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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 142 KB, 634x462, 6ECFE074-4310-4FAE-A51B-AF19074F8965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15267739 No.15267739 [Reply] [Original]

RIP Cereal Killer Cafe, you were gone too soon.

>> No.15267745

They'll be back with something else like a hot sauce parlor or soylent bar.

>> No.15267755

hipsters no longer could afford to pay £8 for a bowl of lucky charms

>> No.15267763

Who the absolute fuck goes out to eat for a bowl of cereal?

>> No.15267774
File: 335 KB, 724x588, Yt6fKz87BcoNzlGWuWLVNQ8uBwidka21VnGuDyv3s9E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

faggots, mostly.

>> No.15267779

Apparently the people that kept the two locations open for 5 years

>> No.15267786

Jerry Seinfeld and all the other aspergers

>> No.15267789

>The interior was designed to reflect a retro style with exposed brickwork, formica furniture and 1980s and '90s music.
Good, I'm fucking sick of this, "Peter Pan", society we live in. GROW THE FUCK UP

>> No.15267793


>> No.15267801


>> No.15267813

The embodiment of bourgeois capitalist rubbish.

>> No.15267885

And yet they consider themselves communist revolutionaries

>> No.15267891
File: 99 KB, 620x387, Cereal_Killer_3455073b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I laughed when their shop was vandalized by BLM because they look like they'd support it up until that point

>> No.15267931

No they don't. They consider themselves entrepreneurs and reject the notion that their gentrifying corporate bullshit is anything is less than virtuous.

>> No.15267939

Their shop was protested from the day it opened by community activists.

>> No.15267941

They have the commie beard, doughty smug look, and the frail and deformed bodies of males who have never lifted anything heavier than a random cock

>> No.15267946

Like I said, bourgeois capitalist rubbish.

>> No.15267958

They donate to blm and antifa and call themselves marxists

>> No.15267965

This is the most autistic thing to be mad about.

>> No.15267966

Nonsense. They are the face of capitalism run amuck. That's why they are the target of every activist in London.

>> No.15267994

Are you surprised that commies hate themselves? They even commiefunded this operation stealing from gullible middle class like all commies do

>> No.15268001

Are you even reading the thread? They are capitalism personified, not "commies". That's why they are targeted by activists.

>> No.15268023

Covid didnt kill his business, the lockdowns did

>> No.15268026

you mean gap year rich kids with too much time on their hands?

>> No.15268027

Capitalism = rule by rich trust fund kids.

>> No.15268034

Look at those chuds they look like every commie throughout history and you think the lucky charms is a coincidence?

>> No.15268042

''we went to a bar where they served cereal only hi hi ''

>> No.15268062

Lockdowns caused by COVID

>> No.15268072

You'll grow out of this

>> No.15268088

No lockdowns were caused by the communist politicians ruling the West

>> No.15268091

Get a job, parasite.

>> No.15268211

And yet a place you despise failed, so capitalism proved true again.

>> No.15268217

do eurodumbs really??

>> No.15268228


>> No.15268236

just look at the owners

>> No.15268239

milk is black intolerant

>> No.15268259

when rich wh--e liberals invade a poor area and take over poor people stores like check cashing and pawn shops they have a compulsive need to install ridiculous pointless "businesses" like dog yoga coworking spaces and combination ceramic studio/raw juice bars. it becomes an arms race to come up with a business that makes the locals go "how is that place even paying the rent" (the answer is the owner of the business is independently wealthy because of rich parents)

t. I live in bushwick and I've seen this firsthand

>> No.15268263

they were creepy as fuck
hipsters = no style

>> No.15268271

This whole virus and pandemic thing is a hoax, lockdowns aren't real you fucking sheeps

>> No.15268274

you just described gentrification
happened to my town too and now its full of homeless locals, evictions, qnd overpriced hipster joints

>> No.15268324
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Its open right now, keep this thread open long enough and il go down and take a pic

>> No.15268339

So locals sell their homes and become homeless is that what you are angry about?

