, touched by seven severely retarded people is topnotch

>> No.15267893

You mean the industrial revolution.

>> No.15267896

Wow that's cheap, what did your mom ever do to you?

>> No.15267914

Im sorry you dont know how tk make eggs like that!

>> No.15267936

ok chud

>> No.15267938
File: 204 KB, 864x661, 1608303411530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the industrial revolution.

that and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race

>> No.15267960

Not as bad as the internet.

>> No.15267988

>A full English shouldn't even fit on a plate that size.
Lies, a full English just means all the components are there, not that it's a gut-busting size.
When I work away on assignment we get a buffet breakfast and I have a Full English smaller than that most mornings, any bigger and you couldn't eat it every day.

>> No.15267998

What does "destroyed on twitter" mean in 1 month?

>> No.15268005

How do you know how they prepare their bacon or breakfast sausage?
Also I'd wager the beans are made inhouse and there's probably bread to the right.

>> No.15268010

>$32 breakfast plate
>everything is wrong with everything
Does it comes with a $32 rebate because what the fuck?

>> No.15268020

If you can't recognize how good technique produces better results, then yes enjoy your shit swill you tasteless fuck

>> No.15268022

Some guy said that gordons meal IS NOT VALUE...word is Gordon is destroyed on twitter

>> No.15268038

Its overpriced shit food like all restaurants from a 4 star Dunlop down to Taco bell

>> No.15268046

>fry a sausage
you mean MAKE the sausage

>> No.15268056

Nah, I can go into a regular low end restaurant and get a huge plate of food for like 10 bucks.
That's prepared correctly.

>> No.15268111

that's a quarter english at best, bud

>> No.15268114

Yes we all know you don't HAVE to get a huge portion
The "full" obviously doesn't mean big fuckhueg plate
The issue is that basically anywhere you'd order a Full English would give you a shitload more food than that

>> No.15268118

And actually even then it still isn't a full english
No blood pudding or beans, among other things

>> No.15268123

>that’s 32 in canadian dollars
No one cares

>> No.15268127


>> No.15268129

a greasy spoon in london would charge around £10 for a full breakfast

£19 isn't really a 'ripoff' then considering the savoy is probably a much fancier place to eat

>> No.15268159

Deserves a couple extra sausages and some toast but honestly why the fuck are you going to a celebrity restaurant for breakfast if you give a shit about the cost?

>> No.15268183

Ramsay must be like:

*gasp* OH NO.

>> No.15268185

Those are some basic bitch jams for such a well thought of establishment. Toast looks cold... cooked breakfast dry... why eat here exactly?

>> No.15268190

is that butter on a transparent hockey puck?

>> No.15268232

Free advertising... for fuckin' what?

>> No.15268250

this. they are complete nuisances that distract from what this board is really about: fast food and overpriced whiskey.

>> No.15268267

That's definitely not full. Maybe half.

>> No.15268402

Does this fall under off-topic, extremely low quality or this user is underage?

>> No.15268687

t. Fat Cunt

>> No.15268697
File: 102 KB, 454x452, FAE807FB-4EEE-46EC-9854-1D403DF68C8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This picture made me get all sweaty

>> No.15268737

is this supposed to be desirable? do people actually enjoy this sort of rubbery low heat hotel eggs instead the lacey crispy edge kind

>> No.15268744

i would eat her baked beans if you know what i mean hehehe

>> No.15268752

i went to one of ramseys restaurants in London and got a burgah. unironically delicious, had these jam like caramelized onions on them, but I do love caramelized onions

>> No.15268811

Its a meme plate of shitty food that no one would want to eat without the meme name

>> No.15268840

Missing Black pudding, hash browns, beans, fried bread and toast (yes 2 different bread sides)

>> No.15269014

>Line cooks
If you've ever run a kitchen before you know most of the people you've hired are a bunch of coke addicted chain smoking neurotic subhumans who like to torture themselves. You really think Gordon Ramsey is back their opening the can of sloppa beans to dump on your plate?

>> No.15269018

Why is it Gordon's fault that Canada's currency is collapsing? Blame Trudea

>> No.15269036

Do you imagine that one day you'll be a real woman?

>> No.15269043

Beans are in the corner. This dumb CUNT probably cut the toast, beans, and black pudding out intentionally

>> No.15269044

This is surprising how? Someone post the leafland grocery receipts. Their monopoly money is almost mexican tier.

>> No.15269048

Nigger, that's barely a fifth English.

>> No.15269054

Yes, im not delusional and tbink im better than a talented chef, but look at that food, its so basic literally anyone could make it.

>> No.15269055

He may be a fat cunt but at least he knows what a full English entails

>> No.15269062

You know that chickens in the UK are fed dye to make their eggs that colour, right?

