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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 443 KB, 1360x2006, garliiic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15266751 No.15266751 [Reply] [Original]

People who can't cook rely on overpowering flavors like garlic or onion to mask their inability to make proper food with subtle flavors.
"Oh shit, I can't balance nuanced spices or bring out the natural flavor of a food, I better just cover it all in garlic, salt and oil so you can't taste anything else".

True chefs season their foods with incredible subtlety so you have a very light and insubstantial flavor, while relying on the natural flavor of the meat or vegetable itself.

>> No.15266757

congratulations, you've officially made a thread even more worthless than the standard mcchicken or joey ones

>> No.15266759
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>relying on flavor to mask the flavor of flavor

>> No.15266789

Jainism cope.

>> No.15266793

Until literally one third into the 20th century, garlic was a sign of either bad chefs or the poor-- European literature made fun of those who ate garlic (Don Quixote for example had him be horrified at what he thought was a noblewoman smelling of garlic "like a peasant"), and garlic was abhored in culinary use-- They would RUB a plate with it before throwing the garlic away due to its flavor being seen as so strong and offensive.

Its only a very recent thing that its been used in a major fashion, and that's because of poor chefs latching onto it as a crutch to cover up their inability to cook.

>> No.15266800

You make a fair point, but man sometimes I'm stuffed up, or drunk, or both, and I want some overwhelming flavour so I can actually taste something for once.

>> No.15266804

i hate garlic

>> No.15266814
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are you actually autistic? who cares lmao it tastes good. i will continue to eat it when and however i feel like. is this just a ruse to deflect from the fact that you are filtered by something as ubiquitous as garlic?

>> No.15266818

old world also made fun of people with big cocks. It's down to jealous seething authors whose works survive the times.

>> No.15266956

The future is now, old man.

Garlic is good, you are basically gay.

>> No.15266958

That was partically due to racism as well though, since blacks have larger penis's and EVERY trait of blacks had to be seen as inferior to whites in the old world view.

>> No.15266968

why did they think black people were inferior back then?

>> No.15266980

Back then people generally thought of everyone outside of their country/village as varying degrees of "Subhuman" compared to their own Village/Nation.
So viewing people of another nation as genetically inferior to yourself was just a way to justify evil actions towards them.

>> No.15267007

so same as current year?

>> No.15267038

if i could travel back in time I would go back and tell them "don't be racist"

>> No.15267075

>real good cooking niggas get by with water and salt alone, none of that flavor bullshit

>> No.15267081

it has nothing to do with racism. it's tribalism; even amongst races people hate eachother for arbitrary reasons

>rwandad genocide
>literally niggers killing other niggers because reasons

it never ends. it's human nature.

>> No.15267085
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OP is a faggot

>> No.15267161

I mean, I've seen lots of chefs say that you should ONLY use salt and pepper on steaks and its a sign of either a bad quality steak or a bad quality cook if you use other spices.

>> No.15267191

arbitrary rules are the worst thing

>> No.15267199

I really enjoy the combination of garlic and onion and I load it into my own food but when cooking for others I limit how much I use considerably. Honestly thought if your food tastes good with or without garlic you're doing something right, so op can get fucked.

>> No.15267210
File: 38 KB, 612x408, istockphoto-486636182-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A vampire made this thread.

>> No.15267224

how gay is the person who wrote this?

>> No.15267233

Seriously, season with seasoned meat tenderizer and a mix of equal parts black pepper/garlic powder/brown sugar. Let it dry brine and cook over coals with some wood chunks for smoke. I even fuck up the dry brine and rub the steaks with a little worchestershire when I bring them out of the fridge to come to room temp. Second best is under a broiler. I challenge anyone to make it this way and then go back to only salt/pepper.

>> No.15267237

Just admit you don't like any spices other than cinnamon, Becky

>> No.15267243

I'm so with you. Everyone always tells me my food is tasteless but I know they're the retarded ones ruining their taste buds with smoking and salt.

If you can't enjoy the ecstasy of a wonderful boiled chicken breast on double washed white rice you need to reevaluate the value of your life.

>> No.15267249


>> No.15267256

Vampiric hands typed this post.

>> No.15267318
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>seeing the world of food through the eyes of an 18th century european nobleman
go back to /his/ you tremendous autist. garlic tastes and smells great

>> No.15267335

OP is a bland cuck

>> No.15267349

My favorite food is Chinese noodles, which is basically just oil, garlic and soy sauce with meat and vegetables.

Fuck being a pleb.

>> No.15267368

But Emeril always told me to use " I dunno' about 40 cloves of gah-lic!" in my cooking. I enjoy garlic and onions, but sometimes it's nice to make plain food, especially when cooking for normie friends and family members.

>> No.15267390

fuck you vampire. sick of your kind coming here with this shit. we're not going to stop using garlic because of some bullshit history lesson. no one fucking cares that you are thousands of years old and that garlic makes you minge like a bitch. go play in the sun or something.