>> No.15268353

the same board that shills mcchickens shits on small business owners claiming them to be communists?

i think you guys have lost the plot

>> No.15268387

No one here eats mcchickens newb thats all McDonald's advertising and yes these losers are commies that's why they lost all the money thats communism burning money and human lives

>> No.15268391

>they're conmies because they look like my caricaturized idea of commies
You'll never touch a vagina, dude.

>> No.15268398
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>Look at those chuds they look like every commie throughout history and you think the lucky charms is a coincidence?

>> No.15268407
File: 96 KB, 684x703, b8o01ovz2ddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They have the commie beard, doughty smug look, and the frail and deformed bodies of males who have never lifted anything heavier than a random cock

>> No.15268408

>Capitalism = rule by rich trust fund kids.
rich are often retards. so they invest their money in other people, smart people, people like you. that is how people like you can get rich.

>> No.15268410
File: 157 KB, 600x416, ded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one in my town closed after 3 weeks of being open.

good riddance

>> No.15268437

Shut up retard

>> No.15268441

Grow up chud

>> No.15268459
File: 41 KB, 600x400, nathan-barley-quote2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> selling bowls of cereal for £10+
> commies

>> No.15268472

>buying bowls of cheerios for $20 and selling them for $15

Yes that is communism chud

>> No.15268479

seethe chud

>> No.15268491


>> No.15268497

How much can you seeth that you post the same thing thrice?
What reputation are you trying to defend?
Everyone sees a hipster/Liberal/faggot and associates them with marx/socialism/communism like niggers and crime

>> No.15268498
File: 91 KB, 982x726, screen-shot-2016-10-27-at-09.51.37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> not spending £10+ on a bowl of cheerios.


>> No.15268562

No, locals get evicted because their rent doubled despite no improvements to their building and they can't find any place else to live.

>> No.15268566

tldr incel

>> No.15268599

Oh they were renters? lmao they were already homeless they should have bought those houses when they were practically free if they cared so much, now that they are worth more they want them? Lmao thats dumb, buy low sell high suckers

>> No.15268684

Why don't libtards support small business? They buy everything from Starbucks, Amazon, and Uber Eats, all the while they celebrate the deaths of small business. FUCK.

>> No.15268704
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>> No.15268731

Ideologically, I have no preference between "small business' and starbucks, neither one is inherently good or bad, so your logic appears to be circular. The "small business" fetish with righters is related to their persistent belief that "hard work and faith" will be rewarded by mammon and that by extension failure in business makes you a bad person. So do you believe that if you, the "small business owner", have failed, is it because of libtards? In which case what happened to personal responsibility?

If you sat down and thought about it objectively you would soon realize your logic is totally incoherent. A social safety net is a good thing, failure in business does not mean you deserve to be homeless and die. It simply means you were not cut out for running a business, perhaps you could choose to work for an amazon or a local mom and pop. Either way, you tried and that's something that should be encouraged, even for people who don't have multiple generations of family wealth to fall back on. The silicon valley style "failure is good, fail a lot, that's good" is plute flex. It says "only the super rich should try". Is that really what you want to encourage?

The way we encourage innovation and competition is to lower the barrier to entry by making failures a temporary setback and not total ruin for you and your offspring. Maybe when you grow up you'll finally get it, for now enjoy simping for sociopaths.

>> No.15268751

Republicans make their own coffee and pour their own cereal. We like small businesses because that means they aren't on welfare and making us pay their food bill but we aren't eating that shit its for fat losers (democrats)

>> No.15268753

Shut the fuck up, retard. Libtards are pushing for perpetual lockdown, all the while coporations are consolidating power as small business dies. But at least you have your Cuckflix and Amazon's Washington Post to distract you as you turn over and give up all your rights. Fucking faggot. The left and right wings need to join forces to purge the Liberal menace.