>> No.15269064

Yeah i doubt it and even then its not hard to make your own sausage

>> No.15269074

That's what I was thinking, London is stupid expensive and you're going to a place which is associated with a celebrity. The price is hardly outrageous and shouldn't surprise anybody who actually goes there.
The fat fuck on twitter obviously has to get his impressions from google because they wouldn't let his graphic tee wearing lardass in there.

>> No.15269084

>32 Canadian dollars
I fucking hate Canadians so goddamn much

>> No.15269086


And costs a buck to make at home. I'm always so depressed by shitty restaurant food. It's always a joke, unless it's Nobu or Alinea.

>> No.15269092


that's because you're cursed by living elsewhere. It would be like hating Noway, Sweden, Denmark etc. You fucking know you suck.

>> No.15269160
File: 44 KB, 640x960, You hate me cuz you ain't me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15269376

Agreed, they have been cooked like they were served at a 3-star Canary Island hotel's included breakfast buffét.

>> No.15269397
File: 2.77 MB, 710x398, breakfast buffet.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's how it's done.

>> No.15269404

Why would you expect a cheap meal from gordon ramsey

>> No.15269410

Just like England

>> No.15269421


>> No.15269434

$29 for shit food touched by shit people.no thanks

>> No.15269447

>wages go up
>food costs go up
>lease payments go up

i would never pay $32 for that (even though i'm not POOR) but i'm not stupid enough to bitch about it like some broke nigger sour grapes faggot.

>> No.15269508

How is this free advertising
Advertising generally makes you look, y'know, good?

Nah just cheap
I like ordering a Full English because I can split it with someone else or save it for later

Breakfast food has laughably high markups, that's also not how this works

>> No.15269528

>that's also not how this works
it is. also i doubt his target demographic is fat retard poor people on twitter and 4chan who cry about $32 because it's more than they make in 3 hours of work.

>> No.15269550

No it really isn't
If you were talking about something other than breakfast food, you'd have a point

>> No.15269566

>Advertising generally makes you look, y'know, good?
hello zoomer, please look up what "Success from scandal" and the Streisand effect are

>> No.15269572

It's at the savoy you spastics, one of the most prestigious hotels in London
1) why wouldn't they milk the rich people for all they can
2) they need to price out poor people from trying to eat there and ruin the ambience

>> No.15269573

you can see the beans on the pic, the toast is probably out of frame. probably a tastelet so they ordered without black pudding.

>> No.15269574

that ain't full

>> No.15269575

Yeah that's not what what the Streisand effect is, retard
Success from scandal, sure

>> No.15269588

thats like a 1/3rd english breakfast mate

>> No.15270069

Theres no hash brown so it isnt a full english. Happy now?

>> No.15270613

Every english breakfast eggs look like fucking plastic to me, wtf Nigel

>> No.15270633

>From September
Yep don't think Gordon is recovering from this one

>> No.15270636

>lazy shitposting twitter thread will hit bump and get 10x the replies the actual twitter post will get
based op working these scrubs

>> No.15270667

I didn't know /ck/ had 'HAPPENING' threads. This one strikes me as a bit of a snoozer, to be honest.

>> No.15270718

Really the discovery of agriculture

>> No.15270735

you're going to be paying a lot more to eat at a restaurant for a celebrity chef, shouldn't really be surprising

>> No.15270741
File: 656 KB, 828x821, its_a_twitter_thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15271280

>Beef wellington
That shit was outdated 20 years ago when Gordon still knew how to cook.

>> No.15271320

levi lookin rough

>> No.15271361
File: 2.41 MB, 1511x845, savoy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your beef wellington is ready sir

>> No.15271366
File: 1.62 MB, 1183x921, savoy2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or perhaps you'd like yours with sauce

>> No.15271375
File: 1011 KB, 721x873, savoy3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is even going on in this pic?

>> No.15271378
File: 920 KB, 714x874, savoy4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a sandwich with sauce on top???

>> No.15271384
File: 998 KB, 711x863, savoy5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good evening and welcome to savoy grill, could I start you off with an appetizer?

>> No.15271388
File: 1.07 MB, 709x855, savoy6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a picture of the thing being used

>> No.15271389

why is the toaster all the way past the bread and jam and butter

>> No.15271403
File: 2.05 MB, 1267x891, savoy7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15271407
File: 842 KB, 689x841, savoy grill congratulations.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15271480

Man when you know how easy it is to cook all that why even bother eating outside, such a waste of money

>> No.15271489

>zoomers have never seen tableside service

>> No.15271717

i kind of dislike the lacey shit, maybe if they were saltier like bacon but it just tastes like nothing

>> No.15271750
File: 2.27 MB, 820x910, 1598218141921.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crispy edges

>> No.15271776

I've always wondered about Gordon's fixation on Beef Wellington. My guess is that it is what the geriatric members of the Peerage are accustomed to eating. Objectively, it's not an impressive dish, no matter how well prepared.