>> No.15267601

>bring out the natural flavor of a food
All food taste like shit naturally. Spices are there to make it edible. No one enjoys the "natural flavor" of beef, chicken, salmon etc.

>> No.15267670

People wanting to vote Bernie care for traditional cuisine? Are you functionally retarded?

>> No.15267688

You are fuckin' boiled chicken and carrots tier

>> No.15267692

>being this mad about a shitpost

wew looks like we are RIGHT over the target, lads

>> No.15267722

>Don Quixote for example had him be horrified at what he thought was a noblewoman smelling of garlic "like a peasant"
And Don Quixote is a delusional old asshole in the book

>> No.15267751

Lmao Don Quixote was a dunce. Why would I care about the opinion of that windmill jousting faggot?

>> No.15267770

>Until literally one third into the 20th century, garlic was a sign of either bad chefs or the poor-
That is true.

>> No.15267809

It tastes good. I don't care if a bunch of dead retards didn't like it.

>> No.15268085

>Be OP
>Eat garlic covered dicks all day

>> No.15268103

What the fuck are you on about? Seems like you really hate garlic and you're so sensitive about it that you've made up some absolute nonsense to cope with your situation of not liking garlic.

>> No.15268107


Peasants used herbs (which they could grow themselves), nobles used spices. Garlic could on occasion still find its way into the meals of nobility though

>> No.15268145

>nobody likes my shitty hospital-tier bland food? heh, poor plebs!

>> No.15268148

Lmao, plain roasted meat is one of the most universally-desired dishes, you fat retard.

>> No.15268369

Thank god im a home cook.

>> No.15268393

low effort troll.

>> No.15268471
File: 140 KB, 330x286, fucking mortals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>garlic is the sign of a bad chef
found the vampire

>> No.15268571

I agree, anyone who disagrees is a bad cook.

>> No.15268574

I bet you’re white and love hot sauce. Faggot.

>> No.15269640

I mean, in a way, he's not wrong. There's tons of terrible chefs that just drown their food in garlic to cover up mistakes.

>> No.15269820

By “plain” I’m assuming you are not counting salt or pepper as spices. Nobody eats unsalted meat unless they’re surviving in the woods

>> No.15269839

All good cuisine has come from the poor. Eat a bag of dicks

>> No.15269917

You don't have to go all the way in the other direction. Imperial and royal kitchens developed lots of dishes that you enjoy today. Peasants weren't making things like brioche and chicken kiev and baklava. Even dim sum has elite origins.

>> No.15269969

That might be true for deserts and pastries, but as with other things creativity usually comes from restrictions. Most popular cuisines which are now considered fancy like Italian and Japanese are basically the food of the poor

>> No.15270570

totally agree, fuck tastelets

>> No.15270588

>BAWWW garlic too strong
Thread full of tastelets.
Garlic mashed potatoes are awesome.
Garlic goes with strong flavors. Curry? Put garlic in there. Salsa? Got to have garlic and cilantro. Seared steak? Sauce with reduced broth, wine, mushrooms, chili pepper, and a little garlic.
Unfortunate enough to have tilapia or cod? Rub that fillet with salt, pinch of sugar, fennel, dillweed, and garlic, brown on both sides and rest.
God tier spread for cracker or toast? Two pods of garlic drenched in olive oil and roasted for an hour, soft flavor packed aromatic garlic maybe add a pinch of salt in it or blend it with ice cream... you heard me ROASTED GARLIC ICE CREAM.

>> No.15270625

5Gays is infamous for not salting their patties and their fans rabidly defend this practice.

>> No.15270714

Whats wrong with based cod and why the fuck would you mention it in the same breath as tilapia?

>> No.15270740

Perhaps your country's shitty quality meat needs salt. A grill and the cuts is all I need.

>> No.15270746

t. coping faggot who can't cook so he needs to act like his shitty bland food makes him a misunderstood culinary genius

>> No.15270752
File: 41 KB, 409x615, 183a6a40c5b7d1e99ff83a4fb2a34283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Although this thread is CLEARLY bait, I genuinely am confused as to whether I would refer to OP as a masterbaiter, if I were to refer to him at all

>> No.15270877

Fuck off OP. Gay vampire idiot!

>> No.15270954

And yet science states that garlic (and onion), having sulfur, will empower the Maillard reactions, giving a better bark to any meat...

>> No.15270982

>Seared steak?
If your steak needs more than salt, pepper and itself, then its a shit quality steak, or you're a shit quality chef.

The intrinsic flavor of high quality beef should be pretty much all you need/are tasting for a good steak.
(see kobe beef for example. japanese steakhouses put nothing on those things)

>> No.15270991

That was entirely to do with creepy artists thinking child bodies as peak sexy

>> No.15270993
File: 1.55 MB, 1337x1400, 6C38973D-CF8F-45A3-B225-9713D17DCDD1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love putting A1 on prime steak at nice restaurants. In fact, i put whatever i want in my steak because im not a massive fag like you.