>> No.15268761

>We like small businesses because that means they aren't on welfare
True, only their front line employees are on welfare, which is good, because muh free market right? Also there's no company sponsored retirement plan, which is also good, because they should be able to freely choose their wealth managers and not be dependent on social security when they're too old or used up to work.

>> No.15268770

If you really cared you'd wash your hands and wear a mask, but you won't because it's "gay", and now you want to blame others for your predicament.

>> No.15268777

>everyone that doesn't wear a mask has a disease
shut the fuck up

>> No.15268778

Masks don't work, retard. If they did, Western Europe wouldn't be going into total lockdown again. These lockdowns aren't even about the virus; it's a power grab.

>imagine destroying your economy for a virus that has a 99.97% survival rate and an average age of death of 80

>> No.15268786

>I don't feel too sick so this won't affect others
Big brain
>science is a scam
inb4 the youtube links, let me guess if I don't refute your 40 hours of alex jones videos it means I'm not "redpilled" enough

>> No.15268787

What the fuck is this schizo babal
I'd tell you to take your meds but this seems like something a tranny would say, so meds are out of the question

>> No.15268792

>I'm not sick so this won't affect others
ftfy mush brain

>> No.15268794

Scientists say sex is no longer determined by the chromosomes you're born with. They also say a bunch of cells clumped together isn't considered life, but bacteria in the atmosphere in Venus is considered life. They also say you're immune to covid if you protest with BLM. Liberals don't believe in science, they only think they do.

>> No.15268795
File: 279 KB, 1900x1300, koko-gorilla-ball-kitten-08.ngsversion.1529595009795.adapt.1900.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>words are hard
Here is a ball. Perhaps you'd like to play with it?

>> No.15268798

Bwahahahahahah, predictable. Rightards won't wear a mask because 'muh rights!", won't get the vaccine because "muh conspiracies!", and expect business to reopen while the virus just goes away on its own. You faggots are the one keeping it around, refusing to take responsibility for the situation, and blaming it on those smarty-pants liberals for the shitshow that you've created.

>> No.15268800

you just know...

>> No.15268802

They're going to switch to blaming minorities soon, just watch. "Taiwan got it under control because they have no blacks". Mutt's law of epidemiology.

>> No.15268804

Please read his post he has used the word mammon

>> No.15268806

You commies love welfare so why complain if jose gets food stamps ? Anyway why should I care if he has to work a shit job I didn't invite him here

>> No.15268808

It's worse near fort greene man, but yeah I can totally see what you mean
I usually never go past prospect except for school but fuck man it changed completely in like 10 years

>> No.15268817

>implying lockdowns are even necessary

Sweden went with herd immunity, and their Covid rates are literally no worse than any Western nation that imposed lockdowns. Sweden also dealt with Covid at a fraction of what it's costing us. Again, imagine thinking these lockdowns are meant to save lives from Covid. You probably thought the wars in the middle east and the NSA spying on us after 9/11 were meant to combat Islamic terrorism too, right? But at least you have your corporate media to distract you and tell you how racist you are.

>> No.15268820

Look this retard thinks Chinese are white

>> No.15268825

>Sweden's King Carl XVI Gustaf: 'We Have Failed'
Great success!

>> No.15268829

>and their Covid rates are literally no worse than any Western nation that imposed lockdowns

Refute this, faggot. You literally can't.

>> No.15268834

They're champagne socialists, they happen.

>> No.15268837

The lockdown are very real, it's the virus that isn't. Tons of people have been arrested and fined all over the world for not following lockdown.

>> No.15268846
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Sure looks like winning

>> No.15268850

The very same right wing politicos that denied the virus existed, are the first in line to get the vaccine. Go back to your flat earth forum, tardigrade.

>> No.15268852
File: 2.82 MB, 4096x2098, 5C7CBCCF-F43D-4EDD-AE92-C49BE0051F60.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let’s put things into perspective for you, faggot.

>> No.15268854
File: 231 KB, 640x876, 56628316-7C1A-4A1A-A7AE-78B16593C6CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Covid is a hoax.