>> No.15271777

LOL Why do their serving containers look like tin cans?

>> No.15271780

>they write on the plates

oh man. i am physically repulsed.. jesus that is so, so bad.

>> No.15271828

Looks good but needs at least one more sausage and some toast

>> No.15271842


>> No.15271884

who is this dude i like him

>> No.15271906

are they making twinkies?

>> No.15271914

This is one of those restaurants that old people, boring people, and backwoods yokels go to because it's got a celebrity chef owner and it serves a whole bunch of non-intimidating, safe, unadventurous food.

>> No.15272328

also I am gay

>> No.15272476

yeah I am too

>> No.15272801

Why would anyone go to a restaurant by a celebrity chef where the celebrity chef doesn't work and expect a 5 star meal? Dumb fucking leaf doesn't deserve his money. Every single tv chef opens restaurants to grify money.

Why would you order a full English in the first place. Any knob can make that themselves. Fuck this nobody faggot who think his shitty opinion means anything just because he has his own social media account.

>> No.15272833

I think you're onto something anon...

>> No.15273787
File: 585 KB, 2048x1710, wolseley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For reference, this is what an equivalently priced English breakfast looks like at another bistro.

>> No.15273806

/ck/ - food and cooking

>> No.15273822

so the beans are on the side what's the issue

>> No.15273839

>"Well well well, look who came out of their pit"
>"Look who decided to grace us with his presence"
>"Uh oh here comes trouble"

>> No.15273849

IMO the Wolseley pic I shared also looks disappointing and I'd be kicking myself if I'd ordered an Engilish breakfast there, but you have to admit it looks better than the Ramsey pic. The sausage looks nicer, the eggs look nicer, and there's baked beans and delicious looking black pudding.

>> No.15273852
File: 9 KB, 320x213, salt%20shaker%20for%20blog[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maybe if they were saltier like bacon
There's a fix for that.

>> No.15273868

I used to think I hated eggs until I found out that was only because I never had them cooked properly in butter with a crispy edge. Rubbery egg whites are disgusting.

>> No.15273912

Before I die I really want to try a proper English brekkie. Hope bongs still have food after no deal.

>> No.15273926

>going to an upscale meme-branded restaurant for value
That's not why people go to those places.

>> No.15273927

>look what the cat dragged in!
>hey there sleeping beauty
>glad you could join us

>> No.15273934
File: 14 KB, 261x541, u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15273938

I never asked for these feels.

>> No.15273939

It's easy as fuck to cook yourself, anon, that's why it's so popular.

>> No.15273944
File: 125 KB, 800x1258, kino face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels good not to have your families

>> No.15273963

>cheese plate appetizer
you best be bait posting

>> No.15273986

>who's this stranger?
>get a girlfriend yet anon?
>whoa buddy, you've put on a couple of pounds haven't ya BWAHAHAH

>> No.15274016

For that price I expect a bowl of Campbells™ Luxury™ Soup™

>> No.15274193

Can't find blood sausage in my southern shithole.

>> No.15274204

Where the fuck do you live lmao

>> No.15274216

Why do they call it a full english? If I don't want all the stuff can I get a half english or a partial english?

>> No.15274223

It's a the Savoy. Of course a luxury hotel has overpriced breakfast.

>> No.15274225

Because le brits are full of shit!

>> No.15274245


Are you a tin miner? Jesus Christ.

>> No.15274253

Those fucking LA spas ruined him. Deep steamed the charm right out of him.

>> No.15274292

Yea, you'd probably have to go talk to a butcher for that.
Like no one in the US eats that so there'd be no point in putting it out on the shelf.

>> No.15274418

these are the reasons I don't visit you guys during the holidays

>> No.15274456

The poorest state in the union, MS. Entirely red - go figure.

>> No.15274488

Oh, you meant the south USA? That makes a lot more sense. I thought you meant the south UK.
I'm surprised you guys don't have black pudding.

>> No.15274730

they completely fucked up the tails on the a and o

>> No.15274744

North Americans are generally averse to eating offal of any kind
Oh well, more liver and blood sausage for me

>> No.15274758

The US does have a wide variety of blood sausages but like the other guy said they're not popular in the mainstream so he'll likely have to go to a butcher or specialty shop.

>> No.15274775
File: 1.49 MB, 1065x902, 9f9[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15274778

Is it hard to find butchers in the US?

>> No.15274788

It depends entirely on where you live in the country. Some places yes, others no.

>> No.15274835

First guy pretty much nailed it. Your chances are better in places with large immigrant populations, I have 2 stores near me with their own butchers that specialize in cuts that are popular in Korea and Mexico respectively. My local grocery store used to have a butcher counter but nobody used it so now they just work in the back.

>> No.15274884