Berbere spice, different mixes with cumin if i feel like it, jamaican or creole spices, its all good. Whatever goes with the rest of the dish. Youre a loser, post body

>> No.15271148

>having sulfur, will
And make your farts ultra terrible

>> No.15271166

A good chef cares about achieving the best possible flavour in any dish
Garlic makes everything taste amazing
Checkmate non-atheists

>> No.15271297

You are not meant to see everything through the eyes of Don Quixote

>> No.15271493


Even with salt and pepper a juicy beef tastes like shit. It's boring and soulless.

>> No.15271548

found the vampire. Day of the stake motherfucker

>> No.15272036

I always use 2 or 3 times the amount of garlic that any recipe asks for. Sure it taste good, but I mostly eat it for the health benefits

>> No.15272043

This is literally why European food is bland.

>> No.15272061

Firstly, no they don't, and secondly you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, as niggers were the furthest thing from the mind of the average White European circa the Roman Empire, which is the era being alluded to, you historically illiterate coon apologist.

>> No.15272073

Shut the fuck up, faggot. Ask me how I know the majority of your diet consists of processed """""foods""""" that are extremely strongly artificially flavored and have to intentionally misspell words in their names because it would be considered false advertisement to call their product something that implied it actually contained cheese, fruit, cream, meat, or any other thing your consumptive insectoid palate is unaccustomed to.

>> No.15272127

Raw garlic and onions were the primary food of ancient Greek athletes because it was so potent. And in the Kykeon dish of ancient Greek heroes the onions were an important addition. Stop hating flavor.

>> No.15272300

Though this is probably bate, I agree. Chilli is the worst culprit.

>> No.15272619

Everytime people respond to OP, the vampires win.

>> No.15272794

I love you

>> No.15272799

extremely weak tier bait

>> No.15273013
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It literally amazes me when a good tasting thing doesn't have garlic or onion in it. My most mind-blowing experience of the past decade is that my local Thai place, who offers soup or salad with the lunch menu, their soup contains neither. It's just shredded carrot, diced zucchini, finely chopped cabbage and celery. I finally asked the waitress what the secret ingredient was and she was like 'just salt'. I had always assumed their was one unseen ingredient like a boquet garni of galangal or lemongrass or lime leaf or something but she was like 'nope, that's just auntie's soup with some salt'.

>> No.15273259


>> No.15273269

ok anon, eat your useasoned roasts stuffed with live birds then and remember to throw the bits with bird shit on them to the hounds under the table like a truly refined Don Quixote-era nobleman

>> No.15273305 [DELETED] 
File: 3.41 MB, 4032x3024, 57B82294-696B-4F5D-BD95-149AC46F33D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True. Works well though. My cheap cut of steak tasted amazing with garlic salt and pepper. It was ridiculously delicious despite me being a shit cook.

>> No.15273310
File: 154 KB, 1000x750, AA86B042-B017-4BBD-B1B2-45928F99A12B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True. Works well though. My cheap cut of steak tasted amazing with garlic salt and pepper. It was ridiculously delicious despite me being a shit cook.

>> No.15273321
File: 87 KB, 555x750, E3F7D1E2-6B60-481F-9F23-5B479E2B5319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me it's octopus tentacles for that really subtle flavor of sea rubber

>> No.15273354

more like onions, they cake that shit in everything I would say it's even worse than garlic

>> No.15273438
File: 272 KB, 829x606, 0047A427-82BD-402F-8EDE-FEC34D56C57F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is Roman cuisine?
No, I don’t mean Italian. I mean Roman. As in the Roman Empire. They used a shit ton of garlic and bitter herbs in everything they ate. Btfo you fucking philistine.

>> No.15274839

how's the weather in tel aviv?

>> No.15275456

You dont have to tell us you're a shit cook, we an all tell by that sorry excuse of a sear.

>> No.15275589

thats because no one brushes there teeth in europe so european breath would go from bad to intolerable after eating garlic aka "smelling of garlic "like a peasant""

>> No.15275726

Some people also just love garlic that much they like to put it in a lot of their meals. Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.15275730

ive never heard such a bad take in my life.

unironically KYS

>> No.15277538
File: 288 KB, 640x466, 1605308622798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's be real here guys. OP just caught a wiff of God's garlic braps

Oh and imma dogepost because this thread is shit

>> No.15277562

Probably fake too. Fake n gay

>> No.15277707

Yeah, but the whole point of that book was that don Quixote was an idiot who believed stupid things.

>> No.15278161

I'm going to make some garlic soup in honor of OP, but I might toss a few more cloves in there because it doesn't seem like enough.

>> No.15278173
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>> No.15278245

god you sound like a vapid pretentious insufferable cunt

>> No.15278259

behold! der vampyr