>> No.15268860
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>it’s real because the corporate media says so

>> No.15268862
File: 52 KB, 750x480, sweden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moving the goalpost
post a real graph dipshit
they are winning

>> No.15268874

I thought it was real at first but then I saw that the only 'victims' they paraded out that were younger than 70 had thighs bigger than my torso. These people would have been done in my the normal flu too, it just happens that this one is infinitesimally worse than the normal flu which makes it basically not real to me. I'm not going to take the vaccine but I do think the earth is probably round.

>> No.15268878

Did they serve eggs and stuff too or just cereal?

>> No.15268885

Covid is so real and dire that nurses spent months twerking on TikTok during the supposed height of the Covid hoax.

>> No.15268903
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>> No.15268914
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>> No.15268922

Blacks are immune to the rona, dumdum.

>> No.15268931
File: 69 KB, 700x699, 1608336151086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread degraded into retards flinging shit graphs at each other sooner than i expected

>> No.15268932

The joke is blacks wouldn't be working not catching the rona shitbrain.

>> No.15268947

I'm gonna miss the Don so much, he managed to defeat (((them))).

>> No.15268949

all the same faggots that goto starbucks instead of using a coffee pot. you can recognize them by their cigarette addiction, as they must always appear as a sophisticated consumer, even when not consuming food and drink.

>> No.15268957
File: 201 KB, 1024x576, 1604428680176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweden wants to have a word with you. Also no lockdowns here in the sunshine state and we're doing damn good.

>> No.15268959

at least it makes more sense to pick up a cup of coffee on your drive to work.

>> No.15268963

>here in the sunshine state and we're doing damn good.
lol no the fuck we aren't

>> No.15268969

What do you mean? Maybe not in Miami-Dade but everything else is great.

>> No.15268971

speak for yourself fucco

>> No.15268979
File: 41 KB, 720x625, F2F0F447-4704-4855-8330-3B05110DD7C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wear the mask
>take the vaccine
>shop from Amazon
>watch cnn
>eat the bugs
>abort your children
>import foreigners
>use social media
>watch Netflix
>watch porn

>> No.15268997
File: 72 KB, 300x577, 1538594846947.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will embrace demographic replacement
You will eat the bugs
You will live in the pod
You will let the tranny go into female bathrooms
You will accept there are 40 genders
You will watch other men fuck your wife
You will drink the soy beverage
You will pay for POC's welfare
You will get jailed for being right-wing
You will get your street closed down for LGBT parades
You will watch state-sponsored race mixing propaganda
You will own nothing
And yes, you will be happy because of all those things

>> No.15269001

Ive gotta wear a cuck muzzle to go into publix tho, makes me seethe every time

>> No.15269006

I'm unironically ok with all of this

>> No.15269021

damn, I don't have to wear shit over here in Manatee.

>> No.15269042 [DELETED] 

>You will get jailed for being right-wing
>You will let the tranny go into female bathrooms
these but unironically

>> No.15269046

because Manatee's a failed fucking state

>> No.15269071
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>I'm unironically ok with all of this

>> No.15269078

The irony is the current crop of righttards would absolutely refuse to be drafted if the US were literally attacked by a major world power "'cause muh freedom, dagnabbit, I'se ain't a gonna do what dat 'ere gov'ment wants to protect the well being of our nation and muh fellow citizens! Dat's commienism 'n such lahk 'dat!"

>> No.15269102

>die in Iran for Israel, Goyim!

>> No.15269111

>opposes military involvement in the middle east
>opposes sustainable development and renewable energy, thinks coal rolling is "based"
12d chess, no doubt

>> No.15269121

>iran is a major world power
Ok, Vlad. Don't you have more Solar Winds intelligence to sift through?

>> No.15269135


>> No.15269145

Nathan barley literally predicted this

>> No.15269170

I have no patriotism nor allegiance for my local ZOG

>> No.15269188

Seinfeld is worth almost a billion dollars, if he eats cereal it's gonna be from the tits of a Jew priestess

>> No.15269290

>Ideologically, I have no preference between "small business' and starbucks, neither one is inherently good or bad, so your logic appears to be circular. The "small business" fetish with righters is related to their persistent belief that "hard work and faith" will be rewarded by mammon and that by extension failure in business makes you a bad person.
Straw man to the max from a deluded tranny

>If you sat down and thought about it objectively you would soon realize your logic is totally incoherent. A social safety net is a good thing, failure in business does not mean you deserve to be homeless and die. It simply means you were not cut out for running a business, perhaps you could choose to work for an amazon or a local mom and pop. Either way, you tried and that's something that should be encouraged, even for people who don't have multiple generations of family wealth to fall back on. The silicon valley style "failure is good, fail a lot, that's good" is plute flex. It says "only the super rich should try". Is that really what you want to encourage?

Read two nations or sybil then read up on a man called Benjamin Disraeli, admittedly he would be closer to a protectionist blair than the modern tories none the less the first example of a social safety net in place by a government was done by a Conservative.

A failure of business is seen as a good thing in free market economics due to economic evolution, when a business fails purely on its own merit it is a sign the market is reacting healthaly, x is not in demand because of y, therefore x should no longer be in supply.

Right wingers do not like to support failing business's that fail on their merit because of this. A perfect example of this can be seen with amazon, its not made a profit in the past 6 years (admittedly this is a buzzword figure and it could easily turn a profit if they moved to a more japanese investment plan) yet they provide a service that has demand, thus they are rewarded.

>> No.15269304

Also using a verbose vocabulary does not make you smart, why do leftists all talk like this?

You are clearly underage or another economicly illiterate leftist, economic protection costs money, which increases the barrier for entry, its another reason why failure and trying again is so very encouraged, its a clear example of human nature.
>inb4 government should subsidise businesses
This is something some right wingers encourage and a lot of leftists encourage. It can be seen with the defence industry but also state owned industry.

>inb4 tax the rich
If only it were that simple anon...

>> No.15269325

Imagine calling someone underage right after you said you find their vocabulary too spicy. Kek rightists are so stupid it's laughable.

>> No.15269331

Poltards need to stay in their containment board. The chud onslaught is annoying

>> No.15269365

lol is this real
Anyways it's surely because either the politicans stopped it just in time with their brilliant policies or because the hospitals are too overwhelmed to count all the bodies.

>> No.15269369

Well la di da, did you learn that word in college?

>> No.15269383

>overwhelmed hospitals
Kek hospitals have been basically empty

>> No.15269385

I studied econ history at LSE for three years, I was too retarded to finnish my degree, none the less if you were to grow up and enter the real world you will understand the merit in simplicity and brevity

>> No.15269411

dont look at these numbers look at the 300K number, that tells you all you need to know about covid

>> No.15269418

What 300k number?

>> No.15269436

The 300,000 people who died of the flu, car accidents and fentanyl ods

>> No.15269451

>I was too retarded to finnish my degree
Yeah I can see that

>> No.15269456

But I changed to one that was even more prestigious :~)
How's the NEET life or the metocratiy treating you?

>> No.15269465

Pretty based, I get to take hormones and shitpost from my obamaphone all day, you?

>> No.15269466
File: 64 KB, 511x488, D79B5527-F824-4C25-A9BD-784552CB612B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you die in a car accident but have covid in your body, they will count your death as a covid death. Wake the fuck up.

>> No.15269471

College made you dumber but since you are now dumber you don't see

>> No.15269473

If hospitals are so overwhelmed, why are there nurses twerking on TikTok?

>> No.15269488

Young nurses are hot and horny

>> No.15269492

how did a thread about a cereal restaurant turn into this shit show?

>> No.15269500

TikTok uses up very little of your time. It is for producing videos in minutes. It's the Twitter version of YouTube.

>> No.15269501

post-election /pol/ turned on the qanon weirdos and they fled to the normie boards trying to find a new home. hiro should create a new containment board for them.

>> No.15269510

Very shit desu, library is closed and job closed, studying from home is quite shit

>> No.15269516

Because commies sold cereal for $20 and then went broke with other people's money and complained that it wasn't real communism and promised it would work next time

>> No.15269521
File: 58 KB, 1024x1024, 1606080409509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if they counted George Foreman's death as a meme flu death or an OD

>> No.15269523

good, get fucked

>> No.15269541

[Citation needed]

>> No.15269549

Infowars. Get woke, ok?

>> No.15269554

do brits really?

>> No.15269556

The same kind of fags who go out to eat for a cup of coffee or a sandwich or a bowl of soup.

>> No.15269565

>I was too retarded to finnish my degree
Maybe it'd work better if you swedish or dutch it.

>> No.15269589

Have you checked for the meds in all your drawers? Check under the bed too.

>> No.15269591
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>come eat stale cereal for 4x the price of a single box
Yeah, naw.

>> No.15269596
File: 59 KB, 645x412, soi boi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15269612

Does your only contact with the outside world come from 4chan? Small business culture is much more robust in places with high concentrations of libs, while more rural locales have gotten overtaken by wally world and chain restaurants.

>> No.15269624

They don't have a high concentration of COVID-denial schizos who have been operating as they did prior to the pandemic, i.e. pozzing each other

>> No.15269639

But it's poured into the bowl by a nu-male communist who will call you racist for tips

>> No.15269684

You have no idea what capitalism is, do you?

>> No.15269691

The company still exists, they sell cereal via mail. The cafes themselves are closed.

>> No.15269693

I'm sure Johnny appreciates that you don't misgender him

>> No.15269707

>nu-male communist
Odd way to refer to a capitalist scumbag.

>> No.15269712
File: 58 KB, 720x631, DLeE6EpWkAENaYe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they sell cereal via mail.
It would be one thing if they made their OWN cereal that was special in some way. It would still be kinda dumb, but understandable at least if they were selling homemade "craft cereals" or some hipstery shit like that. But they don't, it's literally boxes of storebought fucking big brand cereal! Why would you order from them instead of going to the fucking store?!

>> No.15269714

So this guy has been sperging out all over the thread at this bar's owners for "being commies", "calling themselves marxist", "saying that it wasn't real communism", etc.
Have this bar's owners ever said anything like that or is this some /pol/cuck being a schizo as per usual?

>> No.15269722

Well I do agree with you, from what I understand, they import cereals from other countries so I guess if you’re in the UK and want Cookie Crisp for example you can get it from them.

>> No.15269895

Wouldn't be surprised if they're champaigne socialists/self-identified marxists, but seeing retards call all leftists/socialists commies is as annoying as seeing retards call all right-wingers//pol/lutants nazis. Is it really too hard to use those terms correctly?

>> No.15269937

imagine being such a negative fag

they were clearly doing ok because it was a niche and people thought it was fun to go there and hang out

not every place has to sell hamburgers and pasta

>> No.15269971

The retard has been calling them communist since the start of the thread based on literally nothing.

>> No.15270054
File: 1.40 MB, 1024x731, 1607898393675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soon, my friend

>> No.15270066

You probably don't realize the uk is a commie shithole because you got to vote for commie a vs commie b

>> No.15270079

you're literally too dumb to have rights. you should live in a kennel.

>> No.15270089

>they were clearly doing ok because

Because because because because because because ?????

Because they went out of business?????????

Even you commies who think they are capitalisms are infected with commieism

>> No.15270121

You have a license for that stupid comment?

>> No.15270131

I wish you fuckers would stop making fun of that product. It's designed for people with a physical disability. The guy in the pic is a great example, you can see his hand is misshapen.

>> No.15270264 [DELETED] 
File: 1.71 MB, 3072x4096, IMG_20201222_152649134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, no clue.

>> No.15270327

ahaha sausage fingers.

>> No.15270343


>> No.15270363

I don't think its the product everyone is making fun of.

>> No.15270398


>> No.15270403
File: 88 KB, 529x512, B88EA6C5-9F51-4E8C-B2C6-E6EE04D7141C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you expound on this, anon?

>> No.15270448

what are you even saying anon?

you are too silly

>> No.15270520

Pretty sure that couldn't handle dairy or wheat.

>> No.15270578

Doesn't bongistan require beard coverings when serving food or do they leak commie throat pubes all over your cap n crunch for free?

>> No.15270601

>commie a vs commie b
And yet, they both wholeheartedly support Capital. Rather curious.

>> No.15270995 [DELETED] 

Fuck gentrifiers

>> No.15271030

Trudeau came out explicitly saying the vaccine isn't mandatory

>> No.15271146

Kek, good.

>> No.15271434

You don't seem to know how giving birth works.

>> No.15271709

where the FUCK did they find scooby doo

>> No.15271752

Zoomers are so retarded that they think political ideology is about one's attitude toward hair cuts.

>> No.15271935

sounds legit retarded, peak lavish hipster resto.

>> No.15271942

They have milk alternatives and gluten free cereals now

>> No.15272814

/pol/ has tied anyone with an alternative hairstyle as a communist or a tranny

>> No.15273412

You're pathetic

>> No.15273421

>being this autistic

>> No.15273451

Are you mad that your commie heros went bankrupt ripping off the proletariat? Or are you mad that you the aristocracy has to pour your own cereal or are you mad that you can't get your bowl of Cap n Commie with free throat pubes anymore?

>> No.15273480

they tied the straitjacket too loose again

>> No.15273487

Thats not a straight jacket its some kind of ritual commie functionary outfit. In fact thats a gold Marx pin on his commie clown costume

>> No.15273522
File: 101 KB, 1463x823, wtfgaiz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great recipes and techniques in this food thread you guys.

>> No.15273530
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>> No.15273539

>based poster correctly identifies shit soi scheme business for what it is
>immediately get defensive and start schizo posting
Here's your fucking (((you))), moshe, spend it well.

>> No.15273609

Thread should've ended here.

>> No.15273632

Based silver spoon retard

>> No.15273651


>> No.15273660
File: 483 KB, 590x430, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What a fucking embarrassment

>> No.15273666

Damn I love hearing how frustrating that muzzle is for you. I'd love to tie you up with your muzzle on and spank you. I want a pouty antimask twink to pound and cuddle.

>> No.15273678

Based glowie cu/ck/

>> No.15273685

>If I wear that epic ironic gevara tshirt I will get pussy

>> No.15273688

You don't need a silver spoon to buy a $30,000 house you only need a job or collect returnable cans. If you are so dumb you don't buy a $30,000 house and pay rent you are literally asking to be homeless

>> No.15273692

You ever lived in a fucked up old house? There's mold growing in places you'll never find, lead and rust in the water which turns everything brown, the floors are soft in dangerous places, the pipes are always bursting, the electric isn't up to modern spec and the only thing keeping the place from burning down is the circuit breaker that shuts off the power whenever you have more than two light bulbs lit at once, animals and bugs crawling in and out and you can never seem to stop them. Probably better off in a homeless shelter.

>> No.15273699 [DELETED] 

>It's imported

He could have just said yeah it's a fun thing to do now and again even if you are low income but instead he accepted the premise that it's unfair to lazy nogs that they can't blow money on garbage.

Anyways, what do you kids say this thing mogs that? This beta commie cuck got nogged. Toodles

>> No.15273706

The funniest thing about schizos like this is that you can never know whether it's satire because the real thing and satire look the same.

>> No.15273709

I think it is

>> No.15273711

>calls no one a schizo
Now imagine you were replying to someone. Kek.

>> No.15273712

If these houses are so bad you should be happy that your precious homeless people got kicked out

>> No.15273715

Working class people routinely go to "restaurants" where they simply heat up prepared microwave food which could have been done at home. Were you really unaware of this?

>> No.15273722

I talked in the third person, why would I need to reply to someone? Schizos can't into basic grammar either?
The funniest thing is that I didn't reply to anyone yet I struck a nerve on you lol.

>> No.15273723

They think Olive Garden has a chef in the back. I know it sounds crazy but try to imagine you've never had real food before because you are conservative and retarded. Why WOULDN'T Olive Garden have a chef in back?

Remember one of the most common retorts in sloppa threads: "it tastes good to me, authenticity is a scam to make me feel uncultured"

>> No.15273731

>you are conservative
I said working class, anon.

>> No.15273736
File: 796 B, 20x21, IMG_20201223_102430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right. I can definitely see Marx there, I think Soros and Bill Gates are there in that pin as well.

>> No.15273739

Yes, I know what you said. You were replying to someone else, there are at least three people involved in this conversation.

>> No.15273747

>vaguely narrates his life out loud as he perceives it
>then imagines a reaction that never happened
>everyone is a schizo
>everyone but him

>> No.15273748


>> No.15273750

Fucking based sociopath numb brain moron

>> No.15273755

less rant makey, more med takey

>> No.15273762

>I'm the only sane one!
Can't make this shit up.

>> No.15274329

Working class people don't have same access to these "prepared microwave food" so this is a bad analogy.

>> No.15274495
File: 29 KB, 296x276, alpha1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, he's right. Infantilization of society is a real thing. Adult males buying superhero comic books and adult women having teddy bears in their beds. Can't wait for the next GI Generation to come around and stand them up at a wall.

>> No.15274498

The irony is lost on you.

>> No.15274612

>Working class people don't have same access to these "prepared microwave food"
They absolutely do, and it's often part of why they're fucking poor. They live on fast food and frozen shit. They're usually bad with money and going to the grocery store to spend $100 on a week's worth of food seems "expensive" so they opt instead to pay $10 PER MEAL elsewhere because it's less upfront expense and therefore "cheaper" in their mind. I grew up in a poor neighborhood and most of them think this way.

>> No.15274706

When I first saw that picture, I thought it was part of the serial killer gimmick.

>> No.15274926

>next GI Generation
What wonderful thing is this one gonna do? Annihilate the last existing independent states and finally usher in one world government and complete the NWO? Yeah, I can't fucking wait.

>> No.15274929

this but unironically

>> No.15275250

Not from the West. The West is failing so the next GI Generation will just consolidate.

>> No.15275837

And that's why your remains will be lining the bottom of a mass grave in a few years. ;^)

>> No.15275944

I believe traniame will be good. In Ancient Greece they fucked boys all the time. A true modern warrior should have a femboy or two

>> No.15276036

Pretentious vapid cunt hicksters, that's who.

>> No.15277557

I don't even read this kind of shit anymore I just assume its a lie within the first few sentences if its written in this tone

>> No.15277571
File: 12 KB, 878x692, 8cuck logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>s.0.yfucks get fucked by the ultimate waste layed upon humanity by the evil they supported.

You get what you fucking deserved, but DAMN didnt you have to drag so many innocents with ya. faggots

>> No.15277573

Because cereal restaurants are a shit show

>> No.15277579

>support evil disguised as good
>get fucked by such evil

You get what you fucking deserve.

>> No.15279489


>> No.15279520

Yeah they make their own coffee with coffee picked by someone else, processed by someone else, sorted and graded by someone else, shipped by someone else, roasted by someone else, packaged by someone else, and ground by a grinder made by someone else. But ok, enjoy your self-reliance delusion.

>> No.15279539


no you don't understand they have a pop-gun and that's what makes them strong independent men who don't need no gubmint

>> No.15279689

There isn't a chef at olive garden. Maybe on the corporate product testing side at corporate but not making your food